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Featured F-16.net confirms Su-30MKI loss on 27th Feb

As a Karachiite and Pakistani, I take awesome pride in Hassan Siddiqui who also hails from North Karachi.
The man behind Laash of Su-30 MKI :smitten:

First Bomb dropped on India ever came from a migrant - same one the “Elite” SoB here calls “Indians”.
@airomerix @Blacklight @Ark_Angel @Dazzler @The Eagle @ghazi52 and tag anyone else

Lets make sure the Bhaktora army doesn’t bombard this site with only their narrative using fake accounts to take this down.
It does not say anything like a sukhoi being hit.
Its been removed . No mention of su at all.
F16 net has a administrator known as Asif... Do the maths. He was probably being patriotic.

It has been added again.

Editor states:

"Arnold, this info was obtained through the Intel report of Air Forces Monthly in April of 2020. I highly regard AFM's info and therefore this info stays. If you have comments about the validity of it, please consult them. If proven false we will obviously correct, but up until now this info hasn't been disputed."

The Indian who lied about a date stamp and is writing anonymously still is throwing a tantrum.
Lol. India presented an same radar proof that F16 was shot. But here we are, Pakistani claims are true, while one side isn't.
F16.net isn't even official thing, but run by military enthusiastists or fans of F16 jet. They also have lots of unclaimed kills in the past based on "claims".
If it makes Pakistanis sleep better then fine. Let's forget about Doosra Bandi :)

Doctored radar images that didn't make sense.
“Arnold Kenway” disputed it and then had to put Amsterdam, NL in his signature to try and prove his authenticity.
Nice try Apu Kapoor from Amarpreet , North Telangana

First Bomb dropped on India ever came from a migrant - same one the “Elite” SoB here calls “Indians”.

For Pakistan,we are always ready. Karachi lahore doesn't matter. We are all together against India and we will continue to slap indians again and again.they think they can split us in pieces through traitors like bla or sindhudesh or even mqm London. I am also from Karachi. There is passion among us to destroy India completely. We are standing side by side with our brothers from other parts of country.
Even a kindergarten kid can draw better sketches than Indians had to show and only an IAF pilot would allegedly engage a battle with his drop tanks attached.
Ironically DRDO has developed some alien technology that Indians can count 300 dead in Balakot, create the name for PAF pilot yet it took them 8 months to find out they shot down own chopper in their back yard.

I have some pictorial presentation and references of what Indians been doing throughout such an episode of losses, losses and only losses but never saved their face.

  • It started with stolen pictures when Planet Earth has to intervene & expose,
  • then went on to share an under construction building which too was exposed,
  • then came the whole set of claim that IAF never cross LoC but used SOW,
  • then it was made before public that IAF couldn't reach the point due to heavy wind in opposite direction,
  • then came Indian DM openly/on the record relying on social media & random pictures,
  • then came the claim that India did not intend to cause casualties rather delivered the message,
  • then again there are casualties,
  • then Spice is a bomb which in fact not the case,
  • then claimed that Spice is a whole set of AI which goes inside building and eliminates targets without causing any damage to the structure/burns,
  • then came that this is not the place India hit,
  • then came that there were clouds on the that day and missing imagery,
  • then came that we did not attack infrastructure to minimize any possible civilian casualty and above all,
  • when all the foreign observers are brought to the claimed impact point, area & shown the infrastructure; they all are biased & sided with Pakistan or doesn't have the intellect capacity like India.
  • and now it is about that one Spice PGM did not leave the aircraft because of a drift in the inertial navigation system.

I have been saying this before and I will repeat that such kind of destruction & casualties in area as such which is not a Military Zone/Cantt, its not possible to hide anything especially in this day & age of Mobile Phones everywhere.

If any Indian wants to vote Modi, no issue but at-least spare us from all this in good faith and for the sake of humanity.

The list of Indian lies continues & I can recount very few here due to unlimited of them.

  • PAF used jamming/EW tactics.
  • Anhinandan couldn't listen to ground control hence, went inside Pakistan.
  • Radar imagery shows Abhinandan in Mirpur but he was shot down in Bhimbir and arrested there.
  • AWACS were at changeover/Turn around shift but images? really.
  • IAF had the so-called electronic reading of PAF F-16 but interestingly, couldn't recognize their own MI-17V5 in Budgam.
  • Comms jammed/EW active that couldn't recognize their own MI-17 heli but recorded all this that too when AWACS were not there (Hindustan Times reported).
  • Pakistan recovered all 4 AAM of MIG-21 from its debris and there is no counter argument instead, IAF keeps repeating drama based upon lies.
  • They heard Pakistan Military comms but Abhinandan & IAF Ground Control remained totally deaf & found dumb.
  • Only two slides from IAF Radar being shared but excuse is made due to security reasons. How could it be a security reason when PAF fleet is complete as all F-16s are accounted for by foreign source.
  • It took almost 7 weeks for IAF to come up with what? Just couple of AWACS radar images & readings which more seems to be a good CGI work than real time data recording.
  • IAF found a piece of AMRAAM & claimed the downing which ended with that India only highlights the use of F-16 only.
  • Never knew of IAF could confirm that whether Abhinandan fired at F-16 or it was a ground fire. Neither B.S Dhanoa was sure nor their own briefings. (Check attachments in following post).
  • On the same day, one Indian channel reported that a Sukho Su-30 is shot down by F-16. The news vanished and Indians retracted that an F-16 was shot down by Sukhoi. Ok and later, it was actually MiG-21 that shot down F-16. I mean how much they want to shoot down at once while IAF getting shot down on that day one after another.
  • Interestingly, the then Chief Dhanoa put everything on Abhinandan and that ill fated MiG-21. When asked who shot down F-16, said Abhinandan. When asked, where is the proff, said with MiG-21 flight data recorder etc. When asked how to prove that, said MiG-21 is with Pakistanis. Really?
It is literally takes such stamina to lie continuously but I will give it to Modi propaganda house for being consistent & turning Indian Military into a political office for election campaign.

Wait a minute as . Undecided.

  • Balakot was not hit but then again, 300+ were killed. Indian Media Mistake.
  • BJP says no casualties were intended hence, no kill but delivered the message. Minister Mistake.
  • IAF did not reach Balakot but SOW launched due to wind. Nature Mistake.
  • Spice-2000 is an AI bomb, goes in without crater damage & eliminate targets. Alleged Camp Mistake.
  • Spice 2000 is not a Bomb but a Kit. Professionals Mistake.
  • Initial provided Balakot SAT images proven fake/stolen. Google Earth etc Mistake.
  • Indian FM relies on SAT images on Social Media, proven wrong/old. Social Media Mistake.
  • PAF retaliated at Six Points inside IoK. Israeli Defence Equipment Mistake.
  • India doesn't have Rafale to counter PAF. France Mistake.
  • MI-17V5 was hit by Israeli SAM.. Israeli Mistake.
  • MI-17V5 pilot did not follow SOP claimed six lives. Pilot Mistake.
  • Abhinandan did not follow SOP & disobeyed direct orders. Abhinandan Mistake.
  • All Indian AWACs were in shift change/Turn around/Change over/Tarmac. AWACs mistake.
  • No AWACs but images are available, proven to be doctored. Photo Shop Mistake.
  • An AMRAAM Piece is found & not the F-16 wreckage/loss/even a single bolt. PAF Mistake.
  • Int'l Observers confirms PAF F-16 fleet count/all accounted for. US, Pentagon, Source Mistake.
  • Sweden provided SAAB AW&EC birds. Sweden Mistake.
  • F-16 were used. US Mistake.
  • SU MKI can dodge 6 AMRAAMs but did not take a single shot. Russian Mistake.
  • SU-30 MKI crashed on the same time/day & claimed to be Tech Failure. Russian Mistake.
  • Abhinandan did not fire single missile. PAF or Russia Mistake.
  • Alan Warnes interviewed CAS, provided with Proof. Alan Warnes mistake.
  • ABP Indian News Channel interviews witnesses, acknowledges the crash of SU-30 MKI on 27th Feb, 2019 in Sher Makri area of Bhawani B, IoK. Indian News channel mistake.









@airomerix @Blacklight @Ark_Angel @Dazzler @The Eagle @ghazi52 and tag anyone else

Lets make sure the Bhaktora army doesn’t bombard this site with only their narrative using fake accounts to take this down.

lol.... Oh mere khuda.... Bhai ji... paslion ma dard hu gaya... lol. By the way, will need your help as well.

By the way, compiled the list once again with bit of addition, from past few threads so that it may always remain in the air for them.
I have some pictorial presentation and references of what Indians been doing throughout such an episode of losses, losses and only losses but never saved their face.

  • It started with stolen pictures when Planet Earth has to intervene & expose,
  • then went on to share an under construction building which too was exposed,
  • then came the whole set of claim that IAF never cross LoC but used SOW,
  • then it was made before public that IAF couldn't reach the point due to heavy wind in opposite direction,
  • then came Indian DM openly/on the record relying on social media & random pictures,
  • then came the claim that India did not intend to cause casualties rather delivered the message,
  • then again there are casualties,
  • then Spice is a bomb which in fact not the case,
  • then claimed that Spice is a whole set of AI which goes inside building and eliminates targets without causing any damage to the structure/burns,
  • then came that this is not the place India hit,
  • then came that there were clouds on the that day and missing imagery,
  • then came that we did not attack infrastructure to minimize any possible civilian casualty and above all,
  • when all the foreign observers are brought to the claimed impact point, area & shown the infrastructure; they all are biased & sided with Pakistan or doesn't have the intellect capacity like India.
  • and now it is about that one Spice PGM did not leave the aircraft because of a drift in the inertial navigation system.

I have been saying this before and I will repeat that such kind of destruction & casualties in area as such which is not a Military Zone/Cantt, its not possible to hide anything especially in this day & age of Mobile Phones everywhere.

If any Indian wants to vote Modi, no issue but at-least spare us from all this in good faith and for the sake of humanity.

The list of Indian lies continues & I can recount very few here due to unlimited of them.

  • PAF used jamming/EW tactics.
  • Anhinandan couldn't listen to ground control hence, went inside Pakistan.
  • Radar imagery shows Abhinandan in Mirpur but he was shot down in Bhimbir and arrested there.
  • AWACS were at changeover/Turn around shift but images? really.
  • IAF had the so-called electronic reading of PAF F-16 but interestingly, couldn't recognize their own MI-17V5 in Budgam.
  • Comms jammed/EW active that couldn't recognize their own MI-17 heli but recorded all this that too when AWACS were not there (Hindustan Times reported).
  • Pakistan recovered all 4 AAM of MIG-21 from its debris and there is no counter argument instead, IAF keeps repeating drama based upon lies.
  • They heard Pakistan Military comms but Abhinandan & IAF Ground Control remained totally deaf & found dumb.
  • Only two slides from IAF Radar being shared but excuse is made due to security reasons. How could it be a security reason when PAF fleet is complete as all F-16s are accounted for by foreign source.
  • It took almost 7 weeks for IAF to come up with what? Just couple of AWACS radar images & readings which more seems to be a good CGI work than real time data recording.
  • IAF found a piece of AMRAAM & claimed the downing which ended with that India only highlights the use of F-16 only.
  • Never knew of IAF could confirm that whether Abhinandan fired at F-16 or it was a ground fire. Neither B.S Dhanoa was sure nor their own briefings. (Check attachments in following post).
  • On the same day, one Indian channel reported that a Sukho Su-30 is shot down by F-16. The news vanished and Indians retracted that an F-16 was shot down by Sukhoi. Ok and later, it was actually MiG-21 that shot down F-16. I mean how much they want to shoot down at once while IAF getting shot down on that day one after another.
  • Interestingly, the then Chief Dhanoa put everything on Abhinandan and that ill fated MiG-21. When asked who shot down F-16, said Abhinandan. When asked, where is the proff, said with MiG-21 flight data recorder etc. When asked how to prove that, said MiG-21 is with Pakistanis. Really?
It is literally takes such stamina to lie continuously but I will give it to Modi propaganda house for being consistent & turning Indian Military into a political office for election campaign.

Wait a minute as . Undecided.

  • Balakot was not hit but then again, 300+ were killed. Indian Media Mistake.
  • BJP says no casualties were intended hence, no kill but delivered the message. Minister Mistake.
  • IAF did not reach Balakot but SOW launched due to wind. Nature Mistake.
  • Spice-2000 is an AI bomb, goes in without crater damage & eliminate targets. Alleged Camp Mistake.
  • Spice 2000 is not a Bomb but a Kit. Professionals Mistake.
  • Initial provided Balakot SAT images proven fake/stolen. Google Earth etc Mistake.
  • Indian FM relies on SAT images on Social Media, proven wrong/old. Social Media Mistake.
  • PAF retaliated at Six Points inside IoK. Israeli Defence Equipment Mistake.
  • India doesn't have Rafale to counter PAF. France Mistake.
  • MI-17V5 was hit by Israeli SAM.. Israeli Mistake.
  • MI-17V5 pilot did not follow SOP claimed six lives. Pilot Mistake.
  • Abhinandan did not follow SOP & disobeyed direct orders. Abhinandan Mistake.
  • All Indian AWACs were in shift change/Turn around/Change over/Tarmac. AWACs mistake.
  • No AWACs but images are available, proven to be doctored. Photo Shop Mistake.
  • An AMRAAM Piece is found & not the F-16 wreckage/loss/even a single bolt. PAF Mistake.
  • Int'l Observers confirms PAF F-16 fleet count/all accounted for. US, Pentagon, Source Mistake.
  • Sweden provided SAAB AW&EC birds. Sweden Mistake.
  • F-16 were used. US Mistake.
  • SU MKI can dodge 6 AMRAAMs but did not take a single shot. Russian Mistake.
  • SU-30 MKI crashed on the same time/day & claimed to be Tech Failure. Russian Mistake.
  • Abhinandan did not fire single missile. PAF or Russia Mistake.
  • Alan Warnes interviewed CAS, provided with Proof. Alan Warnes mistake.







View attachment 660114


lol.... Oh mere khuda.... Bhai ji... paslion ma dard hu gaya... lol. By the way, will need your help as well.

By the way, compiled the list once again with bit of addition, from past few threads so that it may always remain in the air for them.

Everything explained well and this sums up feb27 for India. I mean their people still believe them.it is pathetic.
I have some pictorial presentation and references of what Indians been doing throughout such an episode of losses, losses and only losses but never saved their face.

  • It started with stolen pictures when Planet Earth has to intervene & expose,
  • then went on to share an under construction building which too was exposed,
  • then came the whole set of claim that IAF never cross LoC but used SOW,
  • then it was made before public that IAF couldn't reach the point due to heavy wind in opposite direction,
  • then came Indian DM openly/on the record relying on social media & random pictures,
  • then came the claim that India did not intend to cause casualties rather delivered the message,
  • then again there are casualties,
  • then Spice is a bomb which in fact not the case,
  • then claimed that Spice is a whole set of AI which goes inside building and eliminates targets without causing any damage to the structure/burns,
  • then came that this is not the place India hit,
  • then came that there were clouds on the that day and missing imagery,
  • then came that we did not attack infrastructure to minimize any possible civilian casualty and above all,
  • when all the foreign observers are brought to the claimed impact point, area & shown the infrastructure; they all are biased & sided with Pakistan or doesn't have the intellect capacity like India.
  • and now it is about that one Spice PGM did not leave the aircraft because of a drift in the inertial navigation system.

I have been saying this before and I will repeat that such kind of destruction & casualties in area as such which is not a Military Zone/Cantt, its not possible to hide anything especially in this day & age of Mobile Phones everywhere.

If any Indian wants to vote Modi, no issue but at-least spare us from all this in good faith and for the sake of humanity.

The list of Indian lies continues & I can recount very few here due to unlimited of them.

  • PAF used jamming/EW tactics.
  • Anhinandan couldn't listen to ground control hence, went inside Pakistan.
  • Radar imagery shows Abhinandan in Mirpur but he was shot down in Bhimbir and arrested there.
  • AWACS were at changeover/Turn around shift but images? really.
  • IAF had the so-called electronic reading of PAF F-16 but interestingly, couldn't recognize their own MI-17V5 in Budgam.
  • Comms jammed/EW active that couldn't recognize their own MI-17 heli but recorded all this that too when AWACS were not there (Hindustan Times reported).
  • Pakistan recovered all 4 AAM of MIG-21 from its debris and there is no counter argument instead, IAF keeps repeating drama based upon lies.
  • They heard Pakistan Military comms but Abhinandan & IAF Ground Control remained totally deaf & found dumb.
  • Only two slides from IAF Radar being shared but excuse is made due to security reasons. How could it be a security reason when PAF fleet is complete as all F-16s are accounted for by foreign source.
  • It took almost 7 weeks for IAF to come up with what? Just couple of AWACS radar images & readings which more seems to be a good CGI work than real time data recording.
  • IAF found a piece of AMRAAM & claimed the downing which ended with that India only highlights the use of F-16 only.
  • Never knew of IAF could confirm that whether Abhinandan fired at F-16 or it was a ground fire. Neither B.S Dhanoa was sure nor their own briefings. (Check attachments in following post).
  • On the same day, one Indian channel reported that a Sukho Su-30 is shot down by F-16. The news vanished and Indians retracted that an F-16 was shot down by Sukhoi. Ok and later, it was actually MiG-21 that shot down F-16. I mean how much they want to shoot down at once while IAF getting shot down on that day one after another.
  • Interestingly, the then Chief Dhanoa put everything on Abhinandan and that ill fated MiG-21. When asked who shot down F-16, said Abhinandan. When asked, where is the proff, said with MiG-21 flight data recorder etc. When asked how to prove that, said MiG-21 is with Pakistanis. Really?
It is literally takes such stamina to lie continuously but I will give it to Modi propaganda house for being consistent & turning Indian Military into a political office for election campaign.

Wait a minute as . Undecided.

  • Balakot was not hit but then again, 300+ were killed. Indian Media Mistake.
  • BJP says no casualties were intended hence, no kill but delivered the message. Minister Mistake.
  • IAF did not reach Balakot but SOW launched due to wind. Nature Mistake.
  • Spice-2000 is an AI bomb, goes in without crater damage & eliminate targets. Alleged Camp Mistake.
  • Spice 2000 is not a Bomb but a Kit. Professionals Mistake.
  • Initial provided Balakot SAT images proven fake/stolen. Google Earth etc Mistake.
  • Indian FM relies on SAT images on Social Media, proven wrong/old. Social Media Mistake.
  • PAF retaliated at Six Points inside IoK. Israeli Defence Equipment Mistake.
  • India doesn't have Rafale to counter PAF. France Mistake.
  • MI-17V5 was hit by Israeli SAM.. Israeli Mistake.
  • MI-17V5 pilot did not follow SOP claimed six lives. Pilot Mistake.
  • Abhinandan did not follow SOP & disobeyed direct orders. Abhinandan Mistake.
  • All Indian AWACs were in shift change/Turn around/Change over/Tarmac. AWACs mistake.
  • No AWACs but images are available, proven to be doctored. Photo Shop Mistake.
  • An AMRAAM Piece is found & not the F-16 wreckage/loss/even a single bolt. PAF Mistake.
  • Int'l Observers confirms PAF F-16 fleet count/all accounted for. US, Pentagon, Source Mistake.
  • Sweden provided SAAB AW&EC birds. Sweden Mistake.
  • F-16 were used. US Mistake.
  • SU MKI can dodge 6 AMRAAMs but did not take a single shot. Russian Mistake.
  • SU-30 MKI crashed on the same time/day & claimed to be Tech Failure. Russian Mistake.
  • Abhinandan did not fire single missile. PAF or Russia Mistake.
  • Alan Warnes interviewed CAS, provided with Proof. Alan Warnes mistake.







View attachment 660114


lol.... Oh mere khuda.... Bhai ji... paslion ma dard hu gaya... lol. By the way, will need your help as well.

By the way, compiled the list once again with bit of addition, from past few threads so that it may always remain in the air for them.

Excellent summary, I look forward to the day this fiction starts to fully unravel even from their side. That day can’t be far I imagine.
While I don't doubt a Su-30MKI was shot down by the PAF, I am not sure about the credibility of F-16.net ... anyone could have edited that. The "professional staff" is most likely just military enthusiasts/ex-service members with no inside information on the matter.
Nope. They know their shtt on f16.net.
Now our neighbors will try hard to convince F-16.net that actually it was other way around.. SU-30 shot down 84606.
Good. That will keep them off pdf for a few years. The folks at f16.net need to prepare their flood barrier for the incoming wave.
The biggest setback for Endia. It means the USA has solid evidence that PAF falcon shot down su30mki.
The missile wreckage and more important this video is solid proof that can not be neglected.
Good. That will keep them off pdf for a few years. The folks at f16.net need to prepare their flood barrier for the incoming wave.

It has already started. I think there is no need for people to go there and flood it. The comments will probably get deleted because they're a sh!t show. Let the whiners do what they do best: whining.
No reference to sukhoi at all except the admin removing all references to the sukhoi. Probably the other admins told him to get in line and not lower the standard of f16.net.
Can you actually read, or only bark?
Instead of being so desperate for confirmation from a foreign non official site , much easier for ispr to release the evidence it has regarding the sukhoi. Ispr had promised to release the evidence.
Also why was the pakistani pilot involved with the sukhoi given a lower level commendation than the pilot who was involved with the mig21 ?
1. Drip feed torture is more fun to watch. Like waterboarding.

2. The additional commendation for the mig21 kill was for serving such fantastic T.
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