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Sharia laws, theories vary among world's Muslims

thank you for clearing that up! not everyone has the same thoughts on values or morals of society. just because someone thinks islamic law is backwards doesn't mean it's backwards to the rest of the world.

I think some things are absolute, and Islamic laws are outdated, whichever way you look at it. Its not even about the harsh punishments. Its the details, the nuances.

I am sure these laws were a stellar accomplishment iin the 10th century, with their egalitarian and uniform laws for all, and their stress on public behaviour.

I think what Agno is trying to say, is that societies take time to change and evolve. We cannot simply assert our point of view and ask a society to transform itself in an instant.

Its best not to interfere, but let the people themselves figure out what is good for them. Or better yet, influence the leaders that they trust, and empower them to bring about change.

We understand the divisions in the Muslim society. I grew up playing in the railway tracks around a Bora (or was it Bhukari I've forgotten the name) Muslim colony. My response was directed towards the likes of Asim Aquil who'd pick up the banner of discrimination and religion ever so easily without careful thought as to where their actions might lead.I also mentioned that comparison with *any* other community would be flawed. So it was not the Amish alone.

I would think moderation in Iran amongst the public is a product of their economy being relatively well off and some sense of Persian nationalism as well.(maybe)

Congrats on your semester results.

Aww thanks. Now to await the little line of ladies who've flunked and want their re-assesment essays written by Samudra. :devil:
They are. The mainstream (and hindu dominated) media is waging open war against the hindutva movement.

You guys are stil electing thugs like Moodi, its like Hitler winning again the elections. Now mullahs in Pakistan have completly lost it in this elections while in India hindutva thugs form 2nd biggest party and were in gov last time.
You guys are stil electing thugs like Moodi, its like Hitler winning again the elections. Now mullahs in Pakistan have completly lost it in this elections while in India hindutva thugs form 2nd biggest party and were in gov last time.

Thats because Mullahs don't build roads and factories. Modi does.
Thats because Mullahs don't build roads and factories. Modi does.

lol now this is bulshit*t. Pathetic excuse, and ofcourse mullahs also did something where they won. Anyway is expected that hindutva supporter like you will side with Moodi at any cost.
lol now this is bulshit*t. Pathetic excuse, and ofcourse mullahs also did something where they won. Anyway is expected that hindutva supporter like you will side with Moodi at any cost.

Its not an excuse, its a fact. Believe it if you want to.
I think some things are absolute, and Islamic laws are outdated, whichever way you look at it.
no, some people look at it differently. everyone has different opinions of what is "outdated". there's no use in debating or trying to prove someone whether something is outdated or not. Whether its harsh punishments or even the small details you are talking about, I have nothing against it, actually I think it's the best thing for society.
I think what Agno is trying to say, is that societies take time to change and evolve. We cannot simply assert our point of view and ask a society to transform itself in an instant.
Take a closer look around you. What is happening with the muslims? according to you, they seem to be regressing because of the zeal for islam and its laws is becoming widespread. At least, since the 1980's when the afghanistan jihad began. society IS evolving:)
no, some people look at it differently. everyone has different opinions of what is "outdated". there's no use in debating or trying to prove someone whether something is outdated or not.

Yes there s a purpose in this debate . the whole Purpose of debating and discussing here is to understand the universal meaning of " outdated" and whether our sense of outdated is right or not . and if it is not .. we , as a sane person from sane world shall try to reform it .
it is fatal to be stagnant in mediaeval Past . for every one .. unhealthy societies produce unhealthy citizen for this world in the form of terrorosts.. who destroy and molest others ..
Whether its harsh punishments or even the small details you are talking about, I have nothing against it, actually I think it's the best thing for society.

How ? Please explain

Take a closer look around you. What is happening with the muslims? according to you, they seem to be regressing because of the zeal for islam and its laws is becoming widespread. At least, since the 1980's when the afghanistan jihad began. society IS evolving:)

what is happening is that .. there is an internal struggle in Islamic world between the Muslims ( and with outside world also ) .. we have yet to find the result and find out if it is evolution or regression
Yes there s a purpose in this debate . the whole Purpose of debating and discussing here is to understand the universal meaning of " outdated" and whether our sense of outdated is right or not . and if it is not .. we , as a sane person from sane world shall try to reform it .
try paying attention, i said it is useless to debate this issue, not that we shouldn't. Read a bit more carefull, its fundamental. you have a different mindset of what is termed "outdated".
it is fatal to be stagnant in mediaeval Past . for every one .. unhealthy societies produce unhealthy citizen for this world in the form of terrorosts.. who destroy and molest others ..
it seems to me you're just spitting out random sentences. as for "molest others..", do you have any idea of what you're talking about?
Your argument seems to point directly to islam. terrorists come in all forms, whether they're radical mullahs or people who wish to bring "democracy" or their way of life to other people by force.
what is happening is that .. there is an internal struggle in Islamic world between the Muslims ( and with outside world also ) .. we have yet to find the result and find out if it is evolution or regression
you aren't making any sense here. there is no "internal struggle" in the islamic world. we are living in an era where there is a new fresh zeal for islam. to the "outside world" which represents the western world, muslims choosing to follow their religion will of course, appear to be against their perceptions of human rights.
Take a closer look around you. What is happening with the muslims? according to you, they seem to be regressing because of the zeal for islam and its laws is becoming widespread. At least, since the 1980's when the afghanistan jihad began. society IS evolving:)

So, I gather that you support the Taliban way of doing things?
try paying attention, i said it is useless to debate this issue, not that we shouldn't. Read a bit more carefull, its fundamental. you have a different mindset of what is termed "outdated".

Dear Assad you said its useless to debate .. which means we should not ..
and thats why I said no there is Purpose in this debate to understand few things so lets continue ..

Yes thats why I said lets reach one "universal " definition of "outdated"
which is accepted to everyone and is right for every time ..

it seems to me you're just spitting out random sentences. as for "molest others..", do you have any idea of what you're talking about?
I am sorry .. if your couldnt understand .. I should have been more clear ..
here Molest means -- molesting civilization .. killing others .. bombing London and spain ..
world is no more divided into islolated geographical or social pockets .. lack of proper ethical teachings in Pakistan leads to death and destruction in rest of the world and hence this need for debate and discussion .

Your argument seems to point directly to islam. terrorists come in all forms, whether they're radical mullahs or people who wish to bring "democracy" or their way of life to other people by force.

and how do you think , ppl who want democracy bring terrorism ? care to explain me ?
demoracy means freedom of expression , respect for others opinion
as Voltaire said . "I may not like what u say but I will defend you right to say it " ..
this is the spirit of democracy .. now tell me how will it bring terrorism ..
redical Mullahs - yes

you aren't making any sense here. there is no "internal struggle" in the islamic world. we are living in an era where there is a new fresh zeal for islam. to the "outside world" which represents the western world, muslims choosing to follow their religion will of course, appear to be against their perceptions of human rights.

Yes May be for you I don't make sense and I can understand why ..
yes there is internal struggle in islamic world .. see in pakistan , .. Muslims fighting with each other . on one side is extremist religious ideology who wants to run the country with Sharia and on other hand are liberals fighting for demoracy and equality for every citizin of pakistan irrespective of his religion .

World is not against Islam .. world is against the narrow-mindedness in any religion including Islam . The problem is that while other religions have evolved and changed for better with increasing scientific and ethical knowledge, ISLAM IS STILL STRUGGLING and in this struggle rest of the world is getting hurt .
Yes May be for you I don't make sense and I can understand why ..
yes there is internal struggle in islamic world .. see in pakistan , .. Muslims fighting with each other . on one side is extremist religious ideology who wants to run the country with Sharia and on other hand are liberals fighting for demoracy and equality for every citizin of pakistan irrespective of his religion .

World is not against Islam .. world is against the narrow-mindedness in any religion including Islam . The problem is that while other religions have evolved and changed for better with increasing scientific and ethical knowledge, ISLAM IS STILL STRUGGLING and in this struggle rest of the world is getting hurt .

In this election out of 272(i think) seats mullah won just "3". And what kind of scientific knowledge hinduisim provided in 21st century? In a country where 800 million lives under 50cent is surly a exemple to follow in terms of scientific knowledge.
In this election out of 272(i think) seats mullah won just "3".
:) you mean to say this struggle is only limited in election .. and not swat and Tribals areas ? plz dont try to change the topic ..

And what kind of scientific knowledge hinduisim provided in 21st century?
Read it Properly before commenting .. i said others have changed there old belifs with new scientific and ethical knowledge .

In a country where 800 million lives under 50cent is surly a exemple to follow in terms of scientific knowledge.
Pardon me .. ? 800 million lives under 50 cent of what ??
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