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Sharia laws, theories vary among world's Muslims

Take example of India 13% population is Muslim (probably by numbers more than Pakistan), Shariah law can be applied there?

Wait a minute! Muslims have different personal Laws in India than Hindus. These laws decided by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board are based on the Sharia I think.

I believe that Islam is gentle, however, many governments of Mulsim states usually integrate Islam with Government / Politics, Nationality, Terrority, Historical enmity. So, there are many more extremists in Islam.

There are 4 groups of peoples (ethnics or languages) being predominantly Muslim.

Arab - Arab World
Goturk - Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazahkstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenstan, Chechenya and Tatarstan of Russia, Uyghur in China
Malay - Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei
Persian - Iran, Afghanistan (Pusthun), Balochi people in Golden Cresent, Takijistan, Kurds in Middle East

So in which category do the Muslims of India and Pakistan fall??
Sorry Brother .
But I have a few problems with your post. Sharia is not something that an individual understands. It is the rule of Islam iimposed in the light of the Quran , Hadith and best practice, implemented by people who have the relevant knowledge of Islam. It is important that it be done this way otherwise individual interpretation of Sharia would lead to chaos.
Secondly, it is not the problem of new Muslims,but a collective responsibility of ALL Muslims to implement Sharia. I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, but the so called born muslims are nowadays so ignorant of islam that it is almost akin to a state of being a nonmuslim. I will include myself first in this category.
You are right in your supposition that following a particular school of thought isnt exactly right, but the reason is one of convenience, ie then it becomes imperitive for all muslims to extensively read and understand the Quran, Hadith and history of the Caliphs of Islam, interpret all school of thoughts and adopt the best method that is available. I and most muslims do not do that.
Your impressions about the schools of thought are well thought out and commendable. However, the problem is one of the study required for this as most of the books are in Arabic and people often spend years to collate information form various sources to get to a logical and thought out conclusion.
Then we have the Western, pro democracy,wine drinking and womanizing , liberated Muslims, and the Mullah with his typical tunnelld vision and his own vested interest, not necessarily backed by reroducable evidence and certainly sometimes totally illogical thought process,for their own vested interests, want to change everything so that it can be distorted to their own tastes. The good intentions may be there but the understanding certainly is not and in the long term they will cause more harm than do good.
So all in all it a very difficult issue, which needs a lot of thought. If for instance you want ot impose Sharia, in Pakistan, I would firstly have an impartial referendum asking the people what they want.
If the answer is yes, then set up a senate of all the religious schools, supervised by a senior judge with a knowledge of Islam to frame the laws. Because all the laws in accordance of our constitution, should be comp[liant with Sharia, we should hear all schools of thoughts, invite foreign experts if necessary for their interpretations and then have a rule that is accepted by all which is enforcable.
the third thing is to change all the carriculum and enforce a national carriculum in ALL school to create harmony and understandinfg and respect for law.
Finally have a strong and independant judiciary, which is impartial and can impose the law without fear of recrimination.
Then perhaps in a generation or 2 we might---just might get there.
PS: I would be very happy for you to correct any of my misunderstandings.
jazak Allah o Khair

I completely agree with all your post but my logic was implying something else......:)

I quote again:

Judgement about Sharia should be left to the person!.... Sharia followup is basically the problem for New Muslims since the born muslims normally adopt and follow the school of throught they belong to by birth. Which by my thinking is wrong. We should always understand what we believe in. We should learn about all school of throughts and the differences among them (which are minor).

School of Thought doesnot change the overall understanding of the message of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and Quran. The difference lies only in the interpretation of various events which describe the daily life of people and ways of life. Interpretation of Sunnah as per Quran and basic Fundamentals are same.

Judgement about the sharia followed by sects of Islam was my point. Which was in context to the topic and a post from someone i was replying. Not about the Sharia itself. Since the post meant Shariat Laws varying among Muslim world because of Sects.

Sharia itselfs cannot be judged by people who have no knowledge of Islam. School of Thoughts which are followed are the only reference and that is what i meant.

Which sharia to follow was the issue which should be left to the person to decide and judge from which sect he belongs to should not be the case. My post is clear for comments if you now know what i meant.
The rest of my post if viewed in light of above can tell you about the view point....:agree:

England already has arbitration courts for people of different ethnicities.

PROVIDED both parties in a conflict agree to follow such arbitration procedures.

So why not Islamic Arbitration?
I don't know but by far I've found many mosque going UK Muslims dangerously radicalized. None of my Pakistani friends even consider going to these mosques.

Never mind that.What I was trying to say is if Muslims are really going to be lobbying for Sharia in UK it would further taint their image and the gang alleging Muslims of not integrating well with the mainstream would gain in numbers.

Don't you guys want 'secular' governments ? Thats what many moderates say when they speak about Pakistan though. What with quotes from Jinnah et al! So why take a step back ? Ignore sharia and join the secular mainstream. Demand for all religion/ethnicity based arbitration to be deemed illegal and make religion more personal. Let the state be ruled by existing laws.

The Muslim society in my opinion stands to lose. It risks more isolation and more backwardness from adopting the Sharia. Again, in my opinion, the Sharia whatever it maybe and whoever wrote it - will not meet the needs of the new age unless and until it can be amended. If it is deemed infallible then Muslims gain nothing whatsoever from adopting the Sharia.

So at the end of the day - all I'm asking you is - what are the tangible benefits for the Muslim society from the Sharia ?
Yes it is a good question.
what are the advantages of Sharia law Over modern law of any democratic and secular state ?
does Modern law lacks anything which sharia law can overcome.. or it is just a question of faith ?
So at the end of the day - all I'm asking you is - what are the tangible benefits for the Muslim society from the Sharia ?

There might not be any social benefits. But definitely, there are religious benifits.
what religious benifits ?

And, is that tangible?

Religious benefits are those which help you get to heaven. :D

I don't see any tangible benefits from having 4 wives,for example, but religious people see it as a way of fulfilling their religious duties, as well as having more women to choose from I guess :P.

Also there are numerous other justifications, like it prevents extramarital affairs, it prevents crime against women, etc. etc. which make sense, but the truth is that it simply confines crime to the household.
I completely agree with all your post but my logic was implying something else......:)

I quote again:

Judgement about Sharia should be left to the person!.... Sharia followup is basically the problem for New Muslims since the born muslims normally adopt and follow the school of throught they belong to by birth. Which by my thinking is wrong. We should always understand what we believe in. We should learn about all school of throughts and the differences among them (which are minor).

School of Thought doesnot change the overall understanding of the message of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and Quran. The difference lies only in the interpretation of various events which describe the daily life of people and ways of life. Interpretation of Sunnah as per Quran and basic Fundamentals are same.

Judgement about the sharia followed by sects of Islam was my point. Which was in context to the topic and a post from someone i was replying. Not about the Sharia itself. Since the post meant Shariat Laws varying among Muslim world because of Sects.

Sharia itselfs cannot be judged by people who have no knowledge of Islam. School of Thoughts which are followed are the only reference and that is what i meant.

Which sharia to follow was the issue which should be left to the person to decide and judge from which sect he belongs to should not be the case. My post is clear for comments if you now know what i meant.
The rest of my post if viewed in light of above can tell you about the view point....:agree:


Iam sorry for the misinterpretation. Ifully agree with your post in context to what you have explained.
Jazak Allah o Khair.
Well, at least we've established noone has a clue what Sharia law is.

Thats a generalization, which may not be true. If you are talking about this forum, then there are people who have understanding of the basic philosophy behind the Sharia. If you are generalizing that is a grave injustice to various very learned and pious scholors who have devoted their lives in persuance of the understanding of Allah SWT,s commands.
Ipersonally feel that people pay lip service to Islam and Sharia but when it comes to the crunch you do not want implementation of Sharia in pakistan. The common man does not know much about it but is zealous and emotional about it, but our leaders and high ups are too westernized to want to have their seedy activities curtailed by Sharia.
England already has arbitration courts for people of different ethnicities.

PROVIDED both parties in a conflict agree to follow such arbitration procedures.

So why not Islamic Arbitration?

This was all that the poor Arch Bishop was saying. People can legally get married in a synagogue or a church, but not in a mosque. Similarly Marriage which Islam regards as a contract and their are laws regarding distribution of wealth, supervision and wardship of children following devorce, and so on and so forth, if someone is signatory to a contract under one law, how do you then go and get a judgement under another Law contrary to the terms of the contract. It is absolutly bizarre.
However when you live in an Islamophobic environment, you have to suffer the consequences of it.
Wa Salam

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