I'm perfectly calm. I simply enjoy debating with religious people, I like to expose holes in their logic
since you think all religious people are dumb, i shall expose holes in your logic.
interest or aka usury is definitely haraam, this is not a matter of necessity, it can be avoided, unless you want to go to war with Allah and His Messenger. the same goes for zina, there is no matter of necessity, it can be avoided by marrying. rather if you wanted to use an argument, i would have recommended ayahs pertaining to things identified as haraam and indulging in them would be crossing the limit. when man is desperate and there is a dire need, he may leave those limits,
"... But if one is compelled by necessity, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin on him; indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. " (2:173)
as for making haraam to halal, it has been mentioned above already, hadrat Umar pardoned people for stealing becuase he took into account the terrible famine that taking place at that time.