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Pakistani , a nation?

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Go back in history please and see who created the "Taliban". They were a creation of Saudi - American philosophy to counter the Russians - and now its Pakistan that supported the Taliban? Give me a break and let history tell you the facts. When it suited them they backed the monster - when it didn't then they blame Pakistan!

I dont know much about the Afghanistan issue, so perhaps you are right on this and I am wrong. Its just that from my experiences in PDF, most Afghanis dont like Pakistan because of its (in their eyes) perceived support for Taliban/Mujahideens. I know America was involved in it too, but from what I gather most of the training and recruitments happened in Pakistan.
I don't agree bro, we can't let our Muslim brothers die in Afghanistan like that, however ungrateful ones should be deported back.

I agree bro - but we are hemorrhaging ourselves with what we have had to sustain over the last 10 to 20 years and its distressing to see how little its been appreciated. They puppet Muppet leader often insinuates our nation hasn't done enough. It should be pointed out that we have bent over backwards for the average Afghanistan person.
About a month ago a supposedly Afghan started a thread "We hate Pakistan but love India" - subsequently the chap got about 50 thank yous from Indians etc. No Afghan flag bearer disputed his opinion?
Sometimes one must show gratitude and when its not shown frustration takes over - but i respect your view.
@ Monkey D Luffy bhai pure pakistani? or afghan settled here? :)
And before Taliban whose fault it was ?? WHo invited the soviets and who asked the soviets to kill thousands of Afghanis. Who was fighting each other.

Indians ki sui Taliban per her waqat kyun rooki wi hoti hai. Why don't you first see who started all this and end result is its the Afghanis themselves to be blamed for letting others fcuk into their internal matters.

Anyway for all members, leave now the Afghan thingy, concentrate on the thread on hand, if someone has nothing positive to contribute, then shut up and leave the thread.

Fair enough, all I know about Pakistan-Afghanistan relation issues are what I have learned in PDF (which can often be very biased), so I will take your word for the bolded part.
You are wrongly informed. The production of bananas in Sindh (which is the main supplier of Bananas) has decreased significantly in the last few years and the main reasons are colds weather, flood and some sort of virus that has destroyed many trees. Pakistan is now importing Bananas from India and because of the shortage of supply the prices have gone rapidly up in the last few weeks, this is what many Pakistani newspapers have recently reported.

Till few days back, the local bananas were looking fine and were around the Rs.60-80 mark, you don't loose all of your bananas in one go. You must be right with your explanation as one of the factors, but a lot of fruit and other items of this nature have been crossing over the border illegally and we have to suffer.
Officially stating, we are a federation of the 4 provinces but I do not agree to your definition of 'Nation'. Here is an alternate definition:

"A group of people united in their beliefs and ideology such that the differences between them recede and their differences with other groups around them begin to increase"-Laski

If we were to follow this definition it would apply ideally to the situation of the sub-continent in 1947, a common nation split off into two different, distinct identities, then there was a repeat of this phenomenon in 1971.

Demography is vast subject, you cannot hope to encompass it in 5 to 6 lines consisting of only one definition.
Fair enough, all I know about Pakistan-Afghanistan relation issues are what I have learned in PDF (which can often be very biased), so I will take your word for the bolded part.

Well buddy, then kindly go away for a while from PDF to research and learn more about the Afghan issue, how it started and how it evolved into what it is. PDF can not be the correct tool to learn the real truth.
Loads of pashtuns in my university all bash afghanistan 100x more than us.
The pashtuns you are talking about are institutionalized ones, engineered as "desis" in schools through controvertial subjects like mutala pakistan, about which our pakistani analysts agree that it is a "palanda" of lies and fabrications.
Yes a nation can also refer to people who share common country or governament, but in my opinion a nation is group of people who share common langauge, culture, traditions, history and ethnicity.
Pakistan is just an administrative thing not a nation, it should be regarded as aggregate of nations.
The only real identities in Pakistan are Baluchi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Siraiki, Kashmiri, Pashtun etc. The so called "pakistani nation" was concieved as a product of arrangements between british, muslim league and congress.

No we do have a common identity-

We were ruled by British for atlease 80 years each, that is older than Pakistan itself, afghanis wern't
We have the same founding fathers who saved us from British, unlike Afghanis who gave certificate every time you had a new king AGREEING TO DURAND LINE with the british representative
We have same enemies-fought 3 wars together as a nation-including some skimishes against afghanis
We have the same heros-sports, Afghanis never produced one sports hero
We share culture
We share genetics- Pakistanis are the same Genetics apart from we have a bit more arab genetics, Afghanis are more mongoloid then Pakistani pashtun
We speak the same language- Everyone knows urdu
We share faith, narly all in pakistan are sufi Islam, wheras afghnais are wahabi
I can think of more but this is enough.
The pashtuns you are talking about are institutionalized ones, engineered as "desis" in schools through controvertial subjects like mutala pakistan, about which our pakistani analysts agree that it is a "palanda" of lies and fabrications.

It might be all lies. It might be all BS but at the end of the day officially all over the world you would be treated as a Pakistani or an Indian or an Afghan or an Irani. Not as a Hazara or a Tamil or a Pushtoon or a Persian.

So try to be a bit more mature and start focusing on that thing which is more important practically. Logically being Pushtoon or Punjabi or Baloch might be important for you or for anyone else but in this world no body cares which tribe you belong to or which language you speak.
Sorry Mate! But Nowdays Pakistani Pashtuns consider it to be abused when someone call them afghani, its due to their different Pushtu ,different nature, I know such types of hundreds of serious clashes took place b\w both communities, and nowdays Kill ratios are increasing among both of them.
It is your personal opinion and you are misguided by some one. A pashtun is pashtun whether he lives east or west of durand. There is no lar vs bar pashtun thing, though many efforts are directed to create distances and rifts between them.
The pashtuns you are talking about are institutionalized ones, engineered as "desis" in schools through controvertial subjects like mutala pakistan, about which our pakistani analysts agree that it is a "palanda" of lies and fabrications.

All lies in it are are on the topic of muslim invasion of sub continent.

It has nothing to do with our ethnic groups.

@ Khudi bhai : you are also pashtun? :)
The pashtuns you are talking about are institutionalized ones, engineered as "desis" in schools through controvertial subjects like mutala pakistan, about which our pakistani analysts agree that it is a "palanda" of lies and fabrications.
Its not just due to institionalized, its due to communication b\w all ethnic groups. secondly , non of our analysts are saint niether mutala Pakistan is a holy book. and that subject isn't as much prefered on others.
:lol: No, its not brain washing, Pakistan consist one of the largest pushtuns population and they're proud Pakistanis, its due to better job chances and They consider their culture more save here as compare to A-stan.
Number doesnt matter, afghanistan is morany watan of pashtuns, not pakistan. According to some statistics there are more than 15 millions "pathans" in india like irfan pathan. Our eventual fate in pakistan is to become desis like irfan pathan, tadaad chahe kitni bi kyun na ho.
Pakistan's mainstream cultures are urdu and punjabi, through urdu, a hindostani langauge, indification of pashtuns is already taking place.
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