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Pakistani , a nation?

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The pashtuns you are talking about are institutionalized ones, engineered as "desis" in schools through controvertial subjects like mutala pakistan, about which our pakistani analysts agree that it is a "palanda" of lies and fabrications.

Well if what you say is right, i believe the desi ones are much much better then the whatever you are or have in your mind. We Pushtuns living in Pakistan should start think like Muslims and then as Pakistanis, we have nothing to do with Afghanistan anymore.

I think we should start thinking like a Muslim instead of thinking like a Pushtun, Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi or whatever.

Till the day we keep thinking as per our cast, race or whatever, we will be divided and have no value. Take a lot at Afghanistan, they are being eaten and received lot of damage while they have been thinking on the lines of Pushtuns, Hazaras, Tajiks, Uzbiks etc etc.
Number doesnt matter, afghanistan is morany watan of pashtuns, not pakistan. According to some statistics there are more than 15 millions "pathans" in india like irfan pathan. Our eventual fate in pakistan is to become desis like irfan pathan, tadaad chahe kitni bi kyun na ho.
Pakistan's mainstream cultures are urdu and punjabi, through urdu, a hindostani langauge, indification of pashtuns is already taking place.

More than 50% afghans are not pashtuns so yes numbers matter. :)

And by the way there are only 112,000 pathans in india.

Pashtun diaspora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think we should start thinking like a Muslim instead of thinking like a Pushtun, Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi or whatever

I second that. :tup:
Number doesnt matter, afghanistan is morany watan of pashtuns, not pakistan. According to some statistics there are more than 15 millions "pathans" in india like irfan pathan. Our eventual fate in pakistan is to become desis like irfan pathan, tadaad chahe kitni bi kyun na ho.
Pakistan's mainstream cultures are urdu and punjabi, through urdu, a hindostani langauge, indification of pashtuns is already taking place.

wrora tell them what 'morany watan' means.
the refugees have right to be in pak , as pak is the cause of this instability

Pak had the option not to participate in this unholy thing. Look at india they never supported us against anyone iraq or now china

Someone please ban this idiot.
Sorry buddy, i being a Pushtun don't take Afghanistan as my mother, Pakistan is my motherland. A lot of ills currently happening in Pakistan has a lot to do with Afghanistan. Just yesterday i went to the market to get bananas and to my horror, they were costing Rs.250/- instead of Rs.70/- a few days back and the Rs.250/- were Indian ones, i asked where are the Pak ones, they guy said they all are going to Afghanistan. Same case for Mangoes and other stuff, each and everything going to Afghanistan, while we have to pay 3-4 times more the cost of the same stuff. I hate Afghanistan and after having interaction with Afghanis online, i have started to hate Afghanis too, especially the Persian speaking ones.

Had i receive the opportunity, i will kick each and every Afghani out of Pakistan and close the border for any trade, not a single item will be sent across the border and the Afghan Transit facility will also be revoked, Afghanistan is costing Pakistan and its people billions of rupees in damage each year.

We have been giving a terrible price for the ills of Afghanistan and Afghanis.
Same things are said about us lar pashtuns when we go to karachi to earn. IDPs of swat would tell you how it feels to be a "mohajar" in his own country.
while people of KP gave them refuge in their homes, punjab and karachi were not welcoming them, many labeled them as suspect talibans.
Sorry buddy, i being a Pushtun don't take Afghanistan as my mother, Pakistan is my motherland. A lot of ills currently happening in Pakistan has a lot to do with Afghanistan. Just yesterday i went to the market to get bananas and to my horror, they were costing Rs.250/- instead of Rs.70/- a few days back and the Rs.250/- were Indian ones, i asked where are the Pak ones, they guy said they all are going to Afghanistan. Same case for Mangoes and other stuff, each and everything going to Afghanistan, while we have to pay 3-4 times more the cost of the same stuff. I hate Afghanistan and after having interaction with Afghanis online, i have started to hate Afghanis too, especially the Persian speaking ones.

Had i receive the opportunity, i will kick each and every Afghani out of Pakistan and close the border for any trade, not a single item will be sent across the border and the Afghan Transit facility will also be revoked, Afghanistan is costing Pakistan and its people billions of rupees in damage each year.

We have been giving a terrible price for the ills of Afghanistan and Afghanis.

Here we go, we are now getting banana blames :D

TaimiKhan, there must be some profit for your businessmen/agrimen when they disregard Pakistani markets and export them to Afghanistan? where is our fault in this?
cmon man.. im trying to be constructive here and giving my viewpoint.

Yeah your post about how Pakistan should be broken into different pieces was really constructive.

I don't know why mods hesitate to ban trolls like you.
And before Taliban whose fault it was ?? WHo invited the soviets and who asked the soviets to kill thousands of Afghanis. Who was fighting each other.

Indians ki sui Taliban per her waqat kyun rooki wi hoti hai. Why don't you first see who started all this and end result is its the Afghanis themselves to be blamed for letting others fcuk into their internal matters.

Anyway for all members, leave now the Afghan thingy, concentrate on the thread on hand, if someone has nothing positive to contribute, then shut up and leave the thread.
There was communist regime in afghanistan. You interefered in afghanistan by supporting/funding islamic elements against governament. When islamists grew out of control, afghan governament sought help of russia (afghanistan was always in russia block, like our pakistan is part of america ka tatto). You again interefered , this time for dollars, by dragging america into internal matter of afghanistan. Your and america intereference, brought russian army into afghanistan. 10 years war and destruction in afghanistan and millions of afghans were made mohajars. We made afghans mohajrs for sake of dollers. Also stable afghanistan was never in pakistan's interest so that they are never able to raise durand issue and for this you injected poison of religous extremism into afghanistan with the hope that a islamist afghan wont talk of pashtun unity.
There was communist regime in afghanistan. You interefered in afghanistan by supporting/funding islamic elements against governament. When islamists grew out of control, afghan governament sought help of russia (afghanistan was always in russia block, like our pakistan is part of america ka tatto). You again interefered , this time for dollars, by dragging america into internal matter of afghanistan. Your and america intereference, brought russian army into afghanistan. 10 years war and destruction in afghanistan and millions of afghans were made mohajars. We made afghans mohajrs for sake of dollers. Also stable afghanistan was never in pakistan's interest so that they are never able to raise durand issue and for this you injected poison of religous extremism into afghanistan with the hope that a islamist afghan wont talk of pashtun unity.

Do you know why this was done????Theyre is a reason for everything my friend. Your goverment was going on about Pashtunistan.
No we do have a common identity-

We were ruled by British for atlease 80 years each, that is older than Pakistan itself, afghanis wern't
You were ruled by british for 250 years, you got submissive. While pashtuns of present day pakistan gave armed resistance to farangis. Lar pashtuns participated in every anglo-afghan war due to their affiliation with afghanistan. Our struggle against british is distinct from hindostani muslims.
We have the same founding fathers who gave us freedom
Our struggle against british was distinct from hindostani muslims, you must have heard about bacha khan, ajab khan afridi, faqir of ipi etc
We have same enemies-fought 3 wars together as a nation-including some skimishes against afghanis
Hindophobia is instilled into minds of pashtuns through systematic brainwashing like mutala pakistan. Our struggle was against british, not hindus. Clever british was successful in creating hindu-muslim enemity.

We share culture
Our culture is different from your desi culture. Though culture Lar o bar pashtuns is same.
We share genetics- Pakistanis are the same Genetics apart from we have a bit more arab genetics, Afghanis are more mongoloid then Pakistani pashtun
Genetics is complicated thing to discuss. But remember that genetically pashtuns are related to afghanistan than indics like punjabis, sindis etc
We speak the same language- Everyone knows urdu
Urdu is not a native langauge, like english.
We share faith, narly all in pakistan are sufi Islam, wheras afghnais are wahabi
People in punjab think that pashtuns of KP are wahabis. We follow deobandi sect, while majority of punjabis are of bareillvi sect. We also dont do pir-parasti, mazara-parasti , urs etc that muslims east of indus do.

It might be all lies. It might be all BS but at the end of the day officially all over the world you would be treated as a Pakistani or an Indian or an Afghan or an Irani. Not as a Hazara or a Tamil or a Pushtoon or a Persian.

So try to be a bit more mature and start focusing on that thing which is more important practically. Logically being Pushtoon or Punjabi or Baloch might be important for you or for anyone else but in this world no body cares which tribe you belong to or which language you speak.

I consider myself a pakistani. Religion,Langauge, country, ethncity, tribe every thing is important in this world. This is how socities are working.

Well if what you say is right, i believe the desi ones are much much better then the whatever you are or have in your mind. We Pushtuns living in Pakistan should start think like Muslims and then as Pakistanis, we have nothing to do with Afghanistan anymore.

I think we should start thinking like a Muslim instead of thinking like a Pushtun, Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi or whatever.

Till the day we keep thinking as per our cast, race or whatever, we will be divided and have no value. Take a lot at Afghanistan, they are being eaten and received lot of damage while they have been thinking on the lines of Pushtuns, Hazaras, Tajiks, Uzbiks etc etc.

For God sake dont use islam card against any pashtun. I am a practical muslim. I frequently go to punjab for tabligh and i know how much islam is followed there. If we go by your logic then pakistanism is also not in accordance with islam.
You were ruled by british for 250 years, you got submissive. While pashtuns of present day pakistan gave armed resistance to farangis. Lar pashtuns participated in every anglo-afghan war due to their affiliation with afghanistan. Our struggle against british is distinct from hindostani muslims.

Our struggle against british was distinct from hindostani muslims, you must have heard about bacha khan, ajab khan afridi, faqir of ipi etc

Hindophobia is instilled into minds of pashtuns through systematic brainwashing like mutala pakistan. Our struggle was against british, not hindus. Clever british was successful in creating hindu-muslim enemity.

Our culture is different from your desi culture. Though culture Lar o bar pashtuns is same.

Genetics is complicated thing to discuss. But remember that genetically pashtuns are related to afghanistan than indics like punjabis, sindis etc

Urdu is not a native langauge, like english.

People in punjab think that pashtuns of KP are wahabis. We follow deobandi sect, while majority of punjabis are of bareillvi sect. We also dont do pir-parasti, mazara-parasti , urs etc that muslims east of indus do.

I consider myself a pakistani. Religion,Langauge, country, ethncity, tribe every thing is important in this world. This is how socities are working.

For God sake dont use islam card against any pashtun. I am a practical muslim. I frequently go to punjab for tabligh and i know how much islam is followed there. If we go by your logic then pakistanism is also not in accordance with islam.

Dude your avoiding what I said, Pashtuns of Pak thought bravely yes, as did others on a smaller scale, this is not about who fought the best, it is about us sharing the same history of going under British colonization which is something we have in common and we fought against wheras your afghan leaders gave certification to the british every year that they agree with durand line. It was the quad which fought hardest for independace of modern day Pak, not your Bacha khan who wanted to be part of Afghanistan, the Pashtuns of Pak recognise this and they agreed to join pak and that's why your leaders are unheard of in the history books of the world.
Some ignorant people call Pak Pashtuns as wahabi and I know they are deobandi, but you need to learn history more, DEOBANISM DOES NOT DISAGREE WITH SUFIISM, so they can still be sufis, I go to a mosque where the sheikhs have been taught under the scholarship of darool uloom deoband, so don't try school me on this topic. The deobandism prevelant in Sindh, KP and India is not the same as the the Wahabi infiltrated deobandi is Afghanistan.

PS why do you even put a Pak flag if you don't agree with Pakistan and want Pashtunistan. That is Pak flag no dirt should be connected with it.
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