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Pakistan risks sanctions over Iran gas deal: WSJ

Confucian cultures tend to be quite risk-averse, for example the East Asian countries have some of the highest savings rates on the planet, and are less likely to buy things using loans.

We can't put ourselves in a position where the USA can scrap our projects with a word. We'll build contingency plans upon contingency plans to make sure we have a plethora of options available at all times.

Pakistanis are also very risk averse, that's why little changes in Pakistan - at least for the people on top
Pakistanis are also very risk averse, that's why little changes in Pakistan - at least for the people on top

Being risk-averse has its ups and downs to be sure.

Though economic/political reforms really are a necessary thing for developing countries.

Wen Jiabao was even scaremongering a while back about the risk of another Cultural Revolution if reforms were not carried out.

Wen says China needs political reform, warns of another Cultural Revolution if without - Xinhua
Oh ok you're right India is in exceptions list, is it full exception or limited exception? If you know...

As for Pakistan, Pakistan should call Secretary of State John Kerry tell him to give exception to Pakistan, best option.
As our major requirement is Oil, we are excepted. KSA offered us oil instead from buying from Iran. We had to reduce because god forbid if war occurs, India will be affected as Iran is major exporter.

As for exception to Pakistan. I am bit skeptical. We haven't counted in KSA yet which is quite important for Pakistan too.
There is a solutions to every problem, let Pakistan do what is in her best interest, if sanctions are imposed then find a solution for it, no pain no gain, without Gas pipeline Pakistan is in worst shape than all the sanctions combined, right now we have no energy to produce anything so how is this non-sanction regime any better for us
If anyone remember, I told this that it might occur. They have solid reason to do so. They don't have to go to UN. Just impose sanctions from their own side, US and European nations.

What will Pakistan govt. do in this case ?

P.S No chest thumping. Only rational points.

Life will go on. Besides, aid only goes to fill the pockets of elites or the military, and hardly any filters down to the people that need it. US is not required by Pakistan, which is blessed with fertile lands making it largely self sufficient in food and water. What Pakistan needs, like India and much of the developing world, is access to hydrocarbons which are declining, and US cannot provide (Saudi production is already past peak with all claims of excess capacity proven false).

Hence, it's in Pakistan's best interest to act independently for its own people's sake. Let the West impose all the sanctions they want, they did so in the case of India in the cold war, Iran at present, and they always come around pledging friendship later whilst you become significantly more self-sufficient in the process.

There was a saying some time ago, but can't remember who it was attributed to. 'To have the United States as your enemy is bad, but to have it as a friend is worse'. Just ask Mubarak and countless other former despots in the middle east or south america.
This was expected.usa deals with every ally of iran in a similar way, , though there are a few exceptions.
I was thinking on the same lines. If it comes out to be positive, PPP will take credit and if there is anything negative, it will for sure create problems for the next government.

I do not think so, Zardari and co. are not capable enough to take decision that annoy the US. The incumbents will pass on the file to the next government, one must keep in mind that it is not only the US but Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries, probably Turkey too, do not support this IP gas pipeline too.
Iran refuses to slash gas export price – The Express Tribune

Iran has firmly stuck to its stance and refused to bring down the price for gas export to Pakistan to match the price agreed for the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project, officials say.
Pakistan and Iran have already set the price at 78% of crude oil rate for 750 million cubic feet of gas per day to be transported through a pipeline from Iran’s South Pars field to Pakistan, commonly dubbed as Iran-Pakistan pipeline. However, according to an agreement, Pakistan has the right to renegotiate the price if it finds cheaper gas from some other source.
Under the TAPI project, Pakistan will pay 69% of crude oil price for import of 1.3 billion cubic feet of gas per day.
“Pakistan can enter into fresh talks with Iran for price revision after gas flow starts from alternative resources,” a senior government official said, promptly clarifying as gas supply from Turkmenistan has not started, “we cannot engage into negotiations with Tehran.”
Talking to reporters here on Wednesday, Adviser to Prime Minister on Petroleum and Natural Resources Dr Asim Hussain disclosed that all technical matters for the award of gas pipeline construction contract to an Iranian company had been finalised. However, he cautioned that some financial issues still needed to be resolved.
A team of Inter State Gas Systems (ISGS) – which works on gas import projects – had to leave for Iran on Wednesday night to resolve these issues. “Construction contract will be signed in Pakistan,” he said.

Iran to set up largest refinery at Gwadar

In a positive development, Iran has agreed to set up the largest refinery in Pakistan at Gwadar Port with refining capacity of 400,000 barrels per day in a joint venture with oil marketing giant Pakistan State Oil (PSO).
“The two countries will ink an agreement on the refinery project during the visit of President Asif Ali Zardari to Iran on February 27,” Hussain said.
Pakistan and Iran agreed to establish the oil refinery during the visit of Iranian Energy Minister Rostam Ghasemi to Islamabad on Wednesday. The Iranian minister also offered to provide liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to ease Pakistan’s energy woes.
According to sources, Iran will export 400,000 barrels of crude oil per day for the refinery. For this, it is interested in setting up an oil pipeline between the two countries.
Experts call the proposed refinery project a major milestone in the wake of handing over of Gwadar Port operations to China. The refinery will help meet oil needs of China as well.
Pakistan doesn't need U.S., we need to be independent to be a great nation.

Cut the foreign aid please, Kerry.
The time is suitable for Pakistan to go ahead keeping in mind the regional war in Afghanistan by US is going down.

We had been facing sanctions in the past as well and even without sanctions we are getting nothing when it comes to defenc area and the money US and other American orgs are spending is going to NGOs pocket with zero output viz a viz public welfare sector.

as for the price its not that bad. we are already producing costly electricity with completion of pipeline we are not only going to get 1000 cubc gas daily but also 5000 magawat power as well
I say do it! US sanctions would suck but it will clear out once and for all about US's friend or foe status, UN sanctions are not possible without approval from China so we're good.
They don't need UN. They will do that same they did with Iran. US + EU together applied sanctions on their own whims and wishes.

Ever thought how much import and export Pakistan do with US and EU nations ? Ever thought of how much your defenses are dependent on US and EU nations.

Inflation will rise, foreign reserves will fall, US will block its money funding projects in Pakistan, WB and IMF will be used, all this in current situation of Pakistan.

Not to forget, closing with Iran means going against KSA.

Kindly make an assessment and list of what import-exports, where US funds, WB and IMF funds etc.

Lets discuss with US.
China is going to buy Oil from Iran and will get it through Gwadar. Will the 'next superpower' get sanctions ?

China has slashed oil import from Iran by 23%.
Sanctioning Pakistan will result in 'sanctions' on NATO supplies and exit strategy, im sure they will love it!
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