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Pakistan wants Iran to suspend gas obligations

Nothing to do with the west as Pak already imports eletricity from Iran.

If the oil/gas is to make electricity, Pakistan might as well extend the main grid to the Iranian border and buy cheaper electricity directly from Iran.

If Pakistan builds (or more likely attract a Chinese company to build) a refinery in Gwadar and the pipeline network between there and Karachi, when the sanctions end or ease up, Pakistan can complete the link.

Actually, if this grid were build and Pakistan were to build out massive solar parks between Gwadar and Quetta, as part of co-production with a Chinese company it could replace fossil fuel import and allow the refinery there to switch over to other petrochemical production such as Pharmaceuticals.

When oil and gas prices would be favorable, they could be bought and still provide the base load energy to the mix.
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Can Any Kind Soul Explain As To How Turkiye,Armenia and Iraq Are Purchasing Iranian Gas Without The Threat of Sanctions???????

Oh Yeah They Have Leaders Who Put Their Country Ahead Of Their Retirement Plans Abroad

Beggars can't be choosers
Nothing to do with the west as Pak already imports eletricity from Iran.

Exactly what I had in mind.

Which international law stops us from doing this? Do the US sanctions actually prohibit us from doing so? If so, how can we buy electricity and other stuff from them?
Why don't they give Pakistan an alternative????

Maybe extend the Dolphin Gas Pipeline to Pakistan???

Or even revive the GUSA pipeline from Qatar to Pakistan

Even India has been considering a pipeline from Oman undersea

Pakistan is much closer to Oman and Qatar and the waters are shallower.It would be Easier to build a pipeline to Pakistan.Remember the Nordstream Pipelines which supplied cheap energy for Germany Is also an underseas pipeline.

If the Arabs don't want us to buy Iranian Gas they should offer a better price
It's easier to just bribes us with watch and make us buy expensive oil/LNG rather then build a pipeline

Exactly what I had in mind.

Which international law stops us from doing this? Do the US sanctions actually prohibit us from doing so? If so, how can we buy electricity and other stuff from them?
I don't think there is any law. Issue is payment and transactions

That can be done via barter trade or Iranian /pakistan rupee
It's easier to just bribes us with watch and make us buy expensive oil/LNG rather then build a pipeline

I don't think there is any law. Issue is payment and transactions

That can be done via barter trade or Iranian /pakistan rupee

So it's more our nalayeqi than international pressure?
So it's more our nalayeqi than international pressure?
No it's not nalayeqee

It's about corruption
Pakistan is client mercenary state for Arabs and Americans started by general Douglas gracey and finalized by general ayub Khan

Anyway let's enjoy another nagma
Iran even offered to finance the pipeline for Pak.

"Iran designated Tadbir Energy to start off work on the project and was also extending a $500 million loan.

Tadbir faces no international sanctions and is controlled by the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, one of Iran’s largest charitable groups. It will undertake all engineering, procurement and construction activities in the first phase of the pipeline, which will start from the border and cost around $250 million.

In the second phase, Iran will increase financing by $250 million, but it will hinge on discussions about Tadbir’s involvement in distribution of gas in Pakistan.

Total cost of the pipeline is expected to reach around $1.35 billion. Iran will cough up $500 million whereas the remaining is planned to be generated through the gas infrastructure development cess. The new government will take a decision on the cess, the collection of which has been suspended by the court.

With the US slapping Tehran with a raft of sanctions that have hurt Iranian companies’ ability to do business and created hurdles in making payments to them, Pakistan and Iran drew up a plan to finance the pipeline without the former transferring any funds to the latter.

“Pakistan will not pay Tadbir, instead, the Iranian government will give $500 million to the firm for the construction of the pipeline,” a source said.

The project envisages supply of 750 million cubic feet per day of gas to Pakistan beginning at the end of December 2014 and the fuel will be consumed by power plants to generate around 4,000 megawatts of electricity.

The project’s engineering and management consultant, who was appointed in April 2011, has completed work on a bankable feasibility study, interim front-end engineering design and route reconnaissance survey."

Scoundrel, Asif Zardari signed this project at the end of his term. In this contract there is clause that if Pakistan does not complete this project, there will be penalties but if due to US sanctions or shortage of gas on iranian side, iran can't supply gas, what will be penalties on Iran.
PPP has always deceived Pakistan. One more example is the case of IPPs. Pakistan can never purchase total electicity capacity of these IPPS due to limitations of our transmission lines but as per contract this poor country is paying not just for the electricity they supply to us but we pay on the basis of their capacity as per contract.
Big joke is, non of these IPPs have ever practically proved they have

Beggars can't be choosers

This is because … our Pakistani elites are still slaves to outsiders
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The Americans dictate and call all the shots in Pakistan.

China and Iran should have figured that out by now.

Pakistan's establishment is a lapdog of the Americans and we are under occupation.

That is all it is. Nothing more nothing less.

After all these years, this statement deserves a big LOL.

My own experience tells me, Pakistani nation will gain alot from energy stability and this project can guarantee it. But Pakistani politicians who owe their backdoor bribes to western powers have alot to lose if this project becomes operational.

Not even the payment is an issue. Comparing Iraq with Pakistan is a wrong comparison, Iraq is an oil selling country which means they heavily depend on international (read western) payment system. But Pakistan is not like that, Pakistanis have nothing to lose even if sanctioned by western SWIFT, they can pay back with other means. Just like the case with Turkey. It can help Pakistani economy grow and thrive.

But as you can see a bunch of faggots have taken 240 million people to hostage. What a misery.

This is the Pakistani military at work. On behalf of the Americans.

Why don't they give Pakistan an alternative????

Maybe extend the Dolphin Gas Pipeline to Pakistan???

Or even revive the GUSA pipeline from Qatar to Pakistan

Even India has been considering a pipeline from Oman undersea

Pakistan is much closer to Oman and Qatar and the waters are shallower.It would be Easier to build a pipeline to Pakistan.Remember the Nordstream Pipelines which supplied cheap energy for Germany Is also an underseas pipeline.

If the Arabs don't want us to buy Iranian Gas they should offer a better price

You will get nothing LOL The Americans want Pakistan for themselves. Only USAID and UNHCR is allowed to operate freely in Pakistan.
China should not sell any hi tech weapons to Pak, duffers will compromise them to Uncle Sam for a few dollars more..

China should not sell any hi tech weapons to Pak, duffers will compromise them to Uncle Sam for a few dollars more..
Pak nuke capability should be completely neutralized so that India can decimate Faujeets and people can finally take their country back…
Dear Iran the country is being held hostage by crooks, which are backed by military top brass.

Sorry on behalf of the expats and the good people of Pakistan.




There is already an oil pipeline and reports of Handlers and internal wing involved in it, the CC Balochistan...maybe that heli crash killing Lt. Gen Sarfaraz is related to it, big bucks are involved in oil smuggling from Iran to Balochistan/Pakistan.

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There is already an oil pipeline and reports of Handlers and internal wing involved in it, the CC Balochistan...maybe that heli crash killing Lt. Gen Sarfaraz is related to it, big bucks are involved in oil smuggling from Iran to Balochistan/Pakistan.

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In absence of legal routes and legal means plus the need of Pakistanis, this sort of unwanted cross border tranafer of illegally provided gasoline is inevitable. It harms both Iran and Pakistan since Pakistanis will receive it at market price and benefit gies right into smugglers' pockets.

Its side effect is weakening national laws of both sides on the bordering areas and also strengthening of illegal activities.
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