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Pakistan risks sanctions over Iran gas deal: WSJ

They don't need UN. They will do that same they did with Iran. US + EU together applied sanctions on their own whims and wishes.

Ever thought how much import and export Pakistan do with US and EU nations ? Ever thought of how much your defenses are dependent on US and EU nations.

Inflation will rise, foreign reserves will fall, US will block its money funding projects in Pakistan, WB and IMF will be used, all this in current situation of Pakistan.

Not to forget, closing with Iran means going against KSA.

Kindly make an assessment and list of what import-exports, where US funds, WB and IMF funds etc.

Lets discuss with US.

We will do real Nato blockade then. This is a good time to do it. As long as each has something to offer to the other, they won't do it.
We will do real Nato blockade then. This is a good time to do it. As long as each has something to offer to the other, they won't do it.
They have Northern route too. And you really want to go against West post-2014 ?
I really think this is what the general populace wants. They see the success Iran has achieved under sanctions and want to do the same,.
options for pakistan-
1.block nato supplies-further sanctions-broken economy-security issues-increased tentions-chaos with increasing poverty.

2.asking direct negotiations with usa over ip-time delay-reduced tensions-possiblity of increased us aid for thermal n hydroelectric plants.

3.giveup ip deal-(most likely)- no sanctions-greater leaverage in us policies related to afghanistan-possibilty of increased aid and trade with us ,eu.
We will do real Nato blockade then. This is a good time to do it. As long as each has something to offer to the other, they won't do it.

The most opportune time to seek a parity with the US and ask for an exception w.r.t. trade with Iran was in 2011-12, right after after the Salala Incident. Foolishly, it was all spent on mourning and name calling... oh and asking for an apology (wonder what it fetched in real terms).

That time, the blockade card got tested on all its strengths. It won't achieve much anymore.
We will do real Nato blockade then. This is a good time to do it. As long as each has something to offer to the other, they won't do it.

Blocking the supply route didn't work well after Salala incident.
They have Northern route too. And you really want to go against West post-2014 ?

Withdrawal of heavy equipment through northern route is not financially feasible, plus exit strategy is not all about withdrawal of troops and equipment, it also include post withdrawal state of affairs. US will think twice before sanctioning Pakistan.
We can't go ahead without power any way, which is effectively same as sanctions.

Didn't the Saudis propose a counter offer to the gas deal? Why not go for the same? Maar khane ka itna shauk hai kya?
Energy crisis are destroying Pakistan's economy and we need it disparately, we also need to diversify our energy source to have contingency plan on other hand Pakistan is not oil+mineral rich country and all our exports are to US+EU+GCC same gang with aligned interests - so we cant afford sanctions as well. So, it's test of capabilities of our diplomats and as per track record our diplomacy sucks.
The US has threatened with economic
sanctions against Pakistan over
Islamabad’s plan to buy Iranian gas to
quell its increasing energy thirst.
A US newspaper report said Washington
was going to pile sanctions in Pakistan if
it went ahead with the deal, just as Iran
and Islamabad are negotiating an
agreement with an Iranian company to
build its side of the gas pipe line.
The paper said the White House has
issued a relative statement to all the
diplomats warning it would be in their
own national interest to refrain from such
activities which it said were prohibited
under the United Nations and the US
The US has long been accusing Iran of
building nuclear weapons, the claim which
Tehran denies and says it is its legal right
to use nuclear technology for peaceful
Voice of Russia, The News
If they impose sanctions then block all supplies to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. Let them starve for a few days and watch the fireworks. Lets develop a more pro-active policy and stop relying on that horrid country for once. They have seriously betrayed us dozens and dozens of times.
If they impose sanctions then block all supplies to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. Let them starve for a few days and watch the fireworks. Lets develop a more pro-active policy and stop relying on that horrid country for once. They have seriously betrayed us dozens and dozens of times.

LOL!!! Last time supplies (Excl. Weapons) were going through Iran in disguise of Indian trade. So, I don't think you can starve 'em
LOL!!! Last time supplies (Excl. Weapons) were going through Iran in disguise of Indian trade. So, I don't think you can starve 'em
At least someone posting with rationality rather than emotion.

I think KSA will move in to cancel this deal.
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