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Pakistan wants Iran to suspend gas obligations

I dont think Pakistan will be sanctioned by US if they buy Iranian gas and oil. Iran is still selling gas and oil to Turkey, India, and Iraq if I am not mistaken and all of them dont get sanction from USA.

How on Earth Pakistani is thinking to invest in expensive refinery while they just abandon their part in this Iran-Pakistan pipe line that can reduce their energy price (instead of buying more expensive LNG from Gulf Nation) and avoid them for getting expensive fine
Seems like the Establishment is trying every which way to woo US but its not sticking.

Next logical step would be to offer Pakistani bases and bucket load of free visas to CIA operatives.
Exactly what I had in mind.

Which international law stops us from doing this? Do the US sanctions actually prohibit us from doing so? If so, how can we buy electricity and other stuff from them?

Actually Even US Sanctions Don't Apply on Gas

While U.S. sanctions do not explicitly target Iranian natural gas exported by pipeline, U.S. sanctions are applicable to financial transactions that facilitate such sales, and payments for Iranian natural gas must be held in escrow accounts in the importing country and not made to Iran
Why don't they give Pakistan an alternative????

Maybe extend the Dolphin Gas Pipeline to Pakistan???

Or even revive the GUSA pipeline from Qatar to Pakistan

Even India has been considering a pipeline from Oman undersea

Pakistan is much closer to Oman and Qatar and the waters are shallower.It would be Easier to build a pipeline to Pakistan.Remember the Nordstream Pipelines which supplied cheap energy for Germany Is also an underseas pipeline.

If the Arabs don't want us to buy Iranian Gas they should offer a better price

Brother Why Are You Under The Impression That The People Who Rule Us Are In Any Way Sincere To Our Country????

There Was a Convenient Workaround.That Was To Build The Pipeline and Arrange A Swap with Turkmenistan.This Is Already Works Between Turkmenistan Iran And Azerbaijan.Simple Iran Send Gas To Pakistan Turkmenistan Sends An Equal Amount To Iran and Pakistan Makes The Payment To Turkmenistan.This Has Already Been Proposed

Turkmenistan Has To Sell Gas To Iran and Russia At Hardly $4 to 5/mmbtu We Can Offer Them $6 and Pay Using The IDB Trade Facility We Get.Iran Normally Barters For The Gas It Gets The Prospects of Pakistan Paying In Hard Currency Would Be Mouth Watering.If This Idea Had Been Implemented,We Would Not Have Had To Suffer The Energy Crisis Everybody Suffered When Russia Started It's Military Operation
Force Majorie is act of god. Then Pakistan also says it is due to sanctions, which is act of USA.

Does Pakistan equate USA to Allah ?
Iran even offered to finance the pipeline for Pak.

"Iran designated Tadbir Energy to start off work on the project and was also extending a $500 million loan.

Tadbir faces no international sanctions and is controlled by the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, one of Iran’s largest charitable groups. It will undertake all engineering, procurement and construction activities in the first phase of the pipeline, which will start from the border and cost around $250 million.

In the second phase, Iran will increase financing by $250 million, but it will hinge on discussions about Tadbir’s involvement in distribution of gas in Pakistan.

Total cost of the pipeline is expected to reach around $1.35 billion. Iran will cough up $500 million whereas the remaining is planned to be generated through the gas infrastructure development cess. The new government will take a decision on the cess, the collection of which has been suspended by the court.

With the US slapping Tehran with a raft of sanctions that have hurt Iranian companies’ ability to do business and created hurdles in making payments to them, Pakistan and Iran drew up a plan to finance the pipeline without the former transferring any funds to the latter.

“Pakistan will not pay Tadbir, instead, the Iranian government will give $500 million to the firm for the construction of the pipeline,” a source said.

The project envisages supply of 750 million cubic feet per day of gas to Pakistan beginning at the end of December 2014 and the fuel will be consumed by power plants to generate around 4,000 megawatts of electricity.

The project’s engineering and management consultant, who was appointed in April 2011, has completed work on a bankable feasibility study, interim front-end engineering design and route reconnaissance survey."

We had unutilized GIDC funds and local manufacturing capacity for large diameter pipelines.We could have done it ourselves

Force Majorie is act of god. Then Pakistan also says it is due to sanctions, which is act of USA.

Does Pakistan equate USA to Allah ?

Our ruling elite does
Brother Why Are You Under The Impression That The People Who Rule Us Are In Any Way Sincere To Our Country????

There Was a Convenient Workaround.That Was To Build The Pipeline and Arrange A Swap with Turkmenistan.This Is Already Works Between Turkmenistan Iran And Azerbaijan.Simple Iran Send Gas To Pakistan Turkmenistan Sends An Equal Amount To Iran and Pakistan Makes The Payment To Turkmenistan.This Has Already Been Proposed

Turkmenistan Has To Sell Gas To Iran and Russia At Hardly $4 to 5/mmbtu We Can Offer Them $6 and Pay Using The IDB Trade Facility We Get.Iran Normally Barters For The Gas It Gets The Prospects of Pakistan Paying In Hard Currency Would Be Mouth Watering.If This Idea Had Been Implemented,We Would Not Have Had To Suffer The Energy Crisis Everybody Suffered When Russia Started It's Military Operation

Bro that would have been a game changer just imagine an LNG export terminal re exporting Turkmen Gas to Asia at a time when Asian LNG Cargoes were diverted to Europe and panic buying led to prices of $70/mmbtu.Pakistan could have re sold Gas to India Bangladesh Thailand everyone who needed it heck instead of Line D we could have extended this pipeline to China and offered gas to them

Pakistan could have made a killing not only that we could have cross subsidized the domestic supplies with the export earnings.All it needed was to play our cards carefully.

And this swap offer was not just from Turkmenistan even Russia offered cheap discounted gas via Iran

The entire industrialization of Europe was based on cheap Russian gas.Imagine where Pakistan could go if this cheap gas was available to it
Actually Even US Sanctions Don't Apply on Gas

The para you quoted says that you can't pay for it though.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has issued notice of ‘Force Majeure and Excusing Event’ to Iran to suspend its contractual obligation on completion of multi-billion-dollar Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project because of external factors outside Islamabad’s control.

Simply put, Pakistan has expressed its inability to pursue the project as long as US sanctions on Iran remain in place or Washington tacitly green lights Islamabad to go ahead with the project that has been in cold storage for almost a decade despite acute energy shortages in the South Asian nation of 240 million.

“Pakistan has issued a Force Majeure and Excusing Event notice to Iran under the Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement (GSPA), which resultantly suspends Pakistan’s obligations under the GSPA,” according to a written testimony Minister of State for Petroleum Dr Musadik Malik has given to the National Assembly.

In a policy statement placed on the floor of the National Assembly, the minister also put on record that Iran disputed the notice of force majeure and excusing event. The statement came in response to questions from Jamal-ud-Din, MNA, who wanted to know if the government of Pakistan had a target completion date for the cross-border energy project and whether fines were due in case of delays and if other regional nations were enhancing trade relations despite UN sanctions.

And that due to the obedient dog, asif munir obeying his masters in Washington and London, commands.

A bunch pathetic scum, haramkhor
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has issued notice of ‘Force Majeure and Excusing Event’ to Iran to suspend its contractual obligation on completion of multi-billion-dollar Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project because of external factors outside Islamabad’s control.

Simply put, Pakistan has expressed its inability to pursue the project as long as US sanctions on Iran remain in place or Washington tacitly green lights Islamabad to go ahead with the project that has been in cold storage for almost a decade despite acute energy shortages in the South Asian nation of 240 million.

“Pakistan has issued a Force Majeure and Excusing Event notice to Iran under the Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement (GSPA), which resultantly suspends Pakistan’s obligations under the GSPA,” according to a written testimony Minister of State for Petroleum Dr Musadik Malik has given to the National Assembly.

In a policy statement placed on the floor of the National Assembly, the minister also put on record that Iran disputed the notice of force majeure and excusing event. The statement came in response to questions from Jamal-ud-Din, MNA, who wanted to know if the government of Pakistan had a target completion date for the cross-border energy project and whether fines were due in case of delays and if other regional nations were enhancing trade relations despite UN sanctions.

« Beggars can’t be choosers » !

Pakistan’s auquaat !
Scoundrel, Asif Zardari signed this project at the end of his term. In this contract there is clause that if Pakistan does not complete this project, there will be penalties but if due to US sanctions or shortage of gas on iranian side, iran can't supply gas, what will be penalties on Iran.
PPP has always deceived Pakistan. One more example is the case of IPPs. Pakistan can never purchase total electicity capacity of these IPPS due to limitations of our transmission lines but as per contract this poor country is paying not just for the electricity they supply to us but we pay on the basis of their capacity as per contract.
Big joke is, non of these IPPs have ever practically proved they have

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