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PAF has plans to deploy Thunder Bravo for SEAD Ops


Jul 15, 2015
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As per @Windjammer PAF has plans to deploy JF-17 Thunder Bravo in SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) operations for which Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM) MAR-1 from Brazil were already acquired.

Picture Courtesy: ACE of PAF


Picture Credits: @Windjammer

He further said: "Well that's one of the roles intended for the bird (Thunder Bravo). There's also rumour that PAF Growler JF17E [JF17B] to have new Electronic Warfare Variant. The JF17E Sources & Reports suggest that JF17B-EW (or JF17E) variant shall be inducted to ensure the policy of "having capabilities to render any Missile Defence system useless".

Commenting on the missile ARM technology, he said: "Pakistan is not known to have developed any ARM type missiles. However, it does have such weapons in its inventory."
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Hmm... why develop it when PAF could buy from China? Is it a Chinese / Brazilian ARM being locally produced? Probably. But if its a truly indigenous design, then I'm hopeful for Pak SAM and AAM programs as well.
As per @Windjammer PAF has successfully developed Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM) for mounting on JF-17 Thunder, to be used in SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) operations.

View attachment 639311Picture Courtesy: ACE of PAF

He further said: "Well that's one of the roles intended for the bird (Thunder). There's also rumour that PAF Growler JF17E [JF17B] to have new Electronic Warfare Variant, the JF17E Sources & Reports suggest that JF17B-EW (or JF17E) variant shall be inducted to ensure the policy of "having capabilities to render any Missile Defence system useless".

Hmmm, MAR-1 is already on JFT, Is it a new One?
As per @Windjammer PAF has successfully developed Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM) for mounting on JF-17 Thunder, to be used in SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) operations.

View attachment 639311Picture Courtesy: ACE of PAF

He further said: "Well that's one of the roles intended for the bird (Thunder). There's also rumour that PAF Growler JF17E [JF17B] to have new Electronic Warfare Variant, the JF17E Sources & Reports suggest that JF17B-EW (or JF17E) variant shall be inducted to ensure the policy of "having capabilities to render any Missile Defence system useless".
Although I am a bit sceptical about the news, however, if it turns out to be true then its really a great news. The missile should have enough range to tackle future air defence systems to be deployed by India i.e. S400. Though, I realize it's a tough ask for our first missile of the category...
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