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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

How long will pakistanis stand for this?

We fight last man last bullet. You need to understand the courage of the Pakistani people first. How many nations can face suicide attacks on a daily basis and still continue with their normal lives. The war U.S is fighting and the one we are fighting are completely different and for different goals with different motivations. :pakistan:
We fight last man last bullet. You need to understand the courage of the Pakistani people first. How many nations can face suicide attacks on a daily basis and still continue with their normal lives. The war U.S is fighting and the one we are fighting are completely different and for different goals with different motivations. :pakistan:

I disagree sir, I belive the goals are the same in each war - Peace in the Region (and the World).
^^ really?
have u killed any less afghans than Taliban or Northern Alliance?
No. wat laws have you introduced in the areas under ur control? ill give u an eg. and that is growin drugs. those private security companies you have brought in actually pay taliban for not attackin ur goods convoy. same money is then used in the war.
who is sittin in karzai's gov? obviously war lords who were at stake with talibans but not any better.
so which peace are u on about
Twenty-three terrorists killed in Bara operation
By Our Correspondent
Wednesday, 25 Nov, 2009

LANDI KOTAL: Security forces killed at least 23 terrorists during a fresh operation in Bara tehsil of Khyber Agency on Tuesday.

The troops were backed by helicopters, tanks, armoured personnel carriers and heavy artillery.

A press release issued by the Frontier Corps media cell in Jamrud said that during the day-long operation, codenamed ‘Khwakh Ba De Sham’ at least 23 terrorists were killed and 36 suspects arrested. Twelve explosives-laden vehicles were destroyed and a huge quantity of arms and ammunitions seized in different localities of Bara.

It said that an important base of Lashkar-i-Islam in Gurgurai was taken over by security forces without any significant resistance. Local officials say that LI militants used the base for most of their attacks.

The area also has a network of caves, training camps, ammunition dumps and private jails.

Security forces imposed a curfew in Bara on Tuesday and plugged all points of entry from Orakzai Agency and Tirah to prevent terrorists’ infiltration and escape.

Troops erected barricades at Mamanri, Chora, Sheen Kamar and Zawa, destroyed an illegal Lashkar-i-Islam checkpoint in Merikhel area of Akkakhel and set up their own post.

Troops entered the remote village of Chora in Jamrud tehsil and were warmly welcomed by local people. Chora region had become a terrorist hub and was used for launching rocket attacks on security forces.

In a related development, the army moved tanks into central Kurram tribal region in an area adjacent to Khyber and Orakzai agencies, adds our Peshawar Bureau.

Sources told Dawn by phone that a column of tanks was seen heading towards central Kurram on Tuesday and preparations seemed to be under way for a full-scale offensive in the area considered to be a safe haven of militants.

Well-placed sources said that troops were planning a three-pronged incursion into Tirah area which is linked to Kurram, Orakzai and Khyber. The region with forests and rough terrain is the most backward part of Fata.

Meanwhile, a resident of Alizai town in Lower Kurram said that tanks were pounding at militants’ positions and hilltops along the main Thall-Parachinar road. Before troop mobilisation, the political administration had held talks with local elders and banned display of weapons in parts of central Kurram.

Also on Tuesday, local authorities announced a curfew in Sadda town till Eid and asked residents to stay indoors.

DAWN.COM | Provinces | Twenty-three terrorists killed in Bara operation
I disagree sir, I belive the goals are the same in each war - Peace in the Region (and the World).

So how peaceful the world has become since the Afghan War ?
What goals have been achieved ?

Afghanistan was attacked because of the involvement of Osama Bin Laden in the 9/11 attacks, which they still haven't been able to prove or even capture OBL. His name is not even on the FBI website for 9/11.

The drug trade has grown from 185 metric tons in 2001 under the taliban regime to 7,700 metric tons in 2008 under the control of NATO.
The situation in both Pakistan and Afghanistan is worse then ever.
Carpet bombings killing thousands of innocent civilians, an unstable nuclear power, terrorists more organized and better equipped
The world has become more dangerous then ever before, so clearly the goals are not the same neither the motivation.
We are fighting a war for our stability and peace and no terrorists blowing themselves up can ever deter us.

Operation “Raha-e-Nijat” yielding positive results

RAWALPINDI, Nov 25 (APP): The Operation Raha-e-Nijat in South Wazirstan is yielding positive results as the terrorist’s network has been weakened, said Additional Inspector General of Police Rawalpindi Muhammad Aslam Tarin here Wednesday.He was addressing the certificates distribution ceremony to the best wardens and successful students of Driving course.The Inspector General said that terrorist’s nefarious designs would be eliminated with the latest weapons and with the induction of Anti Terrorist Unit, which would start functioning soon after Eid-ul-Azha.

He said that a comprehensive security plan has been devised ahead of Eid-ul-Azha. The security of the mosques, Imambarghs, bazaars and other religious places have been put on high alert, he added.

He said that search operation is also being conducted in various parts to check the identity and many suspects have been arrested for interrogation.

He said that a campaign against the unclaimed SIMs was successfully moving ahead to unearth the criminals.

He said that all the available resources have been utilized to eradicate crime from the society.

He said that traffic system has been improved with the induction of wardens saying that people should tolerate while driving on the roads.

He said the wardens should also behave well with the motorists as some of complaints have been registered against their misbehavior.

He said that corruption from traffic police has been rooted out.

Besides, Chief Traffic Officer Dr.Akhtar Abbas, SP Potohar Kamran Adil, SP Traffic Ishtaiq Shah, Incharge Education Wing Afefa Shumail, DSPs and a large number of wardens participated in the ceremony.

Later, the chief guest distributed certificates who had completed the driving course.
So how peaceful the world has become since the Afghan War ?
What goals have been achieved ?

Afghanistan was attacked because of the involvement of Osama Bin Laden in the 9/11 attacks, which they still haven't been able to prove or even capture OBL. His name is not even on the FBI website for 9/11.

The drug trade has grown from 185 metric tons in 2001 under the taliban regime to 7,700 metric tons in 2008 under the control of NATO.
The situation in both Pakistan and Afghanistan is worse then ever.
Carpet bombings killing thousands of innocent civilians, an unstable nuclear power, terrorists more organized and better equipped
The world has become more dangerous then ever before, so clearly the goals are not the same neither the motivation.
We are fighting a war for our stability and peace and no terrorists blowing themselves up can ever deter us.

OBL is dead bro and has been for quite a while. And if u think for a second the UNITED forces (because that's what we we are) couldn't have defeated the al-Qaeda and the the Taliban in 8 years Your kidding yourself. They've been harboured in Pakistan - with the assistance of **** officials. 8 years on and you finally chip in to peace in your own region and we're supposed to feel sorry for you?

No sir, you should have been in this war since 2001.

And no disrespect to the lost. They died fighting for their country (and let's face it... Region) while allied troops fight for everyone safety. Were in this together now... Whether you like it or not...

At least u don't have to sleep at night thinking your fellow countrymen died for people who can't help themselves. And let it rest on your mind tonight as my 20 yr old friend prepares to deploy to train an Afghan national army which is more likley to turn on us (the world... Not just the U.S., they're not alone) than fight for an international cause.

You think you've got it bad... Our troops have a family here too... At home. We still fight for afghans to have democracy and the basic human right of defence. Long live the alliance. Long live a free democratic Afghanistan.

God don't let ours boys die without cause. Guide us to peace and hopefully a democratically elected afghan government to finally develop afghan so our afghan brothers AND SISTERS can live long educated and happy lives.

Good luck PA. But your people miss the big picture... Apparently (and unfortunatley:argh:):usflag::pakistan:<--- this means alot. I'm true blue Aussie and I'd happily wave these Flags tomorrow at the cricket for the guys giving the ultimate sacrifice for the good of mankind. Christian musliam hindu and Buddhist alike. Were all brothers at the end of the day.
OBL is dead bro and has been for quite a while. And if u think for a second the UNITED forces (because that's what we we are) couldn't have defeated the al-Qaeda and the the Taliban in 8 years Your kidding yourself. They've been harboured in Pakistan - with the assistance of **** officials. 8 years on and you finally chip in to peace in your own region and we're supposed to feel sorry for you?

No sir, you should have been in this war since 2001.

And no disrespect to the lost. They died fighting for their country (and let's face it... Region) while allied troops fight for everyone safety. Were in this together now... Whether you like it or not...

At least u don't have to sleep at night thinking your fellow countrymen died for people who can't help themselves. And let it rest on your mind tonight as my 20 yr old friend prepares to deploy to train an Afghan national army which is more likley to turn on us (the world... Not just the U.S., they're not alone) than fight for an international cause.

You think you've got it bad... Our troops have a family here too... At home. We still fight for afghans to have democracy and the basic human right of defence. Long live the alliance. Long live a free democratic Afghanistan.

God don't let ours boys die without cause. Guide us to peace and hopefully a democratically elected afghan government to finally develop afghan so our afghan brothers AND SISTERS can live long educated and happy lives.

Good luck PA. But your people miss the big picture... Apparently (and unfortunatley:argh:):usflag::pakistan:<--- this means alot. I'm true blue Aussie and I'd happily wave these Flags tomorrow at the cricket for the guys giving the ultimate sacrifice for the good of mankind. Christian musliam hindu and Buddhist alike. Were all brothers at the end of the day.

An excellent piece of prose, but you missed one thing; thanks for getting us (read the entire world) into this mess!
The Pakistani taliban have been exfiltrating S. Waziristan for some time now and re-establishing their operations over newly-dominated lands in Orakzai and Kurram Agencies, the L.A. Times reported today-

Pakistan Taliban Regrouping Outside Waziristan-L.A. Times November 26, 2009

"Newly arrived militants have terrorized Pashtun residents and replenished their coffers through kidnappings and robberies, villagers said during interviews in the Kurram and Orakzai districts. With AK-47s and rocket launchers slung over their shoulders, the militants have begun patrols through the new territory and have set up checkpoints.

'They come to our houses and terrorize us,' said Fareed Ullah, a student in Weedara, a hamlet of mud-walled huts in central Kurram. 'They are kidnapping our elders and stealing our cars. We have no way of rising up against them, and there's no government here to help us. . . . Kurram is in trouble because of them.'"
OBL is dead bro and has been for quite a while.

Damm i missed his funeral...:rofl:

And if u think for a second the UNITED forces (because that's what we we are) couldn't have defeated the al-Qaeda and the the Taliban in 8 years Your kidding yourself.

I'm sorry to disappoint you but yeah you (The UNITED forces) have not been able to even come close to defeating the Afghan Talibans. The UNITED forces have eaten dust in Afghanistan and are now planning an exit strategy, trust me without the Help of PA you will not be able to even leave gracefully.

They've been harboured in Pakistan - with the assistance of **** officials. 8 years on and you finally chip in to peace in your own region and we're supposed to feel sorry for you?

If you need to feel sorry for anyone it should be for the United Forces who are facing defeat at the hands of cattle grazers and cave men, increasing suicide rates. Hasn't bagram brought enough disgrace already?

Don't feel sorry for us as we have an army of real men who fight for their country and not for hidden agendas.

No sir, you should have been in this war since 2001.

No sir, we will never be a part of any war waged upon innocent civilians of any country.

And no disrespect to the lost. They died fighting for their country (and let's face it... Region) while allied troops fight for everyone safety. Were in this together now... Whether you like it or not...

They died fighting for reasons even they are not clear about and no wonder your officers are reluctant about postings to Afghanistan. They are fighting for the security of the Afghans by killing them ? Is this your idea of security? Do you even know how many civilians have been killed in the past 8 years you keep bragging about?

At least u don't have to sleep at night thinking your fellow countrymen died for people who can't help themselves. And let it rest on your mind tonight as my 20 yr old friend prepares to deploy to train an Afghan national army which is more likley to turn on us (the world... Not just the U.S., they're not alone) than fight for an international cause.

Oh... so the UNITED forces spent trillions of dollars and effected the lives of millions to help people who couldn't help themselves? Why don't you help the people of palestine? where were the united forces when Israel was bombing Lebanon? Stop these atrocities already no one is buying these stories anymore. It's time to pack your bags and head back to your respective countries and let the people of the effected areas decide what they want. Don't make things worse for them if you can't make them any better.

You think you've got it bad... Our troops have a family here too... At home. We still fight for afghans to have democracy and the basic human right of defence. Long live the alliance. Long live a free democratic Afghanistan.

Democracy ? :yahoo: So the idea of democracy is to bomb a country, invade it and put people like Karzai and his drug lord brother in important positions. The champions of democracy have spoken once again. Your idea of democracy is people who follow orders let the united forces build their bases in their countries and promote your interests in the region.

God don't let ours boys die without cause. Guide us to peace and hopefully a democratically elected afghan government to finally develop afghan so our afghan brothers AND SISTERS can live long educated and happy lives.

So where were the champions of democracy when the afghans were abandoned after the disintegration of the Soviet Union? Weren't the Afghans your brothers and sisters then ? It was Pakistan who settled 3 millions afghans despite our own problems. It is a trade mark of the western forces to turn their backs after their goals have been achieved.

Good luck PA. But your people miss the big picture... Apparently (and unfortunatley:argh:):usflag::pakistan:<--- this means alot. I'm true blue Aussie and I'd happily wave these Flags tomorrow at the cricket for the guys giving the ultimate sacrifice for the good of mankind. Christian musliam hindu and Buddhist alike. Were all brothers at the end of the day.

The people of Pakistan very much understand the big picture and are standing behind the PA, we always have and we always will and for a reason unlike others. :pakistan:

Hope you enjoy the match tomorrow

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Rawalpindi - November 26, 2009: South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat.&#12288;&#12288; Security forces apprehended wanted terrorist Abdullah Shah Mehsud with Rs. 10 million head money from Tank (the head money has been paid to the informer)


A wanted terrorist Abdullah Shah Mehsud from South Waziristan Agency (carrying Rs 10 million head money) active member of Hakeemullah Mehsud Group from Shaktoi village near Razmak was apprehended by security forces from Tank.....ISPR
Great news that wanted terrorists have been captured. Pakistan needs to defeat extremist elements in it's midst and regain control of the tribal areas.
Btw as our Aussie friend points out - it's a global coalition against terror. Worth pointing out that had it not been for the global coalition against Communism we (Pak, India etc) would not be in this right royal mess. I agree with my Pak friends here - the US fanned the flames of Islamic fundamentalism when it suited them. Now it seeks to crush them - lets wait for the next flip flop!
"Worth pointing out that had it not been for the global coalition against Communism we (Pak, India etc) would not be in this right royal mess."

Maybe. Maybe not. It appears that you'd have preferred a communist Afghanistan occupied by a Soviet proxy with ambitions on warm-water access and near abroad domination of Iran, meddling in Balochistan, and a direct threat to Pakistan from the west as India threatened such from the east.


What's important also is that America intended to stay, it's unlikely the Soviet Union would ever had agreed to withdraw from Afghanistan and permit the United States proximity to the southern soviet socialist republics. Nor had America ever held in prior historical basis for its presence.

Staying in Afghanistan following a Soviet withdrawal, therefore, would likely have fanned the claims of American neo-colonial ambitions by communists such as yourself.

Meanwhile, the afghan defeat of the Soviet Union has led to the liberation of Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Czechs, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, and Slovaks. Of course, a narrow-minded self-interested political dilettante such as yourself could give a whit about those successes nor assign the debacle of the subsequent afghan civil war to the proper contributors nor in the right context.

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