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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

The Pakistani taliban have been exfiltrating S. Waziristan for some time now and re-establishing their operations over newly-dominated lands in Orakzai and Kurram Agencies, the L.A. Times reported today-

Pakistan Taliban Regrouping Outside Waziristan-L.A. Times November 26, 2009

"Newly arrived militants have terrorized Pashtun residents and replenished their coffers through kidnappings and robberies, villagers said during interviews in the Kurram and Orakzai districts. With AK-47s and rocket launchers slung over their shoulders, the militants have begun patrols through the new territory and have set up checkpoints.

'They come to our houses and terrorize us,' said Fareed Ullah, a student in Weedara, a hamlet of mud-walled huts in central Kurram. 'They are kidnapping our elders and stealing our cars. We have no way of rising up against them, and there's no government here to help us. . . . Kurram is in trouble because of them.'"

LA Times seems to be late to get the latest news.

"10 militants killed in Orakzai, Hangu, Kurram
Updated at: 2320 PST, Wednesday, November 25, 2009

RAWALPINDI: Security forces killed 10 militants in search and clearance operation in Orakzai Agency, Hangu and Kurram Agency and apprehended 10 others.

The security forces targeted militants’ hideouts with the help of fighter jets and gunship helicopters in Shahukhel area of Hangu and Khiljo, Mamozai and Dabori areas of Orakzai Agency. Ten terrorists were killed and 14 others were injured while one was held. Five hideouts of the militants were also destroyed.

On the other hand, the security forces have pushed their way into central Kurram of Kurram Agency where 5 terrorists have been apprehended while control has been established on militants training camps besides Badama and Taindo areas.

Curfew still remains imposed in Sada Bazar area of Kurram Agency since Tuesday while curfew will continue for indefinite period in Tehsil Razmak and Tehsil Dosli of North Waziristan. "

10 militants killed in Orakzai, Hangu, Kurram

Pakistani security forces have already started to enter Orakzai Agency and have captured some militants strongholds and have setup a fire base from which they are now attacking the militant positions deep inside. Same in Kurram Agency, forces have started to move in, progress can be seen that the road which linked upper and lower kurram was closed due to militants for last 3 years just got opened up and first convoy carrying people came to lower kurram.

Since last one week, daily air strikes from jet fighters and heli gunships are taking place, giving tough time to the militants.

They may have been coming to these areas thinking it would be safe, but gravely mistaken as the military was already anticipating such a move and troops were already prepared to go in.
S-2 - I suppose helping fundamentalist Islamic fighters like Osama bin Laden and his cohorts was justified ? You helped sending Afghanistan back to the stone ages ! The US should not have got involved in Afghanistan - they did so just to take revenge for Vietnam. The Vietnamese Communists who defeated you in Vietnam did not create the same problems across the world as the Osamas you nurtured.
Communism as an idealogy is much better than the kind of hate Osama, mullah omars of this world preach. Shame on the US
Pakistan pays $120,000 for Taliban henchman: military

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has paid out the equivalent of nearly $120,000 over the arrest of a lieutenant of the country's Taliban warlord ahead of Eid, the military said Thursday.

It is the first time Pakistan has announced the payment of a reward since it offered five million dollars for information leading to the capture, dead or alive, of Hakimullah Mehsud and 18 lieutenants.

'Security forces have arrested wanted terrorist Abdullah Shah Mehsud' in the northwestern town of Tank.

'He had a head money of Rs10 million,' the military said in a statement.

'The head money has been paid to the informer.'

Shah Mehsud was number 17 on a list of wanted militants released on November 2 that carried rewards of between Rs10 and Rs50 million for the leadership of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

TTP has been blamed for some of the worst attacks that have killed more than 2,550 people in a wave of carnage in the last 29 months in Pakistan.

Around 2,000 troops have died fighting militants since 2002.

Pakistani paramilitary and army soldiers are pursuing a major offensive against TTP strongholds in South Waziristan, part of a tribal belt where US officials say Al-Qaeda fighters are plotting attacks on the West.

Violence has surged in Pakistan since the military launched the air and ground assault on October 17.

Six militants were killed on Thursday during an encounter with Pakistani troops in the Mamray area of Khyber, the tribal district which straddles the main Nato supply line into Afghanistan, said the paramilitary Frontier Corps.

Pakistani troops opened a new front against militants in Khyber on Tuesday and have been drawn increasingly into clashes with fighters elsewhere in the tribal belt with Taliban foot soldiers reportedly escaping from Waziristan.-AFP

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan pays $120,000 for Taliban henchman: military
First catch, Taimi sir. Hopefully many more await the hands of our security men!
I disagree sir, I belive the goals are the same in each war - Peace in the Region (and the World).

the top German Army official has resigned over the incident where airstrikes killed civilians who were 'congregating' near a fuel tanker

the U.S. Ambassador in Afghanistan is openly having differences with General McChrystal regarding troops 'surge'

this region will only see peace when ISAF withdraws from Afghanistan, and a political solution is reached

the real problem is the foreign fighters, and everyone is equally to blame that these fighters were allowed to settle in these lands.

As for Pak-Afghan border, we need to do more to ensure that the border and sovereignty are respected and rules are followed. But its easier said than done, as it is a rugged region.
"Newly arrived militants have terrorized Pashtun residents and replenished their coffers through kidnappings and robberies, villagers said during interviews in the Kurram and Orakzai districts. With AK-47s and rocket launchers slung over their shoulders, the militants have begun patrols through the new territory and have set up checkpoints.

'They come to our houses and terrorize us,' said Fareed Ullah, a student in Weedara, a hamlet of mud-walled huts in central Kurram. 'They are kidnapping our elders and stealing our cars. We have no way of rising up against them, and there's no government here to help us. . . . Kurram is in trouble because of them.'"

I'm from Kurram Agency. Yes the militants blocked portions of LOWER Kurram, those are mostly just fleeing militants from nearby agencies.

And if you read the news, you would know that several of them were targetted in air strikes 24 hours ago.

Army can't be everywhere at one time. I am happy to say Upper Kurram is 100% militant free because our Turri and Bangash tribesmen are keeping vigils 24/7

Ground intelligence in Kurram is very strong.

let me assure you that in Pakistani side, a lot is being done. And public is 100% behind the Armed Forces.

Would be great if the Afghan side would stop allowing these infiltrators to come in! You have several international armed forces (plus whatever there is of an Afghan forces) and on our side we are just one. Our troops are on the ground, in the valleys and high on the hills being proactive; with combat and construction/engineering/relief roles.

so as somebody else said, thanks for getting us into this mess! The only solution is for foreign forces to withdraw. This is not a war that can only be won militarily.

effective immediately, all non-aid agencies and forces should leave Afghanistan. Some of these militant elements pose huge threat to us, and we'll deal with them. They don't pose any threat to you, as long as you aren't occupying their (Afghan) country.

best way to 'win' in Afghanistan is to help promote a strong governance, end the opium trade (which is now once again at record levels), and divert more for hospitals and schools

p.s. time for afghan refugees to vacate Pakistan also. We cant have them here. if things were my way --they'd be long gone

we've been triple screwed over --and now, enough is enough!
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i mentioned ending the opium trade.......but i tragically forgot that nearby and far away countries are supporting the Northern Alliance

Mr. Dostum and Ahmed Wali Karzai are minting money, while opium is making its way en-masse to Pakistan Iran and even Russia.

Meanwhile, the afghan defeat of the Soviet Union has led to the liberation of Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Czechs, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, and Slovaks. Of course, a narrow-minded self-interested political dilettante such as yourself could give a whit about those successes nor assign the debacle of the subsequent afghan civil war to the proper contributors nor in the right context.


I personally think we did the right thing to support anti-soviet efforts in Afghanistan.

Things went very well, though every war has casualties and blow-back effects.

No, the real problems began AFTER the soviets left; when millions of weapons, and battle hardened people (pawns) were abandoned.

A little bit of introspection helps!! We all made mistakes and short-sightedness has cost us in long-run.

Thanks. :pakistan:
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"Communism as an idealogy is much better than the kind of hate Osama, mullah omars of this world preach."

Don't be a fool and stick your nose in some textbooks. When you're done you can describe the benevolence bestowed on the Russian Kulaks by Stalin, the gulags of the Soviet Union, the countless millions slaughtered by Stalin, the countless millions slaughtered by Mao, the genocidal and crazed brutality of the Khmer Rouge, and I haven't even spoken of the Vietnamese communists whom you'd ascribe as saints nor the Cubans.

One thing if you wish to be communist despite this history, though God only knows why, but another to willfully dissemble bullsh!t to the most systematically brutal political system known to man.

As to OBL, we never gave him a penny. He didn't need it and his only calling card to the mujahideen was that he brought his own money. For that at a time of war, anybody is welcome to help.

The difference between America and others is when we realized what the taliban offered, we turned our backs on them. Not that we turned our backs on the afghan people. Nobody fed more money through the U.N. to Afghanistan between 1996-2001 during the taliban's rule than America.

Do svidanyia camaradski.:agree:

"Communism as an idealogy is much better than the kind of hate Osama, mullah omars of this world preach."

Don't be a fool and stick your nose in some textbooks. When you're done you can describe the benevolence bestowed on the Russian Kulaks by Stalin, the gulags of the Soviet Union, the countless millions slaughtered by Stalin, the countless millions slaughtered by Mao, the genocidal and crazed brutality of the Khmer Rouge, and I haven't even spoken of the Vietnamese communists whom you'd ascribe as saints nor the Cubans.

One thing if you wish to be communist despite this history, though God only knows why, but another to willfully dissemble bullsh!t to the most systematically brutal political system known to man.

As to OBL, we never gave him a penny. He didn't need it and his only calling card to the mujahideen was that he brought his own money. For that at a time of war, anybody is welcome to help.

The difference between America and others is when we realized what the taliban offered, we turned our backs on them. Not that we turned our backs on the afghan people. Nobody fed more money through the U.N. to Afghanistan between 1996-2001 during the taliban's rule than America.

Do svidanyia camaradski.:agree:


Nobody fed more money through the U.N. to Afghanistan between 1996-2001 during the taliban's rule than America.

Than what went wrong suddenly?
I love American Media..

They make heroes and than make them zeros..
I did not speak brutality of Europeans and Americans with you...
Why bring Russia in it when you can find the same example but in your case you are sanitizing the world…
You are ultimate saints…

You guys are very innocent...you gave aid to Afghanistan than realized ohh talibans are bad..
grow up man

"you gave aid to Afghanistan than realized ohh talibans are bad.."

STILL gave aid to Afghanistan's people.

"I love American Media.."

Doesn't explain your child-like ignorance about communism and its benefits to mankind.
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