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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

comment: Heroine from Waziristan —Rafia Zakaria

Maria Toor Pakay, Pakistan’s 19-year old emerging squash star challenged every stereotype regarding the potential of her fellow tribeswomen who languish in tents awaiting aid. Young, determined and undeterred by the unceasing pressures of patriarchy, Toor is beginning to compete in squash championships nationally and abroad

These scenes are familiar to Pakistanis ...the hordes of internally displaced people from Waziristan fleeing in trucks and lorries; their bedrolls and possessions tied up with ropes. The faces of women are nearly always invisible, covered in either a burqa or chador. The stories by women also tell a tale of a seemingly undifferentiated landscape of fear and terror. Most had never before left their homes even to go to a market. Many do not know how to count currency to buy staples for their large families and hardly any have ever had any access to health services. The destitution of Waziri women at the hands of conflict has become one of the most tragic catastrophes to affect Pakistan in recent years.

It was heartening therefore to see the narrative of woe challenged by a woman who originated in the same culture and environment as the women mentioned above. Maria Toor Pakay, Pakistan’s 19-year old emerging squash star challenged every stereotype regarding the potential of her fellow tribeswomen who languish in tents awaiting aid. Young, determined and undeterred by the unceasing pressures of patriarchy, Toor is beginning to compete in squash championships nationally and abroad. Last week, she was nominated to Women’s International Squash Player’s Associations’ Young Player of the Year Award. Maria Toor Pakay, originally from Waziristan, has already defied innumerable odds to be able to play. Undeterred by the threats of the Taliban and refusing to submit to dogmatic interpretations of faith that denounce athletic competition, Toor has persevered in her efforts to show Pakistanis and the world what indeed is possible if Pakistani women are merely given the opportunity.

In a recent interview to a major Pakistani newspaper, Toor recounted the many struggles she faces as a female athlete in a country that invests notoriously little in athletes in general, let alone female athletes. Not only are the bureaucratic governing institutions sceptical of the ability of young athletes to compete in international competitions in general, they are even less likely to commit already scarce resources to the uplift of women’s sports. A variety of factors contribute to the situation; including the lack of political will to stand up to religious lobbies that want to eliminate women’s athletics from the public sphere. Others in Maria Toor Pakay’s cohort complain of the lack of facilities, lack of interest in providing coaching to female athletes and a general lack of incentives to pursue sport in general. Toor’s own story substantiates all of these factors, with one crucial difference that allowed her to rise above the fate that sentences most girls of her heritage to silence and isolation. Her father, an open-minded man, noticed his daughter’s abilities and realised early that her skills would be wasted if they did not move to a larger city. It was the family’s move to Peshawar and the resultant training that Maria was able to receive there that enabled her to transcend the usual constraints and become a competitive athlete.

Maria Toor Pakay is undoubtedly just at the beginning of her career and I, along with women around the world, marvel at her ability to be undeterred by the many obstacles facing her. Her courage and the challenges that face her represent, in a microcosm, the potential and tragedy of Pakistani women. On November 5, 2009, an inside source within the Pakistan Squash Federation announced that it would not be sending any young players to compete in the British Open Junior Squash Championship that was due to start in the upcoming weeks. The reasons cited, expectedly, were lack of funds (the players have been told to go if they can finance their own trips) and the fact that they had performed poorly in previous championships. Because of this, no funds were being allotted to send the young players and all, including Maria Toor Pakay, are expected thus to sit out the competition.

The excuses are not new and in their circularity represent the decrepit situation of sports in general and particularly female sports in Pakistan. The question of whether the young players are not good because they are unable to compete or whether they languish behind other nationals because of their lack of exposure to international competitions can perhaps never be answered. However, what can be focused on is the urgent need of female role models like Maria Toor Pakay for Pakistani women. At a time when their very participation in the public sphere is in question; the powerful image of a woman proud of her physical ability is an incredible call to arms against intimidation. Her refreshing candour, earnest spirit and overt faith all combine to create a young lady that represents a glimpse of all that Pakistani women, even from impoverished areas, can be if they are merely given the chance.

It is undoubted that Pakistan is facing several crises right now, and arguments or pleas before the government to put aside funds for sports is likely to meet significant opposition. However, anyone having witnessed the indomitable spirit of Maria Toor Pakay would attest to the reality that despite many pressing budgetary concerns, the flailing image of Pakistan as a country of unabated repression unpunctuated by stories of survival and resistance must also be contended with. It is precisely this illustration of the survival of spirit and the perseverance of Pakistani women in the face of incredible adversity that the world needs to see.

Pakistani women inhabit perilous times; in the past few years they have borne the brunt of the impact of conflict. Whether it be the burning of their schools, the signs erected in markets prohibiting them from attending, the floggings in public squares or the drastic increases in domestic violence, they have borne these inflictions on their spirit without remonstrance. Maria Toor Pakay represents then the hardy courageous flower that dares to bloom even in the most forbidding climate. Given the incredible potential she has to provide much needed inspiration to millions of Pakistani girls, she should be given the opportunity to represent Pakistan in the upcoming British Open Junior Squash Championships.

Rafia Zakaria is an attorney living in the United States where she teaches courses on Constitutional Law and Political Philosophy. She can be contacted at rafia.zakaria@gmail.com
Pakistan embassy sends financial assistance collected for IDPs of S. Waziristan

BEIJING, (APP): Embassy of Pakistan in Beijing has donated Rs 21 laccs (Rs. 2.1 million) for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) from South Waziristan.The cheque of HK $ 200,000 was presented to Ambassador Masood Khan of Pakistan to China by Qamar Zaman Minhas, Vice President of Pakistan Association of Hong Kong, while small donations were also sent to the Embassy directly. Minhas had presented a cheque to Ambassador Masood Khan in a community meeting in Hong Kong which had been hosted by Dr. Ahmad Bilal, Pakistan’s Consul General in Hong Kong.

“We are deeply disturbed by the suffering of displaced people from South Waziristan. We want to help them. This is probably the best way we can help them”, Minhas said.

Ambassador Masood Khan while thanking the Hong Kong based Pakistani community said that the caring people of Pakistan all over the world were the source of inspiration and support for their brothers and sisters in their motherland.

He said this money would go directly to help men, women and children who have been displaced.
Rawalpindi - November 20, 2009:

South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat.

In last 24 hours, 5 terrorists have been killed while 1 soldier was injured. Details of the operations are as follows:-

a. On Jandola – Sararogha Axis

(1) Security forces carried out area domination and consolidation of their positions at Janata and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition.

(2) Security forces cleared built up area around Spinkai and road Spinkai Mandana.

b. On Shakai – Kaniguram Axis

(1) Security forces carried out search operation in Faqirano area near Torwam.

(2) Terrorists fired with small arms and rockets at Asman Manza and Ladha. During encounter 5 terrorists killed while one soldier got injured.

(3) Security forces conducted clearance operation at Yarga Khel near Gani Khel and Lalejai near Tarkano Narai and 3 terrorists’ compounds were destroyed.

c. On Razmak- Makeen Axis.

Security forces defused 9 IEDs in Kam Narakai area and recovered arms and ammunition.

3. Relief Activities.

13,440 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.


KIT Over n Out :victory::pakistan::sniper::guns:
No 495/2009-ISPR Dated: November 21, 2009
Rawalpindi - November 21, 2009:

1. South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat. In last 24 hours, 14 terrorists have been killed while 6 soldiers including an officer embraced shahadat and 4 were injured. Details of the operations are as follows:-

a. On Jandola – Sararogha Axis. Security forces cleared Gandil Wala near Jandola and carried out search operation at Sarwekai.

b. On Shakai – Kaniguram Axis.

(1) Security forces conducted search operation at Paya near Tiarza and sanitization at Yargha Khel near Kaniguram.

(2) A 70 feet long tunnel was found and destroyed near Kaniguram.

c. On Razmak- Makeen Axis.

(1) After an intense battle, security forces secured Lakki Ghundi (3 kilometers west of Pash Ziarat). During the operation 14 terrorists were killed while 6 soldiers including an officer embraced shahadat and 4 were injured.

(2) Security forces have also secured Manna, Tut Kasko Khula 4 kilometers
west of Pash Narai and Kandao Sar 5 kilometers west of Razmak.

(3) Security forces secured Laghar Narai recently. The road Laghar Narai to
Nawazkot was cleared yesterday, during road clearance, 8 IEDs were neutralized and huge cache of arms and ammunition were recovered. Besides
a comprehensive system of trenches has also been found and destroyed. (The
footage of road clearance and securing of Laghar Narai is attached.)

2. Swat – Malakand – Operation Rah-e-Rast

a. Security forces conducted search operation at Muhallah Ghazi Baba and
apprehended 1 suspect.

b. 1 suspect apprehended by security forces at Guratai.

3. Relief Activities. 13,735 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.

as always, thank you Mr. Khan Saab!!!

my Chokaydaar is from Charsadda. During tea time he comes inside and we watch the Pakistan news together.

he just suddenly had an outburst yesterday and said that if he had the choice, he would strap explosives to himself and give taleban a "taste of their own medicine"

i was so shocked at this outburst i almost choked. He looked pretty serious too
as always, thank you Mr. Khan Saab!!!

my Chokaydaar is from Charsadda. During tea time he comes inside and we watch the Pakistan news together.

he just suddenly had an outburst yesterday and said that if he had the choice, he would strap explosives to himself and give taleban a "taste of their own medicine"

i was so shocked at this outburst i almost choked. He looked pretty serious too

A lot of people are now having the same feelings, if PA asks for volunteers, i bet we will see thousands or should i say hundred thousands of people coming up to face this menace.
f*ck it.....

i would take up arms too, I'm waiting for the orders.

We should begin a draft. All Pakistani males should do at least 6-12 months of military service. Not just so they can learn to shoot G3s, but also for discipline and un-interrupted service to nation.
f*ck it.....

i would take up arms too, I'm waiting for the orders.

We should begin a draft. All Pakistani males should do at least 6-12 months of military service. Not just so they can learn to shoot G3s, but also for discipline and un-interrupted service to nation.

Am in favor of this system, it will benefit a lot. There should be service of this nature and if they can't accommodate all, few thousands would each year would be a good option. Give them some benefit too, we will have a trained force readily available. Can be called up at such times.
One dies in Mohmand blast; forces’ camp attacked

GHALLANAI: A person was killed in a bomb blast while militants fired several rockets at security forces’ camp in the Mamad Gat area of Safi Tehsil in Mohmand Agency on Saturday.

Tribal sources said unidentified persons planted a remote-controlled device by the roadside in the Anbar area, which went off, killing Mannan on the spot.

The militants fired several rockets at the paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) in the Mamad Gat camp, but that did not cause any casualty or damage to property.

The political administration claimed that the rockets were fired from Alingar and Shinwari areas.

Security forces, the sources added, also continued targeting suspected hideouts of the militants with artillery guns from Bhai Dag and Mamad Gat camps.

Meanwhile, a tanker carrying water for security forces got damaged when a roadside bomb exploded in the Dawezai area.
A lot of people are now having the same feelings, if PA asks for volunteers, i bet we will see thousands or should i say hundred thousands of people coming up to face this menace.

Believe me, InshAllah you'll see hordes and hordes of people waiting to be inducted. Remember 1965, when people swarmed the streets of Lahore with bats and hockeys. :pakistan:
5 terrorists killed, 1 soldier injured in Operation Rah-e-Nijat

RAWALPINDI, Nov 22 (APP): Five terrorists have been killed while one soldier was injured in the on going South Waziristan-operation Rah-e-Nijat during past 24 hours. An ISPR press release issued here on Sunday giving further details of the ongoing operation, said that tails of the operations are as follows:-

On Jandola - Sararogha Axis, Security forces carried search operation at Point-2728 near Pash Ziarat, Khandai Sar, Tabai Sar and defused 10 IEDs. During encounter 5 terrorists were killed and 1 soldier was injured.

On Shakai - Kaniguram Axis, the Security forces carried out consolidation operation and strengthened their positions on Shakai-Kaniguram axis.

On Razmak - Makeen Axis, the ISPR said that the Security forces conducted clearance operation at Khawasai, Ghara Sar, area near Kashai and Chag Sarwek and Sarwek near Sara Rogha. During clearance of Chag Sarwek 5 IEDs were defused.

Clearance operation was conducted at Zinda Narai, Pt-1094 near Siplatoi and Abdullah Noor Kas near Kotkai and cleared 20 compounds and 14 caves by security forces.

Regarding Swat Malakand Operation Rah-e-Rast, it said that 4 suspect apprehended by security forces at Goal, Shaheed Sar Charai near Fatehpur, Rahatkot and Najigram near Barikot.

4 terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Shangwatai, near Matta and Tiligram.

Regarding the relief activities, the ISPR said that 14,044 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.
Wars were fought and won by courage and high moral , congratulation to PA ,and US should learn lesson from PA and better exit from Afghanistan and give cammand to PA and UN peace forces.
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