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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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Yes, exactly, Indo-Iranians are not Europeans. Fine. Next. Genetics, looks, history, customs etc. proof that. What I wanted to get across. You can't use 50.000 year old haplogroups that are not bound by languages or regions to use as a claim of anything. I already gave you the example of the Black West African sharing the shame 40.000 year old haplogroup as a Spaniard.

Most of all the common haplogroups found in Europe originate from the Middle East anyway - our native region. Not the Central Asian Steppes.

I have refuted every claim you have made. Genetic evidence has also been provided to you. At this point all you have done is come up with baseless claims. The Indo-Iranians are not Europeans but are a sub-group of Indo-European tribes. I have already referred a source for you to study European haplogroups, & the haplogroup that you mentioned hasn't been mentioned in the list of major European haplogroups on that website. Some Indo-European tribes migrated from eastern Anatolia to Central Asia before migrating to Afghanistan, Iran, & the Indus. It is those tribes that are classified as Indo-Iranian/Aryan. Other Indo-European tribes went directly from Anatolia to Europe. Remember that just because a bunch of people lived in the Middle East, does not make them Semitic.
I provided every single relevant information too. You can't use 50.000 year old haplogroups that are not tied to any region let alone people to some man-made ethnic groups and linguistic groups that are not even homogenous to begin with. Besides being THOUSANDS of years younger than the actual haplogroup.

Explain this.
Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

Nobody said that anyone is Semitic. We are talking about haplogroups here.

Europeans have barely nothing if anything in common with some Bengali, Kazakh etc. 12.000 km away. Stop kidding me. Not more than every human has with each other since we are all related down the line.

Also once again. Most of all haplogroups shared by Europeans are NATIVE to the Middle East as proven by my quote that you have ignored. They predate any "ethnic or linguistic groups" by THOUSANDS of years. Not Central Asia. Hence they are not Indo-Iranians.
I have refuted every claim you have made. Genetic evidence has also been provided to you. At this point all you have done is come up with baseless claims. The Indo-Iranians are not Europeans but are a sub-group of Indo-European tribes. I have already referred a source for you to study European haplogroups, & the haplogroup that you mentioned hasn't been mentioned in the list of major European haplogroups on that website. Some Indo-European tribes migrated from eastern Anatolia to Central Asia before migrating to Afghanistan, Iran, & the Indus. It is those tribes that are classified as Indo-Iranian/Aryan. Other Indo-European tribes went directly from Anatolia to Europe. Remember that just because a bunch of people lived in the Middle East, does not make them Semitic.

If the Martians land in the middle east tomorrow and bring with them sophisticated technology, :raise: Al-hasani will be the first one to jump up and say "ooh ooh, we are related to them, see, Arab achievements!!!" :rofl::rofl:
A Indian/Pakistani/Indian/Bengali/Kazakh close to an Brit or Portuguese 12.000 km away. Just LOL.

Southern Europeans border us Arabs and are much closer to us than any Pashtun living 10.000 km away in caves.

You obviously haven't understood any of the points, studies, or evidence we have presented you with so far. No one ever claimed that Kazakhs or other modern day Central Asians are Europeans.

Greeks cluster with Arabs since they are neighbors to North Africa and the Levant. There are many more connections than some people living 10.000 km away. Same with Southern Italians. Genetics proof that.

Y-DNA haplogroups in European populations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As seen above.

End of discussion.

I have already proven Greeks & Romans are Europeans, & their legacy belongs to the West.

If you truly believe that Greeks are Arabs, why don't you try asking Ilias Kasidiaris to allow you to join the Golden Dawn? Their reaction will clarify their ancestry for you.
Yes, Greeks are Europeans. Although many Greeks have Middle Eastern/Near Eastern admixture since the first inhabitants of Greece came from the Middle East. Neolithic farmers. They are certainly not Kashmiris or Central Asians.

Greek genetics are similar to those of the Levant and Middle East region. Just like Southern Italians.

Look at the link I posted to you about Y-Haplogroups. Not sure how many times I need to repeat myself?

Look at the percentages and then come back.


This is getting ridiculous.
Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

Explain this and come back to me. Do you see the Central Asian Steppe anywhere?
If the Martians land in the middle east tomorrow and bring with them sophisticated technology, :raise: Al-hasani will be the first one to jump up and say "ooh ooh, we are related to them, see, Arab achievements!!!" :rofl::rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I provided every single relevant information too. You can't use 50.000 year old haplogroups that are not tied to any region let alone people to some man-made ethnic groups and linguistic groups that are not even homogenous to begin with. Besides being THOUSANDS of years younger than the actual haplogroup.

Explain this.

Nobody said that anyone is Semitic. We are talking about haplogroups here.

Your information is falsified history that you just came up with on your own. For God's sake, refer to the sources I provided you with.

Europeans have barely nothing if anything in common with some Bengali, Kazakh etc. 12.000 km away. Stop kidding me. Not more than every human has with each other since we are all related down the line.

Who the fuk said Europeans are related to Kazakhs or Bengalis? You just made that claim up to try & distort the evidence we have given you so far.

Also once again. Most of all haplogroups shared by Europeans are NATIVE to the Middle East as proven by my quote that you have ignored. They predate any "ethnic or linguistic groups" by THOUSANDS of years. Not Central Asia. Hence they are not Indo-Iranians.

I didn't ignore any of your quotes, point it out to me. If I did ignore any, I may have missed or simply didn't bother replying to the same ludicrous claims over and over again. As I stated earlier, the Middle East is simply a region, it's not a race.
He is a confused person. I'm afraid he might not even be aware of his own gender.

He makes connections between two completely dissimilar things (Greeks and Arabs related???, WTF????) and makes differences between things that, although might not resemble each other but do share a strong connection (indo-European people/languages). Even though majority of genetic experts and historians have concluded that there is strong connection between the two.

He has a selective and biased view.

Typical bedouin. Not surprised.:coffee:

Indeed, by the way this was a healthy topic to study the brain of the bedouin. When Afghans were fighting Russians, they said some pride bedouin gulf/saudi arabs came from nowhere trying to play kings and giving orders. You know what the afghans did, they just shot them when they were annoyed :lol: This is really happened.

So they come from nowhere and try to impose themselves. This is also their point of view of Pakistan and central asia and that's why they are spreading terror and terror propaganda.
Yes, Greeks are Europeans. Although many Greeks have Middle Eastern/Near Eastern admixture since the first inhabitants of Greece came from the Middle East. Neolithic farmers. They are certainly not Kashmiris or Central Asians.

Greek genetics are similar to those of the Levant and Middle East region. Just like Southern Italians.

Look at the link I posted to you about Y-Haplogroups. Not sure how many times I need to repeat myself?

Look at the percentages and then come back.

Y-DNA haplogroups in European populations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is getting ridiculous.

Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

Explain this and come back to me. Do you see the Central Asian Steppe anywhere?

There is not really more to add.
Yes, Greeks are Europeans. Although many Greeks have Middle Eastern/Near Eastern admixture since the first inhabitants of Greece came from the Middle East. Neolithic farmers. They are certainly not Kashmiris or Central Asians.

Greek genetics are similar to those of the Levant and Middle East region. Just like Southern Italians.

Look at the link I posted to you about Y-Haplogroups. Not sure how many times I need to repeat myself?

Look at the percentages and then come back.

Y-DNA haplogroups in European populations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is getting ridiculous.

Explain this and come back to me. Do you see the Central Asian Steppe anywhere?

There are 2 things you must understand, modern day Central Asians have nothing to do with the Indo-Aryan tribes that lived there in the past. Secondly, no one said Greeks are Kashmiris. You just made that up to distort our claims. :rofl:

The point being made is that pure Indo-Iranian ethnic groups like Kashmiris, Persians, & Pasthuns were related to other Europeans in the past.

Please ask Ilias Kasidiaris to allow you to join the Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn's reaction would be so epic that I bet the whole world will get to see it broadcasted on television.

Greek genetics are similar to those of the Levant and Middle East region. Just like Southern Italians.

Slave trade & inter-marriage within the Greco-Roman, Arab, & Ottoman civilizations is the cause for that similarity. You still haven't proven us wrong at all.
You as a Central Asian Nomad have been calling me a Bedouin forgetting that my native region (the Middle East) is the cradle of civilization and the oldest region outside of Africa. Hilarious.

Besides I am a Hashemite. The world's oldest lineage that can be traced all the way back to Prophet Ibrahim (as). You probably don't even know who your great-great-great-grandfather was. Was he an Arab, Azeri, Gyspy, Mongol, Baluch, persian, Congolese or something else? You will probably never know.

There are 2 things you must understand, modern day Central Asians have nothing to do with the Indo-Aryan tribes that lived there in the past. Secondly, no one said Greeks are Kashmiris. You just made that up to distort our claims. :rofl:

The point being made is that pure Indo-Iranian ethnic groups like Kashmiris, Persians, & Pasthuns were related to other Europeans in the past.

Please ask Ilias Kasidiaris to allow you to join the Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn's reaction would be so epic that I bet the whole world will get to see it broadcasted on television.

Europeans is a vague statement when the Europeans themselves are related to us Middle Eastern people as proven by my quote and the probable origin of several haplogroups.

Nobody said the Greeks are Arabs or Middle Eastern. What I am saying, which is also supported by genetic evidence, historical relations, Phoenician settlements and colonies, neolithic movements (how farming came to Greece and Europe from our Middle East region), GEOGRAPHICAL proximity, cultural exchanges, is that many Greeks or a significant part share a similar GENETIC ancestry. Does that make them Arab? No. It just means that they share the same ANCIENT haplogroups that predated ethnic group and linguistic groups by several THOUSANDS years.

Have I made myself clear now?

Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

Also please leave the Middle East and settle in the Central Asian Steppe since you obviously belong there it seems.
You as a Central Asian Nomad have been calling me a Bedouin forgetting that my native region (the Middle East) is the cradle of civilization and the oldest region outside of Africa. Hilarious.

Besides I am a Hashemite. The world's oldest lineage that can be traced all the way back to Prophet Ibrahim (as). You probably don't even know who your great-great-great-grandfather was. Was he an Arab, Azeri, Gyspy, Mongol, Baluch, persian, Congolese or something else? You would probably never know.

Just look around you bedouin, your room, or when you fly, or when you drive or use your PC, any technology and comfort, amusement in your life. All is indo-european. Finally you have the possiblity to use this Indo-European technology to fly into buildings, or to drive into markets and carbomb people. Your sudanese lineage did not help you to become civilized.
Europeans is a vague statement when the Europeans themselves are related to us Middle Eastern people as proven by my quote and the probable origin of several haplogroups.

Nobody said the Greeks are Arabs or Middle Eastern. What I am saying, which is also supported by genetic evidence, historical relations, Phoenician settlements and colonies, neolithic movements (how farming came to Greece and Europe from our Middle East region), GEOGRAPHICAL proximity, cultural exchanges, is that many Greeks or a significant part share a similar GENETIC ancestry. Does that make them Arab? No. It just means that they share the same ANCIENT haplogroups that predated ethnic group and linguistic groups by several THOUSANDS years.

Have I made myself clear now?

Since you just mentioned your lineage which begins from Shem the son of Noah, didn't you know that Biblical historians refer to Japheth; the third son of Noah as the father of Indo-European people? If you disagree with that, then you have no reason to believe in the existence of Shem either.

You haven't proven anything, I have provided you with professional genetic studies that you need to refute. Geographical proximity or the flow of knowledge indicate nothing but contact. It does not refer to origins. No genetic evidence has ever considered Greeks & Romans the descendants of Semites. They are European people, what right do you have to defile their history & bloodline? As for shared haplogroups, I have explained it countless times that Greco-Romans married women from the Levant.
Just look around you bedouin, your room, or when you fly, or when you drive or use your PC, any technology and comfort, amusement in your life. All is indo-european. Finally you have the possiblity to use this Indo-European technology to fly into buildings, or to drive into markets and carbomb people. Your sudanese lineage did not help you to become civilized.

LOL, at your complete and utter idiotic and posts full of fallacies. Firstly you are not a Indo-European but a primitive Central Asian Nomad. You Persians first discovered culture when you encountered us Semitic people in current day Mesopotamia which you copied in every sense and the native Elamites. Who are you to tell anything?

Besides all those inventions would not have been possible without the inventions made by Semitic people. Such as inventing the wheel, alphabet etc. just to mention a few ones.

Lastly all the Indo-Europeans (actual Europeans UNLIKE YOU) trace their ancestry in 4/5 cases to the Near East - my native region, and not the Central Asian Steppes that left no civilization.

Get your brain checked.

It seems that you have difficulties with your English comprehension skills. I will try for the last time.

There are 2 things you must understand, modern day Central Asians have nothing to do with the Indo-Aryan tribes that lived there in the past. Secondly, no one said Greeks are Kashmiris. You just made that up to distort our claims. :rofl:

The point being made is that pure Indo-Iranian ethnic groups like Kashmiris, Persians, & Pasthuns were related to other Europeans in the past.

Please ask Ilias Kasidiaris to allow you to join the Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn's reaction would be so epic that I bet the whole world will get to see it broadcasted on television.

Europeans is a vague statement when the Europeans themselves are related to us Middle Eastern people as proven by my quote and the probable origin of several haplogroups.

Nobody said the Greeks are Arabs or Middle Eastern. What I am saying, which is also supported by genetic evidence, historical relations, Phoenician settlements and colonies, neolithic movements (how farming came to Greece and Europe from our Middle East region), GEOGRAPHICAL proximity, cultural exchanges, is that many Greeks or a significant part share a similar GENETIC ancestry. Does that make them Arab? No. It just means that they share the same ANCIENT haplogroups that predated ethnic group and linguistic groups by several THOUSANDS years.

Have I made myself clear now?

Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

Also please leave the Middle East and settle in the Central Asian Steppe since you obviously belong there it seems.
Also please leave the Middle East and settle in the Central Asian Steppe since you obviously belong there it seems.

Please attempt to join the Golden Dawn!


Our discussion is over, you have wasted lots of my time, & are pointlessly rejecting genetic studies that I have provided you with.
Since you just mentioned your lineage which begins from Shem the son of Noah, didn't you know that Biblical historians refer to Japheth; the third son of Noah as the father of Indo-European people? If you disagree with that, then you have no reason to believe in the existence of Shem either.

You haven't proven anything, I have provided you with professional genetic studies that you need to refute. Geographical proximity or the flow of knowledge indicate nothing but contact. It does not refer to origins. No genetic evidence has ever considered Greeks & Romans the descendants of Semites. They are European people, what right do you have to defile their history & bloodline? As for shared haplogroups, I have explained it countless times that Greco-Romans married women from the Levant.

There is no mention of Indo-European people.

No, besides posting genetic evidence. That is right.

Your last statements proof that you don't know what you are talking about. Y-HAPLOGROUPS CAN ONLY BE INHERITED THROUGH YOUR PATERNAL SIDE. WOMEN ARE COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT HERE.

Check mate.

Let me try again:

Europeans is a vague statement when the Europeans themselves are related to us Middle Eastern people as proven by my quote and the probable origin of several haplogroups.

Nobody said the Greeks are Arabs or Middle Eastern. What I am saying, which is also supported by genetic evidence, historical relations, Phoenician settlements and colonies, neolithic movements (how farming came to Greece and Europe from our Middle East region), GEOGRAPHICAL proximity, cultural exchanges, is that many Greeks or a significant part share a similar GENETIC ancestry. Does that make them Arab? No. It just means that they share the same ANCIENT haplogroups that predated ethnic group and linguistic groups by several THOUSANDS years.

Have I made myself clear now?

Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

You have been unable to counter that a single time.
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