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How Bengali language developed

You did not understand my post. I was not talking about introducing Urdu in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi's are perfectly happy with Bangla and there is no need to change it. The only thing we should change is the written script, from the existing Devnagari style Bangla script to Arabic based Nastaliq script. Naturally we would also like to bring back the Persian/Arabic/Turkic loan words that were dropped by the Fort William college gang led by Vidyasagar and drop the Sanskrit loan words introduced by this same gang. It will be bringing Bangla back to its natural state that existed before 1757.

Muslim rulers neglected this script aspect of the language, present day Bangladesh should take steps to bring the language to its natural destiny.

Most Bangladeshi's 90% can read Arabic (not all understand the meaning) and as a result they are familiar with Arabic script, so it will not be difficult to introduce Arabic based Nastaliq script (same as Urdu script).

Some Bangladeshi's speak Urdu, but most people today understand Hindi because of Bollywood movies. Once we change the script to Arabic/Nastaliq and bring back the Arabic/Persian/Turkic loan words, then Urdu will also become very familiar to all Bangladeshi's, thanks to Bollywood Indian movies Hindi lessons.

So Bangladeshi's will continue to speak Bangla, only written script will be changed and because of this change they will understand Urdu much better than before. I think it will good for communication between all 3 countries, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the only losers will be Indian Bengali's, who will no longer be able to read our new Bangla written words.

lol.. why would anybody want to change a script from something that everybody understands to something that hardly anybody understands? Potential benefits ? Also, a script closely follows a language and vice versa.Arabic script is for Arabic language.Trying to mix that script with an entirely different language will give rise to issues.

For example, there is no 'P' in Arabic alphabet, neither is 'V'.But Bangla language and Devnagari script has both.Beat that...
lol.. why would anybody want to change a script from something that everybody understands to something that hardly anybody understands? Potential benefits ? Also, a script closely follows a language and vice versa.Arabic script is for Arabic language.Trying to mix that script with an entirely different language will give rise to issues.

For example, there is no 'P' in Arabic alphabet, neither is 'V'.But Bangla language and Devnagari script has both.Beat that...
Umm no. Mustafa Kemal changed the Turkish script from Arabic to Roman. It is possible.
It would be wonderful if Bangladesh changes their script to Arabic. We need to accept the changes they want in their country and also the rationale behind it. They want a full and total Islamic State, whether you like it or not. And the present Devnagari script stinks of Hindu-ness. Hence the adoption of Arabic script and loan words will help.

I wish the people of Bangladesh the best - if they wish to adopt the Arabic script. Our state hopefully will try to change the terrain to one more suitable for desert. I hope we are blocking the rivers well enough.

Perhaps after this minor change, Bangladeshis should try to bleach themselves to get a more Arabic skin. Perhaps...we will see.

We Indians should celebrate such development. That will also make it more difficult for future pole vaulters from integrating with Indians. @levina
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Umm no. Mustafa Kemal changed the Turkish script from Arabic to Roman. It is possible.
It would be wonderful if Bangladesh changes their script to Arabic. We need to accept the changes they want in their country and also the rationale behind it. They want a full and total Islamic State, whether you like it or not. And the present Devnagari script stinks of Hindu-ness. Hence the adoption of Arabic script and loan words will help.

I wish the people of Bangladesh the best - if they wish to adopt the Arabic script. Our state hopefully will try to change the terrain to one more suitable for desert. I hope we are blocking the rivers well enough.

Perhaps after this minor change, Bangladeshis should try to bleach themselves to get a more Arabic skin. Perhaps...we will see.

Okay I m convinced.. Kallu... go ahead.. change it..comeback when you are done.
Umm no. Mustafa Kemal changed the Turkish script from Arabic to Roman. It is possible.
It would be wonderful if Bangladesh changes their script to Arabic. We need to accept the changes they want in their country and also the rationale behind it. They want a full and total Islamic State, whether you like it or not. And the present Devnagari script stinks of Hindu-ness. Hence the adoption of Arabic script and loan words will help.

I wish the people of Bangladesh the best - if they wish to adopt the Arabic script. Our state hopefully will try to change the terrain to one more suitable for desert. I hope we are blocking the rivers well enough.

Perhaps after this minor change, Bangladeshis should try to bleach themselves to get a more Arabic skin. Perhaps...we will see.

Bangladeshi can change their script can rename their language as Bangladeshi or Taimurid instead of calling it Bengali and replacing the 'evil' Sanskrit words with Persian. That would be great thing for them. :sarcastic::warning2:
what percentage of BD people can read and write urdu? I am assuming a large percentage of your people learn arabic or urdu to read Koran. If it is substantial then it would be easy to teach bangla using urdu script. Pakistan was successful with urdu as their national language. You can do it too to promote your arabic roots.

By the way what is wrong with your Bangla language??
90% can read Arabic script but don't understand anything. historically Urdu was used extensively.

the formal version of Bangla in our country is not "our" Bangla, it is a pure Sanskrit version imposed on Muslims during colonial period when Hindus zamindar class became very powerful
All possible kinds of weirdos here in this forum... typical case of identity crisis.
Jamatis just start speaking Arabic, the language of your spiritual masters and leave Bengali to Tagorized Bangladeshis.
Umm no. Mustafa Kemal changed the Turkish script from Arabic to Roman. It is possible.
It would be wonderful if Bangladesh changes their script to Arabic. We need to accept the changes they want in their country and also the rationale behind it. They want a full and total Islamic State, whether you like it or not. And the present Devnagari script stinks of Hindu-ness. Hence the adoption of Arabic script and loan words will help.

I wish the people of Bangladesh the best - if they wish to adopt the Arabic script. Our state hopefully will try to change the terrain to one more suitable for desert. I hope we are blocking the rivers well enough.

Perhaps after this minor change, Bangladeshis should try to bleach themselves to get a more Arabic skin. Perhaps...we will see.

We Indians should celebrate such development. That will also make it more difficult for future pole vaulters from integrating with Indians. @levina
Devanagari stinks of Hindu zamindari imposition

by the way i met few Arabs (gulf states origin) who are darker than me. which colour of arabs should i try to change my skin to? your opinions about that would be extremely valuable
90% can read Arabic script but don't understand anything. historically Urdu was used extensively.

the formal version of Bangla in our country is not "our" Bangla, it is a pure Sanskrit version imposed on Muslims during colonial period when Hindus zamindar class became very powerful
ehhh? How do you read something and not understand it? How does that work? And you are saying thats the case with 90% of the population ?

Devanagari stinks of Hindu zamindari imposition

by the way i met few Arabs (gulf states origin) who are darker than me. which colour of arabs should i try to change my skin to? your opinions about that would be extremely valuable

Heyy.. stop writing in English immediately..It stinks of god-knows-what....lol
Devanagari stinks of Hindu zamindari imposition

by the way i met few Arabs (gulf states origin) who are darker than me. which colour of arabs should i try to change my skin to? your opinions about that would be extremely valuable
Yes, there are many African arabs as well. You can go darker as well. Choice is yours. Why should me opinion be valuable? I am Hindu, not an Arab. First you need to shake this attitude. :tsk:

Secondly - Devnagari had nothing to do with zamindars at all. But in your world of fantasies - may be.
Yes, there are many African arabs as well. You can go darker as well. Choice is yours. Why should me opinion be valuable? I am Hindu, not an Arab. First you need to shake this attitude. :tsk:

Secondly - Devnagari had nothing to do with zamindars at all. But in your world of fantasies - may be.

We can sell them Rajasthani camels too!:angel:
Few Bangladeshi ( Jamati? 4 %?) are dedicated to make Bangladesh another Pakistan :). They refuse to learn from what Pakistan is facing today.

As we know, majority Bangladeshi refused Pakistani ideological terror including language terror during their Independence War.

We also know that first anti Pakistan sentiment emerged in Bangladesh along with Urdu imposition which later resulted into independence. Bangladeshis already showed there love for Bengali language from 50s. They cacrifised their lives for their language. Now also the love can be seen during "Bashha Dibas" (Language Day). The Bengalis love for language is so unique in the world that UNESCO declared Bengali Bhashha Dibas as International Language Day.

Can anybody post the Bengali Bhashha Dibas celebration pictures here?

Whether these 4% day dreaming to move wheel of History into past by introducing urdu?
90% can read Arabic script but don't understand anything. historically Urdu was used extensively.

the formal version of Bangla in our country is not "our" Bangla, it is a pure Sanskrit version imposed on Muslims during colonial period when Hindus zamindar class became very powerful

Bangladesh has an literacy rate of less than 60%. Rest 40% read some language or other. So 90% is ....
Meantime please go through the link (from he Dhaka University Studies) below:-
Page 8 Trend of Foreign Language Use in Various Social Settings: religious and educational
"There are, however, some situations where either people use or require using a second language for their special purposes in some extraordinary social settings including educational, religious and official ones. For example, they use
any of the language of Arabic, Sanskrit or Pali for their religious purposes and English or Urdu/Arabic for their educational purposes. Though they use one of these languages as a second language in various social settings, they donot have an equal level of proficiency in these languages.
In the educational setting, a section of the people use English or Urdu/Arabic language for the purpose of attaining an education. Although the common people of the country receive education given through Bangla medium,there are other sections of people who receive education through English or Urdu/Arabic medium. The people of the elite community prefer to receive a Western education through English medium in the English medium institutions.Again, there are many Muslims, who bear fundamental values of Islam, feel satisfied to receive ‘pure’ educationthrough the mixed media of Urdu and Arabic in Madrasha. The people being educated in the special institutions would use their mother tongue Bangla in common social settings, and English and Urdu/Arabic in their educational ones.Through the process of being educated in the media in English or Urdu/Arabic, only some of them can attain a certaindegree of control over these languages. These people often switch from one code (English or Urdu/Arabic) to another (Bangla) and vice versa in the educational settings."

Finally, its heart breaking to see people from a country which got independence for language movement, the movement date refered by UNESCO as world language date wants to change it since it is not that Islamic.
As per my knowledge Islam has nothing to do with language, I know a guy who teaches Sanskrit in a College in West Bengal (he was 1class 1st in MA from CU) and is a muslim, doing 5 namaz a day, even going for Haz.
Umm no. Mustafa Kemal changed the Turkish script from Arabic to Roman. It is possible.
It would be wonderful if Bangladesh changes their script to Arabic. We need to accept the changes they want in their country and also the rationale behind it. They want a full and total Islamic State, whether you like it or not. And the present Devnagari script stinks of Hindu-ness. Hence the adoption of Arabic script and loan words will help.

I wish the people of Bangladesh the best - if they wish to adopt the Arabic script. Our state hopefully will try to change the terrain to one more suitable for desert. I hope we are blocking the rivers well enough.

Perhaps after this minor change, Bangladeshis should try to bleach themselves to get a more Arabic skin. Perhaps...we will see.

We Indians should celebrate such development.
The religion followed by majority in Bangladesh would definitely have an influence on its language.And I can now understand their affinity towards Arabs.

SarthakGanguly said:
That will also make it more difficult for future pole vaulters from integrating with Indians.
You and @Roybot 've forever been spreading rumors about me.:pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed:

Devanagari stinks of Hindu zamindari imposition

by the way i met few Arabs (gulf states origin) who are darker than me. which colour of arabs should i try to change my skin to? your opinions about that would be extremely valuable

Dont you think wearing a kandura would be more helpful??? :coffee:

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