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How to stop persecution of religious minorities in Bangladesh?

How to stop persecution of religious minorities in Bangladesh?

  • By banning Jamaat and hanging Jamaatis

    Votes: 24 72.7%
  • By banning BNP

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • By sending Hindus to India

    Votes: 8 24.2%

  • Total voters
Nah. I don't troll. If I troll I will troll with funny emoticons. Here some of my fellow BD members pretend like Bangladesh is the next America with '$1200 GDP' and far far ahead of India which is absolutely bogus. They say BD will annex North East of India as if we have ability to do it. We are surrounded by India from all sides. If anyone can annex BD its India not vise versa but some Sylheti arrogant comments are irritating.
we dont mind it.. why are you so angry... this is pdf :p:
@BDforever teach this guy breathing technique to relax (that was taught in RAW yoga class)
All Pakistani agents who pretend to be Bangladeshi like the Jamaati's and Razakars, including the ones abroad - will be hunted and hanged.

India will support Bangladesh in this noble adventure.
do elaborate your plan to eliminate all anti-Indian Bangladeshis a little more for me

so will you support all Indian agents getting hunted and hanged? you want the best for Bangladesh right :agree:
@IamBengali, where did u bring this bucket load of filth from ? :woot:I have never heard anyone spouting the non-sense abt syletis like u have. But then again most of your threads r non-sense anyway.:lol: There is no regionalism in BD u moron . And where did u get Hindu persecution in BD? Give stats rather than ranting crap just to suck up to your Indian masters. If u don't know jack abt BD which is understandable from a W.B hindu Indian, do some research to make your filthy rants more believable. Btw the mongol shubajatra is a new phenomenon that came up in the late 90s by malauns such as Humayun Azad, shariar kabir, mir jafar iqbal etc. If u do some simple google searh with that pea sized brain of yours u would know that its a urban pehnomenon that is non-existent throughout rest BD. The only things abt this pagan gathering is a rally from bangla academy with few ignorant "muslims" attracted by India loving pagans not to mention a good hang out occasion for young couples. We r coutnry of 150 mn and few lacs islamophobic parasites and low life Indian slave midgets would naturally be there to come up with such pagan occasions.

Why do u conjure up such non-sense & come up with such hilarious baseless myths? Is your sorry life so pathetic that u need to hide under my country's flag? I know u Hindu Indians hate muslims but at least have the courage to state who u really are rather than claiming what u r not. Its really pathetic.

Btw understand the meaning of the word annex. We Shyletis joined the then E.PAK willingly. :azn:I know u r an ignorant illeterate kid when it comes to this history & regional geopolitcs but it seems u have the ability to at least google stuffs. But the only thing your pathetic sorry self is interested in is muslim and Islam bashing and defaming my country. :sick:

Are you a Muslim, too? You may be a Burmese Budhist because you have supported Burma in the recent BD-Burma fighting. By the way, is it your birth right to ask about any one's beliefs? At least he has a logical mind because he does not see Saidee on the Moon and he does not believe in the curing capability of camel urine. Bloody superstitious bigot, stop asking about any one's personal faith.

There are no Indian agents in BD, all are patriots except a few Jamaati bigots like you. Why the hell should you join a forum to destroy the fabric of our community? Get the hell out of here. You are very much despised by others.

A malaun midget open a thread badmouthing shyletis and BD as a whole and u blame others as trying to destroy "fabric of our community". What is your community eastwatch? U may have had too much sake & vomiting in some street corners of tokyo to even realise who is bigot and who is not.
I find in PDF that it is not the BD Hindus at all, but the Paradise-dreaming BD Jamaati Muslims who are more against the very foundation of Bangladesh. Most BD Hindus are more patriotic than these Muslims who are bent on destroying the fabric of the BD society built on mutual understanding and respect among all the religions.
This is all simply bullshit! And a person like me simply don't have time for all this filth! Mhhm!
persecution of religious minorities in Bangladesh o_O

last time i checked 30 muslims got killed in assam. how many hindus are being killed by jamatis ?

jamat is a right wing political party. BD mullahs are far generous if you compare them with pak afghani mullahs

pak mullahs would have made kabab out of her if she were PM of pakistan

AL needs good relationship with both BNP and jamat at the moment
I find in PDF that it is not the BD Hindus at all, but the Paradise-dreaming BD Jamaati Muslims who are more against the very foundation of Bangladesh. Most BD Hindus are more patriotic than these Muslims who are bent on destroying the fabric of the BD society built on mutual understanding and respect among all the religions.

Excuse me sir, we all actually live peacefully in Bangladesh. Saying that we are Jamaatis is like saying all Muslims in Bangladesh are Jamaatis. Like I said since Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country; I think it's time, some concrete Islamic laws should be enforced. And nothing will happen to Hindus and why would it? Aren't there millions of Hindus living in Arab and Middle East countries who has actual Shariah Laws? However, I don't think Bangladesh will ever have complete Shariah Law and we all already live in peace! They are not complaining so why would you? And you are not even a Bangladeshi! We just want to get rid of any kind of Pagan-y influence and keep it exclusively just for Hindu Bengalis. And, and just so you know, Nationalism and all those stuff are actually Haraam in Islam... Because Islam calls for all unity of all Muslims regardless of any nationality, culture or race!

There is no nationalism in Islam. Patriotism is kind of okay and natural because it is loyalty, love for your land and desire for the community to grow and prosper. But too much is not, when it gives rise to hatred and nationalism. Wherever we are from, wherever we go, we are MUSLIM first and foremost. Nationalism is a bond between people that is based upon family, ethnicity, clan or tribal ties. So, clearly nationalism is haram because this breeds arrogance and ignorance along with extreme pride between tribe. Nationalism cannot unite the people because it is based on quest for leadership. This quest for leadership creates a power struggle between the people and this leads to conflicts among various strata of society. Another drawback of nationalism is that it gives a rise to racism. Islam binds us together through faith in the oneness of Allah and the Prophet Muhammed (saw) is his final messenger.

Narated by Abu Dawud the Prophet of Allah (swt) said:
"He is not one us who calls for `Asabiyyah, (nationalism/tribalism) or who fights for `Asabiyyah or who dies for `Asabiyyah."

And in another hadith when referring to nationalism the messenger of Allah (swt) referring to nationalism, racism, and patriotism said:

"Leave it, it is rotten."

I am no Imam, but to remember where you come from is good, but to be overly proud, well, it is like pride in anything. We must be humble and remember Allah (swt), has power over all things, we do not. So to remember where you come from is to know where you are going, but nationalism is to forget who you are.

The Prophet Muhammad (saaw) said:
"Undoubtedly Allah has removed from you the pride of arrogance of the age of Jahilliyah (ignorance) and the glorification of ancestors. Now people are of two kinds. Either believers who are aware or transgressors who do wrong. You are all the children of Adam and Adam was made of clay. People should give up their PRIDE IN NATIONS because that is a coal from the coals of Hell-fire. If they do not give this up Allah (swt) will consider them lower than the lowly worm which pushes itself through Khara (dung)." [Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]

And the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,

"The Faithful are to one another like [parts of] a building - each part strengthening the others."


"Every Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, neither wronging him nor allowing him to be wronged. And if anyone helps his brother in need, Allah will help him in his own need; and if anyone removes a calamity from [another] Muslim, Allah will remove from him some of the calamities of the Day of Resurrection; and if anyone shields [another] Muslim from disgrace, Allah will shield him from the disgrace on the Day of Resurrection." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of `Abd Allah ibn `Umar]

So the final way in which people can group together is on the basis of Aqeedah or faith. It is Islam that provides the set of rules, regulations, and instructions according to which man lives and which he refers to in order to solve his problems. This bond only takes into account the Aqeedah and nothing but that belief. Colour, race and gender are irrelevant. This is the type of bond found within Islam. Therefore bonding through the Aqeedah and Emaan is a permanent bond because it arises from a conviction pertaining to the meaning of life. The creed is never influenced by COLOUR, RACE, LANGUAGE, LOVE OF A LAND or LOCAL ISSUES. Hence, it is the true basis for permanent unity. Islam calls for this type of unity.

The messenger of Allah (saws) had rebuked those who upheld nationalism. On one occasion a party of Jews conspired to bring about disunity in the ranks of the Muslims after seeing the Aus and Khazraj within Islam. A youth from amongst them was sent to incite remembrance of the battle of Bu'ath where the Aus had been victorious over the Khazraj, and he recited poetry to bring about division between them. As a result there was a call to arms. When the news reached the Messenger of Allah (saws), He (saws) said, "O Muslims, remember Allah, remember Allah. Will you act as pagans while I am present with you after Allah has guided you to Islam, and honoured you thereby and made a clean break with paganism; delivered you thereby from disbelief; made you friends thereby?" When they heard this they wept, and embraced each other. This incident clearly highlights how the messenger of Allah (saws) rebuked any forms of tribalism and nationalism. Allah (swt) then revealed the verses,

"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam. And hold fast together all of you to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favours on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace you became brothers; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His signs clear to you that you may be guided." [Qur'an 3: 102-103]

The incidents above demonstrate that tribal ties have no place in Islam. Muslims are commanded to stick TOGETHER and not to disassociate themselves from each other just because they comes from different tribes or backgrounds.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) also said, "The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer" [Muslim] meaning that the Muslims, whether they are of Chinese, African, or Arabian or European origin, are one Ummah and they cannot be separated from each other. Furthermore, Allah (swt) says: "The faithful are but brothers..." [Qur'an 49: 10] . No nationalistic ties should ever break their unity. That is the BEAUTY of Islam.

Now the speech of Allah (swt) addressed to the Messenger (saws) is also a speech to his Ummah, unless specific evidence comes to restrict this. In this case, there is no such restriction, so it becomes obligatory for the Muslims to rule according to Islamic teachings. And ruling according to Islam leaves no room for nationalistic constitutions whatsoever because what is applied (and what forms the criteria for judgement) is the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Messenger (saws). Allah (swt) says,

"It is not for a believer (male or female) that when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter that they should have any choice in the matter." [Qur'an 33: 36]

Hence since Islam has prohibited nationalism, it becomes a DUTY of every Muslim, in the present situation, to work towards tearing down the nationalistic boundaries that are artificially created in Muslim lands, and to remove any obstacles which allow its propagation. And those who still uphold nationalism, remember what Allah (swt) says, "

Those who oppose Allah's order have to be warned that a calamity may strike them or a painful doom may fall upon them." [Qur'an 24: 63]

I ask Allah (swt) to guide us all and make our hearts pure..
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I have jamati friends and they cook excellent dhaka biryani, better than non jamati ones.
And they dont particularly hate hindus, they are just a bit less informed.

I have met a few bd hindus, they are quite pro Indian (imagine KSA for hindus, they consider India as their spiritual homeland). But they are not really anti bangladeshi or traitor as such (just like a muslim is not traitor to their country for having positive feeling towards saudi).
Excuse me sir, we all actually live peacefully in Bangladesh. Saying that we are Jamaatis is like saying all Muslims in Bangladesh are Jamaatis. Like I said since Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country; I think it's time, some concrete Islamic laws should be enforced. And nothing will happen to Hindus and why would it? Aren't there millions of Hindus living in Arab and Middle East countries who has actual Shariah Laws? However, I don't think Bangladesh will ever have complete Shariah Law and we all already live in peace! They are not complaining so why would you? And you are not even a Bangladeshi! We just want to get rid of any kind of Pagan-y influence and keep it exclusively just for Hindu Bengalis. And, and just so you know, Nationalism and all those stuff are actually Haraam in Islam... Because Islam calls for all unity of all Muslims regardless of any nationality, culture or race!

There is no nationalism in Islam. Patriotism is kind of okay and natural because it is loyalty, love for your land and desire for the community to grow and prosper. But too much is not, when it gives rise to hatred and nationalism. Wherever we are from, wherever we go, we are MUSLIM first and foremost. Nationalism is a bond between people that is based upon family, ethnicity, clan or tribal ties. So, clearly nationalism is haram because this breeds arrogance and ignorance along with extreme pride between tribe. Nationalism cannot unite the people because it is based on quest for leadership. This quest for leadership creates a power struggle between the people and this leads to conflicts among various strata of society. Another drawback of nationalism is that it gives a rise to racism. Islam binds us together through faith in the oneness of Allah and the Prophet Muhammed (saw) is his final messenger.

Narated by Abu Dawud the Prophet of Allah (swt) said:
"He is not one us who calls for `Asabiyyah, (nationalism/tribalism) or who fights for `Asabiyyah or who dies for `Asabiyyah."

And in another hadith when referring to nationalism the messenger of Allah (swt) referring to nationalism, racism, and patriotism said:

"Leave it, it is rotten."

I am no Imam, but to remember where you come from is good, but to be overly proud, well, it is like pride in anything. We must be humble and remember Allah (swt), has power over all things, we do not. So to remember where you come from is to know where you are going, but nationalism is to forget who you are.

The Prophet Muhammad (saaw) said:
"Undoubtedly Allah has removed from you the pride of arrogance of the age of Jahilliyah (ignorance) and the glorification of ancestors. Now people are of two kinds. Either believers who are aware or transgressors who do wrong. You are all the children of Adam and Adam was made of clay. People should give up their PRIDE IN NATIONS because that is a coal from the coals of Hell-fire. If they do not give this up Allah (swt) will consider them lower than the lowly worm which pushes itself through Khara (dung)." [Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]

And the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,

"The Faithful are to one another like [parts of] a building - each part strengthening the others."


"Every Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, neither wronging him nor allowing him to be wronged. And if anyone helps his brother in need, Allah will help him in his own need; and if anyone removes a calamity from [another] Muslim, Allah will remove from him some of the calamities of the Day of Resurrection; and if anyone shields [another] Muslim from disgrace, Allah will shield him from the disgrace on the Day of Resurrection." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of `Abd Allah ibn `Umar]

So the final way in which people can group together is on the basis of Aqeedah or faith. It is Islam that provides the set of rules, regulations, and instructions according to which man lives and which he refers to in order to solve his problems. This bond only takes into account the Aqeedah and nothing but that belief. Colour, race and gender are irrelevant. This is the type of bond found within Islam. Therefore bonding through the Aqeedah and Emaan is a permanent bond because it arises from a conviction pertaining to the meaning of life. The creed is never influenced by COLOUR, RACE, LANGUAGE, LOVE OF A LAND or LOCAL ISSUES. Hence, it is the true basis for permanent unity. Islam calls for this type of unity.

The messenger of Allah (saws) had rebuked those who upheld nationalism. On one occasion a party of Jews conspired to bring about disunity in the ranks of the Muslims after seeing the Aus and Khazraj within Islam. A youth from amongst them was sent to incite remembrance of the battle of Bu'ath where the Aus had been victorious over the Khazraj, and he recited poetry to bring about division between them. As a result there was a call to arms. When the news reached the Messenger of Allah (saws), He (saws) said, "O Muslims, remember Allah, remember Allah. Will you act as pagans while I am present with you after Allah has guided you to Islam, and honoured you thereby and made a clean break with paganism; delivered you thereby from disbelief; made you friends thereby?" When they heard this they wept, and embraced each other. This incident clearly highlights how the messenger of Allah (saws) rebuked any forms of tribalism and nationalism. Allah (swt) then revealed the verses,

"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam. And hold fast together all of you to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favours on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace you became brothers; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His signs clear to you that you may be guided." [Qur'an 3: 102-103]

The incidents above demonstrate that tribal ties have no place in Islam. Muslims are commanded to stick TOGETHER and not to disassociate themselves from each other just because they comes from different tribes or backgrounds.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) also said, "The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer" [Muslim] meaning that the Muslims, whether they are of Chinese, African, or Arabian or European origin, are one Ummah and they cannot be separated from each other. Furthermore, Allah (swt) says: "The faithful are but brothers..." [Qur'an 49: 10] . No nationalistic ties should ever break their unity. That is the BEAUTY of Islam.

Now the speech of Allah (swt) addressed to the Messenger (saws) is also a speech to his Ummah, unless specific evidence comes to restrict this. In this case, there is no such restriction, so it becomes obligatory for the Muslims to rule according to Islamic teachings. And ruling according to Islam leaves no room for nationalistic constitutions whatsoever because what is applied (and what forms the criteria for judgement) is the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Messenger (saws). Allah (swt) says,

"It is not for a believer (male or female) that when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter that they should have any choice in the matter." [Qur'an 33: 36]

Hence since Islam has prohibited nationalism, it becomes a DUTY of every Muslim, in the present situation, to work towards tearing down the nationalistic boundaries that are artificially created in Muslim lands, and to remove any obstacles which allow its propagation. And those who still uphold nationalism, remember what Allah (swt) says, "

Those who oppose Allah's order have to be warned that a calamity may strike them or a painful doom may fall upon them." [Qur'an 24: 63]

I ask Allah (swt) to guide us all and make our hearts pure..

Excuse me sir, we all actually live peacefully in Bangladesh. Saying that we are Jamaatis is like saying all Muslims in Bangladesh are Jamaatis. Like I said since Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country; I think it's time, some concrete Islamic laws should be enforced. And nothing will happen to Hindus and why would it? Aren't there millions of Hindus living in Arab and Middle East countries who has actual Shariah Laws? However, I don't think Bangladesh will ever have complete Shariah Law and we all already live in peace! They are not complaining so why would you? And you are not even a Bangladeshi! We just want to get rid of any kind of Pagan-y influence and keep it exclusively just for Hindu Bengalis. And, and just so you know, Nationalism and all those stuff are actually Haraam in Islam... Because Islam calls for all unity of all Muslims regardless of any nationality, culture or race!

There is no nationalism in Islam. Patriotism is kind of okay and natural because it is loyalty, love for your land and desire for the community to grow and prosper. But too much is not, when it gives rise to hatred and nationalism. Wherever we are from, wherever we go, we are MUSLIM first and foremost. Nationalism is a bond between people that is based upon family, ethnicity, clan or tribal ties. So, clearly nationalism is haram because this breeds arrogance and ignorance along with extreme pride between tribe. Nationalism cannot unite the people because it is based on quest for leadership. This quest for leadership creates a power struggle between the people and this leads to conflicts among various strata of society. Another drawback of nationalism is that it gives a rise to racism. Islam binds us together through faith in the oneness of Allah and the Prophet Muhammed (saw) is his final messenger.

Narated by Abu Dawud the Prophet of Allah (swt) said:
"He is not one us who calls for `Asabiyyah, (nationalism/tribalism) or who fights for `Asabiyyah or who dies for `Asabiyyah."

And in another hadith when referring to nationalism the messenger of Allah (swt) referring to nationalism, racism, and patriotism said:

"Leave it, it is rotten."

I am no Imam, but to remember where you come from is good, but to be overly proud, well, it is like pride in anything. We must be humble and remember Allah (swt), has power over all things, we do not. So to remember where you come from is to know where you are going, but nationalism is to forget who you are.

The Prophet Muhammad (saaw) said:
"Undoubtedly Allah has removed from you the pride of arrogance of the age of Jahilliyah (ignorance) and the glorification of ancestors. Now people are of two kinds. Either believers who are aware or transgressors who do wrong. You are all the children of Adam and Adam was made of clay. People should give up their PRIDE IN NATIONS because that is a coal from the coals of Hell-fire. If they do not give this up Allah (swt) will consider them lower than the lowly worm which pushes itself through Khara (dung)." [Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]

And the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,

"The Faithful are to one another like [parts of] a building - each part strengthening the others."


"Every Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, neither wronging him nor allowing him to be wronged. And if anyone helps his brother in need, Allah will help him in his own need; and if anyone removes a calamity from [another] Muslim, Allah will remove from him some of the calamities of the Day of Resurrection; and if anyone shields [another] Muslim from disgrace, Allah will shield him from the disgrace on the Day of Resurrection." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of `Abd Allah ibn `Umar]

So the final way in which people can group together is on the basis of Aqeedah or faith. It is Islam that provides the set of rules, regulations, and instructions according to which man lives and which he refers to in order to solve his problems. This bond only takes into account the Aqeedah and nothing but that belief. Colour, race and gender are irrelevant. This is the type of bond found within Islam. Therefore bonding through the Aqeedah and Emaan is a permanent bond because it arises from a conviction pertaining to the meaning of life. The creed is never influenced by COLOUR, RACE, LANGUAGE, LOVE OF A LAND or LOCAL ISSUES. Hence, it is the true basis for permanent unity. Islam calls for this type of unity.

The messenger of Allah (saws) had rebuked those who upheld nationalism. On one occasion a party of Jews conspired to bring about disunity in the ranks of the Muslims after seeing the Aus and Khazraj within Islam. A youth from amongst them was sent to incite remembrance of the battle of Bu'ath where the Aus had been victorious over the Khazraj, and he recited poetry to bring about division between them. As a result there was a call to arms. When the news reached the Messenger of Allah (saws), He (saws) said, "O Muslims, remember Allah, remember Allah. Will you act as pagans while I am present with you after Allah has guided you to Islam, and honoured you thereby and made a clean break with paganism; delivered you thereby from disbelief; made you friends thereby?" When they heard this they wept, and embraced each other. This incident clearly highlights how the messenger of Allah (saws) rebuked any forms of tribalism and nationalism. Allah (swt) then revealed the verses,

"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam. And hold fast together all of you to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favours on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace you became brothers; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His signs clear to you that you may be guided." [Qur'an 3: 102-103]

The incidents above demonstrate that tribal ties have no place in Islam. Muslims are commanded to stick TOGETHER and not to disassociate themselves from each other just because they comes from different tribes or backgrounds.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) also said, "The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer" [Muslim] meaning that the Muslims, whether they are of Chinese, African, or Arabian or European origin, are one Ummah and they cannot be separated from each other. Furthermore, Allah (swt) says: "The faithful are but brothers..." [Qur'an 49: 10] . No nationalistic ties should ever break their unity. That is the BEAUTY of Islam.

Now the speech of Allah (swt) addressed to the Messenger (saws) is also a speech to his Ummah, unless specific evidence comes to restrict this. In this case, there is no such restriction, so it becomes obligatory for the Muslims to rule according to Islamic teachings. And ruling according to Islam leaves no room for nationalistic constitutions whatsoever because what is applied (and what forms the criteria for judgement) is the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Messenger (saws). Allah (swt) says,

"It is not for a believer (male or female) that when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter that they should have any choice in the matter." [Qur'an 33: 36]

Hence since Islam has prohibited nationalism, it becomes a DUTY of every Muslim, in the present situation, to work towards tearing down the nationalistic boundaries that are artificially created in Muslim lands, and to remove any obstacles which allow its propagation. And those who still uphold nationalism, remember what Allah (swt) says, "

Those who oppose Allah's order have to be warned that a calamity may strike them or a painful doom may fall upon them." [Qur'an 24: 63]

I ask Allah (swt) to guide us all and make our hearts pure..
@Armstrong .. finally you got your match. :coffee:
I have jamati friends and they cook excellent dhaka biryani, better than non jamati ones.
And they dont particularly hate hindus, they are just a bit less informed.

I have met a few bd hindus, they are quite pro Indian (imagine KSA for hindus, they consider India as their spiritual homeland). But they are not really anti bangladeshi or traitor as such (just like a muslim is not traitor to their country for having positive feeling towards saudi).

Can you guess how many PDF Bangladeshi's are Jamati's?
dont know.. 3 or 4 may be... now dont ask me to name them.. :cheesy:

No, of course not, how could I ask you to open a pandora's box?

Now, why do you think Indian and Bangladeshi media made Jamati's into such a great villain?
I have jamati friends and they cook excellent dhaka biryani, better than non jamati ones.
And they dont particularly hate hindus, they are just a bit less informed.

I have met a few bd hindus, they are quite pro Indian (imagine KSA for hindus, they consider India as their spiritual homeland). But they are not really anti bangladeshi or traitor as such (just like a muslim is not traitor to their country for having positive feeling towards saudi).

My two cousins are Jamaatis. One was active Shibir cadre but not terrorist. He just hate Hindus. They both hate Hindus to core but not exactly anti-India. One goes for business purpose in India every six months. He does garment business and goes to India for ordering dresses because Bangladeshis love Indian dresses but he hates Hindus too much. Use bad language to them but not anti-India.

Hindus in BD consider India their spiritual homeland. That's true. Like Jews consider Israel their homeland, Muslims consider Makkah, Madina land for all Muslims. Non-Muslims are not allowed in Makkah, Madina. Its religious belief but due to one's belief one should not be persecuted.
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