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Brutal action by Jamat-Shibir

Don't be so serious man. He was just kidding. By the way, welcome to the forums.

Bangladesh and war crimes: Blighted at birth | The Economist

Bangladesh Genocide Archive | Complete Time Line

thanks for the welcome....i am happy to discuss with people who have different view points

As per the links you have posted , its clear what your point is .but i dont agree with some parts....your links fail to distinguish between jamat islami east pakistan and bangladesh jamat islami
My point is though bangladsh jamat islami has its roots from jamat islami east pakistan they are two different political parties..........
Bangladesh jamat islami was formed after our independence war...and they have never said they want to re-join pakistan or any other anti bangladesh stuff ..... they are loyal to bangladesh and have participated in democratic elections with both main political parties... they have patriotic bangladeshi supporters like any other political parties......
So calling them anti bangladesh and demonizing them wont help democracy in bangladesh
@madx @ShadowFaux @DURJOY

C'mon guys, I asked a question. At least politely refuse to not answer. Don't worry, I'll get the message. :)

No I've got my answer right here. Mainstream newspapers are serving the real news related to the Shahbag movement and the Jamat-Shibir. Newspapers like Amar desh are spreading false propaganda and displaying vulgar yellow journalism. They are abusing their rights of freedom of speech which they are using to promote communal violence. Hope you got your answer.
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REB chair speaks of Jamaat violence with tears

The expression Rural Elecrification Board (REB) chairman wore in his teary eyes said much about what went on during the violence and loot by Jamaat-e-Islami activists in REB office in Kansat. It also brought tears to the eyes of those who were listening.

REB Chairman Brigadier General Moin Uddin said he never before witnessed such acts of atrocities.

“What I saw when I visited the devastated site would bring anyone to tears. One cannot fathom how the families there have been living, until they see it with their own eyes.”

He said, miscreants from Jamaat-e-Islami and their student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir vandalised and looted the REB association office after they seized it for five hours. The violence has devastated the 43 families of those who are employed there. Almost all the machineries have been burned to ashes.

Jamaat and Shibir activists took part in massive atrocities in REB association office in Kansat, Chapainawabganj on Feb 28, the day Jamaat executive council member Delwar Hossain Sayedee was sentenced to death by the International Crimes Tribunal -1.

The unbarred violence caused damage worth Tk 2 billion, the board has said.

Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BIRC) held a press conference at noon on Tuesday to present the horrid atrocities that went on in there.

BERC member Selim Mahmoud said, “An establishment of Bangladesh’s sector for electricity and fuel has never before faced an attack so devastating. So we are requesting the government to take equally tough measures against those responsible.”

The attack began in Kansat at around 2:30pm amid the countrywide shutdown by Jamaat-e-Islami that was in effect that day.

Brigadier Moin said, “45,000 clients and 2,300 irrigation pumps in that area have been left without electricity ever since the attack. A total of 8,000 hectors of agricultural lands are left without power for irrigation.”

It will take almost two weeks to resume functioning, he said.

Moin describing the events on the fateful day saying, “At 2:30 some pro-shutdown activists arrived there. They left after hurling brickbats, vandalising and setting fire. Some 10 to 15 thousand people arrived shortly afterwards and entered the office premise. They went from house to house looting the households of the association’s officers after throwing the members out. Arson soon followed.”

“Vehicles, tools, paltry machineries, sub-station, residential and office buildings, store yard, deeds and documents along with all moveable and non movable properties were set on fire. The mayhem continued like this for 5 and half hours.”

Law enforcers and fire brigade were informed of the mayhem but they were unable to reach the association office in time due to the blockades on the road.

The first fire engine to pass all road obstructions reached there at 7pm and the fire was finally extinguished after efforts went on for 30 hours.

Among the machine and items that were destroyed or looted are -15 MVA Substation, four different types of transformers, seven voltage regulators of varying kind, seven phases and one 33 KV circuit breaker.

The list continues with 25 motorcycles, one jeep, one pick-up, tools to make lines, distribution transformers, all the tools in the work shop, all computers, billing and store management server, security cameras, solar panel, irrigation pump, over a hundred electric meters. Gold jewelleries, money and clothes have been looted.

Fire was set to the three storey office building, a duplex rest house, a c-type residential building, an e-type two storey building and one f-type four storey building.

The REB chairman said even the billing process will be extremely hard since the server has been destroyed. He is afraid this destruction may significantly damage the government and foreign funded power projects in that area.

“The biggest problem is the officials there have lost their will power. They are frightened to continue work there.”

Moinul said, several investigation committees have been formed and three cases have been filed for the incidents of arson and loot.

When asked about the accused in the cases he said, “Our officials and staff named the attackers they were able to identify. They said the mayhem was staged by locals and those who were supporting the Jamaat strike.”

Selim Mahmoud said, “The electricity and fuel sector has been targeted in Pakistani style. Tough measures must to be taken for the ones responsible”

REB chair speaks of Jamaat violence with tears - bdnews24.com
It should be . . . . 'Our protest, their terrorism!' Jamat should be declared as a terrorist organization and should be banned immediately.

if you call jamats protests as terrorism and ban them.......than both BNP and AL would have to be banned...as their protest are similar......

people tend to forget that in bangladesh if your protests are not in line with what the govt wants ..LE forces crack down upon you...thats why bangladesh has a violent protesting culture
and jamat are not the only one doing it
‘Jamaat aims to kill democracy’


The ruling MPs on Sunday told Parliament the anti-independence Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir have set off nationwide bloodletting to destroy democracy.

They called upon all pro-independence forces to unite to prevent this conspiracy.

Around 50 have been killed in the violence touched off by the sentencing of leader Delwar Hossain Sayedee to death for his wartime brutality to prevent the birth of Bangladesh in 1971.

Their call came as the violence continued for the fourth straight day on Sunday, the first day of the three days of strike called by Jamaat and its key ally BNP. They mayhem is targeted mainly at the law enforcers, pro-Awami League activists and the Hindus.

The MPs came down hard on the opposition leader Khaleda Zia for siding with Jamaat, which has let loose a reign of terror to force the government to release the party’s leaders standing trial or convicted over war crimes.

“Jamaat and Shibir carried out anarchy in a planned way despite there is scope to appeal against the Sayedee verdict,” said Rashed Khan Menon, initiating a discussion.

“The attack is to foil the trial of the war criminals. We had experienced similar incident in 1971,” said Menon, President of the Workers Party.

Awami League’s Presidium Member Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim said the BNP chief was making every move possible for disrupting democracy.

“She is inflaming the situation to upset the communal harmony.”

“The BNP and Jamaat both are talking about civil war so that we retaliate. We are being provoked, but we won’t act under (provocation).”

Menon thinks the use of the word ‘genocide’ to define the recent violence is an attempt by the BNP Chairperson to protect those who were involved in genocide in 1971 war.

He castigated the former Prime Minister for not talking about the incidents in which the Shaheed Minar were vandalised and national flags burned.

“She does not know what genocide stands for as she never saw it,” said another Awami League Presidium Member Tofail Ahmed.

Sheikh Selim claimed the written statement Khaleda read out was actually a press release from Inter-Services Intelligence, the military intelligence agency of Pakistan.

Awami League’s MP Abdul Mannan reported attacks on his residence in Bogra during Sunday’s violence.

“Awami League can avenge this if it wishes. But Awami League does not believe in taking revenge.”

He said only a united pro-independence force may resist the violence of Jamaat and Shibir.

“All pro-independence forces must win this war. They must take to the streets,” said Menon.

Awami League’s Advisory Council member Suranjit Sengupta questioned why the administration was not there when minority communities were attacked. “They are passing days in terror.”

He demanded that Jamaat be banned.

“A secular government is now in power. Jamaat does not have the Constitutional right to do politics as a political party. They can be banned by an executive order. We should not wait for the court to order this.”

Menon urged the people to react and said it was the right moment to decide that Jamaat and Shibir be resisted.

“I hope, the matter will be discussed thoroughly and the government will clear its position on the matter.”


The alliance MPs said Jamaat and Shibir misled people by spreading the propaganda that ‘a portrait of Sayedee can be seen on the moon”.

“They are misleading unsuspecting believers by running a propaganda campaign. They are spreading religious propaganda by putting women and children on the front lines.”

According to Bogra MP Mannan, Jamaat supporters, after the Fajr prayers, launched the attack on the police station by drawing a crowd by spreading the propaganda that the Moon was reflecting a picture of Sayedee.

Nine were killed as the violence raged on.

thanks for the welcome....i am happy to discuss with people who have different view points

As per the links you have posted , its clear what your point is .but i dont agree with some parts....your links fail to distinguish between jamat islami east pakistan and bangladesh jamat islami
My point is though bangladsh jamat islami has its roots from jamat islami east pakistan they are two different political parties..........
Bangladesh jamat islami was formed after our independence war...and they have never said they want to re-join pakistan or any other anti bangladesh stuff ..... they are loyal to bangladesh and have participated in democratic elections with both main political parties... they have patriotic bangladeshi supporters like any other political parties......
So calling them anti bangladesh and demonizing them wont help democracy in bangladesh

Thank you for your point of view. I'm saying that the then leaders (who survived) of Jamat-e-Islami east pakistan became the leaders of jamat-e-islam Bangladesh. They were ideologically against the creation of Bangladesh so even the east pakistan jamat grass root activists had to be against Bangladesh. Now, those activists are now more influential members. Do you believe they have changed their ideology? No they didn't. That's why till now they are fundamentally string. They have changed their colors, but inside, they are all the same. And over 42 years, they have had enough time to brainwash a lot more people.
Thank you for your point of view. #1..I'm saying that the then leaders (who survived) of Jamat-e-Islami east pakistan became the leaders of jamat-e-islam Bangladesh. They were ideologically against the creation of Bangladesh so even the east pakistan jamat grass root activists had to be against Bangladesh. Now, those activists are now more influential members. Do you believe they have changed their ideology? #2..No they didn't. That's why till now they are fundamentally string. #3..They have changed their colors, but inside, they are all the same. And over 42 years, they have had enough time to brainwash a lot more people.

#1 i dont agree with in the 1st point but i will not go into debate as it wont bring any thing fruitful

#2 even if we agree that all influential leaders of jamat islami bangladesh came from jamat islami east pakistan war still we still cant say that they still believe their old ideology .. remember father of the nation sheik mujib was an activist of muslim league before but did he still believe his old ideology when he fought for the freedom of bangladesh.....people change

i didnt understand what u meant by 'fundamentally string'

#3 even if they sill believe their old ideology dont you think they would have asked to rejoin pakistan when they had power
people should not be called brainwashed for their different point of view
#1 i dont agree with in the 1st point but i will not go into debate as it wont bring any thing fruitful

#2 even if we agree that all influential leaders of jamat islami bangladesh came from jamat islami east pakistan war still we still cant say that they still believe their old ideology .. remember father of the nation sheik mujib was an activist of muslim league before but did he still believe his old ideology when he fought for the freedom of bangladesh.....people change

i didnt understand what u meant by 'fundamentally string'

#3 even if they sill believe their old ideology dont you think they would have asked to rejoin pakistan when they had power
people should not be called brainwashed for their different point of view

1# . . . . . . . . .

2# In case of Bangabandhu, he went through a lot of trouble for the freedom of Bangladesh. So did most leaders of present AL and BNP. I think BAL was formed back in 1949 and that party had a big role in the freedom of Bangladesh. What significant role did Jamat play in the last 65 years except opposing our liberation? The freedom of Bangladesh didn't come overnight. It was the result of a lot of sacrifice over a lot of years. Bangladesh was liberated in 1971 but the Bengali nationalism movement started many years before that. And I repeat, Jamat had no role in it and they used to oppose the idea. Now, tell me, what have Jamat done so far to prove that their allegiance have changed? I see they are doing the same thing they did back in 1971. (i.e. calling the opposition Indian stooges and killing them, making Hindu women 'gonimoter maal', killing hindus, looting public property etc etc).

3# No, they wouldn't . . . . . atleast not right now. They are in a process of brainwashing the majority people of this country. They are very patient and hence a lot of people in our country are not educated, they will eventually be able to brainwash them. And mark my words, when they have enough support, they will start the process. Even if they don't wanna merge in future in order to maintain their rule in here, they will make Bangladesh a country which will be based on the idea of Pakistan. Then they will make a move for a regional alliance.
1# . . . . . . . . .

2# In case of Bangabandhu, he went through a lot of trouble for the freedom of Bangladesh. So did most leaders of present AL and BNP. I think BAL was formed back in 1949 and that party had a big role in the freedom of Bangladesh. What significant role did Jamat play in the last 65 years except opposing our liberation? The freedom of Bangladesh didn't come overnight. It was the result of a lot of sacrifice over a lot of years. Bangladesh was liberated in 1971 but the Bengali nationalism movement started many years before that. And I repeat, Jamat had no role in it and they used to oppose the idea. Now, tell me, what have Jamat done so far to prove that their allegiance have changed? I see they are doing the same thing they did back in 1971. (i.e. calling the opposition Indian stooges and killing them, making Hindu women 'gonimoter maal', killing hindus, looting public property etc etc).

3# No, they wouldn't . . . . . atleast not right now. They are in a process of brainwashing the majority people of this country. They are very patient and hence a lot of people in our country are not educated, they will eventually be able to brainwash them. And mark my words, when they have enough support, they will start the process. Even if they don't wanna merge in future in order to maintain their rule in here, they will make Bangladesh a country which will be based on the idea of Pakistan. Then they will make a move for a regional alliance.

The brainwashing is being done systematically by the rawami goons in order to merge with india. You fart in order to cover that up.
Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Moqbul Ahmed has issued the following statement condemning the recent attacks and persecution on the minorities


Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Moqbul Ahmed has issued the following statement condemning the recent attacks and persecution on the minorities:

"The Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami condemns the syndicated, unsubstantiated and malicious reporting by a number of newspapers including the Daily Star and Prothom Alo on 5 March, 2013, where without any specific evidence; they have alleged that members of Jamaat carried out attacks on minorities all over Bangladesh. These reports have been published with a deliberate view to fuel sectarian violence, by newspapers which have long been supporting the call for banning Jamaat in recent times.
Jamaat categorically states that none of its members were responsible for the reported attacks. In fact Jamaat has issued strict orders to its member to protect the lives and properties of minorities in light of the saying of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) ‘whoever harms a non-Muslim will not enter paradise’. In fact in its numerous press statements Jamaat has condemned the attacks on minorities. Jamaat will continue to condemn all such attacks on minorities.
Moreover, Jamaat-e-Islami conducted preliminary investigation has revealed that local Awami League leaders and activists along with the assistance of the different government agencies have carried out these attacks to deflect the public attention from the crimes against humanity being committed by the police.
We, therefore call upon the Government to set up an independent judicial enquiry to probe into the incidents in order to take swift legal measures against the perpetrators. In the meantime we call upon the people to resist all such unfortunate attacks on minorities."

Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Moqbul Ahmed has issued the following statement condemning the recent attacks and persecution on the minorities
Jamaat protests propaganda against Jamaat-Shibir for tearing and blazing National Flag, Shahid Minar vandalism


Mr. Hamidur Rahman Azad MP, the executive committee member, has issued a statement today protesting against the false news that falsely reported that Jamaat and Shibir were involved in burning or tearing up of the national flag or destroying Shaheed Minars. The following is the statement:

“Recently for the last few days certain news media and the leaders of Awami League and the 14 parties leaders are spreading the propaganda that Jamaat and Shibir were involved in burning and tearing up of the national flag and involved in the attacks on Shaheed Minars. I strongly protest against this false report. Jamaat and Shibir respect the national flag as the highest symbol of our national identity. It is absurd to even claim that Jamaat and Shibir will engage in such activities. After repeatedly protesting against this and repeatedly posting statement denouncing the atrocities the government ministers and MPs, and certain media are still continuing to accuse Jamaat without evidence.
Once again I would like to state that Jamaat-E-Islami and Islami Chatra Shibir are not in any way involved in these incidents of burning of the national flag and demolishing Shaheed Minars. We demand that a judicial investigation committee be formed to investigate the incidents and the perpetrators of these crimes be brought to justice.
The government MPs and ministers and their allies still nourish the old habit of blaming Jamaat and Shibir for everything.
The national flag does not belong to any single party or group. It is a symbol of the sovereignty of Bangladesh. We hoist the national flag with as much pride as any other Bangladeshi. I call everyone related in this to refrain from spreading lies and unverified reports about Jamaat and Shibir.

Jamaat protests propaganda against Jamaat-Shibir for tearing and blazing National Flag, Shahid Minar vandalism

The brainwashing is being done systematically by the rawami goons in order to merge with india. You fart in order to cover that up.

KEep your brainfarting to yourself and your children of jamat mata kind. Thank you. And oh, if you can't reply in a civilized way, please don't quote me. I find it repelling. Thanks.
Then they were patriotic from the very heart, people were following them. Joy Bangla :omghaha:

Hi,sorry (deshi bhai) if some of my early words wasn't up to your usual taste.but I am just curious. Can you name a person who is sane and argue with logic,wants peaceful coexistence with other political parties, do not wish to change name(airport,hospital,schools, roads)practicing Muslim,broad minded ,never shy away from party's past mistakes and believe they should rectify as a group,and still claims to be a die hard al member?

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