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Jamati name calling and what to do about it

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The writing is on the wall... Jamaatis are going down. They will be hunted down as they were hunting BD patriots 40 years ago.. history has come to a full cycle it seems. This thread is their last ditch effort...

seriously you should improve your comebacks.. FAIL this time I would say..

RAW can hire as many agents as they want and bring as many Hindu Bangladeshi's as they want to invade PDF forum with their mindless propaganda, or even take down their imaginary enemy, Jamat, it matters little to Bangladesh or majority Bangladeshi's. It only exposes the little mind of delusional Indians and their schemes against the people of Bangladesh.
As far as I know, you are either jamati or rawami... else you are not a bangladeshi member of pdf. :)

You are wrong, I am neither Jamati nor RAWami but there are many others like me in this forum. I asked people to point out who is a Jamati, I have yet to see a reply of that post.

But don't expect us to support a politically motivated show trial in a kangaroo court (as called out by HRW), or to support demands by a fascist lynch mob.
You are wrong, I am neither Jamati nor RAWami but there are many others like me in this forum. I asked people to point out who is a Jamati, I have yet to see a reply of that post.

But don't expect us to support a politically motivated show trial in a kangaroo court (as called out by HRW), or to support demands by a fascist lynch mob.
no, i was saying you call some people rawami, and some people call you jamati. The people you call rawami, do not become so by you saying, similarly, you dont become jamati if somebody calls you so.
Why open a thread for this.
I'm not a practicing Muslim, but I've been called a jamati by Indian posters numerous times for defending Bangladesh's right to receive its share of water and protesting against some of my government's decision.

The indian posters here get very personal with no intention of constructively contributing to the issue at hand.

So far (!), I've seen only hinduguy and Joe Shearer argue without getting personal or calling names. Most other indian posters do not contribute anything worthy of being read by a rational person and you'll know what I'm talking about if you just scroll up.
Samjhota express. Does anyone remember that? What about Right wing fanatics belonging to RSS, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, etc...? We have seen anti-Muslim riots, anti-Sikh riots, and we have come across cases of Christians being burned. I suppose you think all that happens at the hands of Martians?

Bhai, if you had Afghanistan as a neighbor and USSR as the occupying power, we would see how you would escape guns & drugs. Militancy is a mind thing. Weapons are only tools.

BTW when we Pakistanis see militants and extremists holding dandas, we smile to ourselves and think that it is soooo cute.

RSS is one of the most patriotic organizations in India. So don't talk **** about things you have no idea about. What happened to Sikhs and Christians was the saddest thing in Indian history since it was the hindus that attacked first, though most of that was a purely political fight and had very little to with religion. Muslims in gujrat only have themselves to blame since they started it by killing innocent Hindus, so we finished it. Hindus are not going to sit by and watch while other people kill us.

Go put ur your RSS crap in your asshole and go back to Bharat Rakshak... Ur kind is not wanted here
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Facts are facts, you can't deny them. Me going away is not going to change them.

Hindus first slaughtered Muslims in Kashmir and on Pak-India border during 1947, which is why Muslims responded...

Got it?!
Hindus first slaughtered Muslims in Kashmir and on Pak-India border during 1947, which is why Muslims responded...

Got it?!
No it is the other way. Look at facts, not a made up version of your history. One simply has to look at Hindu population of pak and compare it to Muslim population of India to see who slaughtered who
Again look at the real world facts to know the truth.
I'm not a practicing Muslim, but I've been called a jamati by Indian posters numerous times for defending Bangladesh's right to receive its share of water and protesting against some of my government's decision.

The indian posters here get very personal with no intention of constructively contributing to the issue at hand.

So far (!), I've seen only hinduguy and Joe Shearer argue without getting personal or calling names. Most other indian posters do not contribute anything worthy of being read by a rational person and you'll know what I'm talking about if you just scroll up.
its really sad if that is so... are you the apo_asura ?
No it is the other way. Look at facts, not a made up version of your history. One simply has to look at Hindu population of pak and compare it to Muslim population of India to see who slaughtered who
Again look at the real world facts to know the truth.

Yes --- Pakistani Muslims responded to their brothers killings in Kashmir...
And much of the Hindu population left Pakistan in 1947 & later on as well.
Muslims are being persecuted & slaughtered in Hindu India... Remember Babri or 1989 Mumbai? If Muslims start to retaliate then Hindus start crying. Why?
Yes --- Pakistani Muslims responded to their brothers killings in Kashmir...
And much of the Hindu population left Pakistan in 1947 & later on as well.
Muslims are being persecuted & slaughtered in Hindu India... Remember Babri or 1989 Mumbai? If Muslims start to retaliate then Hindus start crying. Why?

There is no Hindus left in pak. If we were like Pakistanis muslims we would killnall Indian Muslims too like you did to pak Hindus. But you guys are lucky because Hinduism actually believes in peace band coexistence unlike Muslims. Even today we control Kashmir
If we were like pak musls, we could kill off all kashmiri Muslims and repopulate the land with hindus. But we never did that because unlike Pakistanis, we believe in peaceful coexistence
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