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blame it on radical islamist. wanted death penalty n achieved it in the end by dying.

This is off topic-but you should know some facts before you write something in future.#1-there nothing called radical Islamist.#2-ppl who practice Islam is Muslim not Islamist.#3-a parson by birth is not Muslim he/she have to practice Islam to be Muslim.#4-radicalism has no place in Islam.either you are Muslim or you are not.its black and white no gray area in between.
This is off topic-but you should know some facts before you write something in future.#1-there nothing called radical Islamist.#2-ppl who practice Islam is Muslim not Islamist.#3-a parson by birth is not Muslim he/she have to practice Islam to be Muslim.#4-radicalism has no place in Islam.either you are Muslim or you are not.its black and white no gray area in between.

You've got to be blind if you don't admit their is a strain of radicalism creeping in Islam. Islamists are those who use Islam for political gain, religion should always be kept at an arm's length from politics, this has been proved through countless examples of failed states. Of course the choice is yours.
You've got to be blind if you don't admit their is a strain of radicalism creeping in Islam. Islamists are those who use Islam for political gain, religion should always be kept at an arm's length from politics, this has been proved through countless examples of failed states. Of course the choice is yours.

That's why I told you to know facts before writing anything about Islam.Islam is a religion yes but it is also a way of life.not that you will understand but our Book dictate our lifestyle. Not gov.if gov of BD try to go against that this is what they bring upon them and us.
rehan, cse student of buet , martyred yesterday by police wrote this poem...

রাতের আঁধার, হাহাকার শুধু,পথ পাই না খুঁজে,
গর্জায় পশু,ভয় দস্যুর,কখন যাবে ঘুঁচে?
আসছে ঝড়,বাজ কড়কড় , হৃদয় কেঁপে উঠে,
কোথায় গেল যোদ্ধার দল,শংকা যাবে টুটে।
আছে কুফফার,আছে মুরতাদ,আছে মুনাফিক সেনা,
দিক পাই না,আলো জ্বালি না,মোরা গোলাম কেনা।
আমির নেই,খলিফ নেই,কোথা আলেমের দল,
দ্বীন বুঝি না,লড়ব কীসে,নেই ঈমানের বল।
শত্রুরা আজ মাথা চাড়া তাই সামলাব কীসে জানি না,
জ্বলছে আগুন,মরছে মানুষ,হিসেবটাও রাখি না।
অল্প কজন,দাঁড়িয়ে অনড়,বাকিরা কোথায় গেল,
দাবী করে সব,মুমিন তারা,ঈমানটা এলোমেলো।
ভাই মরছে,বোন মরছে,অত্যাচারিত সবাই,
তবুও যেন কিসের বিভেদ,কীসের যেন বড়াই।
এ নয় মুমিন,ও হল কুকুর,ওরা ভরপুর ভুলে,
বিভেদটা যে ঈমানের নয়,এক পতাকার তলে।
দাঁড়াও রুখে,গড়ো প্রতিরোধ,শাহাদাহ যেন লক্ষ্য,
অস্ত্র ঈমান,আল্লাহ সাথে,তাজা বুকের রক্ত।

Allah accepted his prayer.
rehan, cse student of buet , martyred yesterday by police wrote this poem...

রাতের আঁধার, হাহাকার শুধু,পথ পাই না খুঁজে,
গর্জায় পশু,ভয় দস্যুর,কখন যাবে ঘুঁচে?
আসছে ঝড়,বাজ কড়কড় , হৃদয় কেঁপে উঠে,
কোথায় গেল যোদ্ধার দল,শংকা যাবে টুটে।
আছে কুফফার,আছে মুরতাদ,আছে মুনাফিক সেনা,
দিক পাই না,আলো জ্বালি না,মোরা গোলাম কেনা।
আমির নেই,খলিফ নেই,কোথা আলেমের দল,
দ্বীন বুঝি না,লড়ব কীসে,নেই ঈমানের বল।
শত্রুরা আজ মাথা চাড়া তাই সামলাব কীসে জানি না,
জ্বলছে আগুন,মরছে মানুষ,হিসেবটাও রাখি না।
অল্প কজন,দাঁড়িয়ে অনড়,বাকিরা কোথায় গেল,
দাবী করে সব,মুমিন তারা,ঈমানটা এলোমেলো।
ভাই মরছে,বোন মরছে,অত্যাচারিত সবাই,
তবুও যেন কিসের বিভেদ,কীসের যেন বড়াই।
এ নয় মুমিন,ও হল কুকুর,ওরা ভরপুর ভুলে,
বিভেদটা যে ঈমানের নয়,এক পতাকার তলে।
দাঁড়াও রুখে,গড়ো প্রতিরোধ,শাহাদাহ যেন লক্ষ্য,
অস্ত্র ঈমান,আল্লাহ সাথে,তাজা বুকের রক্ত।

Allah accepted his prayer.

Sad how religion brainwashed a young mind, at his age he should have been writing poems about damsels in distress, not how Islam is in distress by kuffar, murtad, munafiq and how sahadat is needed to save it.

Who else are in want of sahadat here btw ?

'হেফাজতে ইসলামের এক কর্মীর তাণ্ডব।'


I just have to love these media. They really think we are dumb :hitwall: where is te reports of hundreds of people massacred by lethally armed Police?

'হেফাজতে ইসলামের এক কর্মীর তাণ্ডব।'


I just have to love these media. They really think we are dumb :hitwall: where is te reports of hundreds of people massacred by lethally armed Police?
Excellent work by the "silent" majority of Bangladesh. This is exactly the kind of image Bangladesh needs to showcase, right when most of the western countries are pondering over their contracts with the Bangladesh RMG industry.

Talk about self sabotage :omghaha:

…Shapla Slaughter…..they have put fire to flower.

But, in the process, the ‘silent majority’ has grown immensely stronger just by a night’s event. Do you realize that ? Unfortunately, you are not yet meant to realize this issue which is bigger than your size.

• 25th March 1971 : Pak Army Carnage SCORE SETTLED
• 25th May 2013 : Shapla Slaughter SCORE YET TO BE SETTLED; INNINGS JUST STARTED

What else is in store by or before next another 25th ? Historically, there is always ‘come back’ to settle the score? The similarity in last 2 events is not only in dates but in common participants, too. In later stage of the 1st event, they too were again commonly present.

Could you locate them, Roybot and jaunty?

Just wait and have patience till the game is over.
Sad how religion brainwashed a young mind, at his age he should have been writing poems about damsels in distress, not how Islam is in distress by kuffar, murtad, munafiq and how sahadat is needed to save it.

Who else are in want of sahadat here btw ?

….poor La Bong. ‘Shahadat’ is too lofty an issue for you, yet, even to about. Please seek something else to pass your time.
I see some known Jamat supporters are spreading false rumors. Were you not the one who declared war against the government? Koto kichhu jeno korben?

Anyway, Hefajot e Jamat is seriously getting some ***-kicking. Seems like our Prime Minister is not as brittle as you bunch thought. You people always miscaculate the strength of Bangladesh Awami League.


P.S. : No one got killed in that operation. Thats a good news. But the bad news is that Shibir probably will kill few of their own men in order to vindicate Awami League.

Ye can yell all ye want. I did warn ye lot before, but......ye did not listen :rolleyes:


There are rumors that there is an armed faction in the making.

HeI is well funded and organized, managed to mobilize their activities and support at incredible speed and efficiency. If things go this way, an armed civil war might be a possibility.

I hope that rumor is wrong for all sake.
HeI is well funded and organized, managed to mobilize their activities and support at incredible speed and efficiency. If things go this way, an armed civil war might be a possibility.

I hope that rumor is wrong for all sake.

What the **** is the army doing? :angry: isn't the situation already out of hand
Dhaka: At least 14 people have been killed and scores injured in Bangladesh as Islamists, demanding a tougher blasphemy law, fought pitched battles with the police on Monday in the capital, prompting a ban on public rallies.

The newly-floated Hefazat-e-Islam or "Protectorate of Islam" enforced their "Dhaka siege" programme on Sunday to mount pressure on the secular Awami League-led government to implement their 13-point demand, including the enactment of a blasphemy law to punish those who insult Islam and the Prophet.

Bangladesh's police and paramilitary troops overnight dispersed a huge demonstration by thousands of Islamists in the capital. Police confirmed that three of their men and a soldier of paramilitary Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) were killed in the clashes last night and early on Monday. The situation prompted the Dhaka Metropolitan Police to enforce a ban on public rallies in the city fearing that violence could spread further.

Doctors at the major state-run Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) said 14 bodies were kept at their morgue but unconfirmed reports quoted the toll to be as high as 22, saying several of them were taken to private facilities.

A police spokesman said they were trying to gather information about the toll. The police said the three law enforcers were killed and over 50 people injured when the Hefazat activists launched an attack mobilizing students of unregistered madarsas at the Kanchpur area. The activists spread rumours that the paramilitary and police forces killed several of their comrades overnight.

The attack came after the BGB and police raided a madarasa at Sanarpara in Siddhirganj after morning prayers suspecting that the radical activists prepared to lay a siege on the Dhaka-Chittagong highway. The police's ban on public meetings came just ahead of the ruling Awami League and main opposition BNP's simultaneous rallies in the capital.

Hefazat-e-Islam enforced their "Dhaka siege" programme blocking the entry points of the city and staged a grand rally at Shapla Chattar area of Motijheel which they wanted to linger for indefinite period defying a government warning on Sunday.

But the combined action of the BGB, riot police and elite anti-crime Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) evicted the radical activists using sound grenades, tear gas canisters, blank gunshots and police's armoured personnel carriers (APCs).

Witnesses said the activists of the newly floated radical group, mostly manned by students of unregistered madarsas, ran towards the Sayedabad and Jatrabari areas, the south-western gateway to the capital.

A senior RAB official said they found three bodies on the makeshift stage of the Hefazat and another on a nearby rickshaw van, all draped in white clothes. "The Motijheel is now under our control...Hefazat-e-Islami has quit the area," a police spokesman told reporters after a combined force of some 10,000 riot police, elite anti-crime Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and paramilitary Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) troops carried out the operation last night.

Hefazat, earlier defied a government warning asking them to leave the capital immediately. "Quit Dhaka immediately after your so-called rally or face stern punitive action," local government minister and Awami League general secretary Syed Ashraful Islam said late on Sunday.

Also, main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) chief Begum Khaleda Zia, who is leading an anti-government campaign, issued a statement asking party leaders and activists to stand by the Hefazat in their mission to "protect Islam".

The government alleged that the BNP's crucial ally fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami was behind yesterday's violence. Violence griped the capital yesterday with radical activists clashing with police and turning the Purana Paltan area into a virtual battlefield.

Chanting "Allahu Akbar!" ("God is great!") and "One point, One demand: Atheists must be hanged", activists from the radical Hefajat-e-Islam marched along at least six highways, blocking transport between Dhaka and other cities. The Islamists also set ablaze at least 30 buses and over 100 shops including jewelers at the Baitul Mokarram National Mosque complex in the area.

Witnesses said they also set fire to some government buildings, including House Building Finance Corporation, some bank offices at Paltan and launched attacks on the central Awami League office and the Communist Party (CPB) office hurling crude bombs. -

See more at: Violence flares at Islamist protest in Bangladesh, 14 killed
This is how Awami League genocidal regime loaded dead bodies from last night (May 5th-6th) massacre into trucks and hiding dead bodies.

How many times do you want to be exposed for spreading all these jamaati propaganda? Now people like you get caught quite easily while doing all these propaganda and spreading of rumor.

The above picture is a old one which was circulated by different jamati propaganda site...n the propagandist like this one find it so much amusing to post it here.

The picture was taken from the following site....

One dead, scores injured as Bangladeshi police use live ammunition on protesters (PHOTOS) ? RT News

I am yet to find a single news source which has declared 100s of people being killed yesterday as claimed by some jamati sites and their supporter and sympathizers here.

Please provide a credible news source which said that but not any heresy.
What the **** is the army doing? :angry: isn't the situation already out of hand
Army must not interfere in any situation.
Army is not the solution even if the situation goes out of Hand.

I sincerely Hope a good sense of the leadership will takeover the situation.
Let the democracy takes it own course even at the cost of many bloods.
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