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What will happen if China and India switch their global position?

Aryan is very vast topic. Mainly it is related with India Subcontinent (Hinduism) / Iran/Persia (Zoroastrian) and Rest of them are converted one. But their is no single proof. All based on assumption.

Indo-Aryan migration

Well, the Wiki source clearly states that Aryan originated from the Andronovo culture of the Central Asia, whereas the Andronovo culture itself derived from the Kurgan culture located in the pontic steppe of Russia/Ukraine.
Why Chinese thinks that Indian hates Chinese ? we don't hate anyone. Indeed, I have couple of Chinese friends living in India. I like Chinese people. But not on PDF. :no:
The present discussion about "who is Aryan" is mostly between Eastern Euros and Indians/Iranians, whereas Nazi and other Western Euros are out of the question.

dont bring in indians here....maybe the iranians can enter the ring...in india, aryan = linguistic group.:argh:

The only thing you guys did to me is serve me tandoori chicken and made me 5kg fatter by the end of the trip. Why you Indians at PDF say one thing, and do another thing :lol: huhuhuhu

no we feed tandoori chicken to every foreigner, but chinese..they themselves are made tandoori chicken..not joking...chinese draogn made a wise choice..else he would have been converted to chinese tandoori dragon in india...
How would it be if someone ONLY went to places like Mumbai and Delhi but nowhere else?

Because the news that keeps being posted on this forum about hygiene/safety issues, almost always deals with Mumbai in the first place.

Never been to Mumbai.

Dehli is fine though, infact it's my favourite city in India. About hygiene/safety, stick to mineral water and don't eat food at roadside stalls. Try to stay in high end hotels while you're there too. Should be fine. And you have to see the Taj Mahal atleast once in your life, it's beyond beautiful. Good experience it was :tup:
Well, the Wiki source clearly states that Aryan originated from the Andronovo culture of the Central Asia, whereas the Andronovo culture itself derived from the Kurgan culture located in the pontic steppe of Russia/Ukraine.

It was mainly started in South and Central Asia. Historically, It's proven. But few Eurasian country do claim, They are also.

But We have to stick with proper evidence. Isn't it ? We have lots of monuments, Scrips of that time. Even, I heard Persian also have certain evidence. One can check Zoroastrian to know more.
we don't hate anyone.

Sure brother, you don't hate Chinese or Pakistanis or anyone at all. That's why I hear the phrase "slanty-eyed chink" from you guys several times a week on here.

Good thing that the Indians living in Hong Kong are hard working and productive members of society. I guess India exports their best people overseas.
Never been to Mumbai.

Dehli is fine though, infact it's my favourite city in India. About hygiene/safety, stick to mineral water and don't eat food at roadside stalls. Try to stay in high end hotels while you're there too. Should be fine. And you have to see the Taj Mahal atleast once in your life, it's beyond beautiful. Good experience it was :tup:

you are missing the true culinary taste of india...what you get in five star hotels is just bs..:disagree:
It was mainly started in South and Central Asia. Historically, It's proven. But few Eurasian country do claim, They are also.

But We have to stick with proper evidence. Isn't it ? We have lots of monuments, Scrips of that time. Even, I heard Persian also have certain evidence. One can check Zoroastrian to know more.

I heard that the early Indo-Europeans were nomadic folks, therefore they may have originated from somewhere in Russia.
I don't know people know or not. But India-China were very good friends for 3,000 of years. Only after communist, relation become neutral to mild negative.

2,000 years ago, There were 3 major civilisation in Asia, Present - Indian, Chinese, Persian. I respect Chinese and Iranian culture.

---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

I heard that the early Indo-Europeans are nomadic folks, therefore they may have originated from somewhere in Russia.

May be possible. I heard but no evidence. There is no such script or any proof. But Possible.
1) there is no conclusive proof of where or when hinduism originated...hinduism is an unique religion in the matter it does not owe its foundation to any one.
2)again there is no proof that rig veda was written in present day pakistan....the claims vary as disparate as from iran to ganges valley.
3)the westerners wrote about the aryan-dravidian divide to justify their rule on the sub-continent on the grounds that even aryans were foreign invaders...it has been busted long ago....
4)the harappans were proto-hindus....many tablets/seals of hindus like lord pashupathi have been discovered...

I can refute your points very easily giving you very detailed information from various sources, but genealogy debates are a banned topic in this forum, & they are not even the topic of this thread. This thread is completely derailing, & genealogy has nothing to do with this thread. Your arguments have been refuted many times on this forum, & if you want to find out more, go to this thread:


Chronological Chart

Stone Age 70,000–3300 BC
· Mehrgarh Culture · 7000–3300 BC
Indus Valley Civilization 3300–1700 BC
Late Harappan Culture 1700–1300 BC
Vedic Period 1500–500 BC
· Iron Age · 1200–500 BC
· Vedic Kingdoms · 1200–700 BC
Maha Janapadas 700–300 BC
Magadha Empire 684 BC– 320 BC
· Maurya Empire · 321–184 BC
Middle Kingdoms 230 BC–AD 1279
· Satavahana Empire · 230 BC–AD 199
· Kushan Empire · 60–240
· Gupta Empire · 240–550
· Pala Empire · 750–1174
· Chola Empire · 250 BCE –1279
Islamic Sultanates 1206–1596
· Delhi Sultanate · 1206–1526
· Deccan Sultanates · 1490–1596
Hoysala Empire 1040–1346
Kakatiya Empire 1083–1323
Vijayanagara Empire 1336–1565
Mughal Empire 1526–1707
Maratha Empire 1674–1818
Sikh Empire 1799–1849
Colonial Era 1757–1947
Modern States 1947 onwards

As awesome as it would be to attain China's growth rate,I don't think India will be able to sustain the same as a democracatic nation.Besides that,I guess the government might become arrogant but never aggressive.Somewhat like how BCCI controls cricket,selfish but ultimately harmless.
Sure brother, you don't hate Chinese or Pakistanis or anyone at all. That's why I hear the phrase "slanty-eyed chink" from you guys several times a week on here.

Good thing that the Indians living in Hong Kong are hard working and productive members of society. I guess India exports their best people overseas.

Mate, India population is 1.21 Billion + 40 Million living abroad. How can you expect few people opinion to be opinion of a country of 1.25 billion ??

Tomorrow, 2 Chinese calls me something bad, but that doesn't mean all 1.4+ Billion Chinese are same ?

Individual opinion are not any country opinion.
Mate, India population is 1.21 Billion + 40 Million living abroad. How can you expect few people opinion to be opinion of a country of 1.25 billion ??

Tomorrow, 2 Chinese calls me something bad, but that doesn't mean all 1.4+ Billion Chinese are same ?

Yeah right. If it happened twice, or ten times, or even twenty times then I would put it off as an anomaly.

But it happens several times every week here, I can send you a private message with all the quotes.

Whether you like it or not, whenever I see an Indian flag here, I know what is coming. That's the only way they can win any argument here.
Yeah right. If it happened twice, or ten times, or even twenty times then I would put it off as an anomaly.

But it happens several times every week here, I can send you a private message with all the quotes.

Whether you like it or not, whenever I see an Indian flag here, I know what is coming. That's the only way they can win any argument here.

Don't go with PDF. People are busy in Counter Attack. I have seen many Chinese posting anti-Indian, even Few Indian lose their temper and reply with uncivilised word. But it's few individual words and PDF is small Internet world and not real world. World is much better. :tup:

Don't mind with few individual words. Cheers !!
You don't even solve your border issues now. So why would anyone believe that you would do so if you had the 2nd largest economy?

Can you add all the countries with whom China has outstanding border issues? Does SCS ring bell to you? There are six countries in SCS. On wikipedia I counted the total number was sixteen countries. I think this information will help you in looking after your affairs rather than poke your nose in to internal affairs of INDIA.
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