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Video shows Hezbollah fighters executing wounded rebels

You clearly are inventing reason of war, by labeling any one from street as demon.

i'm sorry but it looks like whether u dont get my points or u ignore them on purpose ;

anyway i dont see this discussion going anywhere bro.....

we hate no one (human being) !!! we love sunnis !! no matter what u think
It seems unlikely. Unless of course that these Hezbollah members operating in Syria are different from the ones back in Lebanon. The ones back in Lebanon are disciplined, much supported and organised - which also explains their revolutionary and strong resistance to Israel back in 2006.

If it is really true, we shall expect the Hezbollah leadership taking distance from it in a short time.

A video posted on the internet shows members of Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia executing wounded Syrian rebels who were captured when the Syrian town of al-Qusair was recaptured in June by the Syrian regime forces backed by Hezbollah’s army.

The battle over al-Qusair marked the first publically declared engagement of Hezbollah in the Syrian conflict, with group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah vowing not to allow Syrian rebels take Syrian towns bordering Lebanon.

The video is expected to revive tensions in Lebanon between the Shiite Hezbollah and Sunni Islamists supporting the Syrian uprising.
Lebanese journalist Lokman Sleem said the video further indicts Hezbollah and “confirms that the group’s intervention in Syria wasn’t in the name of Allah but in the name of Iran and its interests.”

But Lebanese political analyst Kassem Kassir defended Hezbollah’s intervention in Syria saying that it “protected Lebanon from the repercussions of war” and sided with the Syrian people against “extremist groups.”

He said Syria is a strategic passage of military aid flowing from Iran to Hezbollah, and that the militia group would not allow the supply routes to be controlled by its foes –the rebels fighting to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

He pointed out that the video’s authenticity cannot be confirmed and that Nasrallah previously pledged to respect to the moral rule of war, a claim Journalist Sleem rejected.

..........okay, so were are these people who claim Hezbollah is so humane?

What a bad excuse to get involved.
Alarabiya, PressTV, Aljazeera and RT same thing...ignore them and move on....
They shouldn't even be there in the first place, on orders of Iran.

Urm, Hezbollah may have crossed the border to support Assad but the 'rebels' have accommodated militants from all over the world. Those are the ones whose business Syria certainly is not.

Is it better to live under a 'cult' that lets everyone pray peacefully to their own deity or under a fractured group of 'believers' who will allow only your religion (but their version of it)?

That was AN INDIVIDUAL ACT... however look here at F$A terrorists who do not even follow POW convention, they execute based on religion and beliefs, and that is organized crime among F$A terrorists... yet no one cries about it... aren't these also human? where is POW convention?
what is worse some people here support terrorism and when one individual person execute a terrorists it become a crime, because that person is killing their terrorist...

this is just a sample of F$A terrorism.. don't forget the beheading, eating human organs....


I hate pointing fingers and doing something that is clearly wrong because of what others do, but executing civilians is definately a new low. Last ditch efforts of a losing side.

Syria rebels executed 67 Alawite villagers: HRW

BEIRUT: Rebel groups executed at least 67 civilians and took hostage 200 others from Alawite villages in Syria in August, Human Rights Watch reported Friday, saying this constituted war crimes.

The Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shia Islam to which President Bashar al-Assad belongs.

HRW based its 105-page report on an on-site investigation and 35 interviews, including with survivors of an Aug 4 attack on 10 pro-government Alawite villages in the coastal province of Latakia.

Out of 190 civilians killed, the New York-based group said at least 67 were executed.

Some 20 groups took part in the attack before government troops expelled the rebels from the villages on Aug 18.

“Two opposition groups that took part in the offensive, the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) and Jaish al-Muhajireen Wal-Ansar, are still holding the hostages, the vast majority women and children,” it said.

“The findings strongly suggest that the killings, hostage taking, and other abuses rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity,” the rights group said.

“The scale and pattern of the serious abuses carried out by opposition groups during the operation indicate that they were systematic and planned as part of an attack on a civilian population,” it said.

“In some cases, opposition fighters executed or gunned down entire families.”

HRW, noting that it had previously documented war crimes by government forces, urged the UN Security Council to “impose an arms embargo on groups on all sides against whom there is credible evidence of widespread or systematic abuses or crimes against humanity”.

It also urged countries with influence over the rebel groups, mostly made up of Sunni Muslims, to work for the release of the hostages.

Syria rebels executed 67 Alawite villagers: HRW - DAWN.COM
It seems that Sunni-Shi'ite warring will continue for many years further. A pity, that. There must be resolution, and soon. The Islamic world needs unity, not civil war. I do think, though, that if most Syrians are indeed Sunni, maybe a Sunni leader should rule over them. It is only appropriate.

How about Bahrain then? 70% are Shias and 30% are Sunnis. And a Sunni king is ruling over them
That was AN INDIVIDUAL ACT... however look here at F$A terrorists who do not even follow POW convention,
Assad supporters kill much more, simply they film less. If you open youtube you will see tens of thousands of rebel clips and few Assadists clips.

So for each filmed execution by Assad's force there are thousands that are not filmed.
its apocalypse!! israhell is talking about humanity and human rights !!:omghaha:
Syria is the rock on which empires will break themselves against.............Bashar................the Lion of Syria................will hold steady and firm against these waves of foreign terrorist mercenaries...............he has created a meat grinder for all who pervert the will of God..............for all those that wish to sow terror in the hearts of free Syrians...........they can all come.........they will die the same............each and every last one of them..........their terrorist mentors will soon follow......................no need for double speak..........you know who you are.................the good earth needs fertilizer..................those who come and die in Syria will make a good soil for next years harvest..............no amount of cheap hasbara propaganda or cynical proclamations can or will change that....................

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