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Video shows Hezbollah fighters executing wounded rebels

I will do it, after you go there explain Geneva Convention to Hezb and SAA.

Joking aside, people who are funding them can put pressure on them, not to commit war crimes. People should not be funding war crimes and that applies to both sides.

In some cases as inside Syria where it is not possible to bring them to prisons, either let them go and they will arm themselves again and join the fight or execute with the aim of executing not on the dirty ways the Nusra animals do.

So theres no other choice, there are no prisons, Hezbollah doesn’t have helicopters to ship the POW back to Southern Lebanon.
Those aren't sectarian, they are domestic tensions. Libya, basically has militants keeping government officials in check. It's a good and bad thing.

Egypt's issue isn't a salafist issue, in fact many salafists stood by the military.

No they don't, Hamas captured Gilad Shalit and didn't execute him. Or did you forget that?

Gilad is just 1, is he the only one they ever captured ?

Syria is about salafist, why Assad would destroy his own country? It's clear that it's an invasion which started the war.

Egypt is a salafist issue, they have been killed by dozens my the Army, because they kill security officers.

And the fact that they don't kill Gilad means that Hamas can't attack Israel, so when Tsahal say Hamas launch rockets on them it's pure lies
In some cases as inside Syria where it is not possible to bring them to prisons, either let them go and they will arm themselves again and join the fight or execute with the aim of executing not on the dirty ways the Nusra animals do.

So theres no other choice, there are no prisons, Hezbollah doesn’t have helicopters to ship the POW back to Southern Lebanon.

I know it is difficult but this is how I feel about it. Wars cannot be avoided, there will be wars (I am not anti-War pacifist), but I think every effort should be made to avoid War crimes and follow the Geneva convention. This responsibility lies mostly with people who are backing combatants with financial support and logistics. If this is not the case, I would support referring the facilitators of War crimes to ICJ. I know its not a perfect world, but at least I can voice my opinion about what is right and what should happen.
International Court of Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know it is difficult but this is how I feel about it. Wars cannot be avoided, there will be wars (I am not anti-War pacifist), but I think every effort should be made to avoid War crimes and follow the Geneva convention. This responsibility lies mostly with people who are backing combatants with financial support and logistics. If this is not the case, I would support referring the facilitators of War crimes to ICJ. I know its not a perfect world, but at least I can voice my opinion about what is right and what should happen.
International Court of Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think ICJ will negotioate about "terrorists" with other "terrorists" ( ISIS & Hezbollah ). You know that it does not work, simply the 2 choices I gave are the only 2 realistic choices you have there.

Responsibility lies with those you praise daily.
Do you think ICJ will negotioate about "terrorists" with other "terrorists" ( ISIS & Hezbollah ). You know that it does not work, simply the 2 choices I gave are the only 2 realistic choices you have there.

Responsibility lies with those you praise daily.

Iranian and Lebanese govts. are recognized, Syrian govt. are not recognized by many. So these two govts. are responsible, as they are providing financial and logistical support to the SAA and Hezb.

As for the rebel/opposition side, as far as I know Saudi Arabia and UAE have not supported Nusra and ISIS, Qatar probably did earlier but have stopped recently. I would urge GCC govts. to put pressure on groups they support, not to commit war crimes, it is bad PR for rebels anyways.
Those aren't sectarian, they are domestic tensions. Libya, basically has militants keeping government officials in check. It's a good and bad thing.

Egypt's issue isn't a salafist issue, in fact many salafists stood by the military.

No they don't, Hamas captured Gilad Shalit and didn't execute him. Or did you forget that?

Geneva convention applies to all sides, I do not support war crimes, no matter who is perpetrating it.

The video dates back from june it means it's very rare. Do you want me to show you people killed by your beheaders this month?

We see that they are nearly dead Al Qaeda, so it's not so cruel to finish them.

You're just trying to victimize and dramatize against the Hezbollah heroes, we know that the war criminals are your Al Qaeda
It may be hard to not respond to rebel atrocities for Hezbollah members, who probably lost quite of their men in Qusayr, but killing POW and WIA can never be justified. Its a sign of a lack of discipline, and Hezbollah's military top should address it internally.
There is something called Geneva convention, there is rules for war, executing prisoner of war is War Crime:
Prisoner of war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention protects captured military personnel, some guerrilla fighters, and certain civilians. It applies from the moment a prisoner is captured until he or she is released or repatriated. One of the main provisions of the convention makes it illegal to torture prisoners and states that a prisoner can only be required to give their name, date of birth, rank and service number (if applicable).

This rule apply on both sides right?
this thread is seriously BULL S!!!!

some people cry here and there because of 2 reasons :

1- their country is in love with zionist regime now

2- hezbullah as an armed group (not an army) did what the whole arab world couldnt do for decades ....

so please dont cry :)

p.s executing wounded is the worst thing to do but mass murder and choping head off is good? tnx for the intel :rofl:
They are executing rebels not the civilians and this is war so everything is fair in war

Every thing is fair in war for brain washed....Muslims must stick to the values defined by Islam.

Despicable act... no Muslims would own it.
Every thing is fair in war for brain washed....Muslims must stick to the values defined by Islam.

Despicable act... no Muslims would own it.

i hope u would again say this if ur family was massacred by takfiris and their head was chopped off!!! GOD FORBID P.S.

i cant imagine what u would do to those people !! so stop TRYING TO LOOK OPEN MINDED !!!

these people (takfiris) are less than animals when it comes to killing ..... they chop off u know!!
i hope u would again say this if ur family was massacred by takfiris and their head was chopped off!!! GOD FORBID P.S.

i cant imagine what u would do to those people !! so stop TRYING TO LOOK OPEN MINDED !!!

these people (takfiris) are less than animals when it comes to killing ..... they chop off u know!!

Why do you find them only in areas, where war has been started by shia & US?
Why do you find them only in areas, where war has been started by shia & US?

dont be like that , dont be like shia is bad sunni is good!

thats simple !! thats so simple , its because us will attack anywhere with shia influence and they bring takfiris with themselves !!

ex. iraq , afg , .... and now syria .......

p.s, which war was started by shia (well u mean iran) ??? just name me one !!! enlighten me bro !!
dont be like that , dont be like shia is bad sunni is good!

thats simple !! thats so simple , its because us will attack any were with shia influence and they bring takfiris with themselves !!

ex. iraq , afg , .... and now syria .......

You clearly are inventing reason of war, by labeling any one from street as demon.
i hope u would again say this if ur family was massacred by takfiris and their head was chopped off!!! GOD FORBID P.S.

i cant imagine what u would do to those people !! so stop TRYING TO LOOK OPEN MINDED !!!

these people (takfiris) are less than animals when it comes to killing ..... they chop off u know!!

Did we Iranians treated Iraqi Prisoners Of War in the Iran-Iraq War the same as Syrian opposition/government fighters are doing now in Syria? No, we didn't. In despite of the fact that hundreds of thousands of Iranians were killed, and even gassed to death. You can never justify this.

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