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Turkish Special Operations Forces

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Actually both UPPA and ACAR not have so quality products. ı'm not alking about the prtectşon level of their composite plates NIJ0101 is a common standart of the plates in STANAG level III level so you must provide it if you want to produce plates in military level. However their lifetime is quality poor for comparing with western & Israeli plates. Nurol Makina is still the best producer which is providing all of these requrements and more

And also for the fabric quality and design looks like came from 90's or something like those years. Even their products don't have any MOLLE attachment for the modularity of the west that US producers using their own vests more then 20 years.

These are some popular producers form different sides of the world:

London Bridge Trading Inc.

TYR Tactical - Plate Carrier, Body Armor, Tactical Gear, Tactical Armor

Crye Precision

Группа 99 - военное снаряжение, тактические рюкзаки



And one from Turkey


Please compare...
I wanted to show that we have capabilities.
I believe that the companies will improve their products.
Important is that we domesticaly produce GORETEX for Camo and and Kevlar fibres for ballistic protection.
Does Sabanci produce them ? @-DENO-

Armour plates, I have some hope that the new bor-based plates will go on serial production.
A new player
ALÜMİNYUM ZIRH | NNT Nanoteknoloji | Bor & Nanoteknoloji


I wanted to ask your opinion. I read that optical upgraded and refurbished, Mavzers, Nagants and M1 ; are very effective and precise up to 400 meters and better penetrating then some expensive modern weapons. Much much better on distance as PKKs AK -47.

We have a respectable stock of them. Could it be not interesting to deliver them to KORUCUS.
As low cost solution and to improve their effectiveness.
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Additional infos to my proposal to support KORUCUS with low cost in stock weapons for Sniper Operations,

I don't know the stocks amount of TSK, but they have stocks that I know for sure

converted with optical sights and refurbished
! In use in many countries

With new cartridge, the M1 had a maximum effective range of 440 yards (400 m), with the capability of inflicting a casualty with armor-piercing ammunition well beyond 875 yards (800 m). Because of the larger diameter of the .30-06 cartridge, the modified clip held only eight rounds.


Received 312. 430 M1 rifles from the U.S. government in 1953–1970, saw action in Korean War and 1974 Cyprus War


Mühimmat 7.62x54mmR
Kalibre 7.62 mm
Etkili menzil 500 m. (550 yard) normal versiyonu için, +750 metre keskin nişancı versiyonu -SNIPER

Sovyet Rusya, Kurtuluş Savaşı'nda Millet Meclisi'ne bu tüfekten birkaç yüz bin tane hibe olarak vermiştir,
some hundred thousand granted from UDSSR. Could be refurbished and upgraded.

Mavzer :

Bu tüfek günümüzde de geliştirilerek hala kulanılmakta ve üretilmektedir. In use and produced since now !

Etkili menzil 500 m, keskin nişancı tüfeği versiyonu için SNIPER 800+ metre

Prusya Ordusu’na piyade tüfeği üretmek üzere kurulan Mauser firması tarafından üretilen Mauser marka tüfekler, I. ve II. Dünya Savaşları sırasında kullanılan en ünlü “sürgülü tüfeklerden” biridir. I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu tarafından da kullanılan bu piyade tüfeği Anadolu’da “mavzer” olarak tanınmaktadır. BUILD by MKEK in Repuclic of TÜRKIYE,

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin ilanının ardından Makine Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu (MKE) tarafından “Kırıkkale Tüfeği” adıyla üretilen tüfek, Kuvayi Milliye saflarında çarpışan Demirci Mehmet Efe için yazılan bir türküye şu şekilde konu olmuştur:

Bas mavzerin tetiğine de cihan titresin
Düşmesin türkün dillerden namın bitmesin
Yürü bre Demirci de Mehmet Efem dağlar yürüsün

produced 1941 in Turkey by MKEK Mavzer ammo,
yılında üretilmiş Türk yapımı 7.92 Mauser mermiler ve klavuz metal parçası


Our SNIPER- Dragunovs OF PÖH and JÖH have effective range between 600- 1300 meters,
depending on the skill of operators and use .

Misunderstood message. Deleted
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. .

My projection was in relation with VILLAGE GUARDS ( KORUCU), if you want I can write in Turkish.

You are arleady writing Turkish/English mixed. If you just wrote "villiage guard" instead of "KORUCU" ı could fluently get your message. But you wrote just this particular name in Turkish, so I got it was a private name or a nick of an user who is writing in this forum...

For me it's still the same issue. They are already have SVD Dragunovs wich is much more better than WWII era old rifles. It coul be purchased from Bulgaria, Romania (PSL54C) or China like they did in 90s if the numbers are not enough for them. But for me it's not efficient because we are going to change SVDs which are serving as sandart DMR rifle of army with the DMR version of MPT. So the SVDs witch are out service of army could be easily given to the villiage guards...

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Sorry then for possible misunderstanding. Village Guards are Paramilitaries. You are the weapon expert here.
But you should please accept, that we will not live for eternity in an interior -medium / heavy- conflict.

Village Guard System will be cancelled in some years. Would you dare to deliver them weapons , which you will never see again in Gov. Arsenal. That kind of weapons I listed they can keep with a hunters licence.

My projection was a low cost proposal for Village Guards.
They are traditional skilled to use that kind of weapons for more then 90 years.

I wrote also before " refurbished and upgraded with optical sights" and delivery of some compatible Mil. Digital Radios.

Please remember it was estimated 10 years ago, a hunter in the TOROS mountains killed 4 terrorists with his
Mavzer. After he had no more ammo he was killed.

Both shoot the same size round but with bolt action you can shoot hotter rounds that will give you more distance.
Others could not handle hot rounds because the casing expands and will cause a jam.
And, for my opinion semi-automatic sniper rifles for the Village Guards are waste of ammunition;
also cause of the psychological temptation to shoot rapid fire.
Bolt actions freed Sarajevo.

But thanks to your expert opinion.
Firstly, it's designated marksman rifle, not sniper rifle..

And for the SVD. It created as the support role for Soviet infantry squads between 400 to 600 metres with the PKM, which AKs are not enough to reach. Later designers saw it's accuracy and done some primary features like changing it's buttstock, install a long barrel and scope, so it became a DMR. In those times NATO armies did not really have this kind of problem because all of their rifles are chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO with longer barrell like HK G3, FN FAL and M14. And those could easily used as DMR with scope attachments. Some of them which modified with scopes, bipods and faster trigger mechanisms used as DMR role in most f the Western armies like Germany, Spain, Ireland, Estonia and Lithuania.

And semi-auto marksman rifles can be superior to bolt-action sniper rifles in 7.62 caliber . For example; later the introduction of M110 SASS, both US Army And US Marine Infantry squads didn't prefer their 7.62x51mm Remington M24 and M40 bolt action sniper rifles in combat areas. Because M110 provides same accurate with this rifles with it's free-float barrel and simple "less-vibrated" mechanismat least. It's more suitable to carry in combat because it's much more compact and lighter and most importanty they can do multiple shots in long rage unlike the bolt-action variants...

bolt-actions became much more suitable to sniper teams who are trained and operated for long-range distance shots (Mostly more than 1.000 metres) with the specially designed ammunution for snipers like 338 Lapua Magnum, 300 Win Mag .408 CheyTac or 12.7x99 Raufoss...

So it's much more hard and needs particularly tarined personnal to use bolt-action sniper rifles in combat zones efficiently. For the paramilitary and non proffessional security forces like villiage guards, semi-auto DMRs are much more easy to operate. If they had experience with bolt-action rifles like hunting or firearm sports it could be. But in that region, firearms are only using as miitary roles, and because of this most well-known and common rifle is AK...
Thank you again for the detailed and very professional analysis. It was an idea, how to increase the range of firepower of the Village Guards and after the system will be abandoned to avoid legal problems not to leave military weapons in the hand of civilians.

I wanted to initiate a think thank, cause those weapons were effective in Bosnia Freedom war and are also used up to know in refurbished and with optics upgraded condition for hunting.
I know the reliability of AK's but also their limited range.

Dear @Hurshid Celebi
Firstly you should found Bravehard Patriots:)
Secondl i would remonded you research term " Fire Pressure".
Thats why nowadays armies use auto carabins.
Caliber or range doesnt matter. USA and Russia fighthing with calibers .223 and 5,45mm.
But burst fire really changes the result.
Teroriste ve dusmana hedef secerek kimse ates etmiyor. Zaten 200metre otedeki teroristi geze oturtabilecek asker olabildigine inamiyorum. Catismalarda kimse sniperlik, keskin nisancilik yapmiyor-yapmasida gerekmiyor. Belirli bolgelerden ates baskisi kuruluyor. Cok fazla adette ve hizli mermi cekirdekleri ile tahmini alani doyurmak. Ates baskisi kurmak amac.
Keske devlet vatandasina guvense, keske vatandas guvenligini sadece devlete birakmasa, sovalyelik bilinciyle vatandaslar otomatik tufek satin alma hakkina sahip olsa. Veya belirli bir yastaki tum erkeklere seferberlik amacli otomatik tufekler verilse.
Ornek Isvicre.

Silahli bir toplum-nazik bir toplumdur.
Bireysel silahlanmaya evet.

Ukrayna-Rusya gibi askeri komunizm ile yonetilmis ulkelerin vatandaslari bile bugun yariotomatik yivli tufek hakkina sahip.
Dunya'da, ABd ve Avrupa'da yari otomatik yivle tufek cok basit bir hak.
Bizdeki yivsiz pompali tufek kanun yonetmeligiyle ayni.
Ukrayn, Rusya Avrupada yariotomatik AK-47, M4, HK416, FN, Norinco hatta MKE G3 veya MP5 alabilirsiniz.
Bu devlet gavura sivil amacli yariotomatik satiyor ancak kendi vatandasina yivli tufek ve fisegini satmaktan bile korkuyor.
Dear @Hurshid Celebi
Firstly you should found Bravehard Patriots:)
Secondl i would remonded you research term " Fire Pressure".
Thats why nowadays armies use auto carabins.
Caliber or range doesnt matter. USA and Russia fighthing with calibers .223 and 5,45mm.
But burst fire really changes the result.
Teroriste ve dusmana hedef secerek kimse ates etmiyor. Zaten 200metre otedeki teroristi geze oturtabilecek asker olabildigine inamiyorum. Catismalarda kimse sniperlik, keskin nisancilik yapmiyor-yapmasida gerekmiyor. Belirli bolgelerden ates baskisi kuruluyor. Cok fazla adette ve hizli mermi cekirdekleri ile tahmini alani doyurmak. Ates baskisi kurmak amac.
Keske devlet vatandasina guvense, keske vatandas guvenligini sadece devlete birakmasa, sovalyelik bilinciyle vatandaslar otomatik tufek satin alma hakkina sahip olsa. Veya belirli bir yastaki tum erkeklere seferberlik amacli otomatik tufekler verilse.
Ornek Isvicre.

Silahli bir toplum-nazik bir toplumdur.
Bireysel silahlanmaya evet.

Ukrayna-Rusya gibi askeri komunizm ile yonetilmis ulkelerin vatandaslari bile bugun yariotomatik yivli tufek hakkina sahip.
Dunya'da, ABd ve Avrupa'da yari otomatik yivle tufek cok basit bir hak.
Bizdeki yivsiz pompali tufek kanun yonetmeligiyle ayni.
Ukrayn, Rusya Avrupada yariotomatik AK-47, M4, HK416, FN, Norinco hatta MKE G3 veya MP5 alabilirsiniz.
Bu devlet gavura sivil amacli yariotomatik satiyor ancak kendi vatandasina yivli tufek ve fisegini satmaktan bile korkuyor.
Really? Whilst the US is suffering greatly because of stupid gun laws, your here suggesting that its good. Most parts of Europe, you can't get such things; the results are great, as compared to the US, Europe has very little gun violence.
Dear @UkroTurk

I know for sure suppressing, with massive fire power. But that's for my opinion waste of money and ammunition. I remember in the past Turkish platoons who used all ammo in 10 minutes and were without protection and were overrun from the terrorists ( of course not SOFs).
But on the other side a I remember that an experienced hunter killed almost 10 years ago 4 terrorists in TOROS mountains from far distance, before he had no more ammo and was shot but his buddy could escape.

In South East area of Turkey you and the enemies fight from the distance. With AKs or comparable weapons you can't take distances more than 300 meter under exact fire.

@-DENO- made a very professional and detailed explanation. Thanks to him.

I wrote about that possibility cause Bosnian resistance used them effective in Sarajevo and even today I saw indeed in Sengal/Irak fightings, Peschmergas with that old but upgraded and refurbished weapons fighting from distance.
My idea was that cause of legal restrictions and if Village Guard system will cancelled in future, it will be not easy to take away Dragunovs and other from them. But those weapons you could leave them legally and they would keep their honor.

You wrote about semi-automatic weapons,
except the USA (some States) and of course Switzerland where every ex-soldier has his handgun, full automatic rifle, Combat uniform, combat bag, ammunition and all in his cellar; I don't know any other country where it is allowed.
They are military- war weapons.

Thank you for your opinion.

Ok. I forgot ; of course Israel too.

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