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Turkish Maroon berets - (beat Delta force aswell)

Government has to be blame to be too but we cannot ignore military's mistakes, thats what I'm saying for pages, simple as that.

You don't understand. I'm asking: why this terror still continues? Indeed building stronger outposts will decrease the deaths and should be done but this has nothing to do with the subject. It won't stop the terror, they'll continue to kill civillians, ambush convoys etc...

If PKK is still active today, the fault belongs only to politicans, simple as that.
Overall political&military victory is a thing, sole military success is a thing, I'm talking about the latter, TSK is not good as you think in its own part.
Overall political&military victory is a thing, sole military success is a thing, I'm talking about the latter, TSK is not good as you think in its own part.

Like i said before, PKK has finished 6 times by TSK, politicians are the one who failed their part.

In the past some good military leaders came and passed, but that was their success, overally TSK learned nothing from these personal experiences, TSK still doing same mistakes over decades of experience, that has nothing with the political part of the issue.
In the past some good military leaders came and passed, but that was their success, overally TSK learned nothing from these personal experiences, TSK still doing same mistakes over decades of experience, that has nothing with the political part of the issue.

I'm repeating myself once again, those mistakes has nothing to do with the fact that PKK is only active because of the politicians. TSK has the power to finish them again, as politicians will fail on marginalizing the PKK in the eyes of Kurds once again.
I'm repeating myself once again, those mistakes has nothing to do with the fact that PKK is only active because of the politicians. TSK has the power to finish them again, as politicians will fail on marginalizing the PKK in the eyes of Kurds once again.

If you read my posts again, you will see I'm repeating myself too, as I said overall political&military victory is a think, sole military success is a thing, I don't care about the political mistakes, I'm solely talking about the military mistakes in that conflict, useless outposts was just an example,its have nothing with policy of government, thats the job of TSK.
I would be glad if you could illuminate me.

Just read your post where you said 1% or less of the Turkish army participated in the Korea war, and my answer should enlighten you. if not , let's take the example of a fighter airplane or any other weapon system, and let's assume we have 1000 of them, now we go to an air show, do we have to bring the whole 1000 planes to the show to prove their efficiency?
I just dont get it...every special force in the world is selected from creme de la creme and imparted more training to be made into a killing machine. It is their job to do the impossible and that is why they are paid and trained like that. So all special forces are the best.
I guess I cannot explain it in English perfectly.

Bak kardeşim politik irade örgütün bitirilmesinde tabi ki önemli bi rol oynuyor, ben bu konudan bahsetmediğimi defalarca tekrar ettim, ben sadece bu savaş ortamında TSK'nın yaptığı askeri hatalardan bahsediyorum, karakolları sadece bi örnek olarak verdim sadece bunu tekrar edip durma, özellikle yetenekli ve hırslı bazı askeri liderlerin döneminde ciddi başarılar sağlandı ama TSK genel olarak bu tecrübelerden pek birşey öğrenmedi, hala 20-25 yıl önce yapılan hatalar tekrarlanıyor, hiçbir fark yok hala aynı hatalardan aynı sebeblerden asker kaybediyoruz, e o zaman neye dayanarak TSK'nın genel olarak başarılı olduğunu iddia edebiliyoruz ?
Yemin ediyorum çocuğa anlatsam şimdiye anlamıştı.

10 kere dedim ben işin politik tarafından bahsetmiyorum diye.

10 kere dedim işi sadece karakollara indirgeme diye.

Sayılacak birşey yok, yüzbin kere söyledim ordu onlarca yıldır aynı askeri hataları yapıyor bunu görmek için askeri deha falan olmaya gerek yok, kaç kere tekrar etmem gerekiyor ? 1-2 başarılı liderin döneminde TSK başarılıydı AMA bu dönemlerden ehemen hemen hiçbirşey öğrenmediler, PKK onlarca yıl önce yaptıklarının aynısını yaparak her gün takır takır asker öldürüyor, hani nerde kazanılan tecrübe ? ustalık ? bu durumda neye göre başarılı TSK ? bunun politikayla falan ilgisi yok bu tamamen askeri bi mesele
I viewed the movie "Nefes" a few weeks ago. I realized, Those outposts and watchtowers are easy targets. Unless you dig trenches to man those positions, RPG's are gonna blow those structures.

We cannot make a trench war in a guerilla warfare, true. But we can protect those outposts this way, putting WW1 style trenches around them. In the last scene of movie "Platoon", US soldiers were manning digs and trenches against Vietcong. That was in early 70's, not many things changed since 70's.
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