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Turkish Maroon berets - (beat Delta force aswell)

Yes Turkey sent soldiers to the Korean War, but how many? 5460
I know the stories of heroism of Turkish soldiers i read them many years ago and they indeed brought tears to my eyes. But emotions aside, how can you call that a full scale war? We sent maybe less than 1% of our soldiers.

Let me give some perspective
Iran-Iraq war
About 2-3 million soldiers fought and about 1-1,5 million casualty. Now that is a real war in modern history.

We need to get over our chest thumping and face the realities. Yes our military industry is growing rapidly, but if we are to be honest, we haven't had any real war experience for almost 100 years other than Cyprus and mini operations in North Iraq (mostly aerial).

Have you heard about samples, that how statistics are done too!
Semdin sakik captured in irak by bordo bereli

2 Numaray? 3 Dakikada Paketledi 29 Kas?m 2007 11:00

When will you stop creating new fake accounts ?

Ergen her yerde ergen.


As I said there are mistakes of both military and governments, both are to blame for that failure.

You're saying you're rational but all of your confidence coming from emotional reasons, no real reason.
When will you stop creating new fake accounts ?

Ergen her yerde ergen.


As I said there are mistakes of both military and governments, both are to blame for that failure.

You're saying you're rational but all of your confidence coming from emotional reasons, no real reason.

I've provided you facts, and asked you a question? #61
What was the military's fault?
I've provided you facts, and asked you a question? #61
What was the military's fault?

Most simple mistake that coming to mind first, stupid outposts, army never learned anything from that.

Osman Pamukoğlu's speeches gives some idea about the mistakes, its shocking even though they knew it fails, they're repeating same fail over and ove and not taking measures, isn't its easy to see for even a ordinary person after all ? we're giving casualties to same kind of actions from 20-30 years ago, and sometimes even in the same locations.

I can't believe we're still arguing over it, I though my posts were pretty clear.
Most simple mistake that coming to mind first, stupid outposts, army never learned anything from that.

Osman Pamukoğlu's speeches gives some idea about the mistakes, its shocking even though they knew it fails, they're repeating same fail over and ove and not taking measures, isn't its easy to see for even a ordinary person after all ? we're giving casualties to same kind of actions from 20-30 years ago, and sometimes even in the same locations.

I can't believe we're still arguing over it, I though my posts were pretty clear.

Outposts? So soldiers should collect money among themselves and hire some amele to build stronger outposts?

I was asking, why this terror still continues? Because of the tin can walls?
Problem is not just quality but also strategical placement of them, don't just quote part of my post, read completely.

I told you in the beginning, it was the failure of both governments and military.

I think there is nobody thinks neutrally, everybody thinking from a pro-blabla side.
This has nothing to do with outposts or their strategical placements.

Unlike AKP, we just need a consistent government. Then PKK will be crushed like in the nineties.
Government has to be blame to be too but we cannot ignore military's mistakes, thats what I'm saying for pages, simple as that.
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