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until Syrian army tanks keeps out from LOC near Turkey. Wont create problems. If Syrian army enters the LOC near Turkey. Turkey will react,
All nations suffer consequences in any type of battle, militarily, financially or having its prestige hindered. But I'm very doubtful about Syrian Air Force's capabilities or its any other military capability compared to Turkey's "modern" forces. Besides PKK fight is a type of guerrilla warfare whereas in a possible Turkish-Syrian war case would be a conventional one and empirical evidence we know shows us that guerrilla warfare is much more harder than fighting a standing army in open. So I would go far to say that PKK is more advanced in survival than Syrian Army.

What I don't get is why everyone is so hateful about NATO when nations in the region, even Afghanistan, lacks the ability to rehabilitate their regimes so they can treat their citizens equally and justly. I'm not making an argument for intervention of NATO in Syria or any other country, but I'm saddened that this crucial fact is ignored by most and only thing that remains in the minds of people is just "NATO interventionism".

all things are connected and runs like gears connected to each other. damn sure iran and china will not sit quite if their ally syria gets invaded by NATO or turkey. strong possibility that it might turn into a regional conflict. these moves are infact meant to save israel and in case of any conflict with turkey israel will be the preferred target of iran and its militant allies.

just stop foreign interference, all countries including afghan and iraq can restore law and order in their country.
TAF has 200+ F-16 jets, Syrian air force no match for TAF. TAF one of the best in Nato command.
Turkey has the capability to hold its own against any nation in this world... even us!

Im so so supprised to hear this from some people!

as far as its own defence is concerned turkey can hold but if it gets involve in invasion of syria then it will disintegrate.
i didnt know turkey was so weak militarily tht it can be used for nato's objectives, turning against its own frnd
all things are connected and runs like gears connected to each other. damn sure iran and china will not sit quite if their ally syria gets invaded by NATO or turkey. strong possibility that it might turn into a regional conflict. these moves are infact meant to save israel and in case of any conflict with turkey israel will be the preferred target of iran and its militant allies.

just stop foreign interference, all countries including afghan and iraq can restore law and order in their country.
Wow, how china syria became allys and how china iran became allys. First China's relations with Turkey and Israel strong. You can google that. Both Turkey and Israel shares strong ties with China. By the way both china and russia supported santions on Libya.
ok, i dont understand, turkey was a very close ally of asaad some time ago and was persuing the policy of love from arabs, syria is not a danger to turkey and nor syria intends to attack turkey, i dont understand why is turkey turning a non issue into a war, turkey will spend its resources, it must be all concentrated on developing its economy, not pushing for some war conflict with terrorist is one thing, but conflict with one state which is also not a very small state is a very bad omen for future peace in middle east, thing will get worse for both countries, turkey maybe on some advantage with its numerical and tech advantage but disaster of war will spread on both sides

iran will stop giving oil to turkey which can hurt its economy, o you agree??
Turkey doesn't want a war in region. Period. It's against its national interests. Turkey is the country which suffered most in 80's Iran-Iraq war, Gulf War and recent Iraq war apart from belligerents. So we know what kind of diseases war can bring. Turkey advocated, and still advocate Syrian regime needs to implement reforms so that country would not be thrown into a civil war. You all blame NATO that organization would be the one to start so called "third world war" but let me tell you, if civil war happens in Syria every sitting leader in the world would be shaken as instability in Syria can have disastrous effects beyond anyone's calculations.
it is fun how people like u-571 thninks turkey will just to war because of the syrian people who is comming to the border!

if it is a threat to turkish interests and or they cross the border or kill a turkish soldier then turkey has all the rights to attack syria!

and you think that the syrian army is a hard match for turkey? please... even israel kicked their but in lebanon, and their airforce. even civil pilots can shot them down easily!

if it wasnt for turkey, syria would be a slowly dying rat, that could be compared to yemen or somalia! it is thanks to turkey that syria has a bit of economy not because of iran! they funded pkk in the late 90's why dont you guys pick on them for that? you guys need to stop thinking that turkey will attack syria because of nato! ohh wait..... we also attacked cyprus because of nato, we also "attacked" former jugoslavia because of nato! we drink because of nato we sh*t because of nato. nato is our life, grow up! as every nato allie turkey has nato bases in it's soil. why do you think turkey joined nato?

when it comes to the syrian armed forces, even the norwegian armed forces is capable of destroying them. and that whit a far less standing army and air force. you think turkey is a country that suffers from technological advance in the military sector? think again. turkey has showned it self to be a though country to be matched when it comes to military! and stop with that islam stuff. this isn't a religion war, it is a war that threatens MY people. and when MY countrymen in the border can get killed that is considered a threat!

assad is a idiot who is willing to sacrify his friendship with turkey, the only country that actually can help them on developing. and rather wants iran and the stupid ayatollah! that is where he made his mistake, and killing protestors. if some indians support him, i tell you: "you are a shame to your country and what it represents, and a shame to the biggest democracy in the world"!

nobody that can think logical can support assad. we supported him before because it was in turkeys interests. now he does nothing but damage the ties between us and his own people. the islamic middle east wont hate us! where do you get that from? they want change their leader kills them, what are they supposed to do! their neighbour offers them help! suddenly syrians will hate turkey. the only downfall if a war breakes up is that pkk will get help from assad again, and that can i guarantee. money, weapons etc.

anyway, hope some guys understod something afther reading this!
*sigh* Somebody really needs to teach that Asad fellow a lesson or two. I mean, that a**hole is really not helping, not helping at all.

Anyways, hope Syria becomes a good country with its citizens happy :tup: That a**hole is not doing that.
Guys beware many people have put Pakistani flags (and are not Pakistanis) and are trying to create rift between Pakistan and Turkey on this forum..little do they know the truth about love which people of both great countries have for each other.

Turkey is probably the only country where if u say u r a Pakistani in many small shops u would get discount.



May God protect both from the psychotic morons !!!!!
coming from someone hailing from the so-called ''largest democracy''

well unfortunately for you, the world doesnt revolve around ''India''

Sure the world does not revolve around India. But as an Indian it is my prerogative to support anyone I see as beneficial to Indian interests.

International Diplomacy 101.

having lived in Turkiye, i can publicly ASSURE you that a good number of Turks feel the same way about your federation

Big deal mate. I could not care less. They have about exactly..umm..0% influence on India.

Turkiye is a time-tested ally of Pakistan since the Gift of Partition and Azady. We have been there for them during their time of need, they have been there for our time of need. You wouldnt understand this bond that exists between both countries.

and to compare what is going on in Syria to what went on in Bangladesh is not only utterly devoid of logic; it is immature and childish at best.

Ofcourse it is ... specially with one of the justification that was peddled out went on like - thousands of refugees were flooding the borders. The only suitable analogy that stood out where millions flooded our border after being persecuted was in the erstwhile East Pakistan.

i suggest you take some time off the forum and come back when you are ready to actually contribute something useful, rather than the usual saffron-coloured banter that is typical of you and those people of yours.

And where exactly did the saffron color come from ? Is Syria a Hindu country ? Stop being so paranoid and argue based on facts.

Look you support Turkey based on your mutual interest which I fully understand and I express my support to the Syrian Govt based on India's interest. What so hard for you to understand ? And cut back on unsolicited advice, if you may.
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