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Indeed. Everyone talking about the future role model of Turkey of Muslims. Is this kind of threatening to neighbor. Tukey is itself biggest terrorist that will likely ask NATO to follow Turkey in order to attack Syria. why didn't you attack Bahrain at first?

I think, Pakistan should deploy small amounts of troops in Syria just like Bahrain even i know little relations Pakistan and Syria. It is hurt that Turkey serve West and NATO interests, don't forget West hate Syria. Turkey has no business to takeover Assad government, have you done on Libya matters supplying to NATO?

just wait till tomorrow, i will give you a proper answer that will make you shut the fuc* up!
This is a tough one...

it isnt just humanitarian.....the news media numbers (of Syrian refugees to Turkiye) are under-stated in my opinion. I have personally spoken to friends of mine (two on black sea side, one who is doing his military service in Antakya)

the number is well into the thousands

Turkish Syrian relations used to be pretty bad, especially when the previous regimes were sympathetic towards the PKK (Syria has its own small Kurdish population)

Relations as of late have been quite good. Turkiye is under some pressure domestically to take action. Like in Pakistan, Turkish media is very very powerful --- reaction provoking. They've been covering the Syrian crisis day in and day out. So AKP govt. may feel obligated to do something

however i dont see it happening anytime soon, to be honest. And when push comes to shove, it's best to wait for the OFFICIAL TURKISH RESPONSE

what one diplomat or official says to the other does not constitute 'official response'

so it's best to wait and see what happens....it's obviously a lot of unrest going on in Syria. Hopefully sanity would prevail.
I favor Israel over NATO/Turkeys, what I mean Turkey is no right to attack other countries. It will create more enemies and wars bring to Turkey despite Armenia, Kurdish, Greece, Cyprus, Russia, Afghan terrorists, Flotilla ships drama, Iran romantic, so on.


you favour israel over one of our closest allies???

oh please....I have nothing (personal) against israel. Turkiye is a time-tested ally and genuine friend of Pakistan.

in actuality, Turkiye (NATO) did not allow US to use Turkish territory to launch the war on Iraq in 2003 (and they paid for it diplomatically). So no need to sensationalize things.

my friendly advice sir.....please refrain from statements like "Turkey is terrorist"

that is beyond ridiculous....incidentally, we do a lot of military cooperation (all 3 services) so technically you would be implying that we are terrorists as well --which is not the case either.

Usually the memebers here support Turkey. See how quick they turn on you when you puncture thier artificial world-view?

im actually glad that you made this post, pakistan is nt a hypocrite country, tht it supports its friends on every legal and illegal matters, we are not like americans, who remained silent when its ally called turkey people got killed in flotilla, still america remain silent, it vetoes any deal which can bring justice to ghaza people, we are not hypocrites..
im actually glad that you made this post, pakistan is nt a hypocrite country, tht it supports its friends on every legal and illegal matters, we are not like americans, who remained silent when its ally called turkey people got killed in flotilla, still america remain silent, it vetoes any deal which can bring justice to ghaza people, we are not hypocrites..

Lol, really? read the thread again slowly.
im actually glad that you made this post, pakistan is nt a hypocrite country, tht it supports its friends on every legal and illegal matters, we are not like americans, who remained silent when its ally called turkey people got killed in flotilla, still america remain silent, it vetoes any deal which can bring justice to ghaza people, we are not hypocrites..

Yeah, you are actually. When Turkey doesn`t do things as you see fit a Muslim country should, you turned against her in a heartbeat.
you favour israel over one of our closest allies???

oh please....I have nothing (personal) against israel. Turkiye is a time-tested ally and genuine friend of Pakistan.

in actuality, Turkiye (NATO) did not allow US to use Turkish territory to launch the war on Iraq in 2003 (and they paid for it diplomatically). So no need to sensationalize things.

my friendly advice sir.....please refrain from statements like "Turkey is terrorist"

that is beyond ridiculous....incidentally, we do a lot of military cooperation (all 3 services) so technically you would be implying that we are terrorists as well --which is not the case either.


Abu Zolfiqar, our respected member sir, I enjoy reading your reasonable posts. Okay, I will withdraw this thread as you mention let's wait and see what Turkey decision. I sincerely hope Turkey choose wise choice instead following NATO-Libya styles which Turkey provides its navy suppliers, and even more killing on innocent Kurdish people (whoever militants Turkey says) unacceptables.

I understood your deep patriots to Turkey. Thank you for friendly advices, bro!

Yeah, you are actually. When Turkey doesn`t do things as you see fit a Muslim country should, you turned against her in a heartbeat.

i guess turkey on bases of what it stands against syria, on those bases must first attack israel because israel unlike syria killed its citizens and for that turkey must confront israel
Well that`s stupid, threatening Turkey. Have the Iranians lost their minds? Turkey was one of the few countries to support them and they return the favor by threatening to bomb the country?

Its simple Iran supports their alawite puppets in Syria, they have instructed hezbullah to do the same they are scared the Sunni's have woken up after 50 years of an al-Assad boot on their neck.

Turkey is taking steps to save lives and promote a united middle east Iran wants to establish a persian empire, Turkey protecting Sunni villagers from being massacred is an inconvenience to them. So they react the way they always d owith threats, i am just waiting for monkey boy to treaten to whipe Turkey off the map.
Its simple Iran supports their alawite puppets in Syria, they have instructed hezbullah to do the same they are scared the Sunni's have woken up after 50 years of an al-Assad boot on their neck.

Turkey is taking steps to save lives and promote a united middle east Iran wants to establish a persian empire, Turkey protecting Sunni villagers from being massacred is an inconvenience to them. So they react the way they always d owith threats, i am just waiting for monkey boy to treaten to whipe Turkey off the map.

Ohh i understand their reasons and i believe it is an Islamic empire they want and not a Persian one. They try to forget about their Persian roots as much as possible that even Hezbollah leader called them Arab(He meant it as a compliment).
Turkish control Syria would be blessing for Muslims then a Syria under Mr Assad


We support Turkish brothers in adding Syria to Turkey - I hope we do same with Afghanistan

The move makes complete sense -
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