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Lol if Turkey wants to intervene then so be it! Syria has in the past supported PKK rebels, they probably wanna make sure now that nothing like this can happen in the future. Whatever the reason there must be some valid reason behind it. Also Assad and all of these other autocrats need to go. Turkey would be doing Syria a great favour by getting rid of him.
Is there any chance we gonna see some...action soon...in that region ...?
if you are christen then PM me the concept of trinity............. otherwise shut your mouth...... if anyone turned this into religious fight i will report it

Its very simple , Trinity was Keanu Reeves GF in Matrix and she had all the cool moves in the movies the part where she dies I pretend that never happened and ignore that last movie

Big talk and when the question of push comes to shove, these chaps chicken out.

Go for it.

The Turkis were always their masters!

Prove it!

Arabs, as it is, were losers.

They lost all wars against Israel!

it is only the shia Hezbollah that showed some fire in the Lebanon crisis!
I do not know How you reach such a conclusion like "Turkey threaten Syria with war" because Turkey did not do it. Actually, It is Turkish side that is trying to keep NATO out of this region and want to solve the problems with inner politic discussions and reforms that would be placed by Syrian government so Turkish side advises Assad to accelerate the reforms to meet the demands of Syrian population for a peacefull solution and Turkey adds that If Syria do not solve it in a short time, Somebody from other lands would certainly come to your lands to solve it as examples are apparent in similar events because There are civilians beng killed there and International community can not keep their silence to all those...
The Arab Spring is being used to isolate Iran & diminish its influence in the region. The overthrow of the Syrian Shia leader al-Assad is the most important step for that. Once that happens, the support for Hezbollah in Lebanon will finish, & the US will reduce Iran's influence in the region (which it already did in Bahrain), & Israel will be protected. The Arab Spring in Syria will also be to counter Iran's growing influence in Iraq. Eventually, this whole Arab Spring was a ploy to corner Iran. Turkey will only be endangering itself & the region if it acts against Syria, or lets NATO troops in.
Turkey will only be endangering itself & the region if it acts against Syria, or lets NATO troops in.

Nothing will happen to Turkey, Assaad killing people next to my country is a great insult to us it is not fcking Rwanda over here... My country will not allow any massacre like Assaads father did in the past. If he dont listen Assaad will be hanged in Damascus, Syrian people will welcome our army as liberators. And after assaad relations will be even better.
Nothing will happen to Turkey, Assaad killing people next to my country is a great insult to us it is not fcking Rwanda over here... My country will not allow any massacre like Assaads father did in the past. If he dont listen Assaad will be hanged in Damascus, Syrian people will welcome our army as liberators. And after assaad relations will be even better.

Iraq was in the same situation with Saddam Hussein. We all know what happened once the US overthrew him. Turkey should mind its own business & not bother itself with the situation in independent sovereign nations (which are its internal matters). You don't want Syria to become like Iraq, or what Libya is becoming right now; mark my words: it won't be good for Turkey.
Turkey can act independently in any possible scenario without approval of NATO. But NATO needs the approval of all the member states if it wants to act. NATO cannot use Turkey as Turkey can not use NATO. If NATO wants to open a war, pass a new doctrine or even a statement on critical issues, basically all the functions of NATO needs approval of all its 28 members. By your post, you not only show your eagerness to insult Turkey but you also show your lack of knowledge.

lets stick to the thread topic rather than discussing the nato charter.

Turkey is a respectable Muslim country and all respects turkey. It will loose its position and respect if it involves itself in conflicts with muslim neighbour and invade it just like saddam did to iran and kuwait.

Wow, how china syria became allys and how china iran became allys. First China's relations with Turkey and Israel strong. You can google that. Both Turkey and Israel shares strong ties with China. By the way both china and russia supported santions on Libya.

☪☪☪☪;1901151 said:
I am surprised to see the response of some Pakistani Members here - I believe that Turkey has every right to intervene in Syria - After all Assad does not have any legitimacy..These dictatorships are not like Pakistani dictatorship where everything is done properly and which is not a monarchy type dictatorship.The argument that no muslim country can attack other muslim country is ridiculous at best.Usually these argument is presented by terrorist sympathizers who think attacking terrorists within our own country is a bad idea because terrorists are our own muslim brothers ( So are those Muslims who are rapists, murderers should we also not arrest them?).Besides there was a guy here saying Turkish Air Force cannot defend its air space and there will be strikes - Turkey is one of the largest operators of F16's and they can easily blow these crap soviet stuff in Syrian Air Space but i must say some powers are playing great games in this region .Specially Iran that country is the worst country IMHO - It uses Shia proxies and then blames other country when they return the favor.

post #104 is enough to understand the purpose of the great game.
Iraq was in the same situation with Saddam Hussein. We all know what happened once the US overthrew him. Turkey should mind its own business & not bother itself with the situation in independent sovereign nations. You don't want Syria to become like Iraq, or what Libya is becoming right now; mark my words: it won't be good for Turkey.

You are right, thats exactly the reason why we have to do this ourselves before USA comes in.
Nothing will happen to Turkey, Assaad killing people next to my country is a great insult to us it is not fcking Rwanda over here... My country will not allow any massacre like Assaads father did in the past. If he dont listen Assaad will be hanged in Damascus, Syrian people will welcome our army as liberators. And after assaad relations will be even better.

this all is exactly what usa thought before invading iraq.
You are right, thats exactly the reason why we have to do this ourselves before USA comes in.

Again, you don't have any right to do anything inside a sovereign country if they are not affecting you. It is their internal matter, let them handle it instead of being the watchdog which the US is.
That is just and redicilous comment, Maybe you will do nothing when a massacre of innocent people is going but turkey is not of that caliber, The most stupid thing you can do is comparing turkey with USA that clearly says how low you thing of us soo your an Haterr. We are not USA, our soldiers have much more honor and respect for the citizins of another countries. What the marines are doing in iraq is wrong we all know that but in the end Democrasy is worth fighting for even if you disagree. Look ate your status(I dont hate pakistani) which clearly show your there watchdogg, if there was no Aid from USA your nation would be the first "Nuclear-Armed-Failed State'' Which is infact proven
I think Turkey should hold talks with Assad & warn him, rather than sending their own troops into North Syria, or letting NATO troops into their country. This issue must be resolved peacefully. But the US & NATO Forces don't want that, they want a war (after the Arab Spring takes place) in Syria which overthrows the Syrian Shia president, & isolates Iran from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq i.e. whole region, just like it did in Bahrain. I can't believe the Turks here don't see what's really going on here.
Let them talk, they just concerned
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