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Turkey is taking steps to save lives and promote a united middle east Iran wants to establish a persian empire, Turkey protecting Sunni villagers from being massacred is an inconvenience to them. So they react the way they always d owith threats, i am just waiting for monkey boy to treaten to whipe Turkey off the map.

Me too. I am so excited ;) and waiting for such a statement to make some fun in threads. You know It is the natural habits of them.
We support Turkish brothers in adding Syria to Turkey - I hope we do same with Afghanistan

The move makes complete sense -

hmmm....No comments about Pakistan and Afghanistan..
But Turkey should not try to conquer Syria.. Instead after over throwing this mad man,should handover the control the syrians (in case the war does happen )..
why a Nato ally is threatening its neighbour Syria? Turkey will loose its respect and position in the muslim world if it ever dare to invade its muslim neighbour. damn sure its Nato that has passed threats to syria via turkey and it maintains nearly two dozen bases in turkish territory. Today they are threatening a weakened anti-west syria and tomorrow they will threatened anti-west iran.
I support Syria wholeheartedly. They are not doing something that is unheard of in the middle east. Just weeks before the Bahraini royal family crushed an uprising in an even more brutal way and the KSA fanbois were singing praises of how it is the internal matter of Bahrain.

Also Assad is one of the rare secular leaders in the Arab world and is a good friend of India. Screw the Turks.

And all those Pakistanis supporting Turkey just because of the humanitarian nature and the refugees are into thousands, well so does that legitimize Indian action in 1971 where the refugees were not in thousands but millions ?
Its simple Iran supports their alawite puppets in Syria, they have instructed hezbullah to do the same they are scared the Sunni's have woken up after 50 years of an al-Assad boot on their neck.

Turkey is taking steps to save lives and promote a united middle east Iran wants to establish a persian empire, Turkey protecting Sunni villagers from being massacred is an inconvenience to them. So they react the way they always d owith threats, i am just waiting for monkey boy to treaten to whipe Turkey off the map.

most syrians still support the government.

while turkey is a Nato puppet. No shocking if it is passing threats to Anti-Nato Syria. So as per you If it is going to become a sunni or alawite problem. then surely turkey too will have a bigger problem as it also has a large number of alawites living in that country too with the Kurds and a threatening iran on its east.

it is not wise for a muslim country to invade or threaten another muslim country.
most syrians still support the government.

while turkey is a Nato puppet. No shocking if it is passing threats to Anti-Nato Syria. So as per you If it is going to become a sunni or alawite problem. then surely turkey too will have a bigger problem as it also has a large number of alawites living in that country too with the Kurds and a threatening iran on its east.

it is not wise for a muslim country to invade or threaten another muslim country.

^ But we leave a dictator that is mistreating Muslims ? and whats your thought about the Ottoman Empire and Lawrence of Arabia
True Muslim country shouldn't really threaten another Muslim country

1) Who is to say that anyone of these are a Muslim country (See criteras)

2) Would you prefer the US, Israel, UK and the West to get involved, LIke they are doing in Libya and have done in Iraq and AFganistan ? because they will.

3) Turkey was going to get involved in Libya but the West stopped them.

4) When was it so ISlamic to have Dictators, one minute you critise the King of Saudi then side up with Assad ?

5) Granted there are SOME who support Assad like their are some Lybians that support Gaddaffi or some Iraqis that supported Saddam but not Most !

6) Turkey did rule Syrai as the Ottoman Empire and did a good job in retaining Muslim culture and estabilishing ISlamic rule ,( can't say much about Assad)the point is shouldn't the Turks have that right over syria like the Chiniese have that right over Hong kong ? Afterall Syria was created by the Britsh and French Empire ? Or do you believe in a Arab Nationalist which goes totally aginst Islam ?
We as Turkiye are always with the Syrian people. Not with the regime. Ignorant Raptor should shut the f... up. Cuz it is Turkiye who is neighbour of Syria and recieving thousends for now maybe hundreds of thousends refugees if things going worse. Assad lost his legitimacy after all the crimes he committed against the people and should go or we will come to Damascus and remove him ourselves.
people really need to understand the history between syria and turkey before they open their mouth and start talking sh*t they dont know!
I support Syria wholeheartedly. They are not doing something that is unheard of in the middle east. Just weeks before the Bahraini royal family crushed an uprising in an even more brutal way and the KSA fanbois were singing praises of how it is the internal matter of Bahrain.

coming from someone hailing from the so-called ''largest democracy'' :lol:

Also Assad is one of the rare secular leaders in the Arab world and is a good friend of India.

well unfortunately for you, the world doesnt revolve around ''India''

Screw the Turks.

having lived in Turkiye, i can publicly ASSURE you that a good number of Turks feel the same way about your federation

And all those Pakistanis supporting Turkey just because of the humanitarian nature and the refugees are into thousands, well so does that legitimize Indian action in 1971 where the refugees were not in thousands but millions ?

Turkiye is a time-tested ally of Pakistan since the Gift of Partition and Azady. We have been there for them during their time of need, they have been there for our time of need. You wouldnt understand this bond that exists between both countries.

and to compare what is going on in Syria to what went on in Bangladesh is not only utterly devoid of logic; it is immature and childish at best.

i suggest you take some time off the forum and come back when you are ready to actually contribute something useful, rather than the usual saffron-coloured banter that is typical of you and those people of yours.
Abu Zolfiqar, our respected member sir, I enjoy reading your reasonable posts. Okay, I will withdraw this thread as you mention let's wait and see what Turkey decision. I sincerely hope Turkey choose wise choice instead following NATO-Libya styles which Turkey provides its navy suppliers, and even more killing on innocent Kurdish people (whoever militants Turkey says) unacceptables.

I understood your deep patriots to Turkey. Thank you for friendly advices, bro!


PM Erdogan has actually been quite fair on it....while he was quite ''liberal'' on his word choice for the Syrian armed forces, he also made some very proper statements.......Asad should stop factionalizing his country; Turkiye cannot remain indifferent to the crisis in Syria

a.) they have business interests there
b.) given new border/visa rules that were passed out i believe a couple years back, the cross-flow of migrants (mostly Arab and Kurdish families who have family on both sides of the border) etc. Turkiye is indeed a stake-holder here

Turkiye isnt arming terrorist groups or promoting unrest in Syria. That is what Assad and his regime seem to be doing. You can't promise political reforms and an end to emergency rule and then within the same breath order pro-govt. men to machine-gun public areas where protestors are standing.

i dont think Turkiye would attack Syria; it will only invite trouble in the Middle East, it will sour relations with Iran also... unless of course Syrian govt. posturing threatened Turkish sovereignty which so far I dont think is the case.
turkey threatens syrian dictators , iranian r threatning turkey ... what is cooking here a sectarian war btw muslim countries
turkey doesnt need to meddle in syrian affairs, if its too willing then please let syrians sort out their problems, turkey must not involve in matters which cause controversy in muslim world i mean after such a nice going and arabs on their side, they dont want to cause such controversy such that people start talking against them and turkey loses all credibility and support

after turkey attacks, im sure nato will back turkey, and i dont think turkey alone will be able to conquer syria, it will cause massive blood shed on both sides, whats happens if turkey areas are occupied by syria, can turkey risk getting into such immense trouble, after erdogan win, i dont think the guy will do such things which will tarnish his image in his country???, what if iran and hizbullah back syria??, both are shias and equally willing

i repeat if nato, doesnt support turkey, turkey will get into a complicated mess of situations, turkey is not a country like united states
turkey doesnt need to meddle in syrian affairs, if its too willing then please let syrians sort out their problems, turkey must not involve in matters which cause controversy in muslim world i mean after such a nice going and arabs on their side, they dont want to cause such controversy such that people start talking against them and turkey loses all credibility and support

after turkey attacks, im sure nato will back turkey, and i dont think turkey alone will be able to conquer syria, it will cause massive blood shed on both sides, whats happens if turkey areas are occupied by syria, can turkey risk getting into such immense trouble, after erdogan win, i dont think the guy will do such things which will tarnish his image in his country???, what if iran and hizbullah back syria??, both are shias and equally willing

i repeat if nato, doesnt support turkey, turkey will get into a complicated mess of situations, turkey is not a country like united states
Read Nato article no 5, any attack on Turkey mean a attack on all Nato members and Usa. Nato will blast Iran & Hizbulla anything fired on Turkey. there are several US Navy ships already near turkey.
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