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Time to abandon Ummah / brotherhood for greater good of the nation?

Just wondering a thought..what has so called Islamic brotherhood / ummah really given us??

  1. Terrorism, Talibans and Osama Bin Laden?
  2. Turned us into a proxy battle ground of Shia vs Sunni?? Settling scores on a 1400 years old conflict?
  3. Turning us into lap dog defenders of corrupt monarchies?? Not any different than IRGC in Syria??
  4. Today we are trying to desperately re-write our history and erasing our own heritage to love the religion more than the prophets?
  5. Seriously much of the terrorist and sectarian ailments of our societ can be traced back to pan-islamism and ummah obsessions..
  6. Muslims countries which stayed away from brotherhood and ummah obsession have done remarkably well...point in case Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, etc!
  7. Today none of these "brothers" are to be found to even condemn the severe security and stability crisis we are under. Not a word has been uttered against drone strikes. Not even a semblance of responsibility towards OBL...Pakistan has been abandoned by the very same Ummah it choose to defend vehemently..
  8. its like waking up to reality...the so called Ataturk moment when he realized the very same Muslims were backstabbing them now...and he must have thought to hell with brotherhood and lets built the nation to stand on its own feet...I think what Pakistan needs today is a visionary like Ataturk!
This can and never be done by the way Turkey is back with Ummah and now it is the one who talks most about Palestinian issue when ever it has been tried it has failed and it will fail again because power of Islam binds Muslims together their can be no Islam without the concept of Ummah and only traitors and American Slaves can talk of betraying the Ummah
If all Muslim countries are working on common financial agenda then it can do wonders for them. But no Muslim country will fight other Muslim countries war.Gone are the days.
only theoritical rant..no practical implementation..so its useless to talk about it..lets be practical with what is available on not what the book says can be done

Sorry mate,
Guss what, many of like you , can't see a light, inside a long drak tunnel, that's your problem & surly , you hve right to dis agree with my ideas, also I am not trying to impose my ideas on you?
But , I think if, pakistan can test, its dam ICBM, with 14000 kms range, can start ome trade, IRAN & INDIA & Open NATo supplies, just for 2 months, & send its deligates to INDONaSIa, malaSian & for the tacnical Investment in pakistan,with free trade agreements, with turkey bangladesh, nigeria egypt & KSA , bosnia, can clean the dam crrouption,ask England & china to give, investment for rebuilding,, its armed man power, 8,00,000 more troops, to mentain law & order, surly ! Many of our ummahA, wiLl come together to find, a road map of unification?
Its difficult , but not imposible, & iam sure USA, will change its , shameless policies towardS, ISlamic world(umMaha), & will start , singing our song, bt we neeD, a good govt, which Should be loyal to pakistan, nt these dam politicianS!
Sorry mate,
Guss what, many of like you , can't see a light, inside a long drak tunnel, that's your problem & surly , you hve right to dis agree with my ideas, also I am not trying to impose my ideas on you?
But , I think if, pakistan can test, its dam ICBM, with 14000 kms range, can start ome trade, IRAN & INDIA & Open NATo supplies, just for 2 months, & send its deligates to INDONaSIa, malaSian & for the tacnical Investment in pakistan,with free trade agreements, with turkey bangladesh, nigeria egypt & KSA , bosnia, can clean the dam crrouption,ask England & china to give, investment for rebuilding,, its armed man power, 8,00,000 more troops, to mentain law & order, surly ! Many of our ummahA, wiLl come together to find, a road map of unification?
Its difficult , but not imposible, & iam sure USA, will change its , shameless policies towardS, ISlamic world(umMaha), & will start , singing our song, bt we neeD, a good govt, which Should be loyal to pakistan, nt these dam politicianS!
Sir western slave problem is they are over obsessed with america that they can't see what we have done Muslims started suffering the day when our concept of Ummah was put behind by first our leaders than Muslims as a whole and from that day our worst era started and will continue until and unless we come back to the Islamic concept of Ummah
The Muslim Ummah will prevail.

Not from canada it won't

Sorry mate,
Guss what, many of like you , can't see a light, inside a long drak tunnel, that's your problem & surly , you hve right to dis agree with my ideas, also I am not trying to impose my ideas on you?
But , I think if, pakistan can test, its dam ICBM, with 14000 kms range, can start ome trade, IRAN & INDIA & Open NATo supplies, just for 2 months, & send its deligates to INDONaSIa, malaSian & for the tacnical Investment in pakistan,with free trade agreements, with turkey bangladesh, nigeria egypt & KSA , bosnia, can clean the dam crrouption,ask England & china to give, investment for rebuilding,, its armed man power, 8,00,000 more troops, to mentain law & order, surly ! Many of our ummahA, wiLl come together to find, a road map of unification?
Its difficult , but not imposible, & iam sure USA, will change its , shameless policies towardS, ISlamic world(umMaha), & will start , singing our song, bt we neeD, a good govt, which Should be loyal to pakistan, nt these dam politicianS!

Far too many IFs there mate.But still great things in this world are only achieved by dreamers.
The Muslim Ummah will prevail.
From all corners of earth.
With a strong faith, not a shaky one.
and this guy nisar is one of the most Baighairat person on media we have. you indians like only those persons who talk against islam. and here one or muslims with bunch of non muslims hindus targeting islam and ummah. how ironic.
Yes! He is a traitor and a CIA agent & bohot Baighairat Aadmi hah......:agree:
What you are ranting is standard jamati propaganda and makes no sense at all..

Even if we stick to these principals the others are clearly not which makes are net losers in the game..time to wake up!

You are implying that if other people are on the wrong path, you also need to follow them but if some people are on the right path you won't follow them. What logic.....!

P.S. Everybody needs to read post 112. It contains verses from Quran, Hadith and sayings of some of the most gifted minds in our history.
Yes! He is a traitor and a CIA agent & bohot Baighairat Aadmi hah......:agree:

Living here in the West, I have understood that it is considered as a cultural norm to convert from the faith of your parents or abandon it altogether......there may be some resistance but it is now socially acceptable.

In Pakistan and the other non-Western countries, you are in the immediate danger of being politically incorrect if you want to convert or abandon the faith of your parents.

I don't know about Hasan Nisar, He quotes Quran and Hadith and calls himself a Muslim; and Qruan instructs us not to call somebody a non-Muslim if that person declares himself to be a Muslim. But, Quran also wants us to use our head.

On the whole Hasan Nisar is a cynic of the highest grade with a defeatist mentality who sees no hope in the end (I just wonder how he does appreciate Imran Khan as a sign of hope... that might turn out to be his redemption).

I will hear to such person because he may point out what is wrong with us; but think hard on what he is saying; he might be asking us to abandon what is right with us.
You my brother are reading this ayah without proper context. Did you read aya 1-9 to understand what kind of topic is being discussed?

Copy paste of Quran for your political purpose is worse than munafiqs. So don't be a munafiq and read first. and understand first.

Well, before passing judgments, you should have gone through the context of that ayah, the previous ayat, the 9th one is relevant with it, it tells about the disputes between Muslims. And the sentence, "Muslims are but Brothers" applies generally, it's not about a certain time or incident.

In year 2012, and in Pakistan (or any other country), this ayah has to be understood in proper context. Use your own brain brother, do not fall into Mullah and Ayatullah trap.

I don't give a damn to Mullahs or Ayatollahs or whatever. I personally follow no one, I'm a great admirer of Allama Iqbal who wasn't a Mullah in any sense, next time, you use your brain and don't pick just one thing from my post, go back to that page and read everything that I wrote, and reply to every ayat and Hadith that I quoted, then we can have an argument.

Otherwise Pakistan will remain the play ground of Sunni terrorists attacking innocent Shias (and Shia terrorists attacking Sunnis where they can).

Totally out of context, the terrorism in Pakistan is due to many reasons, it has nothing to do with the topic we are discussing here.

Country is like your house. You must protect it by protecting its borders.

When did I say that we shouldn't? I said, we shouldn't go for something that will be beneficial for us but disastrous for other Muslim states.

Even blood brothers put up walls around their houses. Don't they?

Their own kids and wife always takes precedence over the blood relations. Such is the nature of human society. Only monkeys and chimps don't have a concept of walls around the house even though they look like humans, but they are still chimps.

And chimps do not have a concept of national boundary either. Even though all chimps are bound with the some sort of brother hood hood.

Again, totally out of context, the boundaries you are talking about are already there, they need to be demolished in my view, you can still keep your identity, as I'm Pakistani and I'm very proud of this fact but first I'm a Muslim, that's my ideology, and anything which goes against my ideology, I'll go against it.

And Chimps don't have access to PDF as well, but now I believe they have, after reading your totally 'out of context' post ;)

Same way you setup walls (some times real and sometimes virtual) around your city, and your country. And you don't let every nathu khaira come in regardless of the fact that he is a Muslim or not.

Muslims have NO boundaries, if you're a Muslim, you must have a right to travel to anywhere in the Muslim world, Islam gives us this right. The wall or boundaries or whatever can be in minds, but physically they shouldn't exist.

If your blood brother is burning down his house, or doing something stupid. You won't burn down your kids and wife. Would you?

But I would do everything I can to stop him and save him.

Same thing applies to countries. A country of your birth or a country of your residence takes precedence over your religious brother. Just like the walls around your house take precedence over your blood brother.

Well, the bold part is against my religion, Islam.

And if your blood brother jumps over your wall, you will shoot him or do whatever you can in order to protect your kids and your wife.

That even if your father who's living in the same house tries to harm your children and wife, wouldn't you shoot him, wont you? :)

So my momin brother, do not over-read into the ayah above. It is a concept that you have to understand in the proper context.

peace to you.

I will again say, don't take out isolated points from my post, answer everything in context. Peace to you too.
then we should not protest about breach of sovereignty when Americans sneak in and kill OBL..because it does not belong to us and we are not sovereign nation...What nonsense you are talking.

OMG! Can you be more stupid than this? Even my 10th grade cousin who's 16 knows the meaning of that sentence, "Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone" is the first thing mentioned in our constitution and are you trying to say that we are governed by nonsense?

This particular sentence means that the State of Pakistan will not go against Allah's prescribed laws i.e Qur'an and Pakistan will be governed by the laws of the Holy Qur'an. That's what Jinnah said as well. Read my signature.

Next time, before writing something stupid, at lease think once. Do you know by posting this nonsensical comment you have actually come up with a joke out of yourself? lol
..... I'm a great admirer of Allama Iqbal who wasn't a Mullah in any sense,...

Totally out of context, the terrorism in Pakistan is due to many reasons, it has nothing to do with the topic we are discussing here.

When did I say that we shouldn't? I said, we shouldn't go for something that will be beneficial for us but disastrous for other Muslim states......

1. Allama was a poet. he said Cheeno Arab Hamara. Now go to any Arab country and try to get nationality and right to work independently. Ordinary Arabs will whoop your @rse and kick you out in no time. Now bring Allama and show him the reality. Same thing with Chinese (although they will be a bit more humane as they are civilized compared to Tribal Arabs)

Allama. Yeah right.

2. So wahabis killing Shias, and Talibotics bombing Ahmadi mosques are all due to Mars and Saturn. Where art tho living my dear. It doesn't seem like you are mentally on this planet anymore.

3. Pakistanis do things for their own benefit and let others do things in their benefit. That's the reality of today. But as I said Islamists in Pakistan are mentally on some other planet.

Peace to you brother peace to you. Come back to this planet please if you want to philosophize the poor earthlings.
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