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Resuming the Islamic Way of Life!

I don't have a bone in this. You can choose whatever you want as way of life but looking at Pakistan's situation and its populace delusions, I don't see why any Islamic nation wants to touch it even with a pole let alone fight for its causes.

Most Arab countries anyways sees you as third class Muslims. This post seems OP wants other countries to shoulder Pakistan's burdens since Pakistan and its populace can't do anything by itself/themselves except for preaching others about Islam.

That's a stupid way of looking at it. What benefit is there to 1 billion Indians being one nation rather than 20? The South doesn't benefit from Bihar or UP - why are they funding it? Because there is a benefit in unity.

In the eyes of wealthy Muslim countries Pakistan is a burden, yet in the eyes of other nations, it's a resource to exploit. Neither approach is fit for the Caliphate. In the Caliphate each region will be assessed for it's own benefits and strengths, much like the Soviet Union did for it's regions. The EU did the same thing, it initially started with a core of like minded nations with similar aims, it then built up. The inclusion of Eastern Europe despite the economic drain it would bring and the migration, was done because it'd also provide cheap labour and strategic access to the Eastern bloc nations.

When you think beyond the end of your nose, it's not difficult.

For Pakistan the best route is to support itself to stand on it's own feet, and if it ever finds itself capable of that, it'll soon find a lot more people interested in investment and engagement. At that point it can be done on equal terms. There is not a single Muslim nation on Earth that would not benefit from being part of the Caliphate. As a bloc of 52 nations with nearly 2 billion people - we'd be a superpower within a couple of decades.

Actually the thought of Khilafah has come to Pakistan from the Arab lands about 25 years ago. They also want it. However, Dr. Israr Ahmed also had the same ideas of Khilafat.

Actually you'll find the idea of Khilafah has never left Pakistan. Our forefathers participated in the Khalifat movement in 1919. Anyone who takes islamic identity seriously eventually realises that the only way for success for Muslim nations, ie being an equal to any other nation - is through the Caliphate. Otherwise they will always be vassals to China, Russia, EU, USA and soon India too.
Yes, but the layman view in the non-Arab world is that they were a united superpower bloc.

Unfortunately 50% of our Pakistani laymen can't even read or write. We should focus on that before we get ahead of ourselves.

There are no heroes who are going to swoop in and improve our state.

We mock the Taliban - they're currently building an artificial river without any foreign funding or aid.

Ethiopia funded a dam in the same way CJP Nisar did - through crowd funding.

If we continue on our path and they continue on theirs - in 20 years time we'll be looking up to Afghanistan and Ethiopia.
Often one hears that we must rise to defend Islam or Islamic countries but actually it is the other way around. We need Islam to defend us from threats, be they military, political, economic, social, cultural or spiritual.

Pakistan was created on the slogan of Islam but everything other than Islam has been implemented in the country for the last seventy five years. From Western Democracy to Authoritarianism to Martial Law to Civil Martial Law to Socialism to Enlightened Moderation to rule by Capitalist-Political elites, all experiments have been done in this country. Trickle down economics has failed twice. Once during Ayub Khan's time and once during Musharraf's time. Now, we are off to creating a Banana Republic with large corporate farms controlling the economy and slave village labor.

Bhutto wanted to attract the capital from middle east and so constructed a Juwa Khana in Clifton where the Arabs could relax and spend their money and do other Ayyashi. Hunting areas were given to arab princes who built luxurious palaces and ayyashi addas and hunted endangered birds.

Now we are neck deep in debt and interest servicing and still bringing out the failed tricks from the magicians hat.

All these experiments have failed in Pakistan as well as in African and, South American and Asian countries.

IMF and World Bank are Western institutions whose real purpose is to keep poor countries in chains so that raw materials and labor intensive goods can be produced while devaluing the currency so that few dollars are spent to buy too many goods.

The only solution for the country and the Ummah is to resume the Islamic way of life by changing the political, economic and social systems to Khilafah and Interest free economy. The Islamic economic model is at the middle between Capitalism and Socialism, resembling the Scandinavian countries with a high level of social spending.

If we unite Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey with us in a European Union style Confederation then we will become a major economic and political power. Our energy problems would be resolved immediately with Iranian Oil. We need to change our export destinations to Asian, African and Arab countries but should try to keep as much European market as possible. We should concentrate on land based trade with Central Asia, Russia and China.

But this requires a bold decision by all the stake holders and the need to stand on the basis of our principles. Otherwise, there will be a succession of failed governments in the next ten years with a culmination in the loss of our nuclear assets on the orders of IMF and World Bank.

I think initially the solution is for individuals to partake in the Islamic way of life. Refrain from haram, don't make exceptions, cut yourself off from those who do. First we must make ourselves people of worth, then spread that in our communities, and it'll reflect at a wider and higher level too.

Worth must be on a deeni and dunyabi basis.
Often one hears that we must rise to defend Islam or Islamic countries but actually it is the other way around. We need Islam to defend us from threats, be they military, political, economic, social, cultural or spiritual.

Pakistan was created on the slogan of Islam but everything other than Islam has been implemented in the country for the last seventy five years. From Western Democracy to Authoritarianism to Martial Law to Civil Martial Law to Socialism to Enlightened Moderation to rule by Capitalist-Political elites, all experiments have been done in this country. Trickle down economics has failed twice. Once during Ayub Khan's time and once during Musharraf's time. Now, we are off to creating a Banana Republic with large corporate farms controlling the economy and slave village labor.

Bhutto wanted to attract the capital from middle east and so constructed a Juwa Khana in Clifton where the Arabs could relax and spend their money and do other Ayyashi. Hunting areas were given to arab princes who built luxurious palaces and ayyashi addas and hunted endangered birds.

Now we are neck deep in debt and interest servicing and still bringing out the failed tricks from the magicians hat.

All these experiments have failed in Pakistan as well as in African and, South American and Asian countries.

IMF and World Bank are Western institutions whose real purpose is to keep poor countries in chains so that raw materials and labor intensive goods can be produced while devaluing the currency so that few dollars are spent to buy too many goods.

The only solution for the country and the Ummah is to resume the Islamic way of life by changing the political, economic and social systems to Khilafah and Interest free economy. The Islamic economic model is at the middle between Capitalism and Socialism, resembling the Scandinavian countries with a high level of social spending.

If we unite Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey with us in a European Union style Confederation then we will become a major economic and political power. Our energy problems would be resolved immediately with Iranian Oil. We need to change our export destinations to Asian, African and Arab countries but should try to keep as much European market as possible. We should concentrate on land based trade with Central Asia, Russia and China.

But this requires a bold decision by all the stake holders and the need to stand on the basis of our principles. Otherwise, there will be a succession of failed governments in the next ten years with a culmination in the loss of our nuclear assets on the orders of IMF and World Bank.

Salvation lies in Ijtehaad and Jihad.

Ijtehaad is imperative to counter challenges posed to the society and Jihad is imperative as it was the last thing Jinnah initiated for Kashmir.

Rest is all just voodoo
it be just easier to bomb saudi oil fields to get their attention.
What kind of union ? Making one nation ? Even in Quran it is said that God creates many nations in order for human to know each other.

Even during last of Chaliphate period, the Syria has become the strongest province where the Governoor has its own policy and army and later defeat the Chaliphate under Ali and make Kingdomships. The level of Autonomy system under Chalipate is similar like current union under OIC.

OIC is already miracle as it is the first time Muslim are under one banner after Chalipate period. It is good to have OIC works at this level.

Each Muslim nation people has their own obligation to manage and protect their own country. When one nation under attack, the others are helping as we can see from Afghan and Bosnian war. Majority of Muslim nations for example are against USSR and sided with Western power during cold war and Afghan war. USSR also captured many Muslim nations in Central Asia like Kazachtan, Ajerbaizan, etc where all of them have become free nations now.

Muslim nations are raising and we can see on my thread how their nation, cities, and people become modern. Shocking transformation can be seen in previously poor Gulf nation with their desert nation has now looked like NewYork, the richiest city in USA.

We even make our sport games and it is the first time in history of human kind.

OIC is just a paper tiger, what have they done to protect the member states from foreign invasions? Absolutely nothing. I didn't mean 1 Nation State but something like EU for economy and Nato for military. I understand its not as simple but we should be working towards that goal.

OIC is bullshit.

For any kind of meaningful cooperation it's better to form a smaller grouping of Muslim countries that matter.

If Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, KSA, Iran and Indonesia can jointly create an Islamic military "peacekeeping" force, so they can be deployed in zones of conflict within the Islamic world while keeping away Western forces, that would be a good start.

Meaningless educational and cultural exchanges can be done at a bilateral level, we don't need to create global organizations like OIC for that.

The biggest problem is Saudi Arabia, they were created to prevent Muslim unity like the Ottomans had. Pakistan and other states tried to make some kind of alliance during Malaysian summit and Saudia went mad. Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turk Unions, Malaysia, Indonesia can make a powerful organisation for economy, defence but as usual Pakistan is too chicken to do it, they fear the gulf arabs wrath.
why would fitnabaaz want unity? Their forefathers battled against the caliph alongside the kafir so that they could be kings.
Spoken like someone who never studied the history of that region. Why the hell shouldn't the Arabs fight against the people who treated them like second-class citizens? Arabs did the right thing. But these are just the social issues, let's talk about the economic situation and the lack of industrialization of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman started declining as far back as in the 1600s and slowly started turning into a complete sh*thole and Arabia remained a sh*thole for hundreds of years under Ottoman rule. What self-loathing idiot would dream about being a part of such an empire? Had you and your elders been a part of the Ottoman empire post 1600s, you guys would moved elsewhere for prosperity just like your elders moved from Pakistan to the UK.
I wish someone with access could take this thought of reviving the Khilafah to Gen Asim Muneer. The other solutions being adopted by his government are short term and will result in failure. Already people are questioning the government. Previously, Army backed governments or Martial Laws used to have a two to three years grace period in which a section of the people supported them because they were sick and tired of the previous governments. Now the protests have already started against price hike, electricity bills, by the lawyers and civil society. Leasing govt land to Arabs and Chinese will buy us only one or two years respite from our economic problems. Peoples Party is also calling for elections. There is no other feasible solution other than bringing in the Khilafah. PTI followers are already mentally ready as Imran Khan promised them Riasat e Medina. PMLN will also support this suggestion as they already tried to bring in Islamic rule in the nineties. Zardari will also accept it once Iran gives positive signals for the Union.

Spoken like someone who never studied the history of that region. Why the hell shouldn't the Arabs fight against the people who treated them like second-class citizens? Arabs did the right thing. But these are just the social issues, let's talk about the economic situation and the lack of industrialization of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman started declining as far back as in the 1600s and slowly started turning into a complete sh*thole and Arabia remained a sh*thole for hundreds of years under Ottoman rule. What self-loathing idiot would dream about being a part of such an empire? Had you and your elders been a part of the Ottoman empire post 1600s, you guys would moved elsewhere for prosperity just like your elders moved from Pakistan to the UK.
If we stopped Ijtehad and learning does not mean we cannot start it again and do scientific inventions like the past. and develop ourselves more than the West, Look at how China developed itself in the last 80 years.

The Khilafah system will have political parties just like now but they will base their thoughts on Islam and can take part in elections to become members of the assemblies.

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Don't include other muslim countries with Pakistan. Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bahrain, Qatar, turkiye etc , they are not weak.
Saudia, UAE, Qatar and Bahrain are strong economically but weak militarily. That's why they are normalizing relations with Israel. If they don't have US, Pakistan and Bangladesh supporting them militarily, Iran and Turkey would divide them among each other.
Khilafah is an Arab supremecist hegemonic ideology like Hinduvita, like one China policy, like US one world government, do you understand? It's not for your benefit. If you want Pakistan to win then it must invade and dominate others.

When the whites were looting Africa they said they were ordained by God to rule over them. This is no different to Khilafah.

There's a reason why TTP switched from a pan-Islamist Arab larp during Hakimullah's time as ruler to Pashtun nationalism today.

Even Taliban isn't espousing the same rhetoric as it was during the late 90s.

Everyone knows certain truths about society.

Saudia, UAE, Qatar and Bahrain are strong economically but weak militarily. That's why they are normalizing relations with Israel. If they don't have US, Pakistan and Bangladesh supporting them militarily, Iran and Turkey would divide them among each other.

You're a Madkhali?
talk of khalifah when the saudis and gulf spend more money on useless materials like a 450 million painting or buy 1 billion pound yachts which is more then investing in your countries. To rub it in you cannot get citizenship. its better to keep them out of the khalifah.
I wish someone with access could take this thought of reviving the Khilafah to Gen Asim Muneer. The other solutions being adopted by his government are short term and will result in failure. Already people are questioning the government. Previously, Army backed governments or Martial Laws used to have a two to three years grace period in which a section of the people supported them because they were sick and tired of the previous governments. Now the protests have already started against price hike, electricity bills, by the lawyers and civil society. Leasing govt land to Arabs and Chinese will buy us only one or two years respite from our economic problems. Peoples Party is also calling for elections. There is no other feasible solution other than bringing in the Khilafah. PTI followers are already mentally ready as Imran Khan promised them Riasat e Medina. PMLN will also support this suggestion as they already tried to bring in Islamic rule in the nineties. Zardari will also accept it once Iran gives positive signals for the Union.

If we stopped Ijtehad and learning does not mean we cannot start it again and do scientific inventions like the past. and develop ourselves more than the West, Look at how China developed itself in the last 80 years.

The Khilafah system will have political parties just like now but they will base their thoughts on Islam and can take part in elections to become members of the assemblies.

Yeah, Khilafat worked wonderfully after the end of the Islamic Golden Age, right? The system was successful because it was better than the ones that were implemented elsewhere on the planet at that time. Once others started adopting superior systems, we were completley left in dust. Instead of wasting your experimenting with outdated governing systems, pick the most succesful governing systems on Earth and modify them according to our needs.
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