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Resuming the Islamic Way of Life!

This is why I support authoritarianism and dictatorship in Pakistan for at least 100 years to transform their psychee completely, as it won't happen by itself.

They don't deserve democracy. There needs to be a complete overhaul of the system and especially the state narrative, and what is taught to them in schools. All it produces is these cucks.

These mfs are delusional and coping, they believe in a warped form of Islam, warped form of historical understanding, warped form of human nature, no pragmatism.

And worst of all they have no self-respect or honour, they literally just suck off every other Muslim ethnicity like its their master. They can't take charge and be leaders. Slavery mindset.
It's easy to blame our leaders for all of our failures but we ourselves are equally responsible due to all the points that you mentioned. At least it makes me happy to see a fellow nationalist on PDF. I enjoy your posts and your posts increase the quality of this forum.

Are you actually listening to AzadKashmir?
I prefer not to comment on areas where I lack the knowledge needed to speak about it. If you disagree with his claim then feel free to counter it.
The ideal system is Syura which is similar in essence with Democracy. First Caliphate gets Republic and Democratic System in essence, but the system is still in the very raw one and the people dont have democracy mentality that is essential under Khilafah system (Republic + Democracy). They dont follow the rule and prefer solving the dispute through war between Muslims which is against Quran that prefer consultation and good judicial system.

The system is way ahead and too advance. This is why the system is destroyed and replaced by Authoritarian system under Kingdomship who are more effective under their social and mentality fabrict and technology level.
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Of course, but the essence is similar as Caliphate is not run by Kingdomship or Authoritarian system.

You cannot say it backward as we are talking the 7 Century political system where almost all nation during that time were ruled by Kings. They were new nation and since the system is not evolved then it gets destroyed.

Political System should evolve overtime following the population and complexity of ruling a nation. We can see modern nation keep making new laws and even changing law to improve the stystem
Of course, that's why I called it backwards. A constitutional republic can be considered a highly evolved form of that ancient system.
i believe my opinion a system meritocracy is best the most learned and educated to rule.
Of course, that's why I called it backwards. A constitutional republic can be considered a highly evolved form of that ancient system.
Backward under current situation (2023), but very modern and advanced system during 7 Century.

The essence of the system is not understood by Chilapate fans, they just think oh the name is bla bla bla, not ble ble ble despite the system is basically the same in essence....

Arabic words vs Western terminology using Western language.
An even bolder and better decision would be to colonize Bharat and extract its resources, without letting the black people of India move across the border.
Okay but what you will do with black people of Pakistan and Bangladesh?
OIC is bullshit.

If Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, KSA, Iran and Indonesia can jointly create an Islamic military "peacekeeping" force, so they can be deployed in zones of conflict within the Islamic world while keeping away Western forces, that would be a good start.

Yes. OIC is bulshit.

OIC was created for shame sh!t of UN.
Winners of WW2 became permanent members of UN to get more influence and to blackmail.

Same was OIC. It might be created for more influence. Like may be Saudis wanted more ifluence in muslim countries, same wish of others.

You said
Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, KSA, Iran and Indonesia create Islamic millitary force

Not Possible.

There are 2 blocks: Capatalist and Communist.
Capatalisim lead by US.
Communism lead by Russia, China.

Turkey, KSA are Capatalist. They are under US influence.
Iran can be considered Communist. Its under Russian influence.

Pakistan have/had some politicians and generals supporters of communism and some are/were capatalist. Same is with Egypt.

I do not know about Indonessia history.

Communism vs Capatalism

So, result is no chance.

This is not based on weak Ahadees. Khilafah was a reality from the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA to 1924 and was a Super Power. By the way, I am not Zaid Hamid. I have completely different ideas. If we join Afghanistan or Afghanistan joins us, it is the same thing. They don't have the capacity to manage Kabul airport themselves although their administration is not corrupt.

Do you have any solid proof for your claims?

They are only terrorists.
Spoken like someone who never studied the history of that region. Why the hell shouldn't the Arabs fight against the people who treated them like second-class citizens? Arabs did the right thing. But these are just the social issues, let's talk about the economic situation and the lack of industrialization of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman started declining as far back as in the 1600s and slowly started turning into a complete sh*thole and Arabia remained a sh*thole for hundreds of years under Ottoman rule. What self-loathing idiot would dream about being a part of such an empire? Had you and your elders been a part of the Ottoman empire post 1600s, you guys would moved elsewhere for prosperity just like your elders moved from Pakistan to the UK.

Puttar thori der hai.

We'll see how much junoon you have when your next bijli bill comes in.
Puttar thori der hai.

We'll see how much junoon you have when your next bijli bill comes in.
bijli is important that its hot in pak we need fans and air conditioners, light bulbs. but if you are from old world you are used to without electricity and oil lamp for light, for stove you use wood.
It's easy to blame our leaders for all of our failures but we ourselves are equally responsible due to all the points that you mentioned. At least it makes me happy to see a fellow nationalist on PDF. I enjoy your posts and your posts increase the quality of this forum.
Leaders don't come from out of space; they come from the people.

If you consistently keep getting corrupt, cowardice, slave-minded, cùcked leaders then that says more about the foundation of the society they come from.

Pakistanis will bitch everywhere but won't introspect on this. Won't address these root societal issues and their mental complexes that contribute to the bad character and failing institutions around them.

For starters, Pakistanis should stop looking for daddies and masters from other countries in Arabia, Turkey, Afghanistan, USA, China, and maybe their leaders won't do that either.
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