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The “Princes” of Iran Speak Out as Regime Fears Collapse

The world is not ending padhemjan. In fact millions of Iranians are going back to Iran and totally fukking living it up! So many vlogs on youtube about just regular Iranians hanging out, doing whatever they want. Surprised that you feel all this doom and gloom and wanting our blood to survive?...:rofl:....Nobody cares what you do behind closed doors in Iran. You need to travel to Iran maybe sometime, to see for yourself. Here's some young Iranians kids who posted this vlog. Just a regular country, No doom or gloom:

Ya but do it on whatever or somewhere less incendiary please. :lol:

I, this drama was always meant to happen.

Tokhme jan to bait this Hendi Apu, posted a hilarious video of an Iroon and an Indian.

Minus the accent, that is exactly what Parsis are.

Now you bring Parsis and Iroons face to face, it's a good thing they cannot talk in the same tongue. :rofl:

Cheers, Doc

Now watch out though.......if you look like this khoshgel (thing).......it ain't goin be a fun trip to Iran for you at all, even with that kheli ghashang smile.......:rofl::

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Ya but do it on whatever or somewhere less incendiary please. :lol:

I, this drama was always meant to happen.

Tokhme jan to bait this Hendi Apu, posted a hilarious video of an Iroon and an Indian.

Minus the accent, that is exactly what Parsis are.

Now you bring Parsis and Iroons face to face, it's a good thing they cannot talk in the same tongue. :rofl:

Cheers, Doc

Obviously I am not going to do it here, and plus you think I don't have to take into account Mullahs from side, it is going to be controversial and would hit the sensitive nerves of many. Plus it all depends if @Nilgiri is interested and has the stamina to bear with it.

Baita ........ yeh to hona he tha .... ubi to aghaz hai injam tak Hindi musslay b wajabil ul qatal karar dy gay.
@Nilgiri if you are interested I can let you in on what actually is the (historical) issue between the two of us, and the funny thing is doc agrees with me (to some extent).

Sure bring it up on whatever thread, profile page or wherever you please to...at your discretion and timing. Thanks bud.

Plus it all depends if @Nilgiri is interested and has the stamina to bear with it.

Yup I'm interested to know....I like this kind of psyche/debate/strife stuff.
oh so now you too learning Persian?........my my, what a character!......lol

This is the situation here........khar kosi hendi trying to convince Iranian that he's not hendi:



WTF are these guys talking about? I can't follow the conversation at all. This sounded like caveman banter.
appu from India was explaining to behrouz how he let the rabbit escape......:rofl:


WTF are these guys talking about? I can't follow the conversation at all. This sounded like caveman banter.
appu from India was explaining to behrouz how he let the rabbit escape......:rofl:

I didn't even hear the word rabbit.

I heard darya which means river and then dewana which means like crazy in love sort of like majnun. If you want to say someone is crazy in Urdu we use the word pagaal. Rabbit in urdu is khargosh.
lol, this looks like some animal farm in Iran where we employ hendi. Appu let the rabbit fall in the water. Now he apologizing to behrouz.......:rofl:

I didn't even hear the word rabbit.

I heard darya which means river and then dewana which means like crazy in love sort of like majnun. If you want to say someone is crazy in Urdu we use the word pagaal. Rabbit in urdu is khargosh.
lol, this looks like some animal farm in Iran where we employ hendi. Appu let the rabbit fall in the water. Now he apologizing to behrouz.......:rofl:

So this is what the Indians are doing in Chabahar? :lol:
I, this drama was always meant to happen.

I laughed so hard that time you told Tokhme..."I look at that DP and I find it hard to take anything you say seriously"...haha.

Cheers, Doc
Correct, they stay inside the workers compound. Not allowed outside in the city.

So this is what the Indians are doing in Chabahar? :lol:

My avatar is an Iraqi cabbie pic taken by some US soldier in Baghdad. It's fukkin something else ain't it.....lol

I laughed so hard that time you told Tokhme..."I look at that DP and I find it hard to take anything you say seriously"...haha.
My avatar is an Iraqi cabbie pic taken by some US soldier in Baghdad. It's fukkin something else ain't it.....lol

Its hillarious haha. Adds another element to when you are letting someone have it lol.
Mr. Pajeet and his clan is living on a lie. Here is their mitochondrial DNA PCA plot. They are far from Iranians or Central Asians in general. 60 % of this community has Indian DNA and they live in India for thousand + years. With birth rate of 0.8 % the total 60000 of these will be wiped out in near future. @Nilgiri. By wiped out I mean they will be genetically gone as a distinct people.

Look at the Mitochondrial DNA PCA plot. See the difference from Iranians.


Mind you that modern day Iranians are one of the extreme level DNA isolated or continuing groups which show 95 % genetic continuity since late neolithic times.

Check this out. Look at the clustering of Modern day Iranians with Iron age Iranians. Nothing significant has changed since Iranic groups entered modern day Iranic plateau. This is amazing because in early days of internet there used to be a myth that Iranians are composed of Arabs and Turks and Mongols and what not LOL. But Blood never lies right.


Regarding Pajeet's Persian group in India, they not only genetically but also phenotypically look extremely central coastal Indian not even north indian. They have the uber Indian eyes, jawlines, face shapes. Almost all belong to the category called text book Indo-Brachid. I am just saying they both look extremely different. I am picking random crowd and group pics.









Compare these people to Iranians (Genetically preserved population)










So them are genetically different. Appearance wise different. Geographically different. Sigh ...
More of such posts will continue.
Iranian artesh:





And the Lion of Iran:



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Even Iranian Shias are pussies compared to the ones in Pakistan.

Our Shias are fucking crazy...

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But I think our Shias have more links with Iranis today than your parsis do.

I'm not claiming anything as a Pakistani. I am happy with myself as a punjabi and as iranis would like to call me wahabi. :lol:
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