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Iran's concern over Taliban threat

1 didn't think Afghanistan-Iran would be the first of the water wars but its not surprising that we're seeing one now.
you even don't knew Jomhurieh-Islami is considred an Osul-Gara newspaper (Principalist) but on a more balanced level than nonsense like Keyhan or Resalat

Factional politics in Iran are characterized among other things by their relative fluidity and at times by overlapping allegiances.

I did not state that the "Jomhuriye Eslami" newspaper is or is not principlist. Rather, I described it as a liberal outlet. There are liberals within the principlist camp, e.g. Ali Larijani and other Motalefe members: economically liberal, increasingly soft on social-cultural matters, aligned on the reformist / moderate camp with respect to major foreign policy issues like the JCPOA. Some even considered him as a likely political successor to Hashemi Rafsanjani.

He is also described as a center-right politician who has "slowly distanced himself from the Principlist camp"[33] and a "conservative-turned-moderate".[34]


Ehsan Bodaghi (4 May 2017). "'National dialogue' initiative indicates shifting political sands in Iran". Al-Monitor.
Saheb Sadeghi (7 February 2017). "Why this Iranian conservative-turned-moderate will succeed Rafsanjani". Al-Monitor.

Same applies to the newspaper in question. The least one can say is that it's not a typical principlist outlet.

More to the point, we read at the corresponding "Jomhuriye Eslami" entry of Wikipedia's Persian version (which you quoted selectively):

جمهوری اسلامی روزنامه‌ای سیاسی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی و فرهنگی است که در اوایل پیروزی انقلاب ۱۳۵۷ ایران تحت مدیریت میرحسین موسوی، نخست‌وزیر پیشین، انتشار خود را در ۹ خرداد ۱۳۵۸ آغاز کرد.[۱] در دوران احمدی نژاد و دوران رئیسی این روزنامه مکررا سرمقاله های انتقادی نسبت به سیاست های دولت، به قلم مدیر مسئول نوشته است.[۲]

1) At its inception the publication was headed by then Prime Minister Mir Hosein Musavi, who would go on to become a founding member of the reformist movement and later a co-instigator of the worst political fitna witnessed by the Islamic Republic, the so-called "Green movement" of 2009. It therefore stands to reason that at least part of the personnel at "Jomhuriye Eslami" newspaper underwent a similar transition.

2) The publication has illustrated itself through the eminently critical headlines it has been running against the administrations of Presidents Ahmadinejad and Ra'isi - that is, the only two Presidents since the formation of the reformist camp, which did not / do not pertain to the moderate-reformist nexus. That's enough to consider "Jomhuriye Eslami" newspaper as closer to the liberals than to revolutionary forces.

Unsurprisingly, "Jomhuriye Eslami" continues therefore to be criticized by its more authentically principlist counterparts. Example:

damn i didn't knew now our supreme leader is considered a reformist Zionist western liberal agent according to you guys
you guys are just label and name call anybody who is against your view.

This quote itself happens to indicate that the Leader (h.A.) is no longer personally associated with this newspaper.

Which is rather understandable, considering how the people who launched so-called reformism in the Islamic Republic, used to hold diametrically opposed views on practically all matters until they operated the very u-turn which resulted in their founding of the reformist current around the mid-1990's. In other terms, compared to their present orientation and except for a few details their former outlook used to be significantly closer to that of the Leader.

by the way the paper always criticized for censoring view of the people who are against government

Did you verify who authored the book which served as a reference to the Wikipedia quote you produced?

Because it's the RAND Corporation, a controversial USA "think tank". A source of debatable expertise on as subject like this, and marked by heavy political bias. They will hardly hesitate to slap any label crossing their mind onto whomever acts more or less under the umbrella of the Islamic Republic.


All this being said, whether "Jomhuriye Eslami" is moderate liberal or principlist revolutionary really has no bearing on the gist of my comment. If classified as principlist camp, then it may be seen as a rather dissident voice. Fact remains that vocal advocates of a more confrontational course vis à vis the Taleban have been liberals (reformists / moderates) for the most part. There can be exceptions, there always are.

1 didn't think Afghanistan-Iran would be the first of the water wars but its not surprising that we're seeing one now.

What we've seen so far would suggest that the likelihood of war between Pakistan and Afghanistan seems higher than that of a conflict between Iran and Afghanistan. Border incidents have been more frequent with Pakistan. Afghanistan has been called out for harboring or welcoming on state visit, elements of an armed insurgent group openly fighting against Pakistan. There's no equivalent to this in Tehran-Kabul bilateral relations.

As for the water issue, Iran is in the process of solving it through the construction of desalination plants along the coast of Makran, the first of which went online not long ago. These will supply the areas of Sistan and Baluchestan affected by drought due to climatic conditions and/or to Afghanistan obstructing the flow of river Helmand.
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This quote itself happens to indicate that the Leader (h.A.) is no longer personally associated with this newspaper.
supreme leader appoint the head of Ettellaat , Keyhan and Jomhourieh-Eslami newspaper
supreme leader appoint the head of Ettellaat , Keyhan and Jomhourieh-Eslami newspaper

Including one Mehdi Nasiri, former director of Keyhan appointed by seyyed Khamenei (h.A.) in 1370. Of typical reformist profile, what's Nasiri dedicating himself to nowadays? The spreading of liberal ideology, questioning of the Islamic Republic's foundations all the while of openly taking aim at... the Supreme Leader.

As long as liberals carry weight within the Iranian polity (because the western propaganda apparatus keeps campaigning for them during elections), the Leader has no choice but to include a few of them among his appointees. Otherwise they could attempt to destabilize the system as they did in 2009. This should be part of the explanation as to why Shamkhani for example, instead of simply being sidelined, gained entry into the Expediency Council after his term as secretary of the SNSC, even though convicted spy Akbari was his Deputy Minister of Defence from 1998 to 2003.
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Iranian government are Shia, so they are scared of Sunni Afghan Taliban.
Retards like you need to be banned from social media forever.

As a matter of history, Iran's biggest enemy in Afghanistan was Ghani's government. Not because that piece of shit was someone, but only because he was a US muppet. ISIS-K was formed under his government and he allowed USA to use ISIS-K against Taliban.

Currently, ISIS-K and TTP are the real threat. I know your Takfiri retarded brain cannot comprehend what i said. But the other people could be affected by your non sense.
Retards like you need to be banned from social media forever.

As a matter of history, Iran's biggest enemy in Afghanistan was Ghani's government. Not because that piece of shit was someone, but only because he was a US muppet. ISIS-K was formed under his government and he allowed USA to use ISIS-K against Taliban.

Currently, ISIS-K and TTP are the real threat. I know your Takfiri retarded brain cannot comprehend what i said. But the other people could be affected by your non sense.
Shutup dumbfvck.

Why does Iran have so many problems with Saudi Arabia? Is it hardly surprising?
While everyone was playing checkers the CIA might have been playing chess after all
Including one Mehdi Nasiri, former director of Keyhan appointed by seyyed Khamenei (h.A.) in 1370. Of typical reformist profile, what's Nasiri dedicating himself to nowadays? The spreading of liberal ideology, questioning of the Islamic Republic's foundations all the while of openly taking aim at... the Supreme Leader.

As long as liberals carry weight within the Iranian polity (because the western propaganda apparatus keeps campaigning for them during elections), the Leader has no choice but to include a few of them among his appointees. Otherwise they could attempt to destabilize the system as they did in 2009. This should be part of the explanation as to why Shamkhani for example, instead of simply being sidelined, gained entry into the Expediency Council after his term as secretary of the SNSC, even though convicted spy Akbari was his Deputy Minister of Defence from 1998 to 2003.
The question is what was his idea at the time of appointment

Iranian government are Shia, so they are scared of Sunni Afghan Taliban.
And again this nonsense fear of sunni government .
Iran is 90+% shia country . What fear it my have from a sunni government
Iranian government are Shia, so they are scared of Sunni Afghan Taliban.
Afghanistan is landlocked and pashtuns are "surrounded" by persians from 3 sides. That being said, Iran will try to make Afghanistan more dependent by providing them access to Persian gulf, gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean which benefits Afghanistan.
Trade and energy are also layers which will make Iran less prone to Taliban attacks.
Our last resort is our power..our missiles, drones and our warriors in IRGC and Artesh and foreign legions/brothers from surrounding countries because without Iran they will cease to exist.
The question is what was his idea at the time of appointment

As underscored, the Leader appoints liberals as well - not because they are aligned with his views (the opposite holds true), but because if he doesn't they will portray him as a "dictator" and they exert too much influence within the system.

Rohani and Shamkhani for instance were appointed by the Leader to various positions, including as his personal representatives or advisers. Are Rohani and Shamkhani principlists?

"Jomhurie Eslami" is not a principlist paper, what it does is to oppose principlist and revolutionary administrations.

Last but not least, this has next to no bearing on the points at hand.
Shutup dumbfvck.

Why does Iran have so many problems with Saudi Arabia? Is it hardly surprising?
Are you one of their slave workers?
You love your masters so much. I don't think they love you too.
These rich arabs are enemies of islam and muslims. their dictatorship is still alive with help and support of western colonial powers.
Are you one of their slave workers?
You love your masters so much. I don't think they love you too.
These rich arabs are enemies of islam and muslims. their dictatorship is still alive with help and support of western colonial powers.
Why does your country spread a virulent Shi'ism? And then Your leaders seek converts from Sunnis to Shi'ism? lol.
How stupid can one get?

LOL, Shi'ism it can only be found in Iran and Iraq.
Why does your country spread a virulent Shi'ism? And then Your leaders seek converts from Sunnis to Shi'ism? lol.
How stupid can one get?

LOL, Shi'ism it can only be found in Iran and Iraq.
I know everything about sunni islam but did you know anything about shia islam?

Iran was a sunni majority country in past but we don't think suuni islam is better than shia islam.

Also we don't speak about religion sects we speak about enemies of all muslims and puppet of western colonial powers.

Saudi Arabian dictators are worst government in modern history of islamic countries .

They create wahhabie islam, betrayed other Muslim countries and helped colonial powers in every direction.

Fall of their dictatorship in future it will be best thing in century for islam
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