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The “Princes” of Iran Speak Out as Regime Fears Collapse

Total bullshit article. Here's the real story about Nazaneen Ratcliff Zaghari who was convicted for unlawful recruitment of spies for the BBC in Iran. She was also convicted for her role in the 2009 election riots:


Persians & the Islamic state of Iran

Farrukh Dhondy

In his words: "I am just a professional writer, which means I don't do blogs and try and get money for whatever I write."

Published : Jun 16, 2018, 6:14 am IST
Updated : Jun 16, 2018, 6:58 am IST

If there was a survey today in Iran, 80 per cent of people would say they want to follow the Zardushti religion.


“God nominates some chosen people
And promises them a chunk of land
He impregnates a Jewish virgin
In ways we’ll never understand.
He sends us his commandments
He even dictates books
We dare not call it magic
Though that’s how it all looks.”
From “Waat ee Dees? Komdi ka Pees” by Bachchoo

Some years ago, being in Toronto, I took the opportunity to visit a cousin who lives there. Toronto is a vast conurbation and I took a taxi back late at night. Less than a minute after we started, the driver, in friendly north- American fashion, asked me “How was your day, bud?” he had a thick accent which I tentatively placed.

I said my day was good and he remarked that my accent was not American. I said it was Indian tinged with British and said why and remarked that his accent wasn’t either.

“I am from Persia,” he said.

We were perhaps 10 miles into our journey, making idle chit chat when he asked me my name. When I told him he said “So, you are Muslim?”

“No,” I said, “I’m not,” trying to balance telling the truth against what I thought might give him offense.

“But that is a Muslim name,” he said.

“Well, long before the Muslims adopted it, it was a Persian name – pre the Arab conquest of Iran – 641 AD or so,” I said.

He looked away from the road and at me very curiously.

“So you are not Muslim?”

I couldn’t dodge any further. I said “No, I was born a Zardushti,” using the term he, as an Iranian, would recognise.

He swerved the car to the curb and stopped suddenly. I was, to say the least, bewildered.

“You are Zardushti? So am I,” he said.

“So what’s your name?”

He said it was Abdul or Ahmed or something distinctly Muslim.

“But that’s not a Zoroastrian name.”

“No, no, no, I was born Muslim but I believe in “Humata. Hukta, Huvareshta””, he said, the Zoroastrian creed. “What more religion do we need?”

He proceeded to tell me that the conversion of Persia (he insisted on that name though I pointed out that the ancient Zoroastrian Kings had named it “Eran”) to Islam was a tragedy and had to be reversed.

I pointed out that apostasy was considered a capital offence in Islam.

He said he didn’t care as he believed that 80 per cent of the Persian population would embrace Zoroastrianism if they were given a free choice – which I said was not likely. He agreed.

When we got to where I was going, he wouldn’t take the taxi fare.

Years later, last week, I had my haircut at my neighbourhood barber. The establishment is run by Aftab, a young Persian hair-stylist. We make routine conversation. After the normal politeness, we discuss politics and this week, we naturally got on to Trump and his moves towards peace with North Korea.

That’s all very well, said Aftab and proceeded to support Trump’s pronounced aggressive policy towards Iran and the denuclearisation treaty from which the US has withdrawn. Aftab didn’t seem perturbed as my white locks fell like snow upon the cloaking barber-sheet. He said it’s what the mullahs deserve.

“Surely, it’s dangerous for peace in the Middle East and the world?” I said. He said he didn’t care and went on to say that Iran had fought a Shia-Sunni war with Iraq in which he had lost relatives.

Now Israel together with Sunni Saudi Arabia was threatening Shia Iran. The divisions between Shia and Sunni had been the cause of slaughter for hundreds of years. This was barber-shop conversation if a little elevated from descriptions of holidays or condemnation of recent local stabbings in our streets.

Then he said something unexpected. “Islam is an Arab religion,” he said, “and this Sunni-Shia business is something imported from an old Arab dispute. It shouldn’t have anything to do with us Persians. If there was a survey today in Iran, 80 per cent of people would say they want to follow the Zardushti religion.” I said that statistic seemed unlikely to me but he insisted the population was tired of the rule of mullahs.

Suppose, just suppose, that the unlikely and pigs-will-fly contentions of my two informants, the conversations separated by years but both from the mouths of immigrants or exiles from their native Iran/ Persia, are accurate!

And suppose, further, that some revolutionary upheaval in favour of converting whoever wishes to Zoroastrianism takes place in the old country... the hypothesis poses several burning questions.

Will there then come about a “secular” state of Iran with freedom of religious belief, or even a religious Zoroastrian one as were the states of the Achaemenid (“Hakamanyush”, distorted by the Greeks) and Sassanian dynasties?

And will such a new state end all enmity and activity such as the Iranian support for Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houtis? And that nuclear capability?

And the final question: What will the bigots of the Parsi community of India who oppose any conversion to the religion say? Will they oppose the reconversion of Iran to the religion that invented the singular God? Or will they swallow hard, and in chewing their prejudices say that Zoroastrian blood still runs in the veins of the Iranian population, lending a racial justification to the conversion?

Apart from the questions, these conversational observations lead me to a regret. I have, for some time now, wanted to visit or revisit Pasargade and Perseppolis. Perhaps reporting these conversations here will, through the tracking agencies of the current Iranian State, deny me a tourist visa to Persia.

More inhibiting is the thought that they’d grant me a visa and arrest me when I reach Iran, try me and throw me in jail on charge of reporting conversations subversive of the Islamic status quo.

That’s not fantasy. It’s happened to one Nazneen Radcliffe. Look her up and sign the petition!


Cheers, Doc
Total bullshit article. Here's the real story about Nazaneen Ratcliff Zaghari who was convicted for unlawful recruitment of spies for the BBC in Iran. She was also convicted for her role in the 2009 election riots:



Cheers, Doc

او می خواهد انقلاب زرتشتیان را در ایران به ارمغان بیاورد

همواره در ایران توخم یان بوده است. هیچوقت نرفته. :angel:
oh so now you too learning Persian?........my my, what a character!......lol


Cheers, Doc

همواره در ایران توخم یان بوده است. هیچوقت نرفته. :angel:

This is the situation here........khar kosi hendi trying to convince Iranian that he's not hendi:

I take it you’ve been for break bro? Trust me it’s got worse than this at times, with bannings.
Thanks, bro. nah i haven't been banned for maybe years? i don't visit the forum much more because of life. good luck with these new trolls mate. they must be walking on your nerve

They are playing his game on his terms more or less
We're not "playing his games" what is this? Game of Thrones? you've mistaken this forum with real-life mate. this is the internet. it doesn't matter.

Iranian section sees less and less traffic as time goes. maybe thats why we're actually a thriving nation among sooo many countries with their struggle? i don't know.
Thanks, bro. nah i haven't been banned for maybe years? i don't visit the forum much more because of life. good luck with these new trolls mate. they must be walking on your nerve

Ah no bro I was just saying there have been bannings, and it’s good to see an old friend. Hope all is well and do drop by when you can.
Bale get ready! Appu Pajeet Farsizadeh alan be Iran miayad. Ma Bayad dokhtarane khud ra penhan konim :-)8-)8-):-)

Trust me bro I know too many of his kind. Apricity taxonomy forums are full of these stupid self haters who unfortunately hate their Indian identity. They will post their pics and ask "how much Iranian is in me ... aryan invasion, sychtian migration. oh please there must be some. cmon". I do not understand this mentality, why do they have to seek racial uniqueness. I am an Iranian, a region which got invaded by Proto Iranics, Greeks, Arabs, mongols, Turks (cultural identity) ... I don't go around claiming I am an outsider to feel unique on streets of Tehran.

Even regular indians are annoyed by this kind.

Whatever the Iranian type/kind....all I can say is they have largely been a joy/pleasure to interact with in professional and non-professional setting from my experience. A very different, well poised and balanced people ...yet they will strongly disagree with you and each other and let you know why right away...and if they do befriend you...they are the most loyal you can ask for.

I have worked alongside them on things from aircraft control surface design to cooling/control systems for satellites....and the witty banter is never too far behind esp in quieter moments. So I watch here with amusement mostly....because I know from real life why it happens...so why it probably just "increases" in some ways when you can just type to each other hehe. :rofl:
Lol.....he try to say something from dahan......but sound come from his koon!

@Tokhme khar

Did he just say : تخمیان ؟
We're not "playing his games" what is this?

Heh...just one reply of his gets dozens of you replying the same thing back...across threads too. Anyway its just my perspective...you can ignore it. I will say this though, it took Hercules quite a long while to figure out the source of strength/perceived immortaility of some of his opponents...because he kept fighting on their terms. When he paused to think...and think well....is when he finally found the keys to defeating them.

The thing is you hear the line "cant always get what you want"

But the good doctor prefers to hear "but if you try sometimes, you just might find... you get what you need" :azn:

@Joe Shearer @hellfire @I.R.A

And the banter continues...:dance3:....great song btw....one of my all time favourites by the stones.
The thing is you hear the line "cant always get what you want"

But the good doctor prefers to hear "but if you try sometimes, you just might find... you get what you need" :azn:

@Joe Shearer @hellfire @I.R.A

And the banter continues...:dance3:....great song btw....one of my all time favourites by the stones.

Yup, I love the song. And true words indeed.
Bale get ready! Appu Pajeet Farsizadeh alan be Iran miayad. Ma Bayad dokhtarane khud ra penhan konim :-)8-)8-):-)

Trust me bro I know too many of his kind. Apricity taxonomy forums are full of these stupid self haters who unfortunately hate their Indian identity. They will post their pics and ask "how much Iranian is in me ... aryan invasion, sychtian migration. oh please there must be some. cmon". I do not understand this mentality, why do they have to seek racial uniqueness. I am an Iranian, a region which got invaded by Proto Iranics, Greeks, Arabs, mongols, Turks (cultural identity) ... I don't go around claiming I am an outsider to feel unique on streets of Tehran.

Even regular indians are annoyed by this kind.

Buddy, I have made my peace/resigned state with doc, he is what he is and chooses to be (for a whole bunch of reasons I, you and most, maybe all.... don't really "get")...and I took it too personally in my case (which I regret now). I wish all Iranians/Persians the best to resolve their issues...you are a great people. I for one do not care much for bloodline talk either....but I do empathise if certain ppl decide to make that "the" issue for them...if they have context of a cruel history and singular defined threads to connect to it that becomes part of their core identity etc. Basically I don't even know how all that stuff even feels like growing up etc....so neither can I endorse or dismiss it fully as it manifests into a complex individual....and it took @I.R.A to really boil it down for me in the end for doc...which I much appreciate him for in the end (because I really did not like where I was going with doc, and him with me down a dark road that couldn't end well for either).

After all, I grew up in very different kind of lone wolf situation myself as a kid...thats why I empathise with other lone wolves (as different as I understand them to be)...even if I find certain things they howl as pretty odd. I give them distance on stuff I don't care for...but do admire their positive attributes too...because I have sparred with this particular one (Even bit down to the bone)...and got a sense of the true strength and weakness of the underlying fiber of him in the end....and I do respect that in the end....and those that sparred with him before and came to same conclusion.

You all will need to do the same, as deeply as you care to (or not...it is all your choices in the end)...I cannot really take sides on this anymore (my deep anger was somewhat fleeting thing with doc in the end... that spilled over here in places unfortunately)....so you all have to figure it out.

He has certain qualities to him...quite like no other serious troll-time waster/banterer/balladeer/warrior you will find on this (non friendly to my country and thus skewed) forum...you have to find your own way in defeating his perspectives, attitudes, demeanours and opinions in the end I say. I wish you all the best....I will be watching.
He proceeded to tell me that the conversion of Persia (he insisted on that name though I pointed out that the ancient Zoroastrian Kings had named it “Eran”) to Islam was a tragedy and had to be reversed.

Never fully happened, else we won't be seeing all this drama of divide and thirst for reclaiming the past glory and territory.

I pointed out that apostasy was considered a capital offence in Islam.

Which Islam?

@Nilgiri if you are interested I can let you in on what actually is the (historical) issue between the two of us, and the funny thing is doc agrees with me (to some extent).
Never fully happened, else we won't be seeing all this drama of divide and thirst for reclaiming the past glory and territory.

Which Islam?

@Nilgiri if you are interested I can let you in on what actually is the (historical) issue between the two of us, and the funny thing is doc agrees with me (to some extent).

Ya but do it on whatever or somewhere less incendiary please. :lol:

I, this drama was always meant to happen.

Tokhme jan to bait this Hendi Apu, posted a hilarious video of an Iroon and an Indian.

Minus the accent, that is exactly what Parsis are.

Now you bring Parsis and Iroons face to face, it's a good thing they cannot talk in the same tongue. :rofl:

Cheers, Doc
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