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The “Princes” of Iran Speak Out as Regime Fears Collapse

FYI, Taliban are chitty chatting to us these days, apologizing for their past shit behaviors, giving pledges and what not to behave.....but who the fawk can trust them?

Try my Love. Thats all everyone can in Afghanistan
FYI, Taliban are chitty chatting to us these days, apologizing for their past shit behaviors, giving pledges and what not to behave.....but who the fawk can trust them?

Is Dostum asking for more?
He came in for a few hours to his stronghold, got attacked and fled back to his real home in Tashkent. They are all killers......NA/ Taleban/ Dostum.....fukk you name it......Just a shit-hole that place.

Is Dostum asking for more?
He came in for a few hours to his stronghold, got attacked and fled back to his real home in Tashkent. They are all killers......NA/ Taleban/ Dostum.....fukk you name it......Just a shit-hole that place.

But werent you just gloating about the fact that you are Knees deep aiming to be neck free ?
Present-day Iranian Zoroastrians ceased intermixing with other groups shortly after the Arab conquest of Persia during 633–654 CE, and band closely to Indian Parsis, both having a predominant ancestry traced back to what is called the Neolithic Old Iranian Farmer. With two single-generation admixture pulses noted - one predominantly male and Cypriot/Greek from around the time of Alexander's invasion, the other predominantly female and Indian during the first landings in India ( approx. 44 generations ago).

Both groups diverge very distinctively from the rest of the present-day surrounding populations and is to be expected due to strictly enforced endogamy.

No admixture was noted in the priests of either group, of strict patrilineal ancestry, that in the case of Parsis is traced back to 2 male priests.

Present day Iranians have had AT LEAST three major genetic admixture pulses over the last millennium since we separated. And I refer specifically to non-Jewish Muslim Iranians. The majority populace there, who we interact with here.

There was an admixture event with an ancestry contribution related to a Turkish-like source group, dated to 1222 CE (1026–1362 CE), and hence overlapping with the period of the Seljuq Empire (1037–1194 CE) that spanned parts of present-day Turkey.

Then there was another admixture dated to 1418 CE (1194–1558 CE) from a Pakistan-like source that falls into the period of the Timurid Empire (1370–1507 CE) that extended into present-day Pakistan.

Finally, the most recent Iranian admixture event was contributions from an East Africa-like source and an inferred date of 1642 CE (1558–1754 CE) that overlaps with the Safavid Empire (1501–1736 CE) and could be related to the Arab slave trade.

@Nilgiri @lastofthepatriots @I.R.A @Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @Tokhme khar @Mentee @drmeson @scythian500 @jamahir @Sam. @ranjeet @Sinnerman108 @PakSword @Mage @django @Kabira @Retired Troll @waz @Oscar @Śakra @SOHEIL @haman10 @Solomon2 @M. Sarmad @Maarkhoor @Levina @Bahram Esfandiari @MUSTAKSHAF @Indus Pakistan @Imran Khan @Dubious @Arsalan @Slav Defence

Cheers, Doc
I have some questions for you:

1 - what's parsi population in the world
2 - how many of them live in India, and how many in Iran, and how many in the rest of the world?
3 - what was parsi population 50 years back?
4 - how are they planning to take back their lands in Iran knowing that Iran is a majority shia Islam, even sunnies find it difficult to intermix with them?
5 - how much influence parsi's have on the world 's superpowers?
I have some questions for you:

1 - what's parsi population in the world
2 - how many of them live in India, and how many in Iran, and how many in the rest of the world?
3 - what was parsi population 50 years back?
4 - how are they planning to take back their lands in Iran knowing that Iran is a majority shia Islam, even sunnies find it difficult to intermix with them?
5 - how much influence parsi's have on the world 's superpowers?

Iran is for Iranians to decide.

We are Indians. Of Indian lineage. Wherever in the world we are.

I don't understand your question/s. Or it's premise. Or how it is related to my post you quoted?

Which was plain facts presented to an audience that at different times has shown even a passing interest in Iranian and Parsi ancestry and lineage.


Cheers, Doc
ONLY a DELUSIONAL person that has NEVER been to Iran would believe such nonsense!

Here is a fun fact for idiots that think the Iranian government is about to collapse:
The largest protest in Iran were in 2009 and they were about election results and nothing more! And there haven't been massive protests in Iran since! And that in it's self should tell you all you need to know!
Hell in the past decade and since the 2009 protest even France has seen larger protests then Iran has and yet no one is talking about the French government collapsing.

So these are nothing but DELUSIONS!

The west couldn't even overthrow Assad in large part because of Iran and now they think a few sanctions and funding of a few idiots is going to magically lead to a revolution in Iran!
I have some questions for you:

1 - what's parsi population in the world
2 - how many of them live in India, and how many in Iran, and how many in the rest of the world?
3 - what was parsi population 50 years back?
4 - how are they planning to take back their lands in Iran knowing that Iran is a majority shia Islam, even sunnies find it difficult to intermix with them?
5 - how much influence parsi's have on the world 's superpowers?

My country is called IRAN and Iran is a country that's made up of various Arian tribes Persian, Azari, Kurd, Lur, Turkman.... and people of different faiths mix with us just fine and unlike your MORON masters in Saudi Arabia it's Iran the has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside Israel, it's Iran where Jews, Christian, Zoroastrians,... all have their own churches, their own Members of parliament and practice their faith freely including Sunni Iranians and I'd say since almost 1 in every 12 Iranians are actually Sunni I would say they mix with us just fine! And yes Iran is a majority Shia country so what? You think there aren't majority Sunni or Christian countries in the world? what exactly does that prove?

As for Iran's influence, if Iran didn't have much influence in the world you wouldn't be here talking about Iran right now!
My country is called IRAN and Iran is a country that's made up of various Arian tribes Persian, Azari, Kurd, Lur, Turkman.... and people of different faiths mix with us just fine and unlike your MORON masters in Saudi Arabia it's Iran the has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside Israel, it's Iran where Jews, Christian, Zoroastrians,... all have their own churches, their own Members of parliament and practice their faith freely including Sunni Iranians and I'd say since almost 1 in every 12 Iranians are actually Sunni I would say they mix with us just fine! And yes Iran is a majority Shia country so what? You think there aren't majority Sunni or Christian countries in the world? what exactly does that prove?

As for Iran's influence, if Iran didn't have much influence in the world you wouldn't be here talking about Iran right now!

Mate no need to get so defensive with @PakSword ...I don't think so he's attacking Iran or anything. Come on. Also, what's up with the whole "moron master Saudi etc."? totally uncalled for.
Pajeet larping Persians are funny when angry
Present-day Iranian Zoroastrians ceased intermixing with other groups shortly after the Arab conquest of Persia during 633–654 CE, and band closely to Indian Parsis, both having a predominant ancestry traced back to what is called the Neolithic Old Iranian Farmer. With two single-generation admixture pulses noted - one predominantly male and Cypriot/Greek from around the time of Alexander's invasion, the other predominantly female and Indian during the first landings in India ( approx. 44 generations ago).

Both groups diverge very distinctively from the rest of the present-day surrounding populations and is to be expected due to strictly enforced endogamy.

No admixture was noted in the priests of either group, of strict patrilineal ancestry, that in the case of Parsis is traced back to 2 male priests.

Present day Iranians have had AT LEAST three major multigeneration genetic admixture events (as distinct from single-genetation genetic pulses) over the last millennium since we separated. And I refer specifically to non-Jewish Muslim Iranians. The majority populace there, who we interact with here.

There was an admixture event with an ancestry contribution related to a Turkish-like source group, dated to 1222 CE (1026–1362 CE), and hence overlapping with the period of the Seljuq Empire (1037–1194 CE) that spanned parts of present-day Turkey.

Then there was another admixture dated to 1418 CE (1194–1558 CE) from a Pakistan-like source that falls into the period of the Timurid Empire (1370–1507 CE) that extended into present-day Pakistan.

Finally, the most recent Iranian admixture event was contributions from an East Africa-like source and an inferred date of 1642 CE (1558–1754 CE) that overlaps with the Safavid Empire (1501–1736 CE) and could be related to the Arab slave trade.

@Nilgiri @lastofthepatriots @I.R.A @Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @Tokhme khar @Mentee @drmeson @scythian500 @jamahir @Sam. @ranjeet @Sinnerman108 @PakSword @Mage @django @Kabira @Retired Troll @waz @Oscar @Śakra @SOHEIL @haman10 @Solomon2 @M. Sarmad @Maarkhoor @Levina @Bahram Esfandiari @MUSTAKSHAF @Indus Pakistan @Imran Khan @Dubious @Arsalan @Slav Defence @Nein @Timur @MMM-E @T-123456 @cabatli_53 @xenon54 @Sineva @OsmanAli98 @HannibalBarca @niaz @MastanKhan @Chinese-Dragon @Rafi @GHALIB @Kashmiri Pandit @VEVAK @Shapur Zol Aktaf

Cheers, Doc

Are you essentially saying the Parsis in India would look a lot more like the original Achmaenids/Sassanids...than the current population living in Iran in general?

BTW, I find this conversation to have many parallels with all side of the argument made w.r.t the scattering of the jews into Europe, M.E and Africa past their original canaanite kingdoms....but in their case they did not keep their bloodlines pure, rather followed matrilineal side connection...hence the divergence over time between sephardics and ashkenazis etc given their host populations.

Anyways, I sense a real can of worms being opened here.....one I will watch but dont really care to participate all that much in (not my fight as you put it earlier :P ). Appreciate the tagging though....I will just observe the arguments being presented for the most part.
Red herring fallacy: the question isn't whether Iran is "going nowhere" or not, but whether its current ruling regime can survive.

The Iranians are allowing introspection at least by the elite. Iranians seem cultured and well educated. To top if off they controlled their population growth rate
Are you essentially saying the Parsis in India would look a lot more like the original Achmaenids/Sassanids...than the current population living in Iran in general?

BTW, I find this conversation to have many parallels with all side of the argument made w.r.t the scattering of the jews into Europe, M.E and Africa past their original canaanite kingdoms....but in their case they did not keep their bloodlines pure, rather followed matrilineal side connection...hence the divergence over time between sephardics and ashkenazis etc given their host populations.

Anyways, I sense a real can of worms being opened here.....one I will watch but dont really care to participate all that much in (not my fight as you put it earlier :P ). Appreciate the tagging though....I will just observe the arguments being presented for the most part.

That is what I've consistently always said. And not just to this particular generation of Iranians.

What they mistake for different looks is looking back in time to what they were, before being injected with Arab, Tiurk, Indic and African DNA.

If they are honest (which on a defense forum Keith ego and pride at stake internationally is near impossible) they will admit to you that their Zoroastrians look very different than them.

Regardless, we consider them next in line to us as heirs to our heritage. There is no fundamental split. Just very orthodox conservatives extremely unhappy about the d'hera blood that will need cleansing when the time comes.

Don't take my word for it. There is a video Tokhme jan posted. Look at the girl. There is only the man if the house and one of the aunt's who can pass for a Parsi.

The others are typically Iranian. A nationality now and not a race or ethnicity group any longer. Haven't been for over a thousand years now. That's just history.

Cheers, Doc
Nathan.......we're the only game in town......all others don't even count. Trump will bow down to us and apologize. It's inevitable! You've gotta be blind to not see this thru the muck. It's coming. Mobarak Hossein Obama fell on his knees in front of us.......this is a fact! He quit horsin around:


The Iranians are allowing introspection at least by the elite. Iranians seem cultured and well educated. To top if off they controlled their population growth rate
Nathan.......we're the only game in town......all others don't even count. Trump will bow down to us and apologize. It's inevitable! You've gotta be blind to not see this thru the muck. It's coming. Mobarak Hossein Obama fell on his knees in front of us.......this is a fact! He quit horsin around:

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I won't go that far. nobody in the Middle East wants to take orders from outside groups. American military can send you home packing if Iran tries something stupid
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