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Should Pakistan Air Force go for J-16?

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No one just my opinion though what i meant was in present state affairs, our economy does not look like we are going to purchase another platform yet.

PAF will be in much better shape and much better in strength with J11B, J10B and J-16 ... seriously ******** forces!!!

With J16z availible , J11b stands nowhere , FC 20 with JFthunder & old F16z will make a greater threat, to any threat apreaing on radar from any side!
50 J16z +40 FC 20+150 jf thunders+80 F16z , with all the flyable mirrages & F7PGs is a force which can check any air threat from any side to pakistan .
With J16z availible , J11b stands nowhere , FC 20 with JFthunder & old F16z will make a greater threat, to any threat apreaing on radar from any side!
50 J16z +40 FC 20+150 jf thunders+80 F16z , with all the flyable mirrages & F7PGs is a force which can check any air threat from any side to pakistan .

If you need to deter aggression from Indian conventional force...the numbers need to be higher for the most modern jets. In other words, J-16 should be around 60-80 and supported by a tow tiered long range SAM network. I think J-31 is also available. If I was in PAF's leadership...I'd try getting that over FC-20 or J-16 (and I'd also see if I can do a JV may be for a smaller version of J-31 tech & design for JFT B-III).
The rest of your post, I totally agree with. 140-ish top end (J-31, or J-16 and FC-20 with 80 F-16 (MLU + B-52) would be a very strong force.
Sorry dear,
Wrong opinion if we, ever thought of our economy , we never had reach where we already standing now a days.
There is a economy which everyone sees, we hve another hidden economy which noone sees, its called underworld economy !
We had done wonderfull projects on that underworld economy in the past,& we could do more , rest asure !
For J-16s we don't need to get them hrd cash , cause our friends knows why we needed them , they also are facing similar threat in asia pasific , so its our diplomatic approch we, can get J-16s on soft loans.
I can't tell u more thn tht!
Top secrt!
BTW J-16 s in PAF is a horrible dream which indians are looking everynight these days, cause raffele they can't get till 2016 bt, PAF can fly J-16z next year in pakistani aerospace next year if they need too,indians with their so called well define edge in the airfighting section, could be broken any time?

I might be wrong and if what you say above is true, i'll be more then happy to be proved wrong but i can bet on one thing and that is as long as we have Zadari, you can forget anything and everything.
Leaders make such decisions and we don't have a leader, we have a dog running us, a criminal, a thief and you name it.
The150 figure of top end fighters is about right. The rest of the gap can be filled with constantly upgraded JFT. PAF should stick with not mor then three type of fighter aircraft otherwise, in times of war, maintenance, inter base operatability, and sortie rate start getting affected.
jf17 --4/4.5gen
f16 --4.5gen
j10 --4.5gen
j11bs --4.5gen
j31--5th gen

instead of maintaining a double engine j11 separately as well as a stealth fighter separately , why dont we merge the long range requirements & stealth in one -[j31]- this might decrease costs ----- now the question would be if we can have a significant number of j31s , if not then, j10 or f16s numbers has to be increased--f16 would be the practical choice however j10 would be the intelligent choice
jf17 --4/4.5gen
f16 --4.5gen
j10 --4.5gen
j11bs --4.5gen
j31--5th gen

instead of maintaining a double engine j11 separately as well as a stealth fighter separately , why dont we merge the long range requirements & stealth in one -[j31]- this might decrease costs ----- now the question would be if we can have a significant number of j31s , if not then, j10 or f16s numbers has to be increased--f16 would be the practical choice however j10 would be the intelligent choice

Why J-10 would be a better choice if both J-16 and J-10 can be replaced by a more capable twin engine stealth?
Why J-10 would be a better choice if both J-16 and J-10 can be replaced by a more capable twin engine stealth?
question is, can you afford to buy and maintain 70 odd double engine 5th gen fighters-- if yes , then you dont need j10b as j31 coupled with 70 f16 will give you the target range of 150 hi-hi fighters aswell as give you several generations leap & enhanced range at the same time-not to mention it has rd93 engine--- this is what i said in my previous post

it really depends on the internal technological enhancements of j31--- if there is only a structural change and internal bay , then, it might not cost much yet giving significant rcs reduction over 4.5 gen fighters due to sheer change in external structure
question is, can you afford to buy and maintain 70 odd double engine 5th gen fighters-- if yes , then you dont need j10b as j31 coupled with 70 f16 will give you the target range of 150 hi-hi fighters aswell as give you several generations leap & enhanced range at the same time-not to mention it has rd93 engine--- this is what i said in my previous post

it really depends on the internal technological enhancements of j31--- if there is only a structural change and internal bay , then, it might not cost much yet giving significant rcs reduction over 4.5 gen fighters due to sheer change in external structure

That's exactly why I was asking the question. I think it makes sense to shoot for J-31, granted if the its not too costly, IMO, I think it's a strategic need. It'll put a lot of Indian jets out of competition immediately due to the generations of gap and stealth


PACAF Chief: China is closing the stealth gap | Killer Apps

Posted By John Reed Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 6:29 PM Share

In the wake of China's rollout of its second stealthy-looking fighter, the J-31, earlier this week, the chief of all U.S. Air Force operations in the Pacific acknowledged that China is closing the stealth technology gap that has existed between the U.S. military and its "potential adversaries."

"They're behind us [but] they are making gains, they are improving in technology," Gen. Herbert Carlisle said today during a press conference at the Air Force Association's annual conference just outside of Washington. "We've had an advantage in stealth for a number of years. That kind of time [gap] will not occur again.... I think whatever advantages we have technologically will still be there, but they won't last as long."

Pictures emerged on Chinese military Internet forums over the weekend showing the J-31, a jet that blatantly borrows designs from the United States premier stealth fighters, the Lockheed Martin-made F-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

"The PRC with respect to stealth capability, they are behind us, but they will develop and they will get better, and we certainly can't rest on our position. We have to continue to get better," he added.

While this may seem obvious, it's important because U.S. defense officials have until recently downplayed China's new stealthy-looking jets (while pointing to the PRC's investment in new air defense system, ballistic and anti-satellite missiles and cyber capabilities as helping to prompt the Air Sea Battle concept and things like the Air Force's new bomber). After China unveiled its first stealthy-looking fighter, the J-20, in late 2010, then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates was quick to point out that Chinese military technology remained several decades behind that of the United States.

Still, it should be noted that simply having a stealthy shape does not mean the Chinese planes are truly stealth planes. Modern stealth aircraft involves the sues of special radar absorbent coatings, along with heat and electronic signature masking technology.

Carlisle also reiterated that the Pentagon's biggest question is what China wants to do with all of the advanced military technology that it is developing -- from aircraft carriers and stealthy fighter jets, to ballistic missiles and anti-satellite and cyber weapons.

"That's the question that we continually ask. Obviously [in the] PRC the Great Wall of China is figuratively and literally there. It's been a closed culture and a closed society. They are opening up obviously, but it's hard to get that information from them," said Carlisle. "They clearly have an approach that is more closed and more secretive than ours is, as a general rule. They have a tendency to deflect those questions with, ‘Well, what about you guys?'"

Carlisle noted that "China considers itself a regional power and a rising world power" and that this will affect how it interacts with the United States.

Carlisle agreed with comments made earlier in the day by Air Force Maj. Gen. Steven Kwast, director of requirements for the service's Air Combat Command, warning against a needless arms race between the United States and China.

"That is the intent," evolving with China and other Asian nations instead of competing with them, added Carlisle. "But you generally have to do it from a position where you can continue your influence."
That's exactly why I was asking the question. I think it makes sense to shoot for J-31, granted if the its not too costly, IMO, I think it's a strategic need. It'll put a lot of Indian jets out of competition immediately due to the generations of gap and stealth

Come on guys, on one hand you guys call twin engine fighters a, gamble on the contry now you put a un-tested & undelivered platform like J-31 for induction in PAF ?
Can't understand ur logics, really!
Going at J-16z was a posible choice cause, J-16 are time tested & were fully taken cared off, no problems with spares ?
J-31z are still in a phase where no-one can really think it as a 100% possiblity, its still a raw prospect , & needs to be matured , so basicly PAF can look into. J-31z after at least it gets inducted in chinese airforce?
As for J-10z & J-16z are concern , we can induct them 2marow & can fly them on wards, no issue of anything !
So we check , only the prospects which are really in hands not the ones , which aren't been in any war formation yet?


PACAF Chief: China is closing the stealth gap | Killer Apps

Posted By John Reed Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 6:29 PM Share

In the wake of China's rollout of its second stealthy-looking fighter, the J-31, earlier this week, the chief of all U.S. Air Force operations in the Pacific acknowledged that China is closing the stealth technology gap that has existed between the U.S. military and its "potential adversaries."

"They're behind us [but] they are making gains, they are improving in technology," Gen. Herbert Carlisle said today during a press conference at the Air Force Association's annual conference just outside of Washington. "We've had an advantage in stealth for a number of years. That kind of time [gap] will not occur again.... I think whatever advantages we have technologically will still be there, but they won't last as long."

Pictures emerged on Chinese military Internet forums over the weekend showing the J-31, a jet that blatantly borrows designs from the United States premier stealth fighters, the Lockheed Martin-made F-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

"The PRC with respect to stealth capability, they are behind us, but they will develop and they will get better, and we certainly can't rest on our position. We have to continue to get better," he added.

While this may seem obvious, it's important because U.S. defense officials have until recently downplayed China's new stealthy-looking jets (while pointing to the PRC's investment in new air defense system, ballistic and anti-satellite missiles and cyber capabilities as helping to prompt the Air Sea Battle concept and things like the Air Force's new bomber). After China unveiled its first stealthy-looking fighter, the J-20, in late 2010, then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates was quick to point out that Chinese military technology remained several decades behind that of the United States.

Still, it should be noted that simply having a stealthy shape does not mean the Chinese planes are truly stealth planes. Modern stealth aircraft involves the sues of special radar absorbent coatings, along with heat and electronic signature masking technology.

Carlisle also reiterated that the Pentagon's biggest question is what China wants to do with all of the advanced military technology that it is developing -- from aircraft carriers and stealthy fighter jets, to ballistic missiles and anti-satellite and cyber weapons.

"That's the question that we continually ask. Obviously [in the] PRC the Great Wall of China is figuratively and literally there. It's been a closed culture and a closed society. They are opening up obviously, but it's hard to get that information from them," said Carlisle. "They clearly have an approach that is more closed and more secretive than ours is, as a general rule. They have a tendency to deflect those questions with, ‘Well, what about you guys?'"

Carlisle noted that "China considers itself a regional power and a rising world power" and that this will affect how it interacts with the United States.

Carlisle agreed with comments made earlier in the day by Air Force Maj. Gen. Steven Kwast, director of requirements for the service's Air Combat Command, warning against a needless arms race between the United States and China.

"That is the intent," evolving with China and other Asian nations instead of competing with them, added Carlisle. "But you generally have to do it from a position where you can continue your influence."
Dam , americans pointing dam fingers on others while, fully making destroyable toys for themselves.
They don't hve any right to question others, & its CHINA,s right to do whatever it takes, to safegurd itself from anyone.
With largest surplus, economy china has the money, & resources to make whatever they wanted for their defence,
While yankees, should realise the fact, its not late 50s or 60 , in which they made the whole world affraid of Fakly projected danger of communism?
Its america ,which the whole world is fearing now in 2012 & getting united against?
Stupid mentality , americans showing the world now a days!
Come on guys, on one hand you guys call twin engine fighters a, gamble on the contry now you put a un-tested & undelivered platform like J-31 for induction in PAF ?
Can't understand ur logics, really!
Going at J-16z was a posible choice cause, J-16 are time tested & were fully taken cared off, no problems with spares ?
J-31z are still in a phase where no-one can really think it as a 100% possiblity, its still a raw prospect , & needs to be matured , so basicly PAF can look into. J-31z after at least it gets inducted in chinese airforce?
As for J-10z & J-16z are concern , we can induct them 2marow & can fly them on wards, no issue of anything !
So we check , only the prospects which are really in hands not the ones , which aren't been in any war formation yet?
Most importantly, J16 will serve in the PLAAF for sure.
China produced Su30MKK J-16 has 1500KM operational radius with MAX 12tons of payload, which renders PAF ability to attack enemy depth by carrying tactic nuclear weapons. Wll Pakistan consider it as a good choice in the future?

The Su-30MKK/J-16 Aircraft has a payload of 8 tons and not 12.
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