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Should Pakistan Air Force go for J-16?

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J-16 is not for sale. J-31 is... And its stealthy. Case closed.
Where you get that? As long as we make it sufficient on engines, Russian restriction on J 16 will be peice of wipe paper.
If that makes you sleep alright, fine by us however you could not be more wrong and far far from the truth. You see in our case and by our i mean Pakistan and China, you will never actually see it happening till it happens, no contract signing, no flashy lights no nothing, the only time you know something happened is either by a rumor spread by someone having insight source or when the thing actually lands.
PAF has spent a lot of time with the J-10, evaluating it, and this wasnt done for no reason.
The problem i see here (and that is my personal opinion which can be wrong as well) is one the issue of engines and 2nd PAF already has its hands full with other platforms we have inducted. Rest assured PAF is fully committed with the J-10 program.

By the way are you sure about the 2014-15 dead line for Rafale, seems rather over ambitious to me.
Compared to Russia, China is a much moe responsible and credible supplier.:china: As to France, we will see.....
Russian is making India a cash cow instead of ally, i think India will turn west for help.
If that makes you sleep alright, fine by us however you could not be more wrong and far far from the truth. You see in our case and by our i mean Pakistan and China, you will never actually see it happening till it happens, no contract signing, no flashy lights no nothing, the only time you know something happened is either by a rumor spread by someone having insight source or when the thing actually lands.
PAF has spent a lot of time with the J-10, evaluating it, and this wasnt done for no reason.
The problem i see here (and that is my personal opinion which can be wrong as well) is one the issue of engines and 2nd PAF already has its hands full with other platforms we have inducted. Rest assured PAF is fully committed with the J-10 program.

By the way are you sure about the 2014-15 dead line for Rafale, seems rather over ambitious to me.
Deal will be signed this fiscal and the contractual obligations are for first deliveres within 36 months so yes 2015 is almost certain.

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Yep, only IAF has the Rapptor of East and now a Western star will land in the land of jet fighter leaders.
It's really funny how the appearance of J-20 has dampened the PAK FA spirit and now the appearance of J-31 has sent all into a nose dive.....wonder why it's being termed as Rafale roaster.
BTW, it's always India feeling jittery when PAF acquires a new platform, did you ever see similar reaction coming out of Pakistan.
The magic word is having confidence in one's ability. !!!
300 p.df pages on countering mki and another 300 to counter rafale
300 p.df pages on countering mki and another 300 to counter rafale
Sleepless nights for JF17,
Now even can't sleep, till FC 20 in 2014 , for you guys !
Thus J16 makes it a permenant headache ???
The sorry state of our economy, we can forget the purchase of anything beyond what we already have. Heck we could not purchase J-10, how in the hell are we going to purchase J-16?
The better choice for us is to start looking at the chinese 5th generation programs and if possible perhaps even get involved in the program from the get go even if we dont have much to contribute.
Who told you we are not buying FC 20s ?
Well , with 5th genration fighters , there is only research going on right now, so better leave it there?
But what PAF got against a larger & long distance threat appearing very fastly on our water front?
I guss, nothing !
Why don't get 4 sqdrns of J-16s & be prepared ?
I don't thiink, there is any problem getting j-16z from china on soft loans , as they also know & getting prepared for simmillar threat ?
Our economy wasn't well the time , we decided to make our A-bomb , or the time we strt working on jf-17z ?
Economy is a shadowy thing in our country, still we hve loads of resourses to defend?
As you hve put it out, by urself!
A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.
Sleepless nights for JF17,
Now even can't sleep, till FC 20 in 2014 , for you guys !
Thus J16 makes it a permenant headache ???

hahah,,,your post actually served my purpose.
I understand that 2 engines were needed as china cant make a single powerful engine yet -- what about the design features , its angles? any comments
Only if you had better comprehension skills, you would have understood that i used the word if possible. Instead of acquiring all 4th and 4.5th generation platforms which does not give us any thing significant over what we already have, we should focus on 5th generation.

"If possible" ???,wow.

Love the bolded part though.Keep chasing the "If Possible".My best wishes.
You can't blame them now can you after all this hype of surgical strikes across the border, the sudden wake up call and the rude reality drawn on them that it was nothing more then a wet dream of few, this type of reaction is expected.

Well everything other than that is a problem by you. Arihant, LCH yadda yadda..
Who told you we are not buying FC 20s????

No one just my opinion though what i meant was in present state affairs, our economy does not look like we are going to purchase another platform yet.
PAF will be in much better shape and much better in strength with J11B, J10B and J-16 ... seriously ******** forces!!!
No one just my opinion though what i meant was in present state affairs, our economy does not look like we are going to purchase another platform yet.

Sorry dear,
Wrong opinion if we, ever thought of our economy , we never had reach where we already standing now a days.
There is a economy which everyone sees, we hve another hidden economy which noone sees, its called underworld economy !
We had done wonderfull projects on that underworld economy in the past,& we could do more , rest asure !
For J-16s we don't need to get them hrd cash , cause our friends knows why we needed them , they also are facing similar threat in asia pasific , so its our diplomatic approch we, can get J-16s on soft loans.
I can't tell u more thn tht!
Top secrt!
BTW J-16 s in PAF is a horrible dream which indians are looking everynight these days, cause raffele they can't get till 2016 bt, PAF can fly J-16z next year in pakistani aerospace next year if they need too,indians with their so called well define edge in the airfighting section, could be broken any time?
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