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Should Pakistan Air Force go for J-16?

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My friend Israel used 8 F16s during air strike on Iraqi nuclear reactor . Now open the map and analyze the region and distance traveled and return to base.


IDFAF F-16A block 10 #243 is the plane that hit the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. It is parked at Hatzerim AB museum on the 56th Independance day of Israel. [Photo by Tsahi Ben Ami]

The Luftwaffe actually used the "Rotte" [a pair] as their 'basic' formation. Two Rrotten made a Schwarme, three Schwarme, a Staffel, and [I think] three Staffelen to a Geschwader

Diagram illustrating the formation in which the IDF/AF F-16s and F-15s flew over Saudi Arabia and into Iraq. Note that the four F-16As of the'Bunch' section flew a considerable distance ahead of the rest of formation, while F-15s were underway aside and behind the 'Giselle' section.


they had f15 cover
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they had f15 cover

Surprisingly , F15 were AA role not as bomber role. But F16 used as precision strike role on ground target. Flew few hundred feet above the ground. and role was bomber.
Point is, An F16 play a complete role of long range strike bomber with huge capacity of external and internal tank with hard points carry good load.
only after more imformation leaks out should we talk about this.and i think pakistan knows what to choose.we respect their opion.

this thread is a bit like an advertisement~
It's not a advertisement, i got no personal interest or kickback in the promotion. I advice Pakistan should have harsh jets to bang the enemies right off the bat when it is nececcary/. The sales of Jets to Pakistan is not only quick business, further including production line tech transfer and documents.
I understand PAF is facing predicment in integrating JF-17, J-10B and F16, there is a day PAF need J16 when they step over the threshhold of orientation. I strongly suggest PLAAF should hold excercise with PAF in regular basis, at least this could escalate PAF pilotes ability to deal with Su-30.
Another reason why PAF is not so interested in J-16 relating to its similiar features with IAF Su-30MKI. But we should understand these two beasts have all different aspectes in term of avionics/radar, built in electronic jamming system. Last but not the least,China build J-16 level up to USAF standard rather than IAF.
When India get platform as Ageis, J-16 is a must for PAF.
My friend Israel used 8 F16s during air strike on Iraqi nuclear reactor . Now open the map and analyze the region and distance traveled and return to base.


IDFAF F-16A block 10 #243 is the plane that hit the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. It is parked at Hatzerim AB museum on the 56th Independance day of Israel. [Photo by Tsahi Ben Ami]


The raid on the reactor was a smart bomb-----.

I keep telling you guys----and you people don't listen---you are not fighting a war with yourself----your enemy is india---what does india has and what impresses india most and what makes it really uncomfortable and where lies indian psyche is what need to be addressed.

There are stupid and unrealistic examples being brought out---we are talking about a massive twin tail twin engine heavy weight air craft with the right in your face kind of personality and a big load---what is it---3 to 4 times that of the F6 or jf17----.

Have you people ever thought that why does the u s still operate the B52's when it may have over a 1000 f16's to do the job---or why does it have the super heavy of all the B2 bomber---the heaviest of he heavy---it is for shock and massive scale of destruction anywhere it hits---when there is a never ending chain of bomb blasts that shakes the very nerves inside of your soul---makes the knees go jello and takes the fight out of you.

Why is the A10 warthog being given a new lease on life---because of the heavy bomb load in can carry and what it can do the enemy mobile columns and armour---.
Surprisingly , F15 were AA role not as bomber role. But F16 used as precision strike role on ground target. Flew few hundred feet above the ground. and role was bomber.
Point is, An F16 play a complete role of long range strike bomber with huge capacity of external and internal tank with hard points carry good load.

Even as we follow the given equation of F 15s in that strike, we can't rule out a role of F15s in that succsessfull mission?
Also we hve to compare, the IRAQI air assests against the F15s & F16s on that mission?
Well that was a small & quick strike , against a much lesser enemy ?

Our threat level , our enemies are much more larger thn that!
Imagine PAF bieng challenged by not only India but also our so-called allies on WOT from arabian sea, thn what?
BTW , why we didn't got our F-16s on kargil , why can't be able to give the much required aircover NLI thn?
Things can be different , on any day of war!
I will fully , support with all the testing , 3 to 4 sqdrns of J-16s to take care our sea front .

The raid on the reactor was a smart bomb-----.

I keep telling you guys----and you people don't listen---you are not fighting a war with yourself----your enemy is india---what does india has and what impresses india most and what makes it really uncomfortable and where lies indian psyche is what need to be addressed.

There are stupid and unrealistic examples being brought out---we are talking about a massive twin tail twin engine heavy weight air craft with the right in your face kind of personality and a big load---what is it---3 to 4 times that of the F6 or jf17----.

Have you people ever thought that why does the u s still operate the B52's when it may have over a 1000 f16's to do the job---or why does it have the super heavy of all the B2 bomber---the heaviest of he heavy---it is for shock and massive scale of destruction anywhere it hits---when there is a never ending chain of bomb blasts that shakes the very nerves inside of your soul---makes the knees go jello and takes the fight out of you.

Why is the A10 warthog being given a new lease on life---because of the heavy bomb load in can carry and what it can do the enemy mobile columns and armour---.

Hi, MK
I fully support ur theory, but what you think about threat level, I think its grown bigger n with our so-called allies looking at our tail, I want to raid even the deepest of the middleestrn air bases of our enemies.
I don't think so its over projected!
Its going to happen at some stage , Iran or pakistAn ?
What you say?
Hi, MK
I fully support ur theory, but what you think about threat level, I think its grown bigger n with our so-called allies looking at our tail, I want to raid even the deepest of the middleestrn air bases of our enemies.
I don't think so its over projected!
Its going to happen at some stage , Iran or pakistAn ?
What you say?
The best tactic of defense is active initiative, right dude?:china::pakistan:. Most importantly, you got China to watch your back!

We expect members to have some kind of basic knowledge and information before they start making suggestive posts---. It would have helped if you had chosen to learn about what you wanted to state.

Pakistan just has basic technology knowledge to put together and assemble parts of this air craft---the frame still has to come from china. Neither does pak have the ability to do that nor does it afford the resources to build infra structure for that----thirdly---it is utterly stupid and moronic for a poor country to build up on all that---what do you have the allies for---.

What are you being taught in school and at home----that you have no friends and you live life just on your own. Kid dependency is good in life---it makes us be nice to others---it makes us share common visions to move ahead in life for common goals and common interests and common geo-political juxta positioning.

hence my point... we are building the aircrafts with china in Pakistan and even then we dont have the technology... what is the use of such partnership... pakistan is looking for JF-17's market and no country is willing to buy it.. china has imposed sanction that pakistan cannot sell JF-17s for the next 10 years...

China backs Pak moves to safeguard its security - thenews.com.pk

this means forever Pakistan cannot sell this air craft as, by then the technology of JF 17 will be obsolete.. we should do partnership with other countries but with some prestige and decorum... on a leveled ground!! not just like ignore all the bye-laws and award all the contracts to china..

as far as your last paragraph is concerned.. it is a moronic and stupid assumption (ignore my french)... see the example of Iran.. it is an isolated country in the world.. but has the courage to challenge US and whole EU... their space technology is years ahead of Pakistan.. tell me what Pakistan has significantly achieved by joining hands with china! nobody in this world is your friend my dear.. business is business and cup of coffee is cup of coffee
we need this and other fighters too as now our anemy is not only india but we face a threat fron Nato/US.
hence my point... we are building the aircrafts with china in Pakistan and even then we dont have the technology... what is the use of such partnership... pakistan is looking for JF-17's market and no country is willing to buy it.. china has imposed sanction that pakistan cannot sell JF-17s for the next 10 years...

China backs Pak moves to safeguard its security - thenews.com.pk

this means forever Pakistan cannot sell this air craft as, by then the technology of JF 17 will be obsolete.. we should do partnership with other countries but with some prestige and decorum... on a leveled ground!! not just like ignore all the bye-laws and award all the contracts to china..

as far as your last paragraph is concerned.. it is a moronic and stupid assumption (ignore my french)... see the example of Iran.. it is an isolated country in the world.. but has the courage to challenge US and whole EU... their space technology is years ahead of Pakistan.. tell me what Pakistan has significantly achieved by joining hands with china! nobody in this world is your friend my dear.. business is business and cup of coffee is cup of coffee
I am Pakistan's friend, past/NOW/FUTURE. Seem you really know little about achievement Pakistan have with China. Just google it Bro...
Proof to me you are not a false flagger......you tone is so familiar with to hear from other side of the border
J16 is even far more expensive than J10.
and J16 is based on su30. russia will be very unhappy if we sell J16/

the current best choice for PAF is keep upgrade JF17. and working with china on future 5th genaration fighter.( skip J10)
1: PAF should buy a handful to use them as a part of the "aggressors" to train their pilots against the Indian flankers

Buddy, to fly dual engine heavy fighter bombers for just training is a plain suicide of PAF operational cost management. Right now according to PAF's top brass, the current selection of your planned jets is good enough. Stick to single-engines for now.

2: PAF as Oscar mentioned is NOT in need for such a heavy air craft for logistical/power plant/cost to benefit ratio-reasons.

Very well said

5: PAF's Achilles heel is, Long range high end SAM systems which we don't have. We can smash IAF in the sky but the need of the hour is potent and reliable Air defense network.

You really don't seem to have progressed beyond 1965 air war. Wake up.

Now coming to the point, right now if there is something you need badly and desperately are gunships.

You need attack helicopters the most right now that are able to resist 7.62 mm fire, dodge RPGs and out-maneuver jagged mountains of FATA to hunt TTP in your mountainous districts. Without a potent platform to conduct CAS against TTP, your Army will suffer more casualties for no reason.

So rather than focusing on fixed wing heavy jets that won't serve you anywhere in the current war you're engaged or SAMs that won't be used against intruding NATO jets, get new gunships that can save the lives of scores of PA soldiers and commandos.
J16 is even far more expensive than J10.
and J16 is based on su30. russia will be very unhappy if we sell J16/

the current best choice for PAF is keep upgrade JF17. and working with china on future 5th genaration fighter.( skip J10)
Skip J10? It make nonsense at all. How come you go to college directly without graduation from high school? Step by step, be patient enough.
While the JF-17 will gradually replace the older Mirages and F-7s, the J-10 may come into picture in time to replace the PGs and the ROSE- III Mirages, and albeit the JF-17 will be compatible with C-802, who knows, PAF or PN may feel the need of a dedicated Maritime strike aircraft and for operations over the Sea, twin engine safety gives a bit more confidence.
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