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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Hopefully one lands on the member and their family, and then he can

Funnily enough, one 60kt nuke will destroy my entire residential district, but that's only a tiny part of the total size of my city. The damage with 3 psi overpressure (the max at which residential houses can collapse) extends to a diameter of 8Km only whereas the major cities are as much as 80-120Km in diameter. In simple terms, a 60kt nuke can destroy less than 1/100th of a metro city with only 3 psi, and that's at the lower scale of the actual size of the urban area of the metro cities.

If you wish to affect my entire city, you will need 10 350kt nukes. And even this is only at 3psi. Most commercial structures and large apartment buildings will still survive. If you want to achieve at least 90% destruction, you will need more than 10 350kt nukes.

Even if the entire city is destroyed, there's still 1.3 billion people left in the country. Even if all 8 major metros are destroyed, there's still 1.3 billion people left, the power of rounding off. Even if me and my family are dead, there will always be people available to rebuild.
and being the scum of the earth radiation will have zero impact on Indians and their food and water supply ....

Funnily enough, one 60kt nuke will destroy my entire residential district, but that's only a tiny part of the total size of my city. The damage with 3 psi overpressure (the max at which residential houses can collapse) extends to a diameter of 8Km only whereas the major cities are as much as 80-120Km in diameter. In simple terms, a 60kt nuke can destroy less than 1/100th of a metro city with only 3 psi, and that's at the lower scale of the actual size of the urban area of the metro cities.

If you wish to affect my entire city, you will need 10 350kt nukes. And even this is only at 3psi. Most commercial structures and large apartment buildings will still survive. If you want to achieve at least 90% destruction, you will need more than 10 350kt nukes.

Even if the entire city is destroyed, there's still 1.3 billion people left in the country. Even if all 8 major metros are destroyed, there's still 1.3 billion people left, the power of rounding off. Even if me and my family are dead, there will always be people available to rebuild.
and being the scum of the earth radiation will have zero impact on Indians and their food and water supply ....

150 nukes = about 9000Kg or uranium. That's peanuts. There's more amount of uranium flowing in waters naturally. Otoh, the US released 500T of depleted uranium on Iraq in 1991 and 2003. They needed less than $50M to clean it all up.

Also a huge amount of uranium released from air burst nukes end up high up in the air floating around harmlessly for decades. The threat of fallout from air burst nukes is minimal. And 8 months out of 12, air over India blows towards Pakistan, so... :D

As for surface burst, since Pakistani nukes are small, if there is any dangerous fallout, most of it will fall in the target area, which is easy to decontaminate since the area's destroyed and debris has to be cleared out anyway.

As for farms and such, you just replace the top soil in areas of high contamination. In areas of low contamination, you just wait for rain water to clear it all out. Contamination is easily washed away using irrigation techniques also.

As for prolonged radiation threat, in 3 months any amount of radiation from any sized nuke (including Tsar Bomba) in a blast zone will have become harmless. You can simply walk into these places after 3 months.

This is Ground Zero in Hiroshima. The place where the bomb burst.

Here's how Hiroshima was rebuilt after the bombing.

October 1945, April 1946, December 1948, February 1953. Just 8 years. And India will not have spent as much money in an Indo-Pak war as the Japanese had done for WW2. So we will have more money for the reconstruction process.

Do you know that 90% of the city was affected by the bomb, but in just 6 months, the Japanese restored power to all households in Hiroshima? And in India, most of our power in cities is now going underground. Water connections were restored in only 4 days. Even banks opened in just 2 days.

Nukes are deadly and everything, but I wouldn't exaggerate the effects of nukes.
150 nukes = about 9000Kg or uranium. That's peanuts. There's more amount of uranium flowing in waters naturally. Otoh, the US released 500T of depleted uranium on Iraq in 1991 and 2003. They needed less than $50M to clean it all up.

Also a huge amount of uranium released from air burst nukes end up high up in the air floating around harmlessly for decades. The threat of fallout from air burst nukes is minimal. And 8 months out of 12, air over India blows towards Pakistan, so... :D

As for surface burst, since Pakistani nukes are small, if there is any dangerous fallout, most of it will fall in the target area, which is easy to decontaminate since the area's destroyed and debris has to be cleared out anyway.

As for farms and such, you just replace the top soil in areas of high contamination. In areas of low contamination, you just wait for rain water to clear it all out. Contamination is easily washed away using irrigation techniques also.

As for prolonged radiation threat, in 3 months any amount of radiation from any sized nuke (including Tsar Bomba) in a blast zone will have become harmless. You can simply walk into these places after 3 months.

This is Ground Zero in Hiroshima. The place where the bomb burst.

Here's how Hiroshima was rebuilt after the bombing.

October 1945, April 1946, December 1948, February 1953. Just 8 years. And India will not have spent as much money in an Indo-Pak war as the Japanese had done for WW2. So we will have more money for the reconstruction process.

Do you know that 90% of the city was affected by the bomb, but in just 6 months, the Japanese restored power to all households in Hiroshima? And in India, most of our power in cities is now going underground. Water connections were restored in only 4 days. Even banks opened in just 2 days.

Nukes are deadly and everything, but I wouldn't exaggerate the effects of nukes.
You do know that radiation clouds from , huge mushroom clouds blocking out the sun ,
Experts say indo Pak nuc war will ruin 40% of world supply ,
You do know that radiation clouds from , huge mushroom clouds blocking out the sun ,
Experts say indo Pak nuc war will ruin 40% of world supply ,

There are two types of explosions based on height. Air burst and surface burst.

Air burst kills people. Surface burst creates fallout. You can only choose between the two for each bomb.

Most city bursting nukes are detonated at great heights. When this happens the pressure extends to a large area and destroys buildings due to overpressure. Most people die in the initial explosion, and due to debris falling on them. Those who survive are irradiated, but are likely buried under debris anyway. Pretty much everybody in the blast zone burns. But fallout is minimum since there is no actual contact with the earth. Only a small amount of radioactive material is ejected into the atmosphere and this slowly decays over time, mostly harmless.

When it comes to surface burst, the area destroyed is significantly lesser and the casualties are much lower. But there is contact with the earth. So the radioactive material mixes with the earth and is thrown high up in the air. A large amount of earth is now radioactive, this is what we call fallout. The fallout rises up with the mushroom cloud and has the potential of blocking the sun. But here's the catch, the nuke has to be upwards of 2MT or more in order for the mushroom to reach the stratosphere and block the sun. 20kt, 60kt, 100kt, 200kt, 450kt etc cannot create a mushroom cloud that's big enough to reach the stratosphere.

Basically, what happens with small nukes is the fallout simply falls back to the earth around the target area. And this process takes time, so most of the radiation is already pretty weak by the time it falls back and begins to affect people. Normally, before 70 hours is up, most radiation has become harmless.

Normally you would use a combination of air burst and surface burst when you attack a city. But in the India-Pak context, the nukes are so small and so few in number that the effects are highly localised, not global. And when I say localised, it is quite literally around the target area. You can see the pictures of Hiroshima that I posted. Even the blast zone was occupied very quickly.

Some people will fool you into believing that farms will be permanently destroyed, rivers will be irradiated etc. But nukes are too weak to do all that. Even if you use 15MT nukes, it's not as bad as it's made out to be, because you are most likely using far too few such nukes for it to matter in the long run.

An extraordinary amount of effort is required to block out the sun, and it's likely even the US and Russia combined do not have that kind of firepower. To create the kind of effect people generally talk about, you need something like a supervolcano erupting, and even then there's no guarantee that it can block the sun. And a supervolcano is hundreds of times more powerful than all the nukes in the world combined.

To put it in perspective, if you take all the nukes in the world today, and then put them all together in one single nuke and then multiply the yield by a further 100 times, you will not even create 1/100th the impact of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. All those nukes multiplied by 100 will barely be powerful enough to match an earthquake with a score of 10 on the Richter Scale.

We are still hundreds of years away from creating a usable planet killing weapon.
translation plz ....

After upgrade/modification of KLC-7 - Silk Road Eye AESA airborne early warning radar. The search distance is increased by more than 1/3 compared to old version. Also adding ability/function to do extended distance search and track targets in designated critical/high risk direction/area.
After upgrade/modification of KLC-7 - Silk Road Eye AESA airborne early warning radar. The search distance is increased by more than 1/3 compared to old version. Also adding ability/function to do extended distance search and track targets in designated critical/high risk direction/area.

Refer to post#5108 and check the estimated range for the KLC-7 mentioned two weeks ago.

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Funnily enough, one 60kt nuke will destroy my entire residential district, but that's only a tiny part of the total size of my city. The damage with 3 psi overpressure (the max at which residential houses can collapse) extends to a diameter of 8Km only whereas the major cities are as much as 80-120Km in diameter. In simple terms, a 60kt nuke can destroy less than 1/100th of a metro city with only 3 psi, and that's at the lower scale of the actual size of the urban area of the metro cities.

If you wish to affect my entire city, you will need 10 350kt nukes. And even this is only at 3psi. Most commercial structures and large apartment buildings will still survive. If you want to achieve at least 90% destruction, you will need more than 10 350kt nukes.

Even if the entire city is destroyed, there's still 1.3 billion people left in the country. Even if all 8 major metros are destroyed, there's still 1.3 billion people left, the power of rounding off. Even if me and my family are dead, there will always be people available to rebuild.

your casual word play on something as ugly as a nuclear strike
speaks of your immaturity if not lack of respect for life.

a small strike on waterways, and the whole population will die of hunger due to radioactive water for irrigation and drinking.
@randomradio is just "feelin' froggy" for conflict/war, but like rest of his country men, he lacks the will/resolve to "leap."
He is a clown.

A perfect example of low IQ and feeling of foolish superiority that exists superiority that exists today in India
No, destroying Delhi or Mumbai or the other metro cities does not constitute MAD. Those cities will just get rebuilt again.

This is the stupidest statement anyone has ever made on the matter.

Funnily enough, one 60kt nuke will destroy my entire residential district, but that's only a tiny part of the total size of my city. The damage with 3 psi overpressure (the max at which residential houses can collapse) extends to a diameter of 8Km only whereas the major cities are as much as 80-120Km in diameter. In simple terms, a 60kt nuke can destroy less than 1/100th of a metro city with only 3 psi, and that's at the lower scale of the actual size of the urban area of the metro cities.

If you wish to affect my entire city, you will need 10 350kt nukes. And even this is only at 3psi. Most commercial structures and large apartment buildings will still survive. If you want to achieve at least 90% destruction, you will need more than 10 350kt nukes.

Even if the entire city is destroyed, there's still 1.3 billion people left in the country. Even if all 8 major metros are destroyed, there's still 1.3 billion people left, the power of rounding off. Even if me and my family are dead, there will always be people available to rebuild.

Pardon, this is the stupidest statement ever made on the matter.

There are two types of explosions based on height. Air burst and surface burst.

Air burst kills people. Surface burst creates fallout. You can only choose between the two for each bomb.

Most city bursting nukes are detonated at great heights. When this happens the pressure extends to a large area and destroys buildings due to overpressure. Most people die in the initial explosion, and due to debris falling on them. Those who survive are irradiated, but are likely buried under debris anyway. Pretty much everybody in the blast zone burns. But fallout is minimum since there is no actual contact with the earth. Only a small amount of radioactive material is ejected into the atmosphere and this slowly decays over time, mostly harmless.

When it comes to surface burst, the area destroyed is significantly lesser and the casualties are much lower. But there is contact with the earth. So the radioactive material mixes with the earth and is thrown high up in the air. A large amount of earth is now radioactive, this is what we call fallout. The fallout rises up with the mushroom cloud and has the potential of blocking the sun. But here's the catch, the nuke has to be upwards of 2MT or more in order for the mushroom to reach the stratosphere and block the sun. 20kt, 60kt, 100kt, 200kt, 450kt etc cannot create a mushroom cloud that's big enough to reach the stratosphere.

Basically, what happens with small nukes is the fallout simply falls back to the earth around the target area. And this process takes time, so most of the radiation is already pretty weak by the time it falls back and begins to affect people. Normally, before 70 hours is up, most radiation has become harmless.

Normally you would use a combination of air burst and surface burst when you attack a city. But in the India-Pak context, the nukes are so small and so few in number that the effects are highly localised, not global. And when I say localised, it is quite literally around the target area. You can see the pictures of Hiroshima that I posted. Even the blast zone was occupied very quickly.

Some people will fool you into believing that farms will be permanently destroyed, rivers will be irradiated etc. But nukes are too weak to do all that. Even if you use 15MT nukes, it's not as bad as it's made out to be, because you are most likely using far too few such nukes for it to matter in the long run.

An extraordinary amount of effort is required to block out the sun, and it's likely even the US and Russia combined do not have that kind of firepower. To create the kind of effect people generally talk about, you need something like a supervolcano erupting, and even then there's no guarantee that it can block the sun. And a supervolcano is hundreds of times more powerful than all the nukes in the world combined.

To put it in perspective, if you take all the nukes in the world today, and then put them all together in one single nuke and then multiply the yield by a further 100 times, you will not even create 1/100th the impact of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. All those nukes multiplied by 100 will barely be powerful enough to match an earthquake with a score of 10 on the Richter Scale.

We are still hundreds of years away from creating a usable planet killing weapon.


Anyway, I know it's Off Topic but for those who want to understand the menace of a nuclear exchange in South Asia,



Are there any official statements on the time frame that we are looking at for the new Erieyes?
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