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Pakistani Biharis used to treat us, Bengalis as their slaves - Mukti Bahini fighter

That's okay by me. As far as our middle class remain more wealthy:D

For income levels and median household income of middle class read this.


Actually that will be surpassed by India soon if not already (if you look at the credit suisse growth in mean wealth per person in the last 10 - 20 years).

So using 2010 data like it really means something now is not ideal given the pace at which India is growing and expanding compared to Pakistan. India's middle class inflection point is going to be around 2017 according to EIU....whereas Pakistan will be 2024.

Wealth is just one measure. Ideally one would measure middle class by a mix of wealth and income per person in both mean and median.....in a quad composite index. But no one has done this and the data is quite variable (given its survey based for a large part) and also the definitions vary.

Thats why its also easy for me to find sources that put India middle class way larger and wealthier than Pakistan by % and you can do the reverse if you try (but its getting harder as the overall momentum from India pushes all the studies and definitions to its "side" but Pakistan will probably balance it soon afterwards as it reaches its inflexion point).

Anyways I personally think both countries are on the right track and are ahead of Bangladesh by a large way in middle class metrics and also poverty metrics. India can certainly learn from Pakistan on absolute poverty, sanitation....just like it can learn from Bangladesh on life expectancy and basic health coverage.

In fact later I plan to do a positive comparison series on where everybody stands on fundamental basics using the World Bank database and others....and discuss which countries can learn from the other. I will tag you guys there when I do it.
The inflow has been cut down now drastically with more fencing (even at ground zero where needed) and patrol compared to before (the worst was in the late 80s and 90s). Now aadhar ID card is being pushed on all residents so that the illegals can be identified. For example aadhar penetration in Assam is around 10% or lower now....given only recently BJP won an election there and is now ramping up the program there en masse.

When this is done by the new BJP govt in Assam (which will put pressure on WB to accelerate implementation of it too)....there will be deportation of these illegals back to Bangladesh permanently. Give it a cpl years time.

We also suggest you do the same for any un-integrated illegal Bengalis you dont want in Pakistan (esp Karachi) at the same time we do this....we should negotiate it as CBM for India to act as conduit for these people to get shipped back if you are willing.

So any later migration pressures from global warming or flooding will have to be done LEGALLY and CONTROLLABLY in a humanitarian fashion. It will not be an open border situation....and they will have to live in camps most likely and it will be on India's terms....not theirs.

@django @Rain Man
Excellent suggestions bhai.Kudos
Thanks for putting your efforts. But BD didnt totally became independent after 71. Different foreign intelligence agency creation anti national parties such as BNP/JeI took over the country in an agenda to undermine the growth and stability of the country. They didnt lay any significant infrastructures in the country, no roads, power plants, planned cities and even no military equipment. Only some handful number of people ruled the country and looted everything, killed everyone who opposed them only razakar families were employed in public services. This way BD became vulnerable to every kinds of worst things you can imagine. BD only became truly independent after 2009 election after thwarting the anti BD alliance. BD will progress as long as these anti BD people are away.

Hasina is a disaster for BD
. .
Both of them are disasters. I believe SHW is just less of one.

It is the tragedy of BD to choose between boiling pot and frying pan as to how they want to be cooked.

the economy is doing well but the political system is fragile and will collapse, especially given that this bloody witch has an agenda and has single-handedly polarized her country
Well,the biharis got rekt in '71 and the survivors are living in slums in horrible conditions...
. .
now indians treat you as kings ?:rofl:
We are not a King country and India has no reason to treat us as Kings. But, we are happy to get rid of Pakistan Military occupation of the country in 1971. PA conduct under Tikka Khan and their treatment of Bangalis during the long nine months were the reason that we chose bifurcation. Tikka Khan was called back only after he accomplished butchering our people in March 1971. BD is keeping on rising above economically and we will make a distinct place for our country in the international arena.
We are not a King country and India has no reason to treat us as Kings. But, we are happy to get rid of Pakistan Military occupation of the country in 1971. PA conduct under Tikka Khan and their treatment of Bangalis during the long nine months were the reason that we chose bifurcation. Tikka Khan was called back only after he accomplished butchering our people in March 1971. BD is keeping on rising above economically and we will make a distinct place for our country in the international arena.
you were slaves you are slaves and you will remain slaves . in Pakistan you have chance to stand up but now a tinny country like BD have nothing but to obey daddy Indians and that is what you guys doing .can you stand up to india ?
you were slaves you are slaves and you will remain slaves . in Pakistan you have chance to stand up but now a tinny country like BD have nothing but to obey daddy Indians and that is what you guys doing .can you stand up to india ?

Slaves! What do they know?

you were slaves you are slaves and you will remain slaves . in Pakistan you have chance to stand up but now a tinny country like BD have nothing but to obey daddy Indians and that is what you guys doing .can you stand up to india ?
Yes,we can.But we don't need to because we don't have a great cause like Kashmir to eat grass and arm ourselves to teeth like Pakistan.
Yes,we can.But we don't need to because we don't have a great cause like Kashmir to eat grass and arm ourselves to teeth like Pakistan.
with your 6 rusted mig-29 you can not stand to burma kidoo. don't you see haseena and her gov are indians dogs and barking day night even their owner ask them to bark or not .?your gov go extra miles to make india happy because they know their value now . indian forces can capture bd in matter of hours .
with your 6 rusted mig-29 you can not stand to burma kidoo. don't you see haseena and her gov are indians dogs and barking day night even their owner ask them to bark or not .?your gov go extra miles to make india happy because they know their value now . indian forces can capture bd in matter of hours .

Why are you crushing their fantasies?

What did they do to you? :P Is it ever since they (BD cricket team) refused to tour Pakistan or something? :D
with your 6 rusted mig-29 you can not stand to burma kidoo. don't you see haseena and her gov are indians dogs and barking day night even their owner ask them to bark or not .?your gov go extra miles to make india happy because they know their value now . indian forces can capture bd in matter of hours .
Burma is also a militaristic country.They lived 50 years under ruthless junta and have to deal with 40 insurgency wrecking havoc more than half of country.

Hassena didn't give India any major concession and what she did,received many times more than that.She gained territory for Bangladesh at both land and sea at the expanse of India.Handover of sovereign territory is something which can't be valued in monetary terms.Will you gain Kashmir even if you give India 1 trillion dollar?
Hassena didn't give India any major concession and what she did,received many times more than that.She gained territory for Bangladesh at both land and sea at the expanse of India.Handover of sovereign territory is something which can't be valued in monetary terms.Will you gain Kashmir even if you give India 1 trillion dollar?

HAHAHAHA....what a desperate distortion. The whole idea of the land swap (not give away) was to make it a lot easier to protect the border (by easier fencing) from the hordes of illegals and smugglers that we would otherwise have to put bullets into when we catch them.

Hasina is our pawn...and by extension BAL too....and forever will be. They are the tribute chumps from liberation war....they know what danda dada has....and that they must appease and bow for him to not show it.
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