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Pakistani Biharis used to treat us, Bengalis as their slaves - Mukti Bahini fighter

@Khan_21 :

Where did you get that Pakistan
was the fastest growing economy in
the world in 1960s?
Pakistan was growing an average of 6% a year while Japan was at 12% average if my memory serves me correct.
So will BD once the large infrastructure projects
and Special Economic Zones are completed.
BD has been growing quicker than Pakistan since 1990s.
It is not off events like terrorism but a more
underlying feature of the two economies.

Lastly dude -Pakistan population growth rate has gone up to above 2% from the around 1.6% in mid-2000s

Fair enough....but a large part is Bangladesh being behind Pakistan economically (its easier to post higher growth when you are behind)....and also the better GCF Bangladesh has achieved.

The 2nd point I think is your major trump card over Pakistan for the time being. Probably BD best achievement in raw macroeconomic performance I have to say.

Pakistan seriously has to address this problem to sustain above 6% growth rate.

That said Bangladesh economic issues at GDP past 4000, 5000 USD per capita PPP will also commence. It has to fix the number of low skilled people it has in workforce and also its absolute poverty rate....otherwise the momentum will be hard to continue.


Is there an income distribution like this one for BD anywhere out there?



Same question goes to you @Khan_21 for Pakistan.
Next to nothing given your crap bureaucracy....which you still have.

All development is IN SPITE of it, not because of it....i.e giving enough time for people with means and education to start businesses and grow them. When this increases over time, it helps the country more than anything else.

It would be the case whether you are part of Pakistan or not pre-1971.

Speaking that BD would have hypothetically had a better bureaucracy is pretty dumb.....have a look at what it is like right now.

You could have been a lot worse as well without W. Pakistan. Its just as likely as what you are saying since no one has the complete picture.
Then don't blame the British colonial rule for under development in India. India started with around 15 percent literacy rate when western countries had 100 percent with per capita income one of the lowest in the world.By your logic India should not have problem to achieve western living standard by now despite those facts.
Then don't blame the British colonial rule for under development in India. India started with around 15 percent literacy rate when western countries had 100 percent with per capita income one of the lowest in the world.By your logic India should not have problem to achieve western living standard by now despite those facts.

When did I say Indian bureaucracy is some world standard one? Its pretty terrible too.

But still a lot better than BD one especially now.

I would hate being stuck with two hags and one of the most corrupt govts and administrations in the world.....not to mention the dreadful education, training and patent capability that keeps Bangladesh a one-dimensional LDC economy.


Bangladesh rank: 139

India rank: 76

Find me one piece of bureaucratic reform that has been done in Bdesh in last few years like this one:


Instead we control your worthless "leader" and all her cronies and minions that extract their money from BD economy and pay us our cut as protection money (on top of what we extract through trade deficit and professional/business owner expat remittance and BD tourist addiction to India and BD overall addiction to Indian culture).

Status quo is a massive rock on frail BD ant.....tell us when you actually have someone competent running your country that reforms your crooked bureaucracy. It has to be someone like Yunus from totally outside the BAL/BNP worthless lineage.
Sooner or later, India has to absorb huge chunk of Bangla population and that would be change of social and economic demographic. Interesting scenario in building ..........UN report already warned about future natural disaster Bangaldesh going to face and extreme shortage of drinking water.
See this is a huge issue for East Pakistan (Now of course Bangladesh) , that they are constantly attacked by Floods , and flood water most of time does not originates in their own Lands.

Which really made me wonder that was the same issue even back in 60's & 70's leading to the war

Now Pakistani Businessmen opened business in West Pakistan , as you know in that time , Pakistani (East / West) were all same , so Pakistani Businessmen moved the Textile Industry over to West Pakistan , and the aim was create jobs

Why transport the items to West Pakistan , when the companies can be setup in East Pakistan

Makes complete 100% Business sense.

Flood Year ---%of effected SQ/km
  • 1962 - 25%
  • 1963 - 29%
  • 1968 - 25%
  • 1970 - 28%

Now , if you remember in 2005-2007 we had earth quake and floods , it caused so much damage that we cancelled F16 deals so when you compare the East Pakistan Floods (Bangladesh). You can see why their Economy could not pick up at the same pace

Important point :
Now an interesting twist is look at India who attacked Pakistan in 1965 (East/West) , they choose a time right after the floods in East Pakistan TWO MAJOR floods + 1 War with India !!

So obviously East Pakistan (Bangladesh's economy) suffered

And then more floods 1968 & 1970 completely , ruined the economy

2016 , who controls the Flood water ? In Bangladesh ? India !!!
That is why it is important for Bangladesh to Take over land to the North / South and West of it to build DAMs or protection for flood

War to stop floods


This is a matter of Life & Death for East Pakistan (Bangladesh) , and unfortunately until the folks in that region would not claim their land - there would be Danger

Really Assam should be Bangladesh portions of it and the area to the East of Bangladesh

And Bangladesh should take the entry point of Water to stop it coming into Bangladesh from India causing flood

Right now India is using the "RIVER" as weapon against Bangladesh and floods prove it

They intentionally took the Higher ground ......


You know what happened to Anikin , due to higher ground - YEP ....

When Bangladesh needs water , water is diverted , when they don't need it they send LOTS of it

Water always flow from higher ground to ... low ground causing flood

FLOOD BY INDIA = POVERTY IN BANGLADESH , this is the million dollar equation and this has happened since 1960's

So what do you believe?

a) Name calling by West Pakistani & random mambo jumbo ? or

b) Floods Caused by India & then Indian Launched war 1965 , then 2 more floods and then war again 1971 (And making Bangladesh poor and poor with each flood)
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Bengali was on PKR notes, interesting fact:


Muslims, Sikhs, Christian and Dalits on Indian currency notes.
Sooner or later, India has to absorb huge chunk of Bangla population and that would be change of social and economic demographic.

Lol yeah......no.

See this is a huge issue for East Pakistan (Know of course Bangladesh) , that they are constantly attacked by Floods , and flood water most of time does not originates in their own Lands.

Which really made me wonder that was the same issue even back in 60's & 70's leading to the war

Now Pakistani Businessmen opened business in West Pakistan , as you know in that time , Pakistani (East / West) were all same , so Pakistani Businessmen moved the Textile Industry over to West Pakistan , and the aim was create jobs

Why transport the items to West Pakistan , when the companies can be setup in East Pakistan

Makes complete 100% Business sense.

Flood Year ---%of effected SQ/km
  • 1962 - 25%
  • 1963 - 29%
  • 1968 - 25%
  • 1970 - 28%

Now , if you remember in 2005-2007 we had earth quake and floods , it caused so much damage that we cancelled F16 deals so when you compare the East Pakistan Floods (Bangladesh). You can see why their Economy could not pick up at the same pace

Important point :
Now an interesting twist is look at India who attacked Pakistan in 1965 (East/West) , they choose a time right after the floods in East Pakistan TWO MAJOR floods + 1 War with India !!

So obviously East Pakistan (Bangladesh's economy) suffered

And then more floods 1968 & 1970 completely , ruined the economy

2016 , who controls the Flood water ? In Bangladesh ? India !!!
That is why it is important for Bangladesh to Take over land to the North / South and West of it to build DAMs or protection for flood

War to stop floods

View attachment 330020

This is a matter of Life & Death for East Pakistan (Bangladesh) , and unfortunately until the folks in that region would not claim their land - there would be Danger

Really Assam should be Bangladesh portions of it and the area to the East of Bangladesh

And Bangladesh should take the entry point of Water to stop it coming into Bangladesh from India causing flood

Right now India is using the "RIVER" as weapon against Bangladesh and floods prove it

They intentionally took the Higher ground ......


You know what happened to Anikin , due to higher ground - YEP ....

When Bangladesh needs water , water is diverted , when they don't need it they send LOTS of it

Water always flow from higher ground to ... low ground causing flood

FLOOD BY INDIA = POVERTY IN BANGLADESH , this is the million dollar equation and this has happened since 1960's

So what do you believe
a) Name calling by West Pakistani
b) Floods Caused by India & then Indian Launched war , then 2 more floods and then war again

They are too meek to even try. Dont let the defence nuts here make you think otherwise.

If they don't want a slow submerged descent into oblivion (if it even happens which is debatable)....we will loan them more direct ways to reduce their population.
Lol yeah......no.

They are too meek to even try. Dont let the defence nuts here make you think otherwise.

If they don't want a slow submerged descent into oblivion (if it even happens which is debatable)....we will loan them more direct ways to reduce their population.
Well......no choice for India...some of adjacent border Indian localities been populated from Bangla refugee or migrants. Demographic balance has change and this is fanning local insurgency against migrants.
Well......no choice for India...some of adjacent border Indian localities been populated from Bangla refugee or migrants. Demographic balance has change and this is fanning local insurgency against migrants.

The inflow has been cut down now drastically with more fencing (even at ground zero where needed) and patrol compared to before (the worst was in the late 80s and 90s). Now aadhar ID card is being pushed on all residents so that the illegals can be identified. For example aadhar penetration in Assam is around 10% or lower now....given only recently BJP won an election there and is now ramping up the program there en masse.

When this is done by the new BJP govt in Assam (which will put pressure on WB to accelerate implementation of it too)....there will be deportation of these illegals back to Bangladesh permanently. Give it a cpl years time.

We also suggest you do the same for any un-integrated illegal Bengalis you dont want in Pakistan (esp Karachi) at the same time we do this....we should negotiate it as CBM for India to act as conduit for these people to get shipped back if you are willing.

So any later migration pressures from global warming or flooding will have to be done LEGALLY and CONTROLLABLY in a humanitarian fashion. It will not be an open border situation....and they will have to live in camps most likely and it will be on India's terms....not theirs.

@django @Rain Man
Fair enough....but a large part is Bangladesh being behind Pakistan economically (its easier to post higher growth when you are behind)....and also the better GCF Bangladesh has achieved.

The 2nd point I think is your major trump card over Pakistan for the time being. Probably BD best achievement in raw macroeconomic performance I have to say.

Pakistan seriously has to address this problem to sustain above 6% growth rate.

That said Bangladesh economic issues at GDP past 4000, 5000 USD per capita PPP will also commence. It has to fix the number of low skilled people it has in workforce and also its absolute poverty rate....otherwise the momentum will be hard to continue.


Is there an income distribution like this one for BD anywhere out there?



Same question goes to you @Khan_21 for Pakistan.

Pakistanis have experienced quite a bit of income growth these past 15-25 years:

From the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2011:

View media item 17076

View media item 17077

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Pakistanis have experienced quite a bit of income growth these past 15-25 years:

From the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2011:

View media item 17076

View media item 17077

Things are changing quite quickly now in India:


According to Ernst & Young, India’s middle class, about 50 million strong, or 5% of the population, will reach 200 million five years from now. They predict that India’s middle class growth will accelerate quickly, reaching 475 million by 2030 and will be adding more people than China to the global middle class just 12 years from now.

The definition used by Ernst and Young is the middle class earns from 10 dollars to 100 dollars a day.

From your ADB report this bracket for India was around 0.5% in 2005.

For 2010, EY says the % was 5% of population:


Their projection for 2020 is that it will be around 15% of the population (200 million people) earning in this bracket. (page 5)

In fact they say according to the Economist Intelligence unit, India will be hitting the "sweet spot" of maximum middle class growth around 2017. For Pakistan they say this will occur around 2024. (page 6)

So from this one can say the middle class size in India by global standards is around 100 million people in the year 2015.

It may be even higher right now given 10 dollar wage a day comes to around 3500 nominal a year. Assuming 2 wage earners and PPP effects, I think this corresponds to a 10,000 USD household income and above:



So thats about 50 million households in this band. Assuming household size of 4 on average, that may already be 200 million in middle class range in 2015.

Do you have any more recent data and projections for Pakistan middle class?
Fair enough....but a large part is Bangladesh being behind Pakistan economically (its easier to post higher growth when you are behind)....and also the better GCF Bangladesh has achieved.

The 2nd point I think is your major trump card over Pakistan for the time being. Probably BD best achievement in raw macroeconomic performance I have to say.

Pakistan seriously has to address this problem to sustain above 6% growth rate.

That said Bangladesh economic issues at GDP past 4000, 5000 USD per capita PPP will also commence. It has to fix the number of low skilled people it has in workforce and also its absolute poverty rate....otherwise the momentum will be hard to continue.


Is there an income distribution like this one for BD anywhere out there?



Same question goes to you @Khan_21 for Pakistan.

Our middle class by percentage is bigger than India. Much better distribution of income and hence lower poverty. Here is a list of middle class adults by credit swiss.

Our middle class by percentage is bigger than India. Much better distribution of income and hence lower poverty. Here is a list of middle class adults by credit swiss.


Credit suisse did it by wealth not income....which has issues given you can spend and not necessarily have transferred physical wealth from the spending.

They mentioned this in their report as a drawback of this approach. Please read the post I put above yours as well.
Credit suisse did it by wealth not income....which has issues given you can spend and not necessarily have transferred physical wealth from the spending.

They mentioned this in their report as a drawback of this approach. Please read the post I put above yours as well.

That's okay by me. As far as our middle class remain more wealthy:D

For income levels and median household income of middle class read this.

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