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Not Hindu-Muslim, We are Bengali first: Awami League Minister in Kolkata

I think the Kalima thing is a specifically Asian concept......

"The Six Kalimah (from Arabic كلمة‎ kalimah "word") in Islam in South Asia are six significant parts of one's religious belief, mostly taken from hadiths (in some traditions, six phrases, then known as the six kalimas[clarification needed]).

The first of them, known as the ''kalimat tayyibah or "word of purity", second is called the shahada, third "tamjeed", fourth "tawheed", fifth "istighfar" and sixth is called "radde kufr". Recitation of the six kalimas is taught in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Muslim countries' madrasas"

I don't mean anything against Asians or anything like that..... Muslims from anywhere are my brothers.... but I have heard Muslims from Asia refer to the Kalima thing and it confuses me.... I don't understand that concept........

you seem to say the Bengalis are Khawarij......

I'm not sure if the Bengalis who fought Pakistan qualify as Khawarij......

I haven't discussed that..... I was only saying that Muslims should be Muslim first and their nationality should be second.......

as far as any issues you might have with Bangladesh....... this is not something I'm super educated about..... I know very basic things like I have heard very basic things as far as Muhammad Jinnah, Muhammad Iqbal, Two Nation Theory..... I don't claim to understand the subcontinent better than you or others who are from there do..... no way...... I'm from a different part of the world......

we as Muslims must always be Muslim first and this I feel justified in saying as it is a basic universal principle which applies in all parts of the world for all Muslims.........

as far as Bangladesh.... no way am I siding with Bangladesh against Pakistan or anything like that..... no way was I even commenting anything like that...... I think it was unfortunate that Bangladesh split from Pakistan and I wish they would have stayed united because I want all Muslims to be united...... but as far as issues which are very specific to that region...... no way do I claim to know more than the people of that region

If today I said the meaning of Bangladesh is La Ilaha Illallah and someone rebelled against the country would it be a traitorous crime? Nations who have adopted Islamic constitution means zilch because they're still shaking hands with the oppressors of Muslims.
But, probably, @Avicenna was talking about Eternal Paradise where people believe, rightfully or wrongfully, that only Muslims fulfill the criteria to enter without a question. Am I right or very wrong?

I'm talking about the basis of belief.

We believe in a religion because we think it has divine origin right?

Otherwise whats the point?

Religion, or specifically Islam explains reality.

The creation of the physical world but more importantly it places everything in context and tells us there is a reason for all this being.

It also deals with the end.

And emphasizes the temporal nature of ALL things except for God.

I don't wanna get too religious or deep in this thread.
I'm talking about the basis of belief.

We believe in a religion because we think it has divine origin right?

Otherwise whats the point?

Religion, or specifically Islam explains reality.

The creation of the physical world but more importantly it places everything in context and tells us there is a reason for all this being.

It also deals with the end.

And emphasizes the temporal nature of ALL things except for God.

I don't wanna get too religious or deep in this thread.

I think, that we can safely say, that any person, who gives any identity a precedence over his religious one, is by and large irreligious and have strong doubts about his proclaimed faith.
@Omar Al-Deek

I would encourage you to roam PDF freely and see who is who and what is what.

It's for sure highly entertaining but also educational at times.

You're new here but I wanted to say your posts seem to come from a good place.


Islam teaches us certain universal principles.

We receive these universal principles from Islam and then in our lives we encounter particular situations.

Whatever your situation, you know your situation better than I do. Whatever particularities you encounter, whatever approach you take must be in line with what Islam teaches. You have to take what Islam teaches and apply it in whatever you situation you encounter. If you apply what Islam teaches this is good, if you violate what Islam teaches, it's wrong. So it's simply a question of applying what Islam teaches and our actions are good or bad on this basis. I don't claim to know your situation better than you do but you are my Muslim brother, I wish well for you and I simply hope that you act in accordance with Islam in whatever situation you find yourself in.

it is your muslim duty to stay away from Bangladesh related threads

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We believe in a religion because we think it has divine origin right?

Otherwise whats the point?
Rightly or wrongly it is only in a believer's faith in mind which is termed, "Faith". So, no point in not accepting also others' views who are believers of another faith. They believe in their "Faith" as strongly as we believe in ours.
The creation of the physical world but more importantly it places everything in context and tells us there is a reason for all this being.
A few days ago, a neutron star was discovered which is about 3.2 times as massive as our Sun but has about a diameter of only less than 25 km. The matters have concentrated so densely that a centimeter cube (cm^3) of matters weighs 200 million ton.

Would you mind explaining how and why it happened and who did it with what reasons if it is not a phenomenon of nature? No old-time book ever mentioned such a phenomenon.
It also deals with the end.
The end of the Universe in the old book is without a timetable. Similar thing has been prophesized all through human history by many fortunetellers. No old book said the Sun will lose all its hydrogen fuel in about 5,000 million years that will cause the ending of only the Solar system. Other billions or trillions of Galaxies and our own Milky Way Galaxy (minus the Solar system) will continue its advance into the future until when no one can forecast.
And emphasizes the temporal nature of ALL things except for God.
All the religions have forecast similar things but without giving a single proof to support the view on eternity. No one really ever met anyone above or talked though many faked such claims. If one has done that kind of thing he should have kept proof by recording video photographs. Taking photographs is nothing comparing to meeting someone above.
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Rightly or wrongly it is only in a believer's faith in mind which is termed, "Faith". So, no point in not accepting also others' views who are believers of another faith. They believe in their "Faith" as strongly as we believe in ours.

A few days ago, a neutron star was discovered which is about 3.2 times as massive as our Sun but has about a diameter of only less than 25 km. The matters have concentrated so densely that a centimeter cube (cm^3) of matters weighs 200 million ton.

Would you mind explaining how and why it happened and who did it with what reasons if it is not a phenomenon of nature? No old-time book ever mentioned such a phenomenon.

The end of the Universe in the old book is without a timetable. Similar thing has been prophesized all through human history by many fortunetellers. No old book said the Sun will lose all its hydrogen fuel in about 5,000 million years that will cause the ending of only the Solar system. Other billions or trillions of Galaxies and our own Milky Way Galaxy (minus the Solar system) will continue its advance into the future until when no one can forecast.

All the religions have forecast similar things but without giving a single proof to support the view on eternity. No one really ever met anyone above or talked though many faked such claims. If one has done that kind of thing he should have kept proof by recording video photographs. Taking photographs is nothing comparing to meeting someone above.

I'd really like to reply in depth but religious discussion isn't allowed and I also don't wanna re-rail this thread any further with this.

However, I will simply say the Quran isnt a book of science. So specifics arnt there in regards to the neutron star you mentioned and various other phenomena in nature that we havent discovered yet. But what you have stated has been addressed in a general manner in it. Also what exactly is "Nature"? And who if not God created such a complex entity? In science the natural tendency is to move towards disorder. i.e. entropy. So how did this and every other complex system come into being by the trial and error randomness of chance? Regardless what you believe is up to you.

Secondly, flat earthers BELIEVE the earth is flat. Doesnt make it the case. Yes ultimately in all unverifiable things such as religion and God, the final leap to acceptance is faith. But rationality and plausibility plays a role as well. Islam asks us to reason. Not blind faith. The "signs" are all around us and within us. Please think about this.

In regards to the end of creation. Its addressed in Islam. How and when know one knows. The when part specifically is emphasized that NO ONE knows except for God in the Islamic tradition. I do advise you however to look into the lesser signs and the majors signs of the end of days according to Islam. If nothing else remarkable coincidences when taken in view when these were revealed and the modern day.

I will leave it at this.
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I'd really like to reply in depth but religious discussion isn't allowed and I also don't wanna re-rail this thread any further with this.

However, I will simply say the Quran isnt a book of science. So specifics arnt there in regards to the neutron star you mentioned and various other phenomena in nature that we havent discovered yet. But what you have stated has been addressed in a general manner in it. Also what exactly is "Nature"? And who if not God created such a complex entity? In science the natural tendency is to move towards disorder. i.e. entropy. So how did this and every other complex system come into being by the trial and error randomness of chance? Regardless what you believe is up to you.

Secondly, flat earthers BELIEVE the earth is flat. Doesnt make it the case. Yes ultimately in all unverifiable things such as religion and God, the final leap to acceptance is faith. But rationality and plausibility plays a role as well. Islam asks us to reason. Not blind faith. The "signs" are all around us and within us. Please think about this.

In regards to the end of creation. Its addressed in Islam. How and when know one knows. The when part specifically is emphasized that NO ONE knows except for God in the Islamic tradition. I do advise you however to look into the lesser signs and the majors signs of the end of days according to Islam. If nothing else remarkable coincidences when taken in view when these were revealed and the modern day.

I will leave it at this.
Everything you said above is your own personal beliefs that you or anyone cannot prove and people of all other religions believe exactly the same way. No one is able to prove that something was revealed in the past. If that is so, why not now? Think also that it was necessary to compile the old Book by a Committee after 32 years of revelations.

Some people of other religions give more importance to devotion and philosophy, whereas the Muslims believe in daily rituals without inner development. This is why Muslims can be so brute and inhuman as can be seen by the activities of Wahabis, Taliban or ISIS. The Holey Artisan attack is also another example. It can be conducted only by Muslims.

So, we must ask ourselves what are the faults in what we call faith that make us so brute?
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Can you ban this guy from BD section? He keeps on spamming hate against Bengalis on this thread and other threads.
@The Eagle
Out of curiosity you the Arab are a BD? Coz I dont see any Jordanian Bengali being overly sensitive about what a Turk says to BD?!

Well, if they are Bengali first wouldnt they die as a Bengali? Or when death is near, a Bengali changes?

We as Muslims are told to die as Muslim...hence we are always Muslim first so that on the death bed (no one knows when death knocks on your door) you at least are a Muslim first and always!

Saying crap to please others will result in being trolled by anyone and everyone not just on PDF! For what he said, this 1 I will let go. However, if he says anything more do mention me!
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