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Bal er thread, bal er discussion.
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@The Ronin , post #354 supported my evidence. The writings of Barrister Moinul Hussein.
Post #375 is just a relation , since India destroyed all documents , so probably they also hide their looting documents too.
I already provided evidence from Barrister Moinul Hussein! Now you can deal with him if you want.
I see you become too much desperate ( also defensive).
That's why you awarded me! (okay calm down )
However, no more argument with you
Oi miya ato boro thesis lekho kano? Ekhane ashi binodon er jonne kintu thomar thesis porte giye matha aulae jae
Ekhane ashi mobile browser e kintu tomar thesis bujhte laptop e asha lagbe. Dhur.
Beware, calling our war of Independence as India vs Pakistan war is also Razakar narrative; same narratives used by both India and Pakistan, and Razakars . Era sobai kintu mukti zuddho ke India Pakistan war bole thake.But I am not surprised. It's a common nouveau rajakar narrative
I hate to be compelled to respond to sewage grade reasoning.
History did not start from the day Muktibahini started fighting from the 'beginning', even before that they were in East Pakistan, they saw indiscriminate killing and massacre, then they took a fateful journey not knowing what lies ahead, then finding themselves in Indian camps where they fed them, trained them, gave them guns to go back and fight the brave fight that we want to be proud of today. Millions, more than 10 million poor and hapless people, the elderly, the women, the children also took that fateful journey, many never completed the journey because they were killed on the way. But the 10 or so millions who made it found themselves in refugee camps in a very poor India where they fed them for a year, gave them treatment, their human rights groups worked for them, their volunteers raised money from the streets to help them.
And please don't tell me about the bravery of freedom fighters, my father and my uncle both were freedom fighters.
The Jamat-shibir bastards profess Islam, pump out Islam from every orifice of their bodies at twice the rate they breath but these khanajir do not know the very essence of Islam is truth and justice. Islam is founded on the principles of truth and justice. They violate the very essence of it by constantly lying and having us deny like ingrates the help the Indians provided us in '71, without which we wouldn't have existed as a people today.
I have lately been noticing a few of our members who have been gradually exposing their tails they have been hiding for long carefully. I have seen them when even Pakistanis throwing severe insults towards our people and our country, they merely respond by writing a few lines of Urdu and suggesting some of these Bengali members are just naive, or just Hindus; we all love you in Bangladesh, it's only our government who has a problem. They suddenly grew a strong appetite to give a c0cksuck to Pakistanis for every insult they throw. Does it ring a bell in my head, didn't the rajakar, al-badr have the same traits?
I would like to politely request you not to bother me with this, I am not liking this discussion.
That was really an eye opener for me. So Bangladeshi know these things. And you appreciate now that India is indeed weaving net around bangladesh. Beware of them, as no one in Indias neighborhood likes India.১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে বীর মুক্তি বাহিনী যখন দেশের ৯৫-৯৯ শতাংশ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করে ফেলেছিল, ঠিক তখন ৩রা ডিসেম্বর ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী লুটপাট করার জন্য বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করে। তারা ১৬ ডিসেম্বরের পর বাংলাদেশ জুড়ে নজির বিহীন লুটপাট চালিয়েছিলো। ৯৩ হাজার পাকিস্তানী সৈন্যদের ফেলে যাওয়া বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও গোলাবারুদ- যার মূল্য ওই সময় ছিলো ২৭ হাজার কোটি টাকা, তার সবই ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী ১৫টি বিশাল জাহাজে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে লুট করে নিয়ে যায়। অথচ সেই অস্ত্রের মালিকানা ছিলো পুরোপুরি বাংলাদেশের।
শুধু তাই নয়, বাংলাদেশের শত শত মিল কারখানার যন্ত্রপাতি, ব্যাংক, স্কুল, কলেজ, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, ঘর-বাড়ির গৃহস্থালী জিনিসপত্র পর্যন্ত বাদ যায়নি লোভী ভারতীয় লুটেরাদের হাত থেকে। এসব সম্পদ ও দ্রব্যাদির তখনকার মূল্য ছিলো আনুমানিক ৯০ হাজার কোটি টাকা। শৌচাগারের বদনাগুলোও বাদ দেয়নি ভারতীয় লুটেরার দল। এছাড়াও যুদ্ধকালীন ও যুদ্ধ পরবর্তীকালীন সময়ে বিভিন্ন আন্তর্জাতিক সংস্থার প্রদত্ত বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ ও অন্যান্য সাহায্যও লুট করে নিয়ে যায় আমাদের পরম মিত্র (!!!) ভারত।
বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর লুন্ঠনের ব্যাপারে আজিজুল করিম ‘হোয়াই সাচ এন্টি-ইন্ডিয়ান ফিলিংস এমং বাংলাদেশী?’ শিরোনামে এক নিবন্ধে ১৯৭৪ সালের ডিসেম্বরে প্রকাশিত ভারতীয় মাসিক ‘অনিক’-এর রিপোর্টের উদ্ধৃতি দিয়ে লিখেছেন, “ভারতীয় সৈন্যদের লুণ্ঠিত মালামালের মূল্য ছিল প্রায় ১শ’ কোটি মার্কিন ডলার।”
বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর লুণ্ঠনের ব্যাপারে ‘বাংলাদেশ পাস্ট এন্ড প্রেজেন্ট’ পুস্তকে সালাহউদ্দিন আহমদ লিখেছেন, “যুদ্ধ শেষ হয়ে যাবার পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে অধিক সময় অবস্থান করতে থাকায় ভারত সমালোচিত হতে থাকে। অভিযোগ করা হয় যে, ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী ট্রাক বহরে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও সাজসরঞ্জাম সরিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। ফলে ভারত বাংলাদেশকে আত্মমর্যাদাশালী রাষ্ট্রের পরিবর্তে একটি তাঁবেদার রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করতে চায় এমন একটি আশঙ্কা থেকে বাংলাদেশের প্রতি ভারতীয় নীতির বিরুদ্ধে উত্তেজনা ও সংশয় সৃষ্টি হয়।”
মুক্তিযোদ্ধা ও লেখক জয়নাল আবেদীনের ‘র এন্ড বাংলাদেশ’ শিরোনামে লেখা একটি বইয়েও বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর লুন্ঠনের বর্ণনা দেয়া হয়েছে। বইটিতে তিনি লিখেছেন, “পাকিস্তানি সৈন্যদের আত্মসমর্পণের পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যদের ব্যাপক লুটতরাজ দেখতে পেয়ে ভারতের প্রকৃত চেহারা আমার কাছে নগ্নভাবে ফুটে উঠে। ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা যা কিছু দেখতে পেতো তার উপর হুমড়ি খেয়ে পড়তো এবং সেগুলো ভারতে বহন করে নিয়ে যেতো। লুটতরাজ সহজতর করার জন্য তারা আমাদের শহর, শিল্প স্থাপনা, বন্দর, সেনানিবাস, বাণিজ্যিক কেন্দ্র এমনকি আবাসিক এলাকায় কারফিউ জারি করে। তারা সিলিং ফ্যান থেকে শুরু করে সামরিক সাজসরঞ্জাম, তৈজষপত্র ও পানির ট্যাপ পর্যন্ত উঠিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। লুণ্ঠিত মালামাল ভারতে পরিবহনের জন্য হাজার হাজার সামরিক যান ব্যবহার করা হয়।”
বইটির আরেকটি অংশে তিনি লিখেছেন, “বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মধ্য দিয়ে ভারত অর্থনৈতিক, সামরিক, কৌশলগত ও আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে ব্যাপক লাভবান হয়েছে। এ কারণে দেশটি তার নিজের স্বার্থে আমাদের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে সম্পৃক্ত হয়, আমাদের স্বার্থে নয়।”
বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর লুণ্ঠনের ব্যাপারে “বাংলাদেশ পাস্ট এন্ড প্রেজেন্ট” পুস্তকে সালাহউদ্দিন আহমদ লিখেছেন, “যুদ্ধ শেষ হয়ে যাবার পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে অধিক সময় অবস্থান করতে থাকায় ভারত সমালোচিত হতে থাকে। অভিযোগ করা হয় যে, ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী ট্রাক বহরে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও সাজসরঞ্জাম সরিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। ফলে ভারত বাংলাদেশকে আত্মমর্যাদাশালী রাষ্ট্রের পরিবর্তে একটি তাঁবেদার রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করতে চায় এমন একটি আশঙ্কা থেকে বাংলাদেশের প্রতি ভারতীয় নীতির বিরুদ্ধে উত্তেজনা ও সংশয় সৃষ্টি হয়।”
এবার আসুন দেখি মুক্তিযুদ্ধে “তথাকথিত” সাহায্যের কারণ এবং বর্তমানের লুটপাট।
১. পাকিস্তানকে অর্থনৈতিকভাবে দূর্বল করার লক্ষ্যে দুই টুকরো করতে পারলে ভারতের দীর্ঘদিনের স্বপ্ন বাস্তবায়িত করা, ভারতও ভালভাবেই জানত পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের আয় (বিশেষত পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের পাট, চা, চামড়া, নিউজপ্রিন্ট ও আরো অন্যান্য পন্য রপ্তানী বাবত বিপুল বৈদেশিক মূদ্রা অর্জন ) দিয়েই পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়ন বা অর্থনীতির চাকা সচল রাখা হত।
২. পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে পাকিস্তানের কাছ থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন করা গেলে সামরিক দিক দিয়েও লাভবান হবে ভারত, ভারতকে আর তার পূর্রাঞ্চলে (ইস্টার্ন সেক্টরে) সামরিক শক্তি মোতায়েন রাখতে হবেনা, পুরো সামরিক শক্তিই তখন ভারতের পশ্চিমাঞ্চলে (ওয়েস্টার্ন সেক্টরে) পাকিস্তানের বিপরীতে প্রস্তুত রাখা যাবে। আরেকটা ব্যাপার ছিল ৬৫ সালের পাক-ভারত পুর্ব পাকিস্তানী(বাংলাদেশী) সৈন্য দের ব্যাপক বীরোচিত আক্রমন।
৩. ভারত বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতিকে ধীরে ধীরে এমনভাবে ভারত নির্ভরশীল করে তুলবে এবং বাংলাদেশের নিজস্ব অর্থনীতি ও অর্থনীতির মূল শক্তিগুলোকে এমনভাবে ধ্বংশ করে দিবে যাতে বাংলাদেশ অনেকাংশে ভারতের উপর নির্ভর শীল হয়ে থাকে। বাংলাদেশের পাট ও চা শিল্প আরো অনেক আগেই ধ্বংশ হয়ে এখন এই বাজার একচেটিয়া ভারতের দখলে চলে গেছে, বাংলাদেশের গার্মেন্টস শিল্প এবং জনশক্তি রপ্তানী খাতও ভারতের তীব্র প্রতিযোগিতা ও ষড়যন্ত্রের শিকারে পরিনত হয়েছে।
আর উজানে বিভিন্ন নদীতে বাঁধ দিয়ে বাংলাদেশের নদ-নদীকে মরুভূমি বানিয়ে বাংলাদেশের কৃষি, জলবায়ূ ও প্রকৃতিকে ইতমধ্যেই ধ্বংশের শেষ সীমায় ঠেলে দেওয়া হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ বাংলাদেশ স্বাধীন হলেও ভারতের জন্য কোন হুমকী হবেনা, বরং ভারতের লাভই হবে এবং কার্যত ভারতই বাংলাদেশের জন্য হুমকী হয়ে থাকতে পারবে। এসব হিসাব-নিকাশ সঠিকভাবে করেই ভারত ১৯৭১ সালে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে পাকিস্তান থেকে পৃথক তথা স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশ হতে সাহায্য করেছিল।
যে কারনে বাঙ্গালীদের মনে এতো প্রশ্ন ভারতের সেই তথাকথিত সাহায্যের জন্য।
কেন ভারত আমাদের ২৬ শে মার্চ এর পর পরই সাহায্য করল না, যদি সত্যই তারা আমাদের সাহায্য করতে চাইত?
রেসকোর্স ময়দানে আমাদের জেনারেল আতাউল গনি ওসমানী সাহেব ছিলেন না কেন? তাকে কি আসতে বাঁধা দেয়া হয়েছিল?
কেন আমরা ৯০ভাগ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করার পর ভারত ডিসেম্বরের ৩ তারিখ আক্রমণ করল?
আপনাদের মনে আছে জর্জ হ্যারিসনের “কনসার্ট ফর বাংলাদেশ” এই ধরনের অনুষ্ঠান গুলো থেকে প্রাপ্ত অর্থ সহ বিশাল পরিমাণ ফান্ডের টাকা গুলো কোথায় গেল? ভারত কি হিসেব দিয়েছিল?
কেন রাশিয়ার দেয়া অস্ত্র গুলো ভারত নিজেদের দেয়া বলে চালিয়ে নিয়েছিল?
‘ইটস মিলিনিয়াম ইয়ার অপরচুনিটি টু ডিভাইড পাকিস্থান ইন্টু টু পিস’ – এই কথাটি কে বলেছিল?
বস্তুত বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মধ্য দিয়ে ভারত অর্থনৈতিক, সামরিক, কৌশলগত ও আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে ব্যাপক লাভবান হয়েছে। এ কারণে দেশটি তার নিজের স্বার্থে আমাদের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে সম্পৃক্ত হয়, আমাদের স্বার্থে নয়।” আজ এরাই গলা লম্বা করে বলে তারা নাকি বাংলাদেশকে সাহায্যে না করলে দেশ স্বাধীন হতনা!!! এই জন্যই বলে চোরের মার বড় গলা !
Google translation -
In the war of liberation of 1971, when the heroic liberation forces had liberated 95-99 percent of the country, on December 3, the Indian army entered Bangladesh to loot. They carried out unprecedented looting across Bangladesh after 16 December. The huge quantity of arms and ammunition left behind by 93,000 Pakistani soldiers - valued at Rs 26,000 crore at the time - was looted from Bangladesh by the Indian Army in 15 large ships. But that weapon was completely owned by Bangladesh.
Not only that, the equipment of hundreds of mills in Bangladesh, banks, schools, colleges, universities, even household items were not spared from the hands of greedy Indian looters. The value of these assets and commodities at that time was approximately 90 thousand crore rupees. The Indian looters did not leave out the toilet bowls either. India, our absolute ally (!!!), also looted huge sums of money and other aid provided by various international organizations during and after the war.
Azizul Karim, in an article titled 'Why Such Anti-Indian Feelings and Bangladeshis?' . ”
Salahuddin Ahmed wrote in his book 'Bangladesh Past and Present' about the plunder of Indian army in Bangladesh, It is alleged that the Indian Army removed a large quantity of arms and equipment from Bangladesh by truck. As a result, the fear that India wants to turn Bangladesh into a tyrannical state instead of a self-respecting state creates tension and suspicion against Indian policy towards Bangladesh.
A book by freedom fighter and writer Joynal Abedin titled 'R&D Bangladesh' also describes the plunder of the Indian Army in Bangladesh. In the book, he writes, "After the surrender of the Pakistani soldiers, seeing the massive looting of the Indian soldiers, the true face of India came to my notice. Indian soldiers stumbled upon whatever they saw and carried it to India. To facilitate looting, they imposed curfews in our cities, industrial establishments, ports, cantonments, commercial centers and even in residential areas. They carry everything from ceiling fans to military equipment, utensils and water taps. Thousands of military vehicles are used to transport looted goods to India. ”
In another part of the book, he writes, “India has benefited immensely economically, militarily, strategically and internationally through the liberation war of Bangladesh. That is why the country is involved in our liberation war in its own interest, not in our interest. ”
Salahuddin Ahmed wrote in his book "Bangladesh Past and Present" about the plunder of Indian army in Bangladesh, "After the end of the war, India was criticized for keeping Indian troops in the Chittagong Hill Tracts for a long time. It is alleged that the Indian Army removed a large quantity of arms and equipment from Bangladesh by truck. As a result, the fear that India wants to turn Bangladesh into a tyrannical state instead of a self-respecting state has created tension and suspicion against Indian policy towards Bangladesh. ”
Now let's look at the reasons for the "so-called" help in the liberation war and the current looting.
1. Realizing India's long-held dream of tearing Pakistan apart economically, India was well aware of East Pakistan's economic development (especially its huge foreign exchange earnings from East Pakistan's jute, tea, leather, newsprint and other exports). The wheel was kept in motion.
2. Separating East Pakistan from Pakistan would also benefit India militarily. India does not have to deploy military force in its eastern sector, the entire military force can be kept ready in the western sector of India as opposed to Pakistan. Another issue was the massive heroic attack of the Pak-India East Pakistani (Bangladeshi) troops in 1965.
3. India will gradually make Bangladesh's economy dependent on India and destroy Bangladesh's own economy and the key forces of the economy in such a way that Bangladesh becomes largely dependent on India. Bangladesh's jute and tea industries have long since collapsed and the market is now monopolized by India, and Bangladesh's garment industry and manpower export sector have also fallen victim to India's fierce competition and conspiracy.
And by building dams on various rivers upstream and turning the rivers of Bangladesh into deserts, the agriculture, climate and nature of Bangladesh have already been pushed to the brink of destruction. In other words, even if Bangladesh becomes independent, there will be no threat to India, but India will benefit and in practice India will be a threat to Bangladesh. By doing these calculations properly, India helped East Pakistan in 1971 to become an independent Bangladesh.
That is why there are so many questions in the minds of Bengalis for the so-called help of India.
Why didn't India help us after March 26, if they really wanted to help us?
Why was our General Ataul Gani Osmani not on the racecourse ground? Was he prevented from coming?
Why did India invade on 3rd December after we liberated 90% of the territory?
Do you remember where the huge amount of money including the money from George Harrison's "Concert for Bangladesh" went? What did India calculate?
Why did India continue to claim the weapons given by Russia as its own?
‘It’s Millennium Year Opportunity to Divide Pakistan Into Peace’ - who said that?
In fact, through the liberation war of Bangladesh, India has benefited immensely economically, militarily, strategically and internationally. That is why the country is involved in our liberation war in its own interest, not in our interest. ” Today they are the ones who say that the country would not be independent if they did not help Bangladesh !!! This is why the thief's throat is big!
Source - https://www.facebook.com/groups/503322647322989/permalink/505446543777266/
(Defresca group)
I hate to be compelled to respond to sewage grade reasoning.
History did not start from the day Muktibahini started fighting from the 'beginning', even before that they were in East Pakistan, they saw indiscriminate killing and massacre, then they took a fateful journey not knowing what lies ahead, then finding themselves in Indian camps where they fed them, trained them, gave them guns to go back and fight the brave fight that we want to be proud of today. Millions, more than 10 million poor and hapless people, the elderly, the women, the children also took that fateful journey, many never completed the journey because they were killed on the way. But the 10 or so millions who made it found themselves in refugee camps in a very poor India where they fed them for a year, gave them treatment, their human rights groups worked for them, their volunteers raised money from the streets to help them.
And please don't tell me about the bravery of freedom fighters, my father and my uncle both were freedom fighters.
The Jamat-shibir bastards profess Islam, pump out Islam from every orifice of their bodies at twice the rate they breath but these khanajir do not know the very essence of Islam is truth and justice. Islam is founded on the principles of truth and justice. They violate the very essence of it by constantly lying and having us deny like ingrates the help the Indians provided us in '71, without which we wouldn't have existed as a people today.
I have lately been noticing a few of our members who have been gradually exposing their tails they have been hiding for long carefully. I have seen them when even Pakistanis throwing severe insults towards our people and our country, they merely respond by writing a few lines of Urdu and suggesting some of these Bengali members are just naive, or just Hindus; we all love you in Bangladesh, it's only our government who has a problem. They suddenly grew a strong appetite to give a c0cksuck to Pakistanis for every insult they throw. Does it ring a bell in my head, didn't the rajakar, al-badr have the same traits?
I would like to politely request you not to bother me with this, I am not liking this discussion.
Relax brother, no point in bad mouthing anyone, this thread has already gone to the shits.
The village Imam, a member of anti independence militia, got my grandparents murdered for being sympathetic to freedom fighters.
So, I don't like this any more than you but let's not get down to abusive speech.
Couldn't have said it better myself @Bilal9 bhai. I agree with every words .There is no reason to misinterpret such messages for anyone unless some people has itching.Diversity of opinions is welcome. That's why we are here.
We will not all have the same opinion as others, due to personal experience and tragedy.
But most of us in Bangladesh love our country nonetheless, regardless of which party is in power.
Some of us don't have any allegiance to Bangladesh (for whatever reason) and are Indian agents - simply because of selfish reasons like religion.
Bangladeshi Hindus are largely patriotic, but some are not (there are Muslims in that group too, who are more Hindu than Hindus themselves). We have to make that distinction and identify these gaddars. Gaddars should leave if they don't like this country and are foreign agents.
Bhai, we have to understand that the best foot forward for Bangladesh is to choose our foreign friends carefully, very carefully. We should choose only those who will make our position stronger globally.
We must not choose foreign "friends" whose only intent is to exploit us financially, as done for the last fifty years. Like India has. This is demonstrated and well-proven.
All these people that gave their lives in 1971, is not for our country to remain a petty vassal to India. We have the option (and currently the wherewithal) not to be so. Think.
I have nothing against either Indians or Pakistanis as people, never did, never will.
But govt. relations require careful forethought and analysis.
We have to be every bit the Chanakya in statecraft.
While not supporting others' viewpoints is understandable, verbal abuse or name calling is uncalled for. Your post has been reported.
Just to refute a couple of your points,
1. There were freedom fighters in my family too. Almost all families had them. Calling people Jamat-Shibir just because they aren't India supporters is uncalled for.
2. India did not help the Mukti Bahini or feed the refugees without any "strategy", which started in 1947 with Nehru jogsajosh. Read and you will know. Further the UN fed the refugees. India did not do jack.
3. We have paid the price for fifty years being a convenient market for Indian goods and being under Indian thumb (Farakka, Teesta, you name it). I think we have done enough.
Unless you like being called Indian slaves and vassals and like being ordered around by these Indians - then all "Swadhincheta" people in Bangladesh should reconsider Indian relationship with our country.
You like India so much (majority of Bangladeshis don't) then door is wide open for you to migrate. No need to sit in Bangladesh and plan our destruction.
Couldn't have said it better myself @Bilal9 bhai. I agree with every words .There is no reason to misinterpret such messages for anyone unless some people has itching.
Your message is loud and clear , kono dalal accepted na ei deshe , seta hok chetona ba jamati, ekoi sathe freedom of speech o thaka lagbe.
In the end we are pro Bangladeshi and it's in our own narrative. People don't have to follow either Jamati or Chetona narrative.
Look , there are 4 types of people in Bangladesh ,one type is Jamati ,2nd type is chetona and the third type is oversmart ( actually amateur )who hate both India and Pakistan.
The fourth type is common Bangladeshi who only care about their own country, about it's prosperity and about sovereignty and dignity. And they are mainstream.
Ei mainstream er kache onno desh ba esob nia politics kono value rakhe na.
Era du bela bhat kaporer chintatei basto thake ar nijeder family r safety nia vabe beshi , theory nia kopchakopochir time tader nai. Chetona ba jamati ideology te eder pet vorbe na eta era Jane.
Who did wrong or right in 50 years ago ,mainstream have no interest. The interest of mainstream is about present and future. Blocking water by India, trying to make country as desert, and many more dadagiri that are harming Bangladesh.
Ar ei khoti tader nijer khoti karon tader shudhu tader Bangladesh mayer kol chhara zabar zayga nai.
These common folks don't hate any country unless they directly harming their country ,and India is successfully buying hate from these people, not Pakistan, as what Pakistan did it's actually old matter. Ar puranu kasundi keu ghate na.
Everyone think of present and future.
So Keu kono kisu koilei tiring biring kore lafay zara , eder ami avoid kori. Karon tarai eto osohinsnu zader payer niche mati nei. Keno 1971 sale Indian vumika nia kotha bola zabe na? Desh ta ke ki India ke amra beicha disi?
Bangladesh ki Indiar ongo rajjo? Seita na hole kotha bola zabe na keno? Albot zabe.
Ar kader eto jole Janen? Zara oti matray insecured tader e jole.
Onek kothai bola zay but tar ar dorkar nai. Ei thread ze dike divert hoise ami participate kortei bibroto bodh kortesi.
Zodi jantam ze ei thread er ei obostha hobe, ami post e kortam na ei thread.
Ekhon ar new kono reference paileo post korbo na. Karon ete arekta 50 page er essay likhe seta counter deya hobe.
Although even Indians aren't interested ,I understand now, only some of our own insecured people will do that, either by writing essay or by derogatory words.
Kajei 50 page er essay counter debar dhorzo,somoy manosikota konotai amar nai.
My state Tripura hosted more refugees than it's population at that time, gave them food and shelter, helped them fight back, for that it had to bear the brunt of Pakistani shelling, you think that UN did all that?. And now this is what we get to hearWhile not supporting others' viewpoints is understandable, verbal abuse or name calling is uncalled for. Your post has been reported.
Just to refute a couple of your points,
1. There were freedom fighters in my family too. Almost all families had them. Calling people Jamat-Shibir just because they aren't India supporters is uncalled for.
2. India did not help the Mukti Bahini or feed the refugees without any "strategy", which started in 1947 with Nehru jogsajosh. Read and you will know. Further the UN fed the refugees. India did not do jack.
3. We have paid the price for fifty years being a convenient market for Indian goods and being under Indian thumb (Farakka, Teesta, you name it). I think we have done enough.
Unless you like being called Indian slaves and vassals and like being ordered around by these Indians - then all "Swadhincheta" people in Bangladesh should reconsider Indian relationship with our country.
You like India so much (majority of Bangladeshis don't) then door is wide open for you to migrate. No need to sit in Bangladesh and plan our destruction.
Ignore the waflerBold part , I am taking it as offense against my nation. who was our old master then ? West Pakistan?
If these people feel that UN can feed all refugees and the host country is owed no thanks, then let BD hold Rohingya refugees forever. Why does BD need to make a hue and cry over the issue with Myanmar? Is UN not paying you enough for feeding these refugees?My state Tripura hosted more refugees than it's population at that time, gave them food and shelter, helped them fight back, for that it had to bear the brunt of Pakistani shelling, you think that UN did all that?. And now this is what we get to hear
The fourth type is common Bangladeshi who only care about their own country, about it's prosperity and about sovereignty and dignity. And they are mainstream.
Ei mainstream er kache onno desh ba esob nia politics kono value rakhe na.
Era du bela bhat kaporer chintatei basto thake ar nijeder family r safety nia vabe beshi , theory nia kopchakopochir time tader nai. Chetona ba jamati ideology te eder pet vorbe na eta era Jane.
Blocking water by India, trying to make country as desert, and many more dadagiri that are harming Bangladesh.
Even if Bhutto didn't do this , still I feel that it's not rational to speak about apology for 50 years old matter .
what Pakistan did it's actually old matter. Ar puranu kasundi keu ghate na.
Keno 1971 sale Indian vumika nia kotha bola zabe na?
Desh ta ke ki India ke amra beicha disi?
Ei thread ze dike divert hoise ami participate kortei bibroto bodh kortesi.
derogatory words
Kajei 50 page er essay counter debar dhorzo,somoy manosikota konotai amar nai.
Tai eder avoid korar decision niyesi ami bhai.
Zodi jantam ze ei thread er ei obostha hobe, ami post e kortam na ei thread.
only some of our own insecured people
Ekhon ar new kono reference paileo post korbo na.
There were freedom fighters in my family too. Almost all families had them. Calling people Jamat-Shibir just because they aren't India supporters is uncalled for.
No need to sit in Bangladesh and plan our destruction.
Further the UN fed the refugees. India did not do jack.
you think that UN did all that?
If these people feel that UN can feed all refugees and the host country is owed no thanks
Why his reference isn't credible?Give the reference. Barrister Moinul Hussein's reference isn't really credible.
Why his reference isn't credible?