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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Rafael AESA radars use GaAs devices. Now, GaN devices beat down GaAs by an order of margin. The game lies in the arts and sciences of depositing and engineering these III-V devices. Elbamdulillah our Turkish boys are almost there up to the Bell Labs maestro, who have a huge pool of the Chinese origin folks.
Be patient, next time you will see me sitting smoking a cigar in a J-10 or JS-10.

After J10C, I'd be most interested in the next generation stand off EW aircraft that PAF would opt to buy. Should keep ears to the ground for that.

Rest assured, EW will be play a pivotal role in any next short, fast back and forth b/w IAF and PAF.
The feb skrimish was an eye opener for IAF no doubt, and they did not comprehend the complete situation as well, and even PAF was not expecting such a "perfect" outcome either. Expecting the same tactics and deployment from IAF again would be foolishness of highest scale from PAF.
When you run the Government and the military as some Bollywood movie style then you might expect anything even worse to come.

I think the greatest danger towards IAF Rafale would be their own S-400s in any future conflict. How a mix of Russian, Israeli, Western and Indian systems could work cohesively in harmony and effectively communicate with each other. And in the heat of battle things could go south really quick.

PAF having decades of experience and excellence in utilizing the combined western and Chinese systems successfully, still went to a great length to make sure to have seamless integration of advanced Chinese tech (JF-17) into the PAF with existing systems
The feb skrimish was an eye opener for IAF no doubt, and they did not comprehend the complete situation as well, and even PAF was not expecting such a "perfect" outcome either. Expecting the same tactics and deployment from IAF again would be foolishness of highest scale from PAF.
Absolutely on point.

But I'd say that a lot of work has gone into PAF fixing a lot that went wrong at our end too, pre and post SR. This was not about just Feb 27th, but incl what transpired in the months after it too.
How credible is the rumour that PAF is considering a Chinese flanker? I know they are expensive but even Egypt a country with limited resources like Pakistan has bought 30 SU-35. I hope we could see 36 J-16 in PAF.
As you are starting the rumours its as good as a chocolate fire guard
Looks more like PAF is getting J-10 jets solely for handling PN activities while keeping F-16's & JF-17's for PAF activities. Do not be fooled by US gov & Pak gov current relations. PAF and USAF go a long way back and relations are as good as they get and are not going to change anytime soon; hopefully.

A senior member(i believe it was Oscar) whom recently explained correctly how the US knows how to balance relations between IND and PAK and make sure that PAK does not get out of their grip. So, I would not bet against new F-16's or even upgrades for existing ones, just yet, since this purchase of J-10's helps in building a case for the US to send some goodies our way to maintain some sort of leverage. But, lets be sure this time to decide the amount of leverage ourselves.

Hopefully the PAF gets what they have planned for since they have hit the nail on the head so far and therfore never let us down; Mashaa Allah. So lets pray that that this time they too also make us proud and divide assets accordingly; Inshaa Allah.

Also, i believe they are working towards: data data data data..recieving, analysing, planning and execution(think of it as IOT for an airforce) all within seconds for different fields/areas(water and land) using a combination of Eastern and Western technolgies with a topping of indigenous ingenuity - I am praying that is the case - since the present and future leader of aerial warfare will be the one who has mastered the art of building, maintaining and controlling a data centric environment in the air domain e.g. F-35(a single tiny piece of the puzzle).

Looks more like PAF is getting J-10 jets solely for handling PN activities while keeping F-16's & JF-17's for PAF activities. Do not be fooled by US gov & Pak gov current relations. PAF and USAF go a long way back and relations are as good as they get and are not going to change anytime soon; hopefully.

A senior member(i believe it was Oscar) whom recently explained correctly how the US knows how to balance relations between IND and PAK and make sure that PAK does not get out of their grip. So, I would not bet against new F-16's or even upgrades for existing ones, just yet, since this purchase of J-10's helps in buildinga case for the US to send some goodies are way to maintain some sort of leverage. But, lets be sure this time to decide the amount of leverage ourselves.

Hopefully the PAF gets what they have planned for since they have hit the nail on the head so far and therfore never let us down; Mashaa Allah. So lets pray that that this time they too also make us proud and divide assets accordingly; Inshaa Allah.

Also, i believe they are working towards: data data data data..recieving, analysing, planning and execution(think of it as IOT for an airforce) all within seconds for different fields/areas(water and land) using a combination of Eastern and Western technolgies with a topping of indigenous ingenuity - I am praying that is the case - since the present and future leader of aerial warfare will be the one who has mastered the art of building, maintaining and controlling a data centric environment in the air domain e.g. F-35(a single tiny piece of the puzzle).

Stop your delusion. It takes no brainer why US is now one sided partnering with india.

India is a bigger economy and is unfriendly with China. Both these criteria fits US doctrine now. If u still want to continue your delusion for further F-16 deal from US for PAF. Go ahead I am not stopping you.
Looks more like PAF is getting J-10 jets solely for handling PN activities while keeping F-16's & JF-17's for PAF activities. Do not be fooled by US gov & Pak gov current relations. PAF and USAF go a long way back and relations are as good as they get and are not going to change anytime soon; hopefully.

A senior member(i believe it was Oscar) whom recently explained correctly how the US knows how to balance relations between IND and PAK and make sure that PAK does not get out of their grip. So, I would not bet against new F-16's or even upgrades for existing ones, just yet, since this purchase of J-10's helps in building a case for the US to send some goodies our way to maintain some sort of leverage. But, lets be sure this time to decide the amount of leverage ourselves.

Hopefully the PAF gets what they have planned for since they have hit the nail on the head so far and therfore never let us down; Mashaa Allah. So lets pray that that this time they too also make us proud and divide assets accordingly; Inshaa Allah.

Also, i believe they are working towards: data data data data..recieving, analysing, planning and execution(think of it as IOT for an airforce) all within seconds for different fields/areas(water and land) using a combination of Eastern and Western technolgies with a topping of indigenous ingenuity - I am praying that is the case - since the present and future leader of aerial warfare will be the one who has mastered the art of building, maintaining and controlling a data centric environment in the air domain e.g. F-35(a single tiny piece of the puzzle).


If Pak could get the F16's block 60 or 70 they would of never gone for the J10's. But now that the J10's have been ordered
it is a final nail in strings attached F16's.
Stop your delusion. It takes no brainer why US is now one sided partnering with india.

India is a bigger economy and is unfriendly with China. Both these criteria fits US doctrine now. If u still want to continue your delusion for further F-16 deal from US for PAF. Go ahead I am not stopping you.
Most Pakistanis like me are against future purchases of F-16s, because we know they come with "conditions" or strings attached.

Hopefully this J-10C purchase will be the final nail in the coffin for purchases with "conditions."
Most Pakistanis like me are against future purchases of F-16s, because we know they come with "conditions" or strings attached.

Hopefully this J-10C purchase will be the final nail in the coffin for purchases with "conditions."
I totally understand your concern. But there is still some delusion who cant see thru the real situation.

US anti-China doctrine are totally mad. US pushes country like Russia to totally embrace China and now is Pakistan turn. If some still think Pakistan still has chances of tinkering between US and China relationship, need to get his head check.
Looks more like PAF is getting J-10 jets solely for handling PN activities while keeping F-16's & JF-17's for PAF activities. Do not be fooled by US gov & Pak gov current relations. PAF and USAF go a long way back and relations are as good as they get and are not going to change anytime soon; hopefully.

A senior member(i believe it was Oscar) whom recently explained correctly how the US knows how to balance relations between IND and PAK and make sure that PAK does not get out of their grip. So, I would not bet against new F-16's or even upgrades for existing ones, just yet, since this purchase of J-10's helps in building a case for the US to send some goodies our way to maintain some sort of leverage. But, lets be sure this time to decide the amount of leverage ourselves.

Hopefully the PAF gets what they have planned for since they have hit the nail on the head so far and therfore never let us down; Mashaa Allah. So lets pray that that this time they too also make us proud and divide assets accordingly; Inshaa Allah.

Also, i believe they are working towards: data data data data..recieving, analysing, planning and execution(think of it as IOT for an airforce) all within seconds for different fields/areas(water and land) using a combination of Eastern and Western technolgies with a topping of indigenous ingenuity - I am praying that is the case - since the present and future leader of aerial warfare will be the one who has mastered the art of building, maintaining and controlling a data centric environment in the air domain e.g. F-35(a single tiny piece of the puzzle).

Being alone and Ahmak are the same....

Rafaels were Pak's problem. Now, they have become Turkey's and China's problems too...

Thanks to the permanently stationed Qatari Rafaels in Turkey, every signaling pattern would be recorded, analyzed, and solved for countermeasures using semiconductor device fabrication, hardware and software techniques in a feedback loop. And, they would be made into "libraries" for land, sea and air based EW platforms. And, they'd be part of the MEHPOD (EW pod under developmemt for F-16s, TFXs). Device for device, T/R module for T/R module, algorithm for algorithm, hardware for hardware....

Hodri Meydan....
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No problem and surely not as an offence against you, but the recent over-enthusiasm has lead to the posting of the same and same images, questions and rumours over and over again.
I just wanted to prevent the same hyping again.

You will find that members don't often read new posting on the thread before. Not everyone is serious to discuss, read, understand, add further information and continue for more info. Most of the times, people loves to post and leave without looking Back.
What about if it was Jf17 Block 3 instead of F16 Block 52. How will it perform against the Rafale and the rest, we all were confident that Jf17 block 3 with f16 block 52s could handle Rafale and so there is no need for J10C.

Also how would you rate the unproven chinese technology against the French Rafale tech, with the F16s we knew we had the world best technology.
Please go through earlier posts
J10C's radar and missile range are stronger. Rafale are mobility(low altitude mobility&transonic mobility) and supersonic are better. In addition, J10C has poor multirole and it is a pure air superiority fighter.
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