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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Induction of J-10CE has strengthened PAF as a formidable and potent force well capable of defending the aerial frontiers of our beloved country. With J-10CE Omni Role Fighter in its ranks, PAF retains the first shot BVR capability while maintaining overall qualitative edge.
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Induction of J-10CE has strengthened PAF as a formidable and potent force well capable of defending the aerial frontiers of our beloved country. With J-10CE Omni Role Fighter in its ranks, PAF retains the first shot BVR capability while maintaining overall qualitative edge.
Now all that is required is a quality, fearless CAS to lead it.....
J-10CE of No. 15 Multirole Squadron known as "Cobras" upon its arrival in Pakistan. High performance fighter coupled with modern combat avionics suite is fully capable of being employed for advanced missions. PAF pilots rate its EW suite as most significant game changing feature
"If you ignore the dragon, it will eat you. If you defy the dragon it will overpower you. But if you ride the dragon, you will take advantage of its strength and power."
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"If you ignore the dragon, it will eat you. If you defy the dragon it will overpower you. But if you ride the dragon, you will take advantage of its strength and power."

Very eloquently put but a bit too wordy. If it were up to me I’d write:

“Real warriors ride dragons, others ride monitor lizards.”
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