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Opposition to Islamic Caliphate thread

Funny how Hazzy/Falcon accuses regimes and people of needing the protection of Israel or the US when in reality he is enjoying the domestic freedoms and protection of the states.

If he openly expressed his terrorist supporting views as he does here in an Arab nation he would already be hung upside down by his testicles in a rather dim lit and dirty room.

Can you name those 'domestic freedoms'? :lol:

As if I care for them, I'm not a kaffir like you. Funny how this kaffir claims Arab regimes do fair trial with political detainees then says they'd be tortured. :lol:

And no Kaffir , I will il3an Abu imak al manyookah if any filth low iq monkeys try doing anything to me. Ibn sitah wa seetin raqasaah bil thabh jinaaakum ya kafaraah ya khayr ajnaas al ard

Sorry brother if I offended you. I am shameful that I used harsh language.

Agreed. Fully agreed. There is no royal blood. Caliph or ruler could be anyone, but he should be chosen by people.

But I like to add one thing. As follower of prophet Muslim should respect members of ahl e bait. Being blood of rasool Allah. So I again apologize.

Don't listen to that retard anti Islam pro tribe regime kufr moron. I know his type, he's one of those Saudis who are jealous of Ikhwaan because he knows deep inside they're closet to allah(SWT). In Arab we call this Hasd. If you have Hasd you have no imaan. He is very envious of Ikhwaan. So they empowered Iran in process. And I hope Iran's allies invade Saudi Arabia so these morons realize that Hasd comes with consequences.
Can you name those 'domestic freedoms'? :lol:

As if I care for them, I'm not a kaffir like you. Funny how this kaffir claims Arab regimes do fair trial with political detainees then says they'd be tortured. :lol:

And no Kaffir , I will il3an Abu imak al manyookah if any filth low iq monkeys try doing anything to me. Ibn sitah wa seetin raqasaah bil thabh jinaaakum ya kafaraah ya khayr ajnaas al ard

You're using one right now. Freedom of speech, something that would not be guaranteed in an Arab nation with your views.

When did I claim Arab regimes (generalising here) provide free and fair trails or do not use torture to gain evidence or confessions? On the other hand you support the summary execution (and barbaric display of bodies publicly) of your brothers who Hamas deem to be 'spies' without any transparency whatsoever. Hypocrisy.

This kaffir still has enough sense and self respect to not attack you or your close family personally, nor use profanity when there is no call for it whatsoever.

This is you...acts all big on the internet and allies himself with terrorist organisations, and then when he gets arrested: "I was joking" "I'll shave my beard right now".

And no Kaffir , I will il3an Abu imak al manyookah if any filth low iq monkeys try doing anything to me. Ibn sitah wa seetin raqasaah bil thabh jinaaakum ya kafaraah ya khayr ajnaas al ard


As always you can't stop writing this kind of sentences I wonder if non Arabs can understand it ,lol

By the way, nice profile pic :lol:
If you are in US , you should be in Jail for sure who is supporting such organisations openly. I hope administrators look towards this and ban this guy for having such aims.
An American member should simply report him. He's left plenty of evidence on this forum and over time he's become more and more radical.

I think an anonymous tip can be made.

Shut your mouth when you're talking to your leader you son of a belly dancing prostitute. You have so much arrogance over your shithole country. Um al Khara and Um al Kheyanaah. The whole Arab world despises you. Even libyans butchered and deported all your people. Don't get me started what algerians, tunisians, morrocans think of you. I will wipe the floor with your country. You're talking to your leader you son of a cheap 3ahraaah beggar trash.

Yes you did claim that about Arab regimes. And you've never once criticized. Instead you made gibberish allegations against Hamas after I exposed you for the Kaffir that you are. You come to Arab country other than um Al Khiyanaah u will see what we will do with you. It's hilarious how you tried portraying yourself as a person who supports the Arab world. Then I began digging deep to find out your peoples true beliefs. And exposed you for the arrogant Kuffar you are. No wonder we Arabs have sterotypes in Muslim world of arrogance and racism. It's because useless dropouts like you who joined British army to make himself feel better and wealhy arrogant Khalijee retards. Stop speaking in the name of the Arab peoples. Egyptians and Khalijees stfu you scum. You are the lowest trash in Arab world. We all look down on you. No matter how much oil money you have.


This thread will contain a list of hypocritices in Islamic Ummah who oppose freedom and victory for the Muslim peoples. I will need Asian members to help me update this thread. There will be 3 lists. Those for, undecied,and against the Caliphate. It's closer approaching that the enemies of God are showing their true colors and hating us for no reason other than us being Muslim. They oppose our sovereignty, they oppose our prosperity, they oppose us having freedom. But many Muslims also oppose this and have cooperated in unjust agendas such as cooperation with Israel or fighting for brutal regimes. We all know Israel, US , EU oppose Caliphate. For Latin nations, I see them as uninvolved in this affairs. China and Russia I haven't made up mind if they oppose it or not. So this thread will only mention list of collaborators, pimps , secularists in our Ummah who oppose an Islamic Caliphate. If you wish to disagree, tag me in post and in civilized manner give reasons why you disagree. The past events in ME have exposed the hypocritices in their war against Muslim children and peoples . And it's approaching in near future where they officially declare a violent war on God's followers. I think it's time we start informing each other and also treat these scum who claim to be Muslims as our enemies.

@Rakan.SA @dessert_eagle @Zarvan @Indos @Pakistani shaheens @others

-Muslim Brotherhood
-Palestinian Islamic Jihad
-Other Palestinian Islamic Factions
-Lebanese Abdullah Azzam Brigades
-Lebanese Salafist movement
-Nusra Front
-Islamic Front of Syria
-Other Islamic factions in Syria
-Libyan Dawn
-Taliban of Afghanistan
-Somalian Islamic Factions
-Chechen Islamic factions
-converts to Islam from EU
-(Insert others)
-Kasmir Islamic factions
-Malaysia Islamic factions
-Bangladesh Islamic factions

-Saudi Arabian government
-Turkish government
-Pakistani government
-Qatar ?

-Egyptian government
-Iraqi Shia militias
-Assad regime
-Lebanese government
-Every other Arab government
-Turkish secular movement
Hey, I am a secular Turk, and I also support caliphate!
This forum explains why Muslim world is a pile of garbage. I never knew such people existed. There's no solution except God sending meteor to wipe out the garbage amongst us. Two faced traitor filth who always backstab the Ummah. I don't care for your comments here and I've always considered you Kuffar. You backstab us always and your time is coming.

Well you are rare. :)

Anyways, now you've become ISIS member for supporting idea of Caliphate. According to the so called 'Muslims' (lowlife adopted /sexually abused donkeys ) the Middle Eastern people are not allowed to choose their own fate and have right to self determination to discuss ideas of new types of governance/republic like system.

I seriously wonder if these people have been abused as children.
Well, for national interests, I'd rather not like M.E people to choose their own caliph too :p

For the political ambitions, I'd rather want to see Turkey picking a new Caliph instead.
This forum explains why Muslim world is a pile of garbage. I never knew such people existed. There's no solution except God sending meteor to wipe out the garbage amongst us. Two faced traitor filth who always backstab the Ummah. I don't care for your comments here and I've always considered you Kuffar. You backstab us always and your time is coming.

Well you are rare. :)

Anyways, now you've become ISIS member for supporting idea of Caliphate. According to the so called 'Muslims' (lowlife adopted /sexually abused donkeys ) the Middle Eastern people are not allowed to choose their own fate and have right to self determination to discuss ideas of new types of governance/republic like system.

I seriously wonder if these people have been abused as children.

Excuse me while I support providing each and every individual in my nation bread, liberty, and social justice without resorting to civil wars in which they are killed without a just reason.

I know I only represent myself, I know my views and beliefs are too radical or are unpopular in the middle east, and I have no problem admitting that.

However, you believe you represent the majority if not the whole of the Arab and Muslim world, when in reality you don't. So please keep your hatred and divisive politics and views to yourself, the average Mohammed is too busy living his life trying to get by and be a good Muslim to think about an Ummah and Caliphate that may not provide him with his needs, and the state you are pushing will not.
Excuse me while I support providing each and every individual in my nation bread, liberty, and social justice without resorting to civil wars in which they are killed without a just reason.

I know I only represent myself, I know my views and beliefs are too radical or are unpopular in the middle east, and I have no problem admitting that.

However, you believe you represent the majority if not the whole of the Arab and Muslim world, when in reality you don't. So please keep your hatred and divisive politics and views to yourself, the average Mohammed is too busy living his life trying to get by and be a good Muslim to think about an Ummah and Caliphate that may not provide him with his needs, and the state you are pushing will not.

Now you're suddenly back to being civilized person after calling for people who want La Ilah Ila Allah to rule them to be tortured in dark cells. And you wonder why we have civil wars. :rolleyes:

You're the same people who tortured Belal(RA) and attempted multiple times to assaisinate the Prophet(SAW). Being a Muslim and exercising your right to self determination nowadays means you're a either a vicious criminal, loon, terrorist, and need to tortured or at very least imprisoned. Let me tell you something, men of faith dint fear your threats. You don't understand men of faith, no matter what you do to us we won't give La Illah Ila Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah. A good Muslim according to God hating evil people is one who is stripped of his rights and tolerates domination over his people. But everybody else can occupy others lands and advocate Jewish state. Screw you and your sick world, we will revolt against it no matter what price there is to be paid. If I was you I wouldn't be considered of being accused of being a traitor. I would be considered that my soul is devestated and I abandoned the creator of the Universe and challeneged him. Muhammad is a crown on my head and I will never abandon the truth he taught us.

Its amazing how easy it these days to expose the hypocrites amongst us. Just open a thread regarding Islam and Israel. all the hypocrites expose themselves. Our Prophet said in the end times that there will be two camps, one of hypocrisy and one of faith.
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Now you're suddenly back to being civilized person after calling for people who want La Ilah Ila Allah to rule them to be tortured in dark cells. And you wonder why we have civil wars. :rolleyes:

Didn't call for anyone to be tortured in a dark cell, just stating that you would be if you were in an Arab nation. Your replies of course as always were the epitome of civil debate.

You're the same people who tortured Belal(RA) and attempted multiple times to assaisinate the Prophet(SAW). Being a Muslim and exercising your right to self determination nowadays means you're a either a vicious criminal, loon, terrorist, and need to tortured or at very least imprisoned. Let me tell you something, men of faith dint fear your threats. You don't understand men of faith, no matter what you do to us we won't give La Illah Ila Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah. A good Muslim according to God hating evil people is one who is stripped of his rights and tolerates domination over his people. But everybody else can occupy others lands and advocate Jewish state. Screw you and your sick world, we will revolt against it no matter what price there is to be paid. If I was you I wouldn't be considered of being accused of being a traitor. I would be considered that my soul is devestated and I abandoned the creator of the Universe and challeneged him. Muhammad is a crown on my head and I will never abandon the truth he taught us.

Didn't call for anyone to be tortured in a dark cell, just stating that you would be if you were in an Arab nation. Your replies of course as always were the epitome of civil debate.

First of all you're wrong , I have way more freedom of speech where I come from. Maybe not in pile of corrupt garbage known as Egypt. What kind of sick person takes pride in torturing his countrymen. You don't even realize you're disrespecting your own people.

If you don't care don't comment on this thread Kaffir.
First of all you're wrong , I have way more freedom of speech where I come from. Maybe not in pile of corrupt garbage known as Egypt. What kind of sick person takes pride in torturing his countrymen. You don't even realize you're disrespecting your own people.

If you don't care don't comment on this thread Kaffir.

You may have freedom to say what is deemed popular or acceptable but not anything else, for instance support for Israel. That would lead to a whole world of hurt, so while you as an individual may feel you have a certain extent of freedom of speech the other side of the spectrum will not.

I'm not torturing anyone nor advocating it nor taking pride in it. If you believe I do you have comprehension issues.

The only disrespect here is coming from you. I'm free to comment on any thread I like, thank you.
You may have freedom to say what is deemed popular or acceptable but not anything else, for instance support for Israel. That would lead to a whole world of hurt, so while you as an individual may feel you have a certain extent of freedom of speech the other side of the spectrum will not.

I'm not torturing anyone nor advocating it nor taking pride in it. If you believe I do you have comprehension issues.

The only disrespect here is coming from you.

I don't support injustice, in Gaza its unpopular. Everywhere else it isn't. Because Gaza is special land that God blesses and looks after. It is special case. So your freedom of speech debockle is irrelevant. In west you can only speak, but can't end unjust policies . The people who translate their words into action are non Muslims only. Muslims aren't allowed. Your point is moot and invalid.

Stop taking your words back, you just advocated torturing someone who says the Shahada. Of course you're cover you use is branding them as terrorists as part of your lawless persecutions against Muslims. I'm not an idiot that's going to whitewash the true meanings of your statements.

If you don't want to be disrespected you better think twice again before calling to torture people who follow Islam. Anyone that calls for supporting our enemies and denying our right to self determination will be disrespected. Meanwhile, terrorists attack Muslims with bombs /sanctions for exercising their basic rights and you have absolutely nothing to say towards them. Unbelievable.

I don't know how someone like you calls himself an arab. You have so much hatred towards your brothers who speak your own language and follow your own religion that you abandoned and want to lift your people out of the misery they're going through. And use same arguments our enemies make against us to justify aggression against us. Shame on you.

If you weren't so hostile towards your Muslim and Arab brothers I wouldn't hurt your feelings at all.
You're going around this forum sticking up the term "Kaffir" like tape onto people!
Just look at yourself man, don't you think you've gone too far here?

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