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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Any source !!!!!

It was hardly 5 second clip on GeoNews.Majority of people didn't notice. Well US is doing its best to help Pakistan. Cuz US plane carry more and far better precision strike weapons. Most probably whole area been satellite observation since many months.
WAR in Waziristan a background.A message to all Muslims to reflect.

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim.
Prophet Muhammad SAW a Muslim is one from whose hand and tongues other Muslim is safe.A Muslim Ummah is like a body.If one part of body feels pain the other part of body also feels pain, so is the case with Muslim Ummah.If part of Ummah feels pain then whole ummah feels the pain.

Pakistan is undergoing the worst period in the history of Muslim Ummah.Muslims are fighting between themselves in Waziristan region in NWFP province.Deadly fighting is going on between Pakistan army and Talibans living in that region.But question here arises who is right and who is wrong?
Waziristan borders with Afghanistan.Pashtoon tribe of Waziristan and Afghanistan have never accepted this border called Durand line that divides Pakistan and Afghanistan made by clever British to divide them and families across the border had been freely moving.These pashtoons had been marrying with each other and they always helped each other on difficult times.
America launched attack on Afghanistan on 9/11.Before America attacked , Russians had been defeated by Talibans and Mujahideens and Taliban establised their government in 1996 to 2001 under Ameer ul Momineen Mullah Muhammad Umer. Soon America launched attack , Pakistani army chief and president at that time Musharaf decided to give full support to America.This was unislamic and coward decison by Commander of army who claim that they are Islamic Army.Under this pact with America, Musharaf allowed Americans to establish their bases so that they can kill Muslims in Afghanistan.In the beginning I quoted that Muslim is one from whose and tongue other Muslim is safe.But look here Mushraf did exactly opposite to this.So he does not deserve to be counted among believers.He was actually follower of America's dictation and yearns for dollars and not Islam.So much so that his face pictured in American newspaper like a faithful dog and Bush patting him.Pakistan army under Musharaf also like faithfuls of Musharaf mindlessly start killing those pashtoon of Waziristan region who wanted to save their Muslim brother in Afghanistan.They are the ones from whose hand and tongue, Muslims of Afghanistan were saved.Mushraf start arresting Mujahideens from Pakistan who were crossing durand line and start handing over to America.This worsened the situation and angered Pashtoon Mujahideen.To stop this cruelty Mujahideen formed an organization under the banner of TTP Tekrikay Taliban Pakistan and declared their war against Pakistan Army.Any sane Muslim can decide that this decision against Pakistan army was according to verse of Quran that Allah says in Quran fight with those who fight with you.

Allah says in Quran that KAFIRS are those who make decisions against rules of Allah.This is the reason why Taliban believe that Pakistan army and Government who obey America are Kaffir.Pakistan policy is alway based to please America and accept whatever they tell Pakistan to do.Pakistan have made Christians and Jews as their friends while Allah clearly said and ordered Muslim not to make Jews and Christians as friend and who ever will make them as friend will be like them.


If Pakistan want to get rid of all this mess solution is one that they have to say GOODBYE to USA..

Whats the duty of every individual:

If that individual is in army. He should have to say that Sorry Boss I cannot kill Muslims for Americans. He shouldn’t go to waziristan if going there is necessary he should left his job for Allah’s sake .Inshallah Allah will give me better opportunity. Killing muslims just some for thousand rupees is not a wise decision. Generals and brigadiers are taking huge salaries from CIA but Soldiers are loosing emaan just for free

Sahi muslim
Book 020, Number 4533:
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Umar that the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: It is obligatory upon a Muslim that he should listen (to the ruler appointed over him) and obey him whether he likes it or not, except that he is ordered to do a sinful thing. If he is ordered to do a sinful act, a Muslim should neither. listen to him nor should he obey his orders

Sahih Muslim 4569
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: In the near future there will be Amirs (rulers) and you will like their good deeds and dislike their bad deeds. One who sees through their bad deeds (and tries to prevent their repetition by his hand or through his speech), is absolved from blame, but one who hates their bad deeds (in the heart of his heart, being unable to prevent their recurrence by his hand or his tongue), is (also) safe (so far as God"s wrath is concerned). But one who approves of their bad deeds and imitates them is spiritually ruined. .

Every individual should condemn and disapprove and hate the bad deeds of Army and Pakistan Govt according to his level.Anyone who approve bad deeds of them is just like those who are doing it


Please Spread this message so that our soldiers , Captains and lefitinents are not manipulated by those Generals who are extremely rich.Who spend luxury life styles in Defence Housing Sector in all cities of Pakistan while they and their children enjoy life in night clubs and discos in those Areas.These general have sold their soles for few Dollars and they spend huge money in Media and TV to encourage NATIONALISM on TV and praising army so that our young children join army with pride.

Nationalism is sin in islam.Under the doctrine of NATIONALISM it is ok that Muslim in Afghanistan or Palestine die as long as Pakistan is safe.This was root reason why Mongols destroyed Baghdad when Baghdad at the time was immersed in Nationalism and allied itself with Mongols in the hope they would be saved while Muslim in neighbouring lands were butchered by Mongols.

America like MONGOLS will attack Pakistan if it is not stopped and Pakistan will witness minarets of skulls.Let us stop our army, stop relying on Ulema especially Sufi Ulema who are again paid servants of Pakistan government and politicians.They will always mislead us.

Aslam Alykum All.

Oh!! Where is the Suicide Vest!!!???

Give it to me now..!!

i am going to blow up every Kafir on earth, just hand me over the damn Vest!!!!


P.S. i have been brainwashed..!!
Regarding any militant group supporting TTP, i have this much to say.

If anyone opposes the right of Pakistan to kill those terrorists who have been murdering its innocents...he is a clear cut enemy of Pakistan...no other way about it, long gone is the time of confusion and self denial...

It is ironic that we are jumping the gun regarding everyone but when it comes to the terrorists and their supporters who are so media savvy and practically public faces...we always are thinking about ways not to fight them...

Still we then wonder why our government cannot take care of these
troublemakers...the answer is simple...it is us...we have been the hypocrites...is it that hard to support our Army against terrorists and murderers who are proud of their work?
It should not be but it was in the past...thank god that majority of Pakistanis have now seen beyond the propaganda about what is the real threat facing us...

Anyways i say it is about time to be clear about the fight...
Whoever opposes this operation and engages Pak Fauj militarily in this operation will be our enemy...best time to see who is for Pakistan and who is not.
We can then make a comprehensive strategy knowing fully well which are the snakes in our sleeve and which are the true pro Pakistani factions, whoever they might be.

Now even Iran has protested with Pakistan about Jundullah...
I say it is about time we start ensuring that no scumbag is left capable of perpetrating such acts...or we shall be alone in the world shunned and ridiculed by all as the nation which supported its own executioner...
In the land of the pure, the terrorist has no place...

I told you before ,PA had taken very risky step , our 99 % population is against US .They dont think this war is for Pakistan it is for US only.

You can not change the majority opinion and also every one know that present government is corrupt .

Iran may be insupport of our government , always interfering in our internal politics , you know very well Iran supported US in Iraq against SADAM government because he was sunni.

US, Israel ,India all have only one target to control our nukes .Please recognise our real enemies?
Yaar Fundamentalist again showing your anti shia attitude?Whats with your hatred of Shias?I can understand your hatred for western countries as you are close to TTP members but Iran??:disagree:
I told you before ,PA had taken very risky step , our 99 % population is against US .They dont think this war is for Pakistan it is for US only.

You can not change the majority opinion and also every one know that present government is corrupt .

Iran may be insupport of our government , always interfering in our internal politics , you know very well Iran supported US in Iraq against SADAM government because he was sunni.

US, Israel ,India all have only one target to control our nukes .Please recognise our real enemies?

Yeah, that's why in the recent swat operation, not a single demonstration was done to oppose it, even the takfiri JI had to sit quiet as it knew people will welcome them with shoes.

So you want that we should stop fighting this "america's" war and sit idle.

But before we do that you have to do one thing. Send your family to any of the sites which can be likely a target of these beasts!


Doesn't have that big ba**s, his ba**s capacity is to sit on his computer by being abroad & just do :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:

Nor does the other takfiri TTP sympathizers :)

Part of my family is in Jamrud, actually living amongst the “beasts”. I was in Peshawar last month; feeling of insecurity is pervasive. But it is understandable, people of Swat, Khyber, Waziristan too have lived in the shadow of death; a shell here, a bomb there and a drone there. There is no such thing as a precision strike. Majority of casualties are innocents.

No Pakistani is a sub-human, regardless of his ethnic background, location or affiliation. Nobody’s skull is made of Kevlar. When things go bad, all are affected.
Dear Patriot:
Is it necessary that anybody differencing with your views has to be “honored” with membership of Hezb al Tahreer?
I don’t believe in those morons who want to establish some kind of caliphate. I enjoy my minor sins; wanna be human.
Yaar Fundamentalist again showing your anti shia attitude?Whats with your hatred of Shias?I can understand your hatred for western countries as you are close to TTP members but Iran??:disagree:

Enemy of my enemy is my friend , US and Iran have understanding in Iraq dont you know?

Talaban and Iran had very bad relationship , dont you know?

Part of my family is in Jamrud, actually living amongst the “beasts”. I was in Peshawar last month; feeling of insecurity is pervasive. But it is understandable, people of Swat, Khyber, Waziristan too have lived in the shadow of death; a shell here, a bomb there and a drone there. There is no such thing as a precision strike. Majority of casualties are innocents.

No Pakistani is a sub-human, regardless of his ethnic background, location or affiliation. Nobody’s skull is made of Kevlar. When things go bad, all are affected.

Buddy i seriously doubt that!

Moreover, i never knew so many of us actually lived in the shadow of death? Well if you can please reiterate as to it was whom that perpetrated these dark shadows; the Talibans/terrorists or the attacks in response?

BTW, i was asking precisely about your family and not of Swat or Bajur. BTW how many suicide attacks have occurred in Swat, Khyber etc as compared with rest of Pakistan?

i was more interested if you'd send your family to GHQ's checkpost number 1 or may be at some Elite Force's help center....
""i was more interested if you'd send your family to GHQ's checkpost number 1 or may be at some Elite Force's help center....""
Yes they will be glad to go there with your family.
""i was more interested if you'd send your family to GHQ's checkpost number 1 or may be at some Elite Force's help center....""
Yes they will be glad to go there with your family.


It is request to all of you please dont involve families in discussion, indian members are also reading your post .

We should learn respect of each other


Part of my family is in Jamrud, actually living amongst the “beasts”. I was in Peshawar last month; feeling of insecurity is pervasive. But it is understandable, people of Swat, Khyber, Waziristan too have lived in the shadow of death; a shell here, a bomb there and a drone there. There is no such thing as a precision strike. Majority of casualties are innocents.

No Pakistani is a sub-human, regardless of his ethnic background, location or affiliation. Nobody’s skull is made of Kevlar. When things go bad, all are affected.

Javed Sb, Jamrud is doing very fine & one of the most peaceful among all of the FATA insurgency hit areas if compared. No drone strikes, once or twice suicide bombings, majority killed govt people, in one incident many civilians died due to a blast at a juma prayer, that also done by your brother in arms, not by the govt or any drone strike.
All the tribal elders of Jamrud killed by your takfiri brothers not a single one by the govt.
Buddy i seriously doubt that!

Moreover, i never knew so many of us actually lived in the shadow of death? Well if you can please reiterate as to it was whom that perpetrated these dark shadows; the Talibans/terrorists or the attacks in response?

BTW, i was asking precisely about your family and not of Swat or Bajur. BTW how many suicide attacks have occurred in Swat, Khyber etc as compared with rest of Pakistan?

i was more interested if you'd send your family to GHQ's checkpost number 1 or may be at some Elite Force's help center....

Brother ,

Please dont involve families in your discussion , we should respect each other and avoid to pass personal comments,

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