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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Please update your self haqqani,Omer and hykmatyar decided to provide full support to mehsud tribes.

It is very dangerous satuation , now they can open many fronts and very difficult to control and defeat.

And how are they going to do that? Are they going to move the bulk of fighters engaged with the US Army from Afghanistan to Waziristan to fight with Pakistan Army? The only way they could provide support is perhaps to make the Mehsud on-the-ground escape easy to Afghanistan after the Army gives them the pounding they deserve. But I agree that the situation now is indeed very dangerous for the Mehsuds (who are already considered to be the US instigated and aided tribe) who are most certainly in the sights to be eliminated once and for all.

Try to remember this for your own good; you never start a fight in your neighborhood and with your neighbors because it is you who in the end gets kicked out! And finally, stop your stupid lectures about Islam and the Muslim Ummah. There is no such thing as a Muslim Ummah.
AMERICAN ARMY has finished their posts near south waziristan BORDER area in AFGHANISTAN,,,,,,,,
This step will cause a lot of hurdles for PAK ARMY to accomplish their operation rah e nijat ,,,,Jang Group Online
Commander among 8 militants killed in S Waziristan fight

WANA: Eight militants including a militant commander have been killed and several others wounded as operation ‘Rah-e- Nijat’ is on in South Waziristan.

According to sources, clashes continued between security forces and militants in Khesor and Shahvangi areas. A militant commander among eight militants killed during forces offensive.

Security forces pounding militants’ positions by gunship helicopters, fighter jets and heavy artillery in Laddha, Makken, Sam and other adjoining areas. The death toll of militants killed during three-day action has risen to 33.

On the other hand, mass evacuation from the affected areas. However, people migrating towards safer places facing difficulties due to non-availability of transport because of the curfew.
Anybody know the name of this commander? Also, seems like lessons learned from Rah-e-Rast are slow in being applied here. Even there, there were huge problems of transportation. The governments, provincial and federal, must address this issue and get our countrymen out of there ASAP. The Army must cooperate in this effort as well.

A Geo TV reporter had compiled short but excellent report on the background of the Waziristan conflict. He's covered the history of the region, the layout, the population, the geographical features, the major militant strongholds, training centers, militant commanders of note etc. It was a BBC/Al Jazeera caliber report, I think. We complain a lot about lack of research and poor reporting on this forum, I just thought I'd promote good reporting as well. It was on the 9PM News today, if I find the report online, I'll be sure to share it here. Unfortunately, we don't get Geo News in Canada anymore, so the 9PM news is the only time I can watch it.
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interesting listening to Mag Gen Attar Abbas on BBC in Asia Today Program telecasted in morning. he pointed out that the said offensive is being done (its 3rd since 2004) cautiously and progress has been slow but majority of times the militants withdraw in face of advancing troops and barely engage for more then a few minutes ...... at the same time pointing out that the situation may change

now I really got the 'battle' exposure being flouted ....... is he also a propogandist now as I was labelled?
now this is interesting:



guys am waiting for you to pin this one on India too!!!
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Ok Fundamentalist - take a break for a couple of weeks. I am tired of your convoluted and illogical comments - an anti-Shia barb thrown in here, and 'every thing is a conspiracy' nonsense thrown in there.

If the suicide bombings in Pakistan claimed by the Taliban are a conspiracy, then we need to eliminate those being utilized by these 'conspirators', the Takfiri Taliban and their ilk, and that is what we intend to do in SW.
Thank you Agno.:cheers:
The people banging on about Khilafat should first hold into account the Khadim e Harmain aka Aal e Saud about who destroyed the Ottoman Caliphate in the first place with the help of British forces.

Hijaz bled a lot of blood when the aal e saud came to power; janatul baqi was destroyed as well as the home of abu bakr by these takfiri wahabists.

Don't people read history books anymore or is it because anti-shiism is so rampant they just want to be in denial mode about who helped aal e saud lanti's to the throne...?

Its true - the Sauds were handpicked by the British to rule Hijaz and of course conveniently renamed it 'Saudi' Arabia.
Wining battle in SW would be not so easy because AMERICA is not in the favor of PAK army in this operation ,because PAK army got success here , pressure would be automatically poured on US army in AFGHANISTAN who are facing defeat there day by day .
WASHINGTON: A New York Times reporter kidnapped by the Taliban in 2008 and held for seven months in Pakistan said late Saturday he had underestimated Taliban's extremism and the strength of its supporters in Pakistan.

"Over those months, I came to a simple realization," the reporter, David Rohde, wrote about his ordeal. "After seven years of reporting in the region, I did not fully understand how extreme many of the Taliban had become."

He said that before the kidnapping, he viewed the organization as a form of "Al-Qaeda lite," a religiously motivated movement primarily focused on controlling Afghanistan.

But after spending time in captivity, he said he had realized that the goal of the hard-line Taliban was far more ambitious.

"They wanted to create a fundamentalist Islamic emirate with Al-Qaeda that spanned the Muslim world," the writer noted.

"But I was astonished by what I encountered firsthand: a Taliban mini-state that flourished openly and with impunity," Rohde pointed out.

He said all along the main roads in North and South Waziristan, Pakistani government outposts had been abandoned and replaced by Taliban checkpoints where young militants detained anyone lacking a Kalashnikov rifle and the right Taliban password.

"We heard explosions echo across North Waziristan as my guards and other Taliban fighters learned how to make roadside bombs that killed American and NATO troops," the reporter wrote.
Commander among 8 militants killed in S Waziristan fight
Updated at: 1110 PST, Monday, October 19, 2009

WANA: Eight militants including a militant commander have been killed and several others wounded as operation ‘Rah-e- Nijat’ is on in South Waziristan.

According to sources, clashes continued between security forces and militants in Khesor and Shahvangi areas. A militant commander among eight militants killed during forces offensive.

Security forces pounding militants’ positions by gunship helicopters, fighter jets and heavy artillery in Laddha, Makken, Sam and other adjoining areas. The death toll of militants killed during three-day action has risen to 33.

On the other hand, mass evacuation from the affected areas. However, people migrating towards safer places facing difficulties due to non-availability of transport because of the curfew.

Commander among 8 militants killed in S Waziristan fight
...and i thought we r discussing operation rah-e-nijat but it seems "personal insults" is the order of the day!
Pak using American imaging system to hit Taliban targets with F-16s
Mon, Oct 19 11:50 AM

Islamabad, Oct. 19 (ANI): As part of their Waziristan offensive, the Pakistani military has begun hitting crucial Taliban targets with the help of a new imaging system that Americans have quietly provided for their F-16s.

The New York Times quoted an American official as saying that the Pakistani Air Force had identified over 100 targets for airstrikes in South Waziristan.

He added that Pakistanis didn't publicize the upgraded American imaging systems for the F-16s because of the prevailing anti-American sentiment in Pakistan.

However, it is not clear whether the newly equipped F-16s would make a significant difference, especially with the winter approaching.

As of now, the Pakistani military is hoping to move deeper into South Waziristan, as the helicopter gunships climbed higher into the mountainous terrain.

On Sunday, F-16s struck the militant-held towns of Makeen, Ladha and Kotkai in the heart of Taliban territory, and ground forces have occupied territory on the edge of the militant enclave.

Although military sources said that the level of resistance from militants is not very high, the area is heavily mined and Pakistani forces have already encountered many homemade bombs.

The actual casualty on both sides cannot be confirmed, with the army saying that it has killed 60 militants and lost five soldiers, and the Taliban claiming that they have killed 60 soldiers so far.

According to a Taliban spokesperson, encouraging soldiers further in Waziristan is part of their strategy, after which the militants plan to tie the soldiers down with hit-and-run tactics and keep them in the inhospitable terrain over the winter.

The government forces would be hit hard once they penetrated farther into the mountains, the favourite fighting areas for the militants, he added.(ANI)
Pak troops strength inadequate in South Waziristan offensive
Mon, Oct 19 11:50 AM

London, Oct 19 (ANI): The Pakistan Army has pressed around 30,000 soldiers against the Tehreek-e-Taliban in South Waziristan, but experts believe the number is inadequate, and warn that if there is a guerrilla war, it will carry on for years without any gains for Islamabad.

Pakistan aims to capture the territory in the next six to eight weeks before winter snows make the going much tougher. Three previous offensives in South Waziristan since 2004 have all ended with the Pakistan Army withdrawing, leaving the Taliban in a stronger position.

Brigadier General (retired) Javed Hussain said: "The forces that the army is employing is not enough. The important thing is that we have to avoid getting into a guerrilla war because a guerrilla war carries on for years on end."

"They have to bring in more forces and make use of the geography. Guerrillas' safe havens reside in the mountains.

"In the opening moves, the army should have landed troops to secure the heights, to force the guerrillas into the valleys, where you can take them down using air-delivered and ground-delivered firepower," The Telegrah quoted him, as saying.

South Waziristan is not only crucial for Pakistani Taliban but it is also a safe haven for Afghan insurgents and al-Qaeda, making it a global hub for extremism.

The army is up against 10,000 battle-hardened Taliban, plus up to 1,500 foreign fights, mostly Uzbeks closely tied to al-Qaeda.

Pakistan's armed forces are closing in on the stronghold of Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud, with heavy losses reported on both sides.

Troops were advancing towards the towns of Makeen and Ladha in the mountainous region of South Waziristan, in a military offensive that could prove decisive in the country's struggle against Islamic extremism.

Around 135,000 civilians have flooded out of the region to nearby areas of Pakistan since August to escape the fighting, with a further 30,000 arriving in the last three days. A further 90,000 to 130,000 are still expected to flee South Waziristan. (ANI)
Talibaan is a generic term invented by the US Media to identify an enemy such as the Al-Qaeda. The Talibaan's have many layers out of which 98% are engaged in Afghanistan against the US (the invading force). The objective of operation RAH E NIJAAT is not to engage the greater layer but to only eliminate the irritant towards Pakistan i.e the Mehsuds who has been responsible for the terror attacks in Pakistan. Once Mehsud is dead and gone, Pakistan Army mission will be successful and complete. The other Talibaans, including Mullah Omer have already detached themselves from Mehsud and their activities in Pakistan. Our war is not with the entire Talibaan community per say but only the likes of Hakimullah and Waliullah and their prospective band of merry men from the Stans who are disillusioned to see Pakistan as their property or a 14th century kingdom!

To this effect an understanding has already been reached with the greater mass of the Talibaans operating out of Afghanistan and also with the other local Mehsud Tribes such as the Baytnees etc who are against the Mehsud domination.

i dont disagree but apparantly 1,500 afghan talibs have come over to SWA to assist the mahsuds!
Pak troops strength inadequate in South Waziristan offensive
Mon, Oct 19 11:50 AM

London, Oct 19 (ANI): The Pakistan Army has pressed around 30,000 soldiers against the Tehreek-e-Taliban in South Waziristan, but experts believe the number is inadequate, and warn that if there is a guerrilla war, it will carry on for years without any gains for Islamabad.

Pakistan aims to capture the territory in the next six to eight weeks before winter snows make the going much tougher. Three previous offensives in South Waziristan since 2004 have all ended with the Pakistan Army withdrawing, leaving the Taliban in a stronger position.

Brigadier General (retired) Javed Hussain said: "The forces that the army is employing is not enough. The important thing is that we have to avoid getting into a guerrilla war because a guerrilla war carries on for years on end."

"They have to bring in more forces and make use of the geography. Guerrillas' safe havens reside in the mountains.

"In the opening moves, the army should have landed troops to secure the heights, to force the guerrillas into the valleys, where you can take them down using air-delivered and ground-delivered firepower," The Telegrah quoted him, as saying.

South Waziristan is not only crucial for Pakistani Taliban but it is also a safe haven for Afghan insurgents and al-Qaeda, making it a global hub for extremism.

The army is up against 10,000 battle-hardened Taliban, plus up to 1,500 foreign fights, mostly Uzbeks closely tied to al-Qaeda.

Pakistan's armed forces are closing in on the stronghold of Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud, with heavy losses reported on both sides.

Troops were advancing towards the towns of Makeen and Ladha in the mountainous region of South Waziristan, in a military offensive that could prove decisive in the country's struggle against Islamic extremism.

Around 135,000 civilians have flooded out of the region to nearby areas of Pakistan since August to escape the fighting, with a further 30,000 arriving in the last three days. A further 90,000 to 130,000 are still expected to flee South Waziristan. (ANI)

sounds like a wannabe "CoAS"!!! who has been proven wrong on many occasions.
"" Security forces pounding militants’ positions by gunship helicopters, fighter jets and heavy artillery in Laddha, Makken, Sam and other adjoining areas. The death toll of militants killed during three-day action has risen to 33.""

I guess victory is around the corner in Waziristan. Bad guys are being killed by the dozens and are being flushed out, general population is on the run, curfew is imposed, check points established. Total blockade has ensured that Mehsud tribes are deprived of food, fuel, medicare.

Is it any different than the Indian policy in Kashmir?
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